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Old 14-07-2015, 09:41 AM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

apparently i survived the culling. much appreciated.

i've been here since the early days at delphi, and i must say it is a real sick feeling to read of recent developments. i hope we survive this crisis.

i don't know which is worse. the curse of the PRC invasion, or the hipocrasy of the authorities and rule by cronyism.

but i remain hopeful that we will survive this crisis.
Old 14-07-2015, 09:55 AM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
The latest case is about some guy who was advertising on behalf of prostitutes and taking a cut. I'm trying to figure out a way of ensuring that the girls advertise directly with no middleman to criminalise the process.

Prostitution is legal. Pimping is not. Remove the pimp and the police are not longer bogged down by the sex industry.
service provider have to provide contact number, via contact number key into whatsapp, wechat or whatever chatlines, those without personalized profile pic will not be allow to register into the forum. In any case identical number is provided . . . You should know what to do boss.....
Old 14-07-2015, 10:37 AM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by t4buzhsy View Post
Bro, whatever you are doing now will appear like stop measures and reactions from the recent bad media coverage. I'm not sure the regulators here will buy it. Maybe you shld contact the relevant authorities and see what you can do (as a responsible web admin) to mitigate the situation? Cheers! I wish you well and let the forum continue for bros sake!
This site will never get the official seal of approval of any regulators.

My aim is to simply make it less relevant to Singapore so it does not remain the punching bag for all the ills of singapore society.

Right now whenever there is a court case involving pimps or perverts, my site is cited as the cause of all their crimes.

It has been happening since day one. It comes with the territory.
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Old 14-07-2015, 11:31 AM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

The powers that maybe will never shut down your forum as it provides them an easy source of intelligence gathering. If they shut it down it will be harder for them to gather evidence for a raid.
Old 14-07-2015, 11:34 AM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by CherryQQ View Post
The powers that maybe will never shut down your forum as it provides them an easy source of intelligence gathering. If they shut it down it will be harder for them to gather evidence for a raid.
Totally agreed
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Totally agreed
Old 14-07-2015, 11:46 AM
Soh1973 Soh1973 is offline
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

My personal views only:

1. SBF is a sex forum that shares information and not a porn site. Hence I don't see the need for the picture sharing thread. There're lots of porn sites available and if there's a need to view pictures, the current paid system to view "Pictures of our sex escapades" works well and helps to ensure no illegal pictures.

2. Caveat Emptor applies in everything including commercial sex. So why blame the forum or the OKT if one choose to believe in false advertising. I find it hard to envisage a SBF without the OKTs advertisement as where will the revenue come from? Charity or passion only goes so far until the costs starts eating into one's bank account.

3. To expect any form of disclaimer or undertaking from the OKTs that they are not operating in the heartlands to work 100% will be naïve. Perhaps what can possibly reduce the liability of SBF will be to require OKTs' threads to clearly state that they are not operating in the heartlands and it is then up to the forumers to act as whistle-blowers. However, this then raises the issue of accusations about sabotage and whether the whistle blowing is done in good faith. Perhaps it will then be possible for the FL threads to include a "button" that creates a direct mail to the moderators and if the whistle blowing proves to be fake and malicious, then the whistle-blower's membership will be terminated and his/her IP address banned.

4. End of the day. what will truly work is self-policing amongst all forumers. All the spamming, keyboard wars and dissemination of false information has to stop. However, for that to happen and humans being humans, we'll have to be living in utopia and not Singapore.

Just some thoughts. No offence to anybody.

Best regards
Old 14-07-2015, 11:58 AM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Thanks for your views. Like I said earlier if I could obtain a clear legal framework under which I can operate, almost ALL the problems will go away.

My website serving NSW has had zero issues with the law. The main problem is disgruntled johns who blame me when the whore refused to do what they advertised. They threaten to take me to court for false advertising.

I send someone to investigate and invariably it's because the guy had warts or sores, was stoned or drunk or was abusive from the beginning.

When industries are well regulated with practical guidelines, it becomes easier for everyone including the girls, the clients, law enforcement and of course, the webmaster.

Originally Posted by Soh1973 View Post
My personal views only:

1. SBF is a sex forum that shares information and not a porn site. Hence I don't see the need for the picture sharing thread. There're lots of porn sites available and if there's a need to view pictures, the current paid system to view "Pictures of our sex escapades" works well and helps to ensure no illegal pictures.

2. Caveat Emptor applies in everything including commercial sex. So why blame the forum or the OKT if one choose to believe in false advertising. I find it hard to envisage a SBF without the OKTs advertisement as where will the revenue come from? Charity or passion only goes so far until the costs starts eating into one's bank account.

3. To expect any form of disclaimer or undertaking from the OKTs that they are not operating in the heartlands to work 100% will be naïve. Perhaps what can possibly reduce the liability of SBF will be to require OKTs' threads to clearly state that they are not operating in the heartlands and it is then up to the forumers to act as whistle-blowers. However, this then raises the issue of accusations about sabotage and whether the whistle blowing is done in good faith. Perhaps it will then be possible for the FL threads to include a "button" that creates a direct mail to the moderators and if the whistle blowing proves to be fake and malicious, then the whistle-blower's membership will be terminated and his/her IP address banned.

4. End of the day. what will truly work is self-policing amongst all forumers. All the spamming, keyboard wars and dissemination of false information has to stop. However, for that to happen and humans being humans, we'll have to be living in utopia and not Singapore.

Just some thoughts. No offence to anybody.

Best regards
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Old 14-07-2015, 12:35 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

To have a clear legal framework will be next to impossible.

The question then move to whether it is possible to remain within the realms of being accepted by the local authorities as a necessary evil to be treated with one eye closed.

Please correct me if I am wrong. The main issue here arises from forumers who outrage ladies' modesty by taking upskirt pictures and for OKTs to breach the laws by operating within the heartlands and in HDB flats.

Hence we are at a conundrum here. How to keep the authorities off the webmaster's back and yet be able to continue with the forum without subsidizing from the webmaster's personal account.

Personally, I believe the authorities to be pragmatic and if there are concrete actions and very visible tools that evidence self-regulation, they may continue to turn a blind eye.

Having said all the above, been a loyal fan of SBF since the Delphi days and I'll be very sad to see it go. Fingers crossed that the authorities will continue to keep a blind eye.
Old 14-07-2015, 12:43 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

The middle ground?
Or just another weak-minded sicko trying to gain relevance by siding with the flavor of the day?
And do note how this supposed journalist looks like at the bottom of his BS
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Old 14-07-2015, 01:05 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by picco View Post
If u stay in a hdb flat and u have a teenage daughter at home. Your next door neighbor rented out to prc whores to operate. Every day you get men walking past your unit, sometimes glaring into your unit with stares at your daughter and maybe even your wife. Sometimes u may even get men knocking on your door because they mistaken ur unit as brothel. Don't tell me you keep quiet and don't report police???

There is a reason why there are boundaries drawn for brothels to operate legally in geylang.
In that case, how come such HDB services could spread to north,south,east,west,central? Some even use condo to do their operation.

Such news/reports always feature in STOMP/$$$$$$$$$$$$ but how come no action taken. All never report police is it but post in forum? lol

Maybe coincidence that everything just happen after those snipers got caught and admitted sharing their prized trophy in SBF. After that the HDB kena raid, also blame on Sammyboy forum like as if boss was the OKT. Then comes the underage video, SBF also got the blame. Everything happen in a timeline but that snipers got caught are definitely not coincidence but because of their action.
Old 14-07-2015, 01:20 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

ehhh hii... i been a guest member or a ghost member reading n enjoying the stories from bros for afew years now... it will be a waste if sg dun have a forum as awesome like this... hopfully my acc wont get blocked since i dun really post anything
Old 14-07-2015, 01:23 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by Soh1973 View Post
2. Caveat Emptor applies in everything including commercial sex.

3. To expect any form of disclaimer or undertaking from the OKTs that they are not operating in the heartlands to work 100% will be naïve. Perhaps what can possibly reduce the liability of SBF will be to require OKTs' threads to clearly state that they are not operating in the heartlands and it is then up to the forumers to act as whistle-blowers. However, this then raises the issue of accusations about sabotage and whether the whistle blowing is done in good faith. Perhaps it will then be possible for the FL threads to include a "button" that creates a direct mail to the moderators and if the whistle blowing proves to be fake and malicious, then the whistle-blower's membership will be terminated and his/her IP address banned.
Caveat emptor only works for those who are diligent in finding out the "truth" for themselves. In the current context, some cheongsters are just too lazy to go and caveat the emptor for themselves.

As for the whistle blowing, it can also be one OKT sabotaging another? What is IP address now? With IPv4 ending for some big organisations and the introduction of IPv6 and so on so forth...getting another IP is not an issue anymore. How many IPs to ban?

Let's think it this way, there are so call clean massage parlours who at some point in time may also become the black sheep. How can anyone police this?
Don't believe in wasting anybody's time. So, please don't waste mine too.
Old 14-07-2015, 01:26 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by Big_sam View Post
Such news/reports always feature in STOMP/$$$$$$$$$$$$ but how come no action taken. All never report police is it but post in forum? lol

Maybe coincidence that everything just happen after those snipers got caught and admitted sharing their prized trophy in SBF. After that the HDB kena raid, also blame on Sammyboy forum like as if boss was the OKT.

When you mentioned this, I thought of this - that Singapore is blamed for almost everything (bad) that happened to our friendly neighbour across the border.
Don't believe in wasting anybody's time. So, please don't waste mine too.
Old 14-07-2015, 01:38 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

Originally Posted by Big_sam View Post
In that case, how come such HDB services could spread to north,south,east,west,central? Some even use condo to do their operation.
Some enterprising samster should set up a BANGBUS. No fixed location.

Client books the whore via an App which shows his location. The bus picks him up and they go for a one hour drive in aircon comfort.

At the end of the trip the client swipes his credit card and pays for his "city tour".

No residents to upset, no "premises" being used for vice. Everybody is happy plus the government collects money from passing through the gantries and from excise on petrol, road and diesel taxes plus 7% GST.

Police Bust Brothel Bus--Pimp & Hoes Arrested Aboard Mobile Whorehouse

MIAMI BEACH - The $40 bus fare was a little steep, but the chance to get lap dances and sexual services from the prostitutes on board drew plenty of customers onto a "brothel bus" cruising along Collins Avenue, police say.

The onboard party came to an abrupt end early Sunday morning when three undercover officers arrested several alleged prostitutes and Christine Enyoniam Afi Morteh, 29, the Pembroke Pines woman accused of acting as the madam who lured patrons onto bus.

The bus approached the officers two blocks away from the police station, police spokesman Detective Juan Sanchez said today.

"Undercover officers were approached by a woman who charged them $40 for access and all you can drink," Sanchez said. "Once inside, they were told about different charges for different acts."

Once the deals were struck, Sanchez said, one of the undercover officers gave a signal and the party was over.

The arrests were part of a nationwide anti-prostitution operation, Sanchez said.

From Thursday night through early Sunday morning, local police made a total of 75 arrests (68 midemeanors and seven felonies) and recovered money, drugs, a firearm and the bus, which now sits impounded at the department's Fleet Management Area off the MacArthur Causeway.

A missing person was also found during the operation, Sanchez said.

The charges against Morteh include offering to commit prostitution, violating a public dance hall ordinance for allegedly dancing for entertainment on the bus, transportation for the purpose of prostitution and doing business without a license, according to a police report.

Also arrested:

Scott Clyde, 41, Pembroke Pines: transportation for the purpose of prostitution; possession of a controlled substance (6 pills of Viagra); deriving support from the proceeds of prostitution; dance hall violation.

Kimberly Daniels, 23, Pembroke Pines: offering to commit prostitution; dance hall violation.

Leah Harris, 25, Pembroke Pines: doing business without a license; dance hall violation.

Leighann Redding, 24, New Haven, Conn.: offering to commit prostitution; dance hall violation.

Princess Thigpen, 24, Brooklyn, N.Y.: doing business without a license; dance hall violation.

Sanchez said police became aware of the bus during the anti-prostitution crackdown.

Three women on the bus approached the undercover officers and told them they could get on the bus for $40 each, which would include all they could drink.

The officers got on the bus, which was equipped with leather seats and a wide-screen television, the police report said.

They paid one of the women, who turned over the money to Scott, police said.

While on board, the officers were told of the various services available and the prices: $10 for a stand-up dance, $20 for a lap dance, and $125 to get into the VIP room separated by a curtain in the back of the bus.

Redding told the officers that for $125, "You'll get your money worth," according to the report.

The officers each paid $125 to get into the VIP area, where one of them made a deal with Daniels for sex for $100, the report said.

Morteh agreed to give another officer oral sex for $100, the report said.

The third officer also arranged to pay $100 for a sex act.

After the deals were struck, the officers identified themselves and made the arrests. No other customers were on the bus, police said.

Police said they found $2,028 in a cash drawer on the bus.

At the Miramar address on the bus' registration, a man living in the area said he recalled the large vehicle parked in a nearby Publix parking lot.

"The economy is so bad, you find people doing all kind of things," said Randle Johnson, who declined to give his age but said he had lived in the area for two years.

A man living near a Pembroke Pines address for Morteh said he recalled seeing a woman in the house with a man. They operated a big black van with a bar and a TV in it, and the man assumed the vehicle was used for parties.

"They were nice people," said the man, who asked his name not be used but said he had lived there for two months. "She looked like a happy lady.",3127085.story
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Old 14-07-2015, 01:52 PM
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Re: Re- launch of the forum

IMHO, self-policing may be one of the ways to go. I think we are kidding ourselves if we assume that the authorities do not know of this forum and the thousands of posts available online. The fact that OKTs are able to advertise their whores, whether operating out of private apartments or HDB flats is also well known to them. The authorities also know that the forum owner is merely providing a platform for OKTs to advertise their wares and is not directly living off the earnings of the whores. Whether the forum owner makes an indirect earning is however arguable since the forum owner levies a fee for the OKT to advertise on this forum. The mystery is why the authorities have yet to bring out the big broom for a clean sweep? Lack of resources may be a reason, but I suggest that the authorities might be closing an eye to things provided balance and harmony is achieved (as the Chinese say, water will always find its level).

If we as a responsible online community can assist to police this valuable website by reporting unethical, undesirable and illegal behaviour then there is reason to believe that the authorities might continue to close an eye to things.

In Singapore and I believe elsewhere as well, public opinion plays a pivotal role in the grand scheme of things, and the authorities have every right to give due consideration to public opinion. Upskirts and whoring out of HDB premises definitely offend public opinion (and policy). No one (with the exception of some perverts) would like one's wife, daughter, girlfriend (and ordinary friends) to be captured on celluloid in a comprising manner, whether downblouse or upskirt. I am also sure that for the vast majority of Singaporeans living in HDB premises, no one wants to live next to whorehouse.

I think the forum owner has done the right things by removing the sniping thread and banning OKTs and whores from advertising/posting services out of HDB premises. It is now up to the members to take it one step further by reporting such unwanted activities to the forum owner so that the forum owner can take the appropriate action (whatever that might be).

Last edited by Forbes; 14-07-2015 at 01:58 PM. Reason: typing error
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