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Old 06-07-2016, 09:42 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

The plan did not go as planned, Pris was not able to open the door. I turned the door knob and it was lock like we anticipated, I asked Stephanie for the keys frantically.

My hand were shaking as tried every key we had, I was the third key that slipped into the key hole. We turned the key and it unlocked, we push the door inwards and but someone blocked us from the other side. Ah asked me to hold on as he backs off from the door, I stuck my shoe in and pain was soon felt as it was being clamped by the door and door frame.

Ah Kai did a short run and kicked on the door, the door flung backwards momentarily but was push back again. The force of the door caused me more pain as my foot was clamped again. I knew I could not last and tap on Kai

I pointed the chair at the stool at the dining table.

And as Kai did his kick again I place the stool in between the door and the door frame. This created a small opening and ah Kai slipped in, the sound of fighting was obvious almost instantaneously. The door soon was loose and I too went into the room, Pris was crying on the bed with messy hair.

I asked Kai to move before I took the stool and charge toward Andy, I swung it at him and it hit his back. Andy held his back and fell on the floor Ah Kai moved in and kicked him repeatedly, Ah Kai nodded at me and he sat on Andy trouncing his head, I took the nylon rope that I bought and tied his hand behind his back. Ah Kai turned around and hugged his legs, shouting to me asking me to act faster, I took another rope to tie his legs but was kicked I the first attempt.

Ah Kai sat on his back and pull his legs upward after letting of a cry, I hear Andy groan as Ah Kai told me to be faster, as he cant hold on for long. I wrapped the rope around the legs and secured it with a double knot.

Ah Kai and me we sat on the floor panting as we finally subdued Andy.

We rested for just that brief moment as Stephanie came in to look at Pris. She cried in Stephanie's arms and told her she was scared.

Ah Kai kicked on Andy and asked him where he kept the rest off the photos. Andy did not speak and start yelling for help. I asked him to carry on yelling and let the police come, he went silent almost immediately but refuse to disclose where he kept the photos

I move to Stephanie: time for plan B
Old 06-07-2016, 09:48 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Plan B: Strip Andy and take photo of him instead? Hahahahaha
Old 06-07-2016, 10:12 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

I asked Ah Kai to pull him to a sitting position, as I took the disposable camera from my bag throwing it to Stephanie.

Ah Kai: Yang help leh, Knn heavy leh.

I went to help Ah Kai pulling Andy up, he was not only but slippery and he was covered in sweat. We manage to sit him up as I moved to Stephanie that was preparing the camera.

Ah Kai slap on his face : kah wa ka guai dam poh hor ( you better behave)

Stephanie: told me she was ready and I really wanted to laugh.

Me: I look after Pris, you go help Ah Kai

Stephanie gave me a irritated look and went towards Ah Kai.

I held Pris in my arms and she was still sniffling.

I can help but look towards Ah Kai's direction as I patted Pris's head.

Ah Kai looked at me stomping his leg: Wa he seng Jin Toa ( my sacrifice very big)

Stephanie smiled at Ah Kai: I help you lah.

Kai dropped his shorts and Stephanie was quick to take his dick into her mouth, I saw Stephanie playing with it skillfully turning her head and it did not take long for Kai to be at full glory.

Ah Kai kick Andy asking not to move before stepping on his shoulder leaning his dick near his mouth.

Stephanie took the camera and told Kai Andy was looking away. Ah Kai grab his hair and pulled his head towards his dick.

Stephanie took a few photos and ah Kai shouted for her to not to take his face or tattoo.

I ask Stephanie to take Pris and the camera and wait for us outside the door.

We asked Andy for the photos in exchange for ours, he finally relented and told use where it was and which key opened that drawer. He has some much I had to search for 2 large plastic bag to hold them.

We untied his hands and told him we were leaving, we ran out of his house and asked the girls to leave: we soon hear Andy at the top of his voice: Nabei Chee Bye!!!!!

Last edited by Starter; 06-07-2016 at 11:12 PM.
Old 06-07-2016, 10:13 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Originally Posted by 98188729 View Post
Plan B: Strip Andy and take photo of him instead? Hahahahaha
Near near very near
Old 06-07-2016, 10:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Starter View Post
Near near very near
Hahahaha make andy look like gay. Not bad not bad. Clever
Old 06-07-2016, 10:22 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Originally Posted by 98188729 View Post
Hahahaha make andy look like gay. Not bad not bad. Clever
coz to guyz nude pics really not effective, and the clever one is not me, lolz
Old 06-07-2016, 10:22 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Haha.. this is the ultimate humiliation..
Old 06-07-2016, 10:32 PM
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did i read correctly? stef went to bj him to make him hard? lol
Old 06-07-2016, 10:39 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Originally Posted by mrsaint100 View Post
did i read correctly? stef went to bj him to make him hard? lol
stef was making ah kai maybe I should rephase
Old 06-07-2016, 10:39 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

TS Should just cut andy's dick off.
Old 06-07-2016, 10:48 PM
Phython1 Phython1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Starter View Post
stef was making ah kai maybe I should rephase
Been a silent reader until this scene!!! Really make me laugh for full 5 mins with tears in my eyes!!!!

Really a good writer that is so closed to our heart and can re-live the days!!!! Well done TS
Old 06-07-2016, 10:53 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

We leave walking briskly and I was nervous, Pris held me tightly wrapping her hand around my arms despite me carrying the 2 bags of photos. In the end to hopped into a cab and went to ah Kai's home.

Pris seemed to be in shock and did not say anything, and Ah Kai offer her a glass of water. but she said she wanted to take a bath, ah Kai handed her a towel before she slowly retreated into the kitchen

I volunteered to look at the photos ( I was afraid there were still photos of Jasmine and I did not want Ah Kai to see them) But Ah Kai rebutted saying we should go through them together. But after much debate the task finally fell to Stephanie and me.

Stephanie and I looked through the photos most were of Stephanie but there are some of another girl that I did not know. I asked if Stephanie knew her, and she hesitated but still shook her head.

We spent almost an hour on the photos and Pris was still not out of the bathroom, I asked Stephanie to help check on her, Stephanie soon called out to Ah Kai asking him to help open the bathroom door. When Ah Kai went into the kitchen, I slip a bag of photos belong to the unknown girl into my bag.

I went into the kitchen and Ah Kai has unhook the door using a toothbrush. Stephanie went in and we heard Pris crying.

Pris: Stephanie, he was so scary......

Not only my heart sunk for Pris, I believe Jasmine went through this as well.

We waited for 20 mins before Stephanie held Pris out, Stephanie ask Ah Kai for a hair dryer and ah Kai delivered it to her. The next sight was heart warming as I saw Stephanie help Pris blow her hair and talking to her, I believe Stephanie shared her story with Pris.

Last edited by Starter; 06-07-2016 at 11:20 PM.
Old 06-07-2016, 10:54 PM
IceSpearz IceSpearz is offline
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

LOL bro ur story ah really interesting knn make me laugh like fuck LOL who would think of this idea sia
Old 06-07-2016, 11:27 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

Today page loading here abit slow, i wonder if everyone reporting here jam up the server....
hahahaha.... everyone camp here f5 waiting for updates jam server
Old 06-07-2016, 11:30 PM
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Re: I was Naive (Story)

I also keep getting 520 error
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