An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Various schemes and programmes are also in place for older Singaporeans who need assistance with finding a job, said Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin.
File photo of an elderly man in Singapore. (Photo: Francine Lim)
SINGAPORE: Almost all private sector local employees who turned 62 in the year ending June 2013 were offered re-employment, said Mr Tan Chuan-Jin.
Of the 99 per cent who were offered re-employment, most - 98 per cent - accepted the offer, the Minister for Manpower noted on Wednesday (Oct 8).
In a written reply to a parliamentary question from Mr K Karthikeyan, who asked if the Manpower Ministry would allow those not re-employed at 62 years old to draw down their CPF monies early, Mr Tan said that various schemes and programmes, such as WorkPro, are in place for older Singaporeans who need assistance with finding a job.
He added that those who are unable to continue working due to medical reasons can apply for an early withdrawal of their CPF savings on medical grounds. Government assistance schemes are also available to help unemployed and needy Singaporeans tide over difficult periods.
- CNA/ac
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