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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() 因为价格离去的客户 还有可能回来, 因为质量离去的客户 多半不会回头, 市场乱价已成病态, 新手拼价格, 老手求质量, 商品有价, 信誉无价, 有信誉才能长久, 讲诚信才是生存之道。 服务永无止境!口碑不可低估! 我们坚持更好的品质、更佳的产品和更优质的服务。 ------致每一位有品味的客户! If a customer decided not to engage your service due to price, they might come back to you one day. If a customer decided not to engage your service due to lousy quality, they will never return. This market is saturated with price wars, while newbies will continue to fight in the price zone, veterans will aim to ensure quality services. You can tag a price to almost any product, but you cannot tag a price to your reputation, you can only earn them overtime. Honesty is the only way to survive in this market. There is no end to how creative you can provide your services and never underestimate the customer feedback and verbal advertisement. We will always insist on providing better quality, superb products and superior services. ---------- dedicate to customers with great taste. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
(Taken from one of the ZHUHAI agents posting in regards to the view of the KTV princess, worth sharing.) 身為一個專業的 嫖客! 身為一個專業的嫖客 最重要的是要有一個好身體 可要是腰痠腿麻四肢無力挺而不堅堅不持久.電視關掉就可以了 台灣人跑珠海玩.通常唯一目標就是當一個專業的嫖客 (外派常駐人員不算) 挑MM順便喝酒這是重點 跟港澳大陸客長駐客喝酒順便挑MM 這在本質上有相當大的區別.我們是專業的.他們不專業 珠海隨便一家K房在怎麼隨便也有幾十個可以挑 幾十選一其實也差不多可以了.畢竟目的明確 嫖客的工作就是挑一個晚上花錢一夜情而已 幹!這公主好漂亮.大多數人.幹這一聲其實就夠了 有的人馬上轉變職業.認定自己是個情聖 注意力全部發揮在公主身上 一付認定公主只要他說兩句.公主下面就濕了 濕了也有可能啦.憋尿憋的急又被你糾纏漏一點出來.濕了 公主是不是真的很漂亮..這我不敢說 但是我敢說.公主換上便裝跟女孩一起進來. 你應該連看都不會看一下就說"下一批" 首先是穿著制服比較有吸引力... 在來是一晚上看好多次.不小心有那麼一點點感覺 又或是你認為公主不是出來賺的.涓涓小溪潺潺流水是應該的 你又怎麼知道她不是乾枯的河流掘地三尺不見水 有時只是自尊心作祟而已啦.能上公主感覺很牛B 還是想公主可以上不用錢的?能省一筆 嫖客要有專業的素養.目標要明確就是女孩而不是公主 潺潺流水的不只是公主而已.當然有時流的是KY 當你厚著臉皮對公主糾纏不放的要微信時 一部份公主想著.唉!又一個以為能搞不用錢的 一部份公主想著.有興趣能不能直接開價啊 一部份公主想著.你想當王八我還不想當綠豆 公主能不能上?只要是女的當然能上.費用不同而已 要是有興趣.拿出一疊人民幣比較有機會 如果你有時間半夜1-2點到各大K房門口看看 你就會看到很多公主的男人其實就是K房員工 人家每天下班一起吃消夜喝酒打麻將..這時間你有嗎? 如果沒有時間...好的...換下一種方式 拿錢砸..港澳本地客對這點很內行 看房小費1000起跳.一星期來個三五次 試用合格的話直接包養.一個月2萬以上不囉嗦 沒發現珠海K房的公主素質低落到不行嗎? 你要是真的想上公主.可以..直接跟你的訂房人開價 讓你的訂房人去溝通協調.也許機會還大一點 問題是.你願意花多少錢呢? 女孩的公價?那人家還當個屁公主.下海比較快 價格高一點你願意出嗎? 其實意識當中就是想上不用錢的 男朋友不在同一個場子的.通常也在別的場子 那種好像沒有男朋友長像又討喜的.她在等水魚 水魚是廣東人的說法.台灣人說凱子 王八看綠豆越看越有趣..大家都知道 別的不說.有時7-8個男人疊坐在低消780的小包房裡面 喝著從小店買進來可能是劣質的白酒 出來玩省錢是應該的.省的太過似乎沒有那個必要性 在珠海你的工作就是當一個專業的嫖客 幾杯酒下肚看到公主對你笑就認為有戲!! 拐著彎想去調戲公主時 你以為公主看不出你其實是假冒水魚的王八嗎 台灣人有文化素質比較高?這點沒有人民幣偉大 手上有著足夠大把的人民幣才是實在的 寧可騎著腳踏車笑也不願坐在寶馬裡面哭 這一定不是形容你跟公主的 尤其是閃電打雷下暴雨時.當然夏天高溫時也適用 今天珠海氣溫11度.踩單車..那您慢走..不送了 不會吧!上K房調戲一下公主也不行喔 當然行啦.一般調戲.跟想上免錢的.模式不同一看就了 很多年前有某位大大看上一個公主.開價3000 訂房人歷經千辛萬苦協調成功之後 某大大說..算了3000太貴了不值得.當然這是過夜1300的年代 有沒有公主可以上免錢的..當然有啊 某K房就有公主嫁給台灣人.人家就是看對眼了 那他媽我每個都去對一下眼看看.說不定機會就有了 去對吧!! 台灣人已經從早年的台胞轉換跑道了 現在是低消費的代言人 早些年要是給公主300小費..要是您有需要 公主可能會心懷感激眼含淚水幫您吹 現在給300小費.ㄟ.等下.300可以去按摩打一次飛機了 問題是尤其是大陸本地客.可能是每人給300. 是每個客人都給同一個公主300 還要耍嘴皮耍口才幽默人品嗎?拿人民幣吧!! 身為一個專業的嫖客.我們還是深受喜愛的 K房的女孩.她們賺的就是每個晚上的公價 只要您願意出她就願意陪. 您就在那幾十上百個當中挑一個晚上回去好好爽一下 挺而不堅就把電視關掉 堅不持久就再來一次 從台灣跑珠海不就是為了這個嗎? 好好的當一個專業的嫖客 目光不要招惹公主了.這不是一個專業嫖客應有的行為 打打嘴泡請隨意.想打免費的砲那就算了 你想當西門慶也沒問題 只是拿窗簾打你的可能不是潘金蓮.萬一是武二郎呢 如果您在台灣不是人見人愛的潘安.那在珠海更不會是 I would like to share a light-hearted encounter from the recent events. There used to be a batch of Team Phillip regular customers who have stopped booking KTV/rooms from us for a while. I am delighted that they contacted me a couple of weeks ago for KTV room booking but out of curiosity I try to find out why. After checking I realized that they have been booking the KTV room directly from the DJ in the past and have spent a lot more than they should. There is actually nothing to ashamed for, everyone should try something new once in a while and assess the results. In this case I won't know what happened but it seems like they were taken for a ride, perhaps by the pretty DJs who lure them with irresistible promises. On the very night I booked their room for them and managed to save thousands of RMB just on the drinks and food compare to their normal spending, it goes without saying that they went back to the hotel happier men. On a more serious note, there is an undesirable situation brewing where the working ladies raised their own rates without official agreement from the company. Some of them with the rates of 4/10/15 started quoting at 5/15/20. The working ladies did this by ganging up with the manager, mummies and the DJs, you will not know this unless you are familiar with the organization criteria and structure. There are many hidden cultural rules operating within the China night scenes. Without anyone who can handle this properly for you it is easy for you to fall prey to these traps. I hope brothers see that Team Phillip is sincere in taking care of your needs 24/7 when you joined us for fun. We will always be your number one cheonging concierge and your best buddy. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
You may noticed that I have started some work related sharing recently, hoping that my personal experiences can be useful to our friends. Many times, my customers told me that when they visit China they will meet random individuals who claimed to have good local contacts that can provide cheap or even free services. It can be in the form of transportation and hotel, local attractions, restaurants or even the KTV arrangement. Logically, the good things in life aren't free, someone has to foot the bill so think about it, how is it possible that these good fortune will rain on us in a place like China? That aside, I am sure some brothers have hooked on to the local DJ, Assistant Mummy or Mummy, some may even be your mid-term lovers who told you that they know a lot of pretty ladies to introduce, or who are willing to sponsor free food and drinks during the KTV sessions. Come on, how many times there are hidden charges in the final bills and when you confronted them they just shrug it off? Have you really seen any of them introduce pretty ladies to you? Why would they give you away if they really like you? I have heard about similar complaints all the time, word of advice is that don't be penny wise and pound foolish. In a modern society like China, everyone is aiming for the best because they know there is no free lunch in this world. In order to explore the adventurous world with a peace of mind, we urge all the brothers to make proper arrangements with your local agents before you visit the mother land. Not everyone will welcome you like Team Phillip and ensure a happy ending and a safe trip home
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Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() Recently there were quite some queries on what kind of services we provided and what are the differences between our services and those of the other local tour agents or mainland ones, can't they do what we do? Many of you are on my weChat contact list and have received my regular advertisement postings, some of you also not very sure about the answers above. Allow me to clarify on the differences we make from years of accumulated experiences and relationships we have. Let's start with the simple items - hotel room & transportation. For hotel room booking , we provided the best negotiated price on the hotel rooms with most of the China covered. As for transportation, our car fleet services have penetrated into Hong Kong, Macao and the Guangdong provinces. For 4 pax, 7 pax, 16 pax to 30 pax, our luxurious car fleets are ready to go at all time, bringing you around for business, leisure, golf and all sort of other activities. We also help to book train ticket and air ticket, making sure that you can have a worry-free holiday in terms of accommodation and transportation arrangement. Moving into the core topics, which are our entertainment businesses include:- 1.) SN (FL) - SN is a quickie service with 90 mins for 2 shots, normally distributed around Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Dongguan area. Arrangement can made once you decided on the time and place, we will send photos for your choice. We will also provide free car fetching services to and from the location where services are rendered. Do take note different individuals command different pricing, in general it ranges from 900-2000RMB, we will guarantee the photo matches the real person, with full services listed as promised at the most economical market price. 2.) Escort Services with overnight - We proudly present this option where arrangement can be made at the most part of China, Hong Kong, Macao and other South East Asia countries. The arranged service include business associates, tour companionship, leisure or pure fun. Just book the normal travel yourselves and let us know how many companions you need, where to and their services needed for how many days, if you have any special requirements, we will make sure the criteria are fulfilled. Price starts from 2500RMB per day not including the transportation and air ticket charges. Of course, we will also guarantee the selection of real person and with easy going character. 3.) High End Models - This is our customized service, as long as you are in China (including Macao), and you feel like splurge on high end models, or to entertain important people, please contact us and we will settle your needs in a snap. Pictures and personal information will be presented for selection and filtering, the sources include University students, Air stewardess, Office Ladies and Car Show Models. Pricing started from 3000RMB quickie to 12000RMB for an over nighter. 4.) KTV Room Booking - This is our core competency! * Our services have now covered the entire Guangdong area, expanding northward into Hangzhou and Shanghai, westward into Kunming and Chongqin area. * Let us know your budget, we will make sure you get the best of what you paid for with the matching fun you can have. * We have a team of assistants to take good care of you, not only for the night activities but they can make arrangements for you day excursions too. * We are very informative about the market risks and will ensure your safety and privacy at all time. Being in entertainment line, we are always very serious about what we do and insist to make it a unique service in the market. We will keep exploring new options and not just blindly copy what others did. We would like to remind you that China is a very realistic place, you do pay for what you get. Don't let any greed blindside you and fall into prey unnecessarily. We have always treated all the brothers like our buddies, if you are coming to mainland please remember to look for Team Phillip. Even if you are just dropping by for a drink, we will welcome you wholeheartedly. Last edited by japantvb; 12-09-2017 at 12:18 PM. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() 马来西亚Amalee燕窝月饼,集健康、营养与艺术一体,品质生活,来自生活的点点滴滴,提前开启中秋节舌 尖上的艺术生活! 现在可以帮兄弟们邮寄全中国,给你的中国honey,家人亲戚,上司和同事们,欢迎预定! Malaysia Amalee bird nest mooncake, combine health, nutrition and art in one creating quality life style from everyday's experiences. Let's celebrate early mid Autumn festival. We can now help brothers mail the mooncake country wide for you love ones and family members, colleagues and bosses, reservations are welcome! ![]() ![]() ![]() Last edited by japantvb; 13-09-2017 at 01:03 AM. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() 除了燕窝月饼,我们也提供了猫山王冰皮月饼,有需要的兄弟们,我们可以帮你快递邮寄全中国! Apart from bird nest mooncake, we also provide Mushan King Durian snow skin mooncake, anyone who are keen please let us know, we can mail it to the country wide destinations. ![]() ![]() ![]() Last edited by japantvb; 13-09-2017 at 11:11 AM. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
Tried bro Phillip service last night.
Good and prompt professional service , very good after sales too. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() Apart from exploring and expanding our services at various China KTVs and Supermodel line, we also spent quite some efforts in Macao market. If you are in Macao and have sudden urge to get some attractive ladies to gamble with you and bring you luck, or simply having chats and regular companionship, you may contact Team Phillip in advance for the booking. We called them escorts who can provide the superb GFE during the day and into serious "businesses" when the night falls. In terms of charges, it is definitely more economical compared to someone you just grab from the street or local escort agencies. If travel VISA is needed for the escorts, we will make sure we take care of them so you can enjoy their company carefree. There will be times where you need to entertain important customers or VIPs, remember we have super model services for in and out call. However this is an one hour service and not whole day. As of this moment we are trying to explore more of Macao KTV to see if there are chances to play in Macao. For now, KTV is still available at Zhuhai and you only need to make a short walk to cross the border. Our one-stop services is available as usual in Zhuhai, all enquiries are welcome. Gentle reminder"- There is no overnight services in Macao, the usual service provider you saw on the street usually only offer 1 time service at HKG1300-HKG1500, if you had their service before you will know they always rush you to finish the deed before time and there are very seldom good services. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() Add my new Wechat: phillip8864 Phillip's New Services is now, Available! Providing you with the hand selected, top quality escort girls to Macau. All you need to do is to contact me. Contact Details Below.Services are as below: Macau VIP Services (Start From 3K HKD) You want to impress a VIP or if you yourself want to feel like a VIP, surrounded by China’s Super Model/Actresses or even Korean Models. Constantly being served and pampered this can be done with special arrangements. These models/actresses are slightly priced higher and only by demand. Don’t worry and also don’t hesitate to contact me, I will provide you with the necessary service with guaranteed value for money returns.![]() ![]() ![]() All you need to do now is to contact me or directly add my WeChat and you can get the latest update from CP/SZ/GZ/Foshan/Zhuhai/Danshui/Kunming/Shanghai/Hangzhou/Hainan and now Macau! |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
Japan AV has finally reached MACAU, this is the time to glorify your country. Grab the rare opportunity, good stuffs do not come by every day....
Fulfill your dream to hear the authentic "Yamate" and "Kimochi", of course if you want to hear the Chinese version we also have high grade locals to introduce too. ![]() ![]() |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() 香港高端模特和伴游服务已经开通中,全程资料保密,有需要安排的客户们,请加微信了解详情 High end Hong Kong model and escort services is now available, your privacy and identity are fully protected throughout, anyone interested please add our WeChat to know more. ![]() |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() 10月份秋季广交会你们准备了吗? 广州,佛山,深圳,淡水,常平安排住宿, 交通如何安排,哪里美食多按摩好KTV棒, 我们提供一站式服务和免费提供专业意见, 让你广交会期间不会浪费你的宝贵时间 October Autumn Canton Fair is coming soon, are you guys ready for it? Guangzhou, Foshan, Shenzhen, Danshui, Changping accommodation and transport arrangement, all the good food and fabulous massage spa, great KTV sessions to follow, we offer one stop shop service for all, it comes with free consultation if you are not familiar with the details. We make sure you don't waste unnecessary time and efforts after your busy schedule at the Canton fair. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() 2017 Autumn Canton Fair Preparation Transportation arrangement (4-48 seats) Accommodation arrangement (Shenzhen/Huizhou Danshui/Guangzhou) Entertainment arrangement (KTV, SN, Escort, Supermodel) During Canton Fair period we can take good care of groups from 1-50 persons. We are experienced tour guide in terms of offering various accommodation options with convenient distance to the night entertainment venues. It is just 1 month away to 15th October for the Canton Fair inauguration. What are you waiting for, you can start making your inquiries by weChat Team Phillip. |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
![]() We sincerely provide customized golf tours to our dear guests who want to play golf in Dongguan/Huizhou/Shenzhen/Guangzhou/Zhuhai. As an expert in organizing China golf tour packages, we can offer competitive prices for online booking, from which you can get cheap green fees and tee times, quickly and securely service. We are able to promise you a golf tour in Guangdong a satisfied one. HUIZHOU GOLF CLUB: -Jia Bao Tian -Tang quan -Lakefront -Palm Island -Bao Xing -Birds Resort DONGGUAN GOLF CLUB: - Hillview - Long Island - Yinli - CITIC CP - Habour Plaza - Fenghuangshan - Camdor SZ GOLF CLUB: - MissionHills - Wind Valley - Firestone - Shenzhen - Noble - Tycoon - Century seaview - Jiulong Hills - Hang gang - Green Bay GZ GOLF CLUB: -Luhu
-Dragon Lake -Nansa -Lotus Hill -Sino -Int' IGC |
Re: Philip @CP-HUIZHOU-FOSHAN-SZ-ZHUHAI-HANGZHOU-Hotel/Transport/Golf/KTV/Travel/Esco
Complementary Transportation To Golf Couse ![]() ![]() ![]() Sign up for Team Phillip golf session, with complementary transportation to and fro the golf course. Terms and conditions apply. |
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Booking high end escort to test for ED?? | Firefly94 | Sexual Health Issues | 3 | 17-05-2022 06:31 PM |
Pandora, the best in my years of booking. (ML ESCORT) | geylangking | JB Delights - Great Action just across the Causeway [NEW] | 2 | 06-02-2015 02:15 AM |