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Old 02-03-2006, 01:42 PM
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Suggestions For the Best place in KL

any suggestions to go for places that are not too pricey in KL? been to cititel, sky river, few of the pricey places already. need new suggestions
Old 02-03-2006, 04:48 PM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

wah... if write all here will bcome NOT BEST liao... hope u understand..
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Old 02-03-2006, 04:59 PM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

Originally Posted by twitclit
any suggestions to go for places that are not too pricey in KL? been to cititel, sky river, few of the pricey places already. need new suggestions
Depends on what you looking for. If you are looking for HC the lowest should be RM168 till as high as RM298 for a VIP package at SDP.

There are a few cheapo places for a fark. Some as low as RM40 till RM80. However go at your own risk. Places like Brickfield and Chow Kit are well known for it's cheapo farks and LBs . These place are also very messy and there have been many report of missing cash and hps after the job is done esp for the Chow Kit area.

The other option will be those FL PRC whose price is about RM130. Alot located at Klang. Read up the Klang thread and you will know who to contact.
More information can be obtained from these threads and you just have to spend more time.

Okay, I have done my good deed for the day. Enough spoon-feeding. Happy searching and bonking.
Old 02-03-2006, 05:02 PM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

For questions like these, you might as well pick up the phone and call Telekom Malaysia operator, the results will be the same. If you want a comprehensive guide, then click on the newbies guide :-

Perhaps admin should put this newbie guide as a sticky? If not everyday got tons of ppl asking the same questions and expect to be spoonfed when a simple click on the search button would suffice.
Old 02-03-2006, 05:04 PM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

Originally Posted by TD0620G
For questions like these, you might as well pick up the phone and call Telekom Malaysia operator, the results will be the same. If you want a comprehensive guide, then click on the newbies guide :-

Perhaps admin should put this newbie guide as a sticky? If not everyday got tons of ppl asking the same questions and expect to be spoonfed when a simple click on the search button would suffice.
Kekeke........ CBM why today you so hot?? Is it last few days never release?? So how today are you going to bring me to the place with all that young NLs?
Old 02-03-2006, 06:50 PM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

ya lor. pls do some homework. It may take some time but you will be well rewarded with the info available. Bro here spend alot of time and $$ and post them here. pls respect them and don't any how post or start a new tread asking silly questions. from there you will know who to contact. Count yourself lucky if you have not been zap by the brudders here.

Bro Shoik,

MH, sexy NL, now you koe y i miss KL already. kekeke
Old 02-03-2006, 06:55 PM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

Originally Posted by sexy rabbit
Bro Shoik,

MH, sexy NL, now you koe y i miss KL already. kekeke

Now u know why a singaporean bro can occupied KL no 3 Fucker spot anot? hahaha... This bro Shiok dont play play 1... kekeke.
Old 03-03-2006, 07:27 AM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

Originally Posted by DeKuip

Now u know why a singaporean bro can occupied KL no 3 Fucker spot anot? hahaha... This bro Shiok dont play play 1... kekeke.
Like that how you explain a Dutch guy can occupy the Grand Tirak Master spot in KL.
Old 03-03-2006, 07:44 AM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

Originally Posted by sexy rabbit
Bro Shoik,

MH, sexy NL, now you koe y i miss KL already. kekeke
Hahaha........ talking about last nite. Dun know where to post so just post here. Met up with TSH, CBM and bro fong at our usual place. CBM wanted to intro a new place for us to check out. Reach the place at about 9 plus. Wah!!! very packed. A lot of SYT walking around. Went in and ordered a bucket of beer. Price quite cheap bcos maybe still HH. Only RM48 for 5 bottles of beer. Mami then came over and drag four girls to our table. Mai hai... CBM's one the cutest. The rest pale in comparison. End up that nite TSH and myself no mood to play. Bro fong also just sit there quietly so only CBM and his girl very happy. After about 2 buckets of beer, we suddenly felt hungry and went to grab some beef horfun. Lost the mood so decided not to return.

P.S the name of the place is called Mexico and it is located at Jalan Imbi. To all my bros, if you guys plan to go please contact either TSH, CBM, Fong or myself first so that we can give you specific instructions. hahahahaha.....................
Old 03-03-2006, 09:10 AM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

so from what i have read only CBM have screwed in Mexico rite?? Later TSH and u went eat viet beef noodles in jalan alor rite? That viet noodle shop having renovation in progress rite? Short of rooms and have to wait for ur noodles rite?

Where is ur FR?
Old 03-03-2006, 09:21 AM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

Originally Posted by DeKuip
so from what i have read only CBM have screwed in Mexico rite?? Later TSH and u went eat viet beef noodles in jalan alor rite? That viet noodle shop having renovation in progress rite? Short of rooms and have to wait for ur noodles rite?

Where is ur FR?
Since when I say CBM screw at Mexico? KNN.... always twist the facts. We still go to Jalan Alor but last nite the chef bad mood so all the noodles presented all CMI. End up, TSH send me back first and then after that where they went me dun know.
Old 03-03-2006, 09:22 AM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

Threadstarter, Pls dun start unnecessary threads like this, if u want info, can always PM any of the bros for TCSS / TT session
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Old 03-03-2006, 09:29 AM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

Wah!! Last night when TSH called ears still ringing with all the vulgarities even till now, lah!!!...kekekekeke. Keep on lambasting SSH cause SSH not that keen to eat beef noodle. On the way to the noodle stall, keep on saying no good, lah....not enough bowl, lah....not enough noodle lah...

When reached there, all his statements turned into reality. That's when TSH called me up....hahahaha. Looks like no action for my brudders last nite.
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Old 03-03-2006, 09:33 AM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

Originally Posted by CibLover
Wah!! Last night when TSH called ears still ringing with all the vulgarities even till now, lah!!!...kekekekeke. Keep on lambasting SSH cause SSH not that keen to eat beef noodle. On the way to the noodle stall, keep on saying no good, lah....not enough bowl, lah....not enough noodle lah...

When reached there, all his statements turned into reality. That's when TSH called me up....hahahaha. Looks like no action for my brudders last nite.
haha... I sent SSH home, then went with TD to the HC... hahaha...
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 03-03-2006, 09:35 AM
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Re: Suggestions For the Best place in KL

wahh this mexico kicks all the milf out replace wif syt, since when ah? can stil cut hair there ah?
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