An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
The Alternative View
PAP minister Chan Chun Sing has written to the Huffingpost in response to its publication of two articles penned by Dr Chee Soon Juan.
In his response, Chan Chun Sing forgot decorum and resorted to the typical PAP modus operandus of name-calling by labeling Dr Chee a "political failure".
He went on to describe how Dr Chee was dismissed from NUS, sued and "disqualified from contesting the last two General Elections because he was declared a bankrupt in 2006 for failing to pay damages for libel to former Prime Ministers Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong."
Is Chan Chun Sing kidding? Does he know the meaning of self-reflection?
This is the same man who is himself an unelected MP having been parachuted into Parliament on LKY's coat tails and mocked at for his thuggish public speaking demeanor.
And who can forget his flawed and much ridiculed statement that setting a poverty line will result in a "cliff effect"?
Napoleon Bonaparte once said: "In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."
This certainly is true among PAP ministers and politicians as Chan attests.
End Of Article
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