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Old 05-05-2008, 10:43 PM
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hair removal

bros here do u all remove ur hair ( Lp )
my gf keep complain... i shave but pain.
any gd method?

brand and buy from where... tqtq
Old 06-05-2008, 03:09 PM
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Re: hair removal

put shaving cream may helps. For me, it is much easier if it's hard
Old 30-05-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: hair removal

yeah just go and buy the cream
Old 30-05-2008, 03:01 PM
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Re: hair removal

Originally Posted by Atime View Post
put shaving cream may helps. For me, it is much easier if it's hard
of cos easier if didi need support...try and shave if limp, one hand have to hold on to didi and the other have to shave....
Old 30-05-2008, 03:19 PM
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Re: hair removal

Originally Posted by ahboy1299 View Post
bros here do u all remove ur hair ( Lp )
my gf keep complain... i shave but pain.
any gd method?

brand and buy from where... tqtq
Hi Bro.
While shaving pubic hair may seem trendy, it has actually been a common practice in many cultures since the days of Ancient Rome. Shaving your pubic hair may have many advantages, both hygienic and aesthetic, and by carefully preparing for the shave, you can ensure that the process will be easy, as well as nick-free.

The No 1 thing that makes removing your pubic hair great is that it makes objects nearby appear larger than they actually are. That's right, removing the hair down there makes your little bro look fiercely larger. Okay, not fiercely , but you know what I mean.

As well, when your woman preps herself to greet your manhood and his nutty friends for an extended period of time, she'll have a jolly old time considering she won't have to be spitting out hair every four seconds. Best of all, she won't avoid your testes, and you know how enjoyable it is when she feels like a nut.

Now, on to the hairy elimination process:

I'm certain you've heard the horror stories associated with ripping the hair out of your body from the root. I'm here to tell you that it really is as painful as "they" say. Of course, there are good and bad things about this particular method of hair removal:

# The pubic hair won't grow back for four to six weeks (even longer if you use a hair inhibitor afterwards).
# Hair grows back softer.
# It's relatively cheap.

# The area is so sensitive that chances are you'll be crying like a bitch in no time.
# It may result in ingrown hairs.
# You can't wax your testicles (I scream in agony just thinking about it).
# You have to wait for the hair to grow back at least ½ an inch before you can remove it again.

Things You’ll Need:

* Scissors
* Electric beard trimmer
* Shaving cream or gel
* Razor
* Warm water
* Lotion

Use the proper type of razor to shave your pubic hair in order to avoid cuts or nicks. A cheap disposable razor with a single blade may catch on the tougher hairs, causing quite a bit of pain. A multi-bladed razor with a moisturizing strip on the head will work better, and a ladies' safety razor may be even more effective.
Pick the right type of shaving gel or cream to shave your pubic hair. Many foams or creams designed for men's faces may not provide enough lubrication and protection for some women's private areas. Look for a shaving gel that contains moisturizers like aloe vera or vitamin E.
Cut off pubic hair longer than a quarter of an inch with scissors or an electric beard trimmer. Using a razor on untrimmed pubic hair will be painful and even dangerous, since the razor will continually catch and tug. Using the closest setting on a hair trimmer will ensure that the shaving process will go as smoothly as possible.
Soak in a hot tub or shower with hot water for a few minutes before you shave your pubic hair. This will help to open the pores of the skin and soften hair follicles, making it easier for the hair to be removed.
Shave your pubic hair by applying a generous amount of shaving cream or gel, moving the razor against the direction in which your pubic hair grows. Use one hand to pull your skin taut, and the other to gently apply the razor. Remember to rinse the blades after every couple of strokes.
Rinse the area thoroughly after you are done, using cooler water that will help to close the pores and follicles, reducing the chance of irritation.
Apply lotion or oil with such ingredients as aloe vera or vitamin E to the shaved area. This will help to soothe your skin after the shave, and to reduce the chance of pimples or razor burn.
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Old 02-06-2008, 04:41 PM
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Re: hair removal

Bro wukong68 .... very informative , ups u
Old 02-06-2008, 05:51 PM
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Re: hair removal

Originally Posted by XiaoJing View Post
Bro wukong68 .... very informative , ups u
Thanks for the +

Ive shaved a few times during my younger years.. very hygienic feel though but when the hair starts growing.. they really poke the hell of out u

But the gals like the feeling of the prickly feeling especially rubbing against their pussy
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Old 02-06-2008, 08:58 PM
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Unhappy Re: hair removal

I dont like the idea of shaving because it get itchy when the hair grows out
I will just use a small scissor to trim to about 5mm length....Too short and I risk cutting myself and I have cut myself a few times
Old 02-06-2008, 09:59 PM
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Re: hair removal

Well if my gf always get her pussy wax for me. I would return her the flavour too. Heehee but not to the extreme of waxing. Usually i would trim away the length first. Follow by careful shaving to make it as neat as possible. Till now it go so addictive i got to trim when it start to grow.
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Old 03-06-2008, 08:18 PM
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Re: hair removal

Trimmed can lah. shaved esp lp gives mi e creeps. Feel how thin ur lp skin is, get cut no joke leh.
Please post or leave a msg when up me.Thanks.
Old 06-07-2008, 02:01 AM
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Ass hole hair -->Re: hair removal


Do you know any place which offers to clean or shave or trim hairs around the ass hole.

I have tried to shave / trim by myself with out any success. The hair growth is getting very uncomfortable.

Old 06-07-2008, 03:29 AM
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Re: hair removal

just go for BRAZILIAN WAX!!!

There are many shops in Singapore now offering tat service...
Old 08-07-2008, 05:18 PM
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Re: hair removal

sharing my expeirence..
i've shaved for many years. used to trimmed my hair, but gf complaint the short hair keep poking her skin while bonking..
once started shaving, u would like the clean, sexy feeling and keep it cleanly shaved. my gal actually found it 'strange' at 1st, but love it after awhile. look clean n no hair stucking in her mouth while bj.
she actually went for bazilian wax "in return favour" to me. so to have a botak dick bonking a botak pussy..
she even ask me to go for waxing.. but scare pain lar, can't imagine pubic hair being pulled out from my dick..
now i shave once in every few days, becoming a routine, just like shaving my face.. i;m using a shaver, (actually meant for lady use of shaving their body hair, cos it suppose to be more delicate, give a better shave) and normal shaving cream, sometime use aftershave too..
Old 09-07-2008, 08:00 AM
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Re: hair removal

normally i just trim. thanks bro wukong for the great info
Old 14-07-2008, 12:02 AM
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Re: hair removal

Can anyone recommend a WL to me who is willing to let me shave her pussy mor ?

I have yet to satisy this fetish of mine ... sigh ...
Pls do not zap me for asking whether you can fulfil my fetish of shaving a lady's cheebye mor bcos I just loved it
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