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Old 25-10-2010, 04:05 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
Don't worry, if you post what you believe to be true then someone will be able to confirm it when they reach the area in question and experience it for themselves. It's the obvious BS post that someone thinks nobody else will ever experience that gets in trouble.
Yes, there are many times where I know someone is just bragging or thinking reading enough of someone else's post will make them feel like they had done the same thing so they post some BS that leave me thinking
Sometimes I find some people like to make shit up to make themselves feel better or just to add to the # of post and again make themselves feel superior. They don't realize there are people on the ground (like me) who can spot BS when someone post locations that don't exist or crazy low prices that none of us outsiders can ever get.

Also, don't be afraid to post what you believe and also accidents do happen as I don't always re-read my own post for errors and later found I push the wrong buttons (like meaning to type 1000p but type 10000p in error) so this is where others in the know can always correct me (or others)
Like I posted before, correcting someone and being friendly and being outright vicious is two different things.

Peace to all


Bro phantomtiger2...thanks for giving me moral n psychological support...cheers
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Old 25-10-2010, 04:27 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
Before I write up a FR on The Body Shop,

Much more important I write up on their sister bar in Perimeter called the Roadies Bar (same owner for both bars)

The topic I wanted to bring up is runners as I had 2 runners from my latest trip.
As I just return from AC I would like to tell you that you may experience runners and it is not uncommon these days and will get worse if all of us kept our mouths shut.

This is what happen to me several days ago. Walked in a bar in Perimeter , named Roadies Bar (way out at other end of Perimeter) and next to -Lost in Asia .
Walked in and sat down and order a beer. All the gals didn't make any attempts at eye contact or smiles, pretty much ignore me as I sat there. Then I turn to the end of stage and notice a chubby gal kept smiling at me. Not the greatest in terms or looks (5/10 or average at best) but the one thing I kept staring at was her racks, Man, real man handle size, a nice set of tits. She pointed at me to ask her out so I did.
Sitting next to me she immediately put her hands on my dick-- a good sign indeed, so how could I refuse to buy her a LD.
Her english sucks but did manage to learn her name was Melia or something like that , a 20 y/o with no babies from Mindinao (not sure of the spelling but its the muslim province down south with all the bombing).
She agree to suck suck and boom boom until tomorrow morning 10am.
Told the mamasan the agreement we had just made as her english was poor so don't want any misinterpretations.
Paid the BF= 1200p and away we went (this was about 7pm), back in hotel the whole attitude starting changing and I notice the downhill decline . Out came her cellphone and started calling everyone in the world. When I told her to stop and start paying attention to me, she put down her phone. We got undress and got showered. Got into bed and told her to suck suck --the same way she said it at the bar, and she said condom. I said no condom for BJ but will use for boom boom. She said OK but all I got was a lame dick licking for about a minute and two. She sat there on my chest and said condom. I said ok but after I play a little with her torpedo size tits. Very very large dark nipples (not to my liking) but overall size must be D+. Like I said, hanging in front of her chest looked like 2 torpedos. Biggest I had to play with in a long while so enjoyed it for about 5min or so.
Put on condom and she started to cowboy me for a few minutes and said "finished"???? I said WTF, I didn't even cum yet. She kept saying for me to finish. Ok so I did her missionary and by now the mood was dead and so was my shaft. Couldn't cum if I took a full bottle of Vitamin V.

She ran into the shower and came out dress saying have to go home to do laundry?? I said No way as I BF you for the night, then she made another excuse about having to see her sister, I said what kinda BS is that as you told me your family is still in Mindinao?? She said I finish and go home to do laundry.

So from past experiences, I will not even debate the issue anymore. If I forced her to keep her agreement and stay until tomorrow, I will be the one that will suffer as she b*tches and whine all nite (like a piss off wife/'GF) or just talk or text on cellphone all nite to annoy you, etc. Anyway, I'm here on vacation and not to be put into a bad mood with a b*tch all nite.

I let her go and went to take a shower, then got dressed and walk to take a jeepney back to Roadies Bar. I walked in and ask for the mamasan. She came over and I told her exactly what happened and she couldn't believe it (all about the leaving to see sister, doing laundry etc etc) .

She said this had never happen to this gal before and I now believe she pulls this off all the time but because NOBODY had complain before about her she kept on doing it because she haven't been caught.
Just then Melia (or at least thats what I remember) came in and was totally shocked to see me there with the mama. She started telling the mama in Tagalo and then mama told me she didn't stay because I REFUSE to use a condom??? I told her I used condom but she refuse to finish after only a few minutes and didn'e even let me cum. Melia started talking some more but I interrupt and said anything that now comes out of her mouth is pure BS.
By now mama said to me (honestly) that there can be no refund (but I didn't expect any to begin with as I just wanted to set things straight) as I had already had sex with the gal (didn't matter if I actually cum or not) but she is now on notice as to the scam and will dock the gal the BF money, meaning mama keeps the money instead. Oh well, better her than the b*tch.

So bottom line is that had I not brought this to the mamasan attention the next poor guy that cums along will be zapped also. So, even if you don't get a refund or a free drink at the bar, do everybody a favor and go back and report bad behavior or runners so hopefully put a stop to scams by these cheating gals in the future.

I know some of you can't be bother with reporting back with runners or bad behaviors thinking you are only on vacation so why bother but all I can say is take this for comparison.
If you went out and bought a cell phone and all the features were promised to you for the phone and you paid for it and got home only to find it didn't work or not all the features were on the phone, do you simply ignore it or do you go back to store to complain so the store can't get away with scams. Its as simple as that.

Just from my experiences and hopefully to keep all you guys from being scam in the future and by all of us being pro-active and responsive to any scams.



Up me if you like and if my info is useful or helpful to all. Always willing to help and many thanks to those that have helped me, will gladly return the favor.

Bro phantomtiger2..will UP u later today 10pm...thanks sharing a positive experience...cheers
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Old 25-10-2010, 06:16 PM
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Talking Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips


Excellent story, so far, I didn't have any runners yet but it will come based on everyone's experience! How do you prepare yourself for runners? Need advice from the members!
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Old 25-10-2010, 07:18 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by norice View Post
Excellent story, so far, I didn't have any runners yet but it will come based on everyone's experience! How do you prepare yourself for runners? Need advice from the members!
Norice, Hats off to you for not experiencing a runner before. I must learn your skills one day.

I been hit by runners back in the past but no more in recent trips. But of cos the surest way of not getting a runner is to agree to SHORT TIME. My 2nd method is to use my hp more often in my arrangements and buy many short times a day or as I need it. I need my freeedom and don want a companion all day long. Haha.

Jokes aside, One sure way of not getting a runner is to check with the mamasan on the terms and conditions first then she will clear with the girl on your expectations. Of cos she would know whether to ask the girl or not. This method is about 90% effective. Usually the mamasan can tell you on the side whether you chose the wrong girl re your requirements.

This topic on runners is so broad and prevalent now and I appreciate phantomtiger2 for bringing it up for us to KNOW and personally react accordingly. I am at NAIA airport now and should be home by midnight to read the other runner experiences and advises from other regulars.
Old 25-10-2010, 10:05 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Great FR bro PhantomTiger....and good info....

But Just curious n maybe a stupid question to ask... Did u Tip her..or did she ask for Tip?
KeeP On RoLLinG
Old 26-10-2010, 03:21 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
Told the mamasan the agreement we had just made as her english was poor so don't want any misinterpretations.
Its sad that even with getting the mamasan in the loop, it still resulted in her scamming you. Chances are she is more inclined to support her girl and was just entertaining you with words that you want to hear from her.

What is worse is that you were made a fool of by the girl who played a game on you and I am sure she had many similar sessions before. This sucks big time if it happened to me.

Roadies was an OK bar when Roadslut was there and with the new owners, the bar has gone downhill in record time. I always avoid this bar and was vocal about it when the doorgirl called me in last Saturday as I was going to LIA.
Old 26-10-2010, 10:22 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Bro Z: I fully agree with you - the mamasan will seem to sympathise with you, and then laugh her ass off, and then tell the girl to go for another booking - and you never win this thing - even a 100 guy complain and if the girl do runner, mama will only get warning / termination from bar in the most unlikely situation - as the bar needs the mama than you - I mean people like us who are there for a day or two ...

And - yes, the girl will have more sympathy than you - after all she is a the poor girl being exploited by foreigners - di ba ?? (to quote the words of a mama .. even though she is pimping - it is our fault to use her girls .. )

My 2 cents is - let others know, and avoid that bar ..
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Old 26-10-2010, 11:37 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
I tried to edit my post and it went to fuck all

Anyway, was trying to append the infamous lessons for AC !!

And my general take is- if a girl is incesently doing everything bugging you for an EWR - skipping the 'get to know each other' thing - as all filipinas must do when falling love - and apparently it is illegal to break that rule .. and if she is going super fast-forward - beware a bit. most likely than never that she has set her sights to rendezvous with her boyfriend, and you are just an excuse to get an EWR

The worst case that anybody has done is - taken the girl to the bar, and in the process, maybe gain some brownie points, but still the bar says "once you left with the girl, our deal is done" and after all, the girls are not being forced to fuck - di ba ??? and in this time of 'anti human trafficking' more often than never the mamas will use it as an excuse to screw some more $ out of you ..

PS: for those with some serious shit in their Moral fiber - and take offense at light hearted banter - I apologise for breaking my silence and also for breaking my vow not to post

Anyway, time for a refresher course:

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Old 26-10-2010, 02:25 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

There is no sure fire way to guarantee avoiding a runner.
Dun worry too much and screaming n kicking ur legs around like a spoiled child will not make matters any better.

Girls new to the scene are more green and have lesser knowledge of the game.
These girls will less likely to be runners.

Hope that helps.
Old 26-10-2010, 03:19 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by BeeFSticK View Post
Great FR bro PhantomTiger....and good info....

But Just curious n maybe a stupid question to ask... Did u Tip her..or did she ask for Tip?
Ha ha, tip her? no way, my exact words to her was that she owed me money.
Old 26-10-2010, 03:26 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Just in general,
In all the years I've been to Fields, the trend for runners is slowly moving upwards. Years ago the word Runner didn't even exist. Now I have to say the odd is about 1 in 8-10 (or about 10%) if you stay there long enough or been there enough times. Odds is still not bad but not great and only getting worse as the years go by.

In general there is really no way to avoid a runner as any agreement you have with the gal will always be yes at the bar and then no back in the hotel.
I always go back to bar and tell them they are on notice that runners exist there and I also tell them I have alot of friends visiting AC and I always pass info down to them. Like anything in business, nothing like word of mouth for good (or in this case bad business).



Last edited by phantomtiger2; 26-10-2010 at 03:39 PM.
Old 26-10-2010, 03:30 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Speaking of Runners,

A friend on mine visiting AC told me Another bar on Perimeter to watch out for is the one right next to Roadies bar, call Lost in Asia. There is gal there name Hazel (spelled Hyzeun), skinny gal with a cute face but a true runner. Just passing good intel on as I get them.
Old 26-10-2010, 04:47 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by norice View Post
Excellent story, so far, I didn't have any runners yet but it will come based on everyone's experience! How do you prepare yourself for runners? Need advice from the members!
No runners, man are you touch by heaven in Angeles. Wish the same could be said for me but then I've been in AC 10 years now so the odds have caught up with me.

As I posted about my runner experience at the Roadies Bar in Perimeter, you can't really prepare for a runner. Shit just happens. I did everything possible to avoid a runner. Asked all the right questions (and in front of the mamasan too) and still a runner appeared. When this happens all you can do is say to yourself I've been scammed even with all the proper precautions, it's just something that is happening more and more as times go by in AC. I was a long timer in Thailand before coming to AC and the reason I left Thailand years ago was because the runner situation started there originally and got worse and worse. Now this sickness had spread to AC and its only going to get worse if we don't take some action to slow it down.

Like I said in my previous post, I always report back to the bar, to the mamasan and best if the owner was there. I tell them outright that I have been visiting for 10 years and knows what goes on here and have recommended many of friends and colleagues to which bars to avoid or visit and tell them word of mouth spreads rapidly as I also post experiences on the internet and let them digest that info.
Stopping an epidemic takes time but it has to start somewhere. And since I visit here frequently, I have alot more to lose if I don't slow this shit down.
Old 26-10-2010, 05:20 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Now for something new.

A fairly new bar opened in Perimeter recently and just wanted to let you guys know as it is off the road and could be easily missed.

Its called Miss Magic. Its slightly off Perimeter on Malabanias St. Its the street where the gas station is located and branches off Perimeter. Its about 100m off Perimeter Rd

The bar is new and is full of expats and have 2 new Brunswick pool tables (reported each cost 300,000p). Anyway alot pool sharks come here so the average player need not apply.
Main reason for going here of course is not to watch the pool sharks in action (although watching some of them is also good sport as they are very very good) but they have a stage with dancers and there are 1-2 cuties last time I visited, and also 1-2 cute waitresses too. I had my hands full at the time (as I always seem to be when in AC) and couldn't find the time to BF any from here.

Just letting you guys know another new option exist in AC. Let us know and report if you decide to take any out from here.

BTW, the bar fine is slightly more here=1300p whereas avg in Perimeter=1200

Cheers guys

Old 26-10-2010, 09:43 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by phantomtiger2 View Post
it's just something that is happening more and more as times go by in AC. I was a long timer in Thailand before coming to AC and the reason I left Thailand years ago was because the runner situation started there originally and got worse and worse. Now this sickness had spread to AC and its only going to get worse if we don't take some action to slow it down.
The main reason why the "runner" sickness is spreading is due to guys releasing the girls taking girls Short Time while paying for Long Time prices.
So the girls see good money on this and make it to their advantage.

Sometimes early on in the day, the girl might not want to go Long Time cuz she can make more on Short Time. It's all about money and the guys who spoil the girls teaching them by taking them Short Time.

Whereas bars in Thailand, u pay the bar the barfine while u pay the girl her dues. If she agrees to Long Time and wants to run, u can opt to pay her Short Time rates. That's the deal.
Not in AC. Cuz u have to pay Long Time rates no matter what.

Dun think it really works complaining to the bar cuz most of the time, u will not get refund or replacement. It does work in certain bars but not most.

U can boycott a certain bar or tell on the forums.
But the number of customers via internet traffic is still pretty low compared regular customers. So it doesn't really hurt a business there so much.
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