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Old 12-01-2009, 12:15 PM
BJmydong BJmydong is offline
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The newest San San

HSE: L28 H31A
OKT: Willie / Ah Gwee
FEE: $150
ORIGIN: Malaysia

Apologies but the girl I mentioned in my previous FR is Mong-Er not Ming-Er.

San San looks a little Malay/Filippina, kind of like Judy. Big round eyes will full lips, rounded nose and good kopi coloured complexion. Heavy make-up. She used to be a cosmetics sales girl so the amount of war paint she wears is attrbuted to this. Long straight hair down her back with some brown highlights.

She is VERY tall, about 168cm without heels. Good chocolate skin with a small tattoo over her left breast. Lean but not boney with a good rump to hump. Small A-cuppers with a small aerolas and pointy nipples. Shes definitely a looker.

When I arrived at Willie's I could see the newest sensation on the back couch. I thought she was Malay. We walked to the room and exchanged pleasantries. Shes from KL and worked at a shopping centre before she entered this line. Previously worked at Citidel Sap in Midvalley so shes not a compelete green horn. As we stripped I looked her up. Good skin, TALL, with some shape and pretty face. You would notice her if she walked down the street.

In the shower it was a straight soap and wash. No action in there. On the bed the catbath was lite kisses up and down. I declined the AR and turned over so she could service my front. A lick here and there and she plunged straight into the BBBJ. Good suction and licking. This girl is not shy about sucking dick.

I turned her over for a 69. I tasted her pussy, odourless and full of juice. New girls respond so much better than over-rated APs. Trimmed, neat bush. Soon it was on to the CD and the FJ. Warm and fairly tight pussy down below. We fucked gently, rythmic thrusts were accompanied with a slightly audible slushy wet sound. She needed cock. Her stereo and acting is HIGHLY exaggerated. She is reluctant to french but I got her to kiss near the end, when I exploded my hot load into her pussy.

San San is a young, pretty girl. Tall, shapely, good skin but HC-style service. I would recommend her for guys who like Chanel (2409) or are into tanned gals. Service is ok but don't expect a super commando just yet but she is very friendly and attractive. Worth a shot.
Old 13-01-2009, 09:09 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Lili PRC

Looks: 7/10 only look can still make it
Body: 6/10 quite fair
Boobs: A. Not silicon implant at all but small 33A small nipples black.
Catbath: Ok only nothing special.
BBBJ: Yes but weak.
Fingering: Yes
Kissing: NO NO
Frenching: of course not.
FJ: 5/10
Attitude: 3/10
RTF: unlikely

Nothing fantastic, she is the worst PRC meimei I have called so far. Maybe she is your dream whore, but definitely not mine. My sincere apology if she is your darling.
Old 14-01-2009, 10:06 AM
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HSE: L16 H06
OKT: Ah Yap
FEE: $150

To the previous guy, there are 2 PRC Lilys in GL. The one I was writing abt is from 2060. The one you are talking abt is clearly not the same girl. Lemon is gaining a good following in GL.

Lemon is an early 20s babe from Szechuan. She has long, straight, black hair down to her waist. Pretty face with good, delicate features. Double eye-lid eyes, mid-bridge nose, strong jaw line w/ full kissable lips. Light, make-up. Flat cheeckbones. Oddly, I found her more attractive w/ her hair tied up than down. You can appreciate her face better when she ties her hair up. Shes pretty, I jus didn't like her hairstyle.

Shes abt 165cms tall w/a pearshaped body. A-cups w/ 50-cent aerolas and perky nipples. Narrow waist, w/wide hips. Big bootylicious butt, white skin and no tattoos or blemishes.

Lemon was wearing a short one piece, brown dress. In the room she put down her purse and moved right up to me and we kissed. Good frencher this girl. Our hands went on autoroam. Her hands undid my pants and started to stroke my cock. I reached under her dress and to my panties. How daring, this naughty girl. We continued to kiss until all our clothing was removed.

In the shower its a thorough wash of your front and back.......and more frenching. This girl does hv an oral fixation. A very brief warm water bbbj and it was on to the bed to continue our foreplay. I laid face up in the middle of the bed in anticipation. She went to her bag and to put some lotion on her right hand and then she cuddled up to me, lay her head on my chest and we kissed. Meanwhile she was applying this lotion to my cock to give me a good little HJ. Our tongues wrestled. Soon she went on to her catbath. It was a combo of kisses and licks.

Her BBBJ was pretty good. She started by kneeling in front of me and stared deeply into my eyes. Long licks of the tip and the shaft. She will use her hands to jerk and will lick the scrotum and perineum. I requested a 69 and started to service her pussy. She responds well as juice starts to stream out. A CD was soon produced and we were on to the FJ. Lemon gently guided my cock inside. She wraped her legs around my legs to lock me in the missionary position. Warm moist little pussy. Only one position as I pumped her into the bed. Bang! The $$ shot.

Lemon is attractive, big booty with good service. Very stong girlfriend feeling which helps her build rapport. Soft-spoken and sweet. Our session had a very nice natural feeling to it, not an over the top commercial type. Definitely worth looking her up again.
Old 14-01-2009, 08:57 PM
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Re: Lemon-Aid

FYI, she is from 2060 0k GLking!!

To the previous guy, there are 2 PRC Lilys in GL. The one I was writing abt is from 2060. The one you are talking abt is clearly not the same girl. Lemon is gaining a good following in GL.
Old 15-01-2009, 05:12 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Name: Miyaki
Looks: 7/10
Body: 8/10
Boobs: B+
Catbath: 8/10 strong sucking
69: Yes
BBBJ: 8/10
Fingering: No
Frenching: No
FJ: 6.5/10
Attitude: 7/10 (chatty)
RTF: mebbe
Old 15-01-2009, 09:06 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Tried a PRC lass from 2062 called Ping Ping, age around 22 to 23, this is not the old malaysian 150 Ping Ping, mind u but PRC one. Hehe.

Looks: 7/10
Figure: 6/10. 1.73m tall quite long nice legs only blemish bobo small lah.
Breasts: 32B or 34A depends on the brand of cup she wears.
Catbath: Yes. Macau Style, hot and cold water dipped with listerine and lick u over the body. Semesters who love cat bath will enjoy it.
BBBJ: Yes.
AR: Yes.
FJ: 6.5/10, lots of fountain water.....
RTF: Maybe, a definite yes if she allows kissing as kissing is a NoNo, so can forget about french and deep passinate kisses if you are into this trade.
Old 17-01-2009, 08:50 AM
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FeiFei - Absolute Gem

I haven't been writing FR for a while and choose to do so only when a real gem comes along. Frankly, I wasn't prepare to accept PRC as I'm a Cookie and Jess regular but LiLi changed my perception.

I went back and this time, I tried another. FeiFei is a few notch higher than LiLi. She is fair, pretty and has a great set of racks. Seriously.. I was deciding to write the FR here or Big Boobs FR.

Like LiLi, FeiFei projects an image of nonchalant but that soon changed into warm, GFE, passion and at the final stage, absolute lust. The one thing that amazes me is that this lass (and almost all PRC) could not get enough and does not need any artificial lubricant like most Malaysian WL do. If you can, she'll probably allow you to cum as many times as you like.

FeiFei is a gem not to be missed

FeiFei W16

Looks: 7
Body: 8.5
Boobs: 9
AR: 7
FJ: 9
Attitude: 10
Damage: $150 + $50
Old 17-01-2009, 04:50 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list


Last Friday, I went to Eagle’s den to look for BMW, was told by Eagle that she was not available. Then I asked for San San, he made a call and told me she was busy with customer. The other side recommended NOVEL; he assured me that she is good, so I said ok!

At the meantime, I enjoyed the hot Chinese tea with peanuts. About 15 mins later, NOVEL arrived. First impression, I think she is quite tall and has fair skin. Compare to BENZ, off course, the latter is more beautiful.

Once inside the room, she was very friendly, chatty and always smiling, like long time friends. She stripped very fast then came over to strip me … he he first time by a CAT 150 gal for me. At the shower, she thoroughly cleans my private parts both front and back.

The actions started immediately at the shower room, she used her boobs to massage my back and front. Follow by using warm water to BBBJ me … Shiok !

After drying up, she asked me to lie face down on the bed. She started to cat bath me from top to bottom, then she concentrate on my butt, her AR were powerful tongue thrusts… felt like anytime going to shoot out my cums, so asked her to stop!

Then she asked me to turn over and started licking and sucking on my nipples softly, then proceeded southward to my thigh and toes...finally BBBJ my manhood. To me, her blow is better than BENZ. Really cannot take it, have to ask her to stop. She then caps me and wanted to ride me, but I prefer to be on top, so asked her to lie down on the bed. I went for her nipples, gently lick and suck, she moans quite loud. I proceeded southward to her love hole, her oyster looks fresh but I did not paint her as she already applied some lubricant on it.

I gently inserted my fully erected manhood into her love hole. The feeling was great. I gradually increase my trusts; the sensational pleasure was building up …. I could not take it anymore and unloaded all my cums into her love well.

Name: Novel
Home base: L28H31A
Face: 7/10
Boobs: B cup
Body: 7/10
Shower: 8/10 (with nice boobs massage)
BBBJ: 8.5/10 (power pack)
AJ: 8/10 (powerful trust)
FJ: 8/10 (enjoyable)
Frenching: Yes, for a while as I can’t stand the cigarette smell
Attitude: 9/10 (Very cheerful and jovial)
RTF: Not so soon, many more to try!
Old 17-01-2009, 08:46 PM
BJmydong BJmydong is offline
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Chilli will fuck you silly

HSE: W16 H17
OKT: ?
FEE: $150

Chilli is an early 20s slutty, looking babe from China. A naughty CFM look, Chilli has sexy almond-shaped, double eye-lid eyes. Full lips and a heart shaped face. A sleazy look to set hearts a futter and to get cocks a raging. Long curly black hair. A knockout smile.

Shes abt 165cm tall with heels. Good b-cup tits with perky nipples and a lean body. She has white skin with a small rose tattoo over her right hip and a barb wire tattoo over her pubes. Trimmed bush.

Chilli was wearing a silver 2-piece out fit. Top and micro-mini. In the room, we started talking in Canto. Shes very easy on the eyes. After a quick intro we kissed and began to explore each others bodies. Her hand attacked my cock while my hands undid her bra. I then felt her pussy and it was dripping wet. Ooooooh man, this was going to be good!! After we were naked we both walked to the shower. She soaped up my front first, gently stroking my manhood. I grabbed her and we frenched madly. Her tits were firm and her mei mei was still moist. She then gave me a long warm water BBBJ. She later asked me if I wanted to fuck her in the shower. Wah Liao Eh!

After a good warm up, I dried off and waited for her on the bed. I lay face up. She moved like a cat from the foot of the bed to between my legs to start kissing my neck. We frenched passionately...her hands played with my cock. She moved down to give me a BBBJ. Good skill, strong suction, deep throat and an active tongue. I positioned her in a sideways 69 and started to give her trimmed bush a tongue lashing. She was gushing juice after 2 licks!!! A VERY horny gal.

Her moans filled the room. I slid a finger inside her and gently massaged her g spot. It was like a geyser down there. We contintued like this for a while until she produced a CD and then climbed on my cock and rode me cowgirl. Her style is to grind her clit againts my pubes while we frenched. I could hear her wetness with each gyration....Chilli was getting off. I started to suck her tits, her breathing quickened and moans got louder. She would occassionally speak dirty to me in canto. Then a breathy moan and....a sweet little secret.

After she was done I flipped her over to missionary and pumped hard. My hands grasped her hair. She kept whispering in my ear. Each thrust her wet pussy betrayed her. Soon I exploded. Afterwards, we cuddled and shared a cigarette. A very friendly girl.

Chilli is a hot, horny babe that will leave you breathless! Naughty, sleazy and great GFE, she delivers all the goodies. The OKT said that all of his regulars are raving about her. I also gave him 2 thumbs up and agreed its not every day u find a gem like Chilli.
Old 18-01-2009, 10:27 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list


Wanted to RTF MG for the 2nd time tis month but she's not ask OKT to call for either Little Ivy or Pinky. Both are available but must wait as they are still in action. Told OKT, whoever is available i will opt for who. After 30 mins, Pinky is on the way.

Look : 7.5/10 Not a stunner but in my opinion she is quite pretty

Boob : 7/10 Probably a B- ..Not for big tits lover (Anyway i m nt one). I prefer gals will nice & well proportioned tits, eg Joanne, BMW & Tian Tian.

Body : 8/10 Smooth & fair skin.

Shower: SOP

French: Nt available. Only disappointment..otherwise she will surely be a gem for me.


BBBJ : 8/10 Good suction..shiok!! But i prefer Crystal & Little Ivy.

Pussy Painting: 9.5/10 Her pussy is one of the best among the Cat150 gals. No foul smell or taste, like her name pinkish , bushes well trimmed, juicy & best of all she enjoy to be painted. I spent abt 20 mins painting her till she cum.

FJ: 8/10 I m left with 5-10 mins in this dept. Missionary. Slow / fast method until i discharged all my hot load in her pussy.

RTF: Yes. But priority will be given to my other regulars
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Old 18-01-2009, 10:48 PM
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CHILLI the Hotie

WL name: Chilli
Origin: Hunan, China
Age: 25 years old
Ex-Profession: Cosmetic Sales
House: W16H17

I actually wanna RTF on one of my Malaysian regulars despite bro Bjmydong's superb FR on her. However, the moment when I saw her sashayed her way down from the stairs, I told the OKT that I want her and he then signalled to me that she was available. She wore a 2-piece outfit. The top piece only covered her boobs, which exposed a generous amount of cleavage and she matched it with a super mini skirt that exposed her slim fair legs.

Action started almost immediately when the door closed behind us. I was pleasantly surprised that she warmed up pretty quick considering that that was our very first rendevous. We frenched and then undressed each other.

Look - 7.5/10

Actually she is not classified under those drop dead gorgeous type but one would probably not reject her if he sees her the very first time. She got a charming and sultry look. Her body perm hair made her very womanly and sex-appealing especially when she looks straight in your eyes and discharges some kinda sexy smile. She wore fake eye-lashes and has medium height nose bridge. She possesses oval facial shape and double-eyelid eyes. She definitely does not look like a gal from PRC. She looks more like a Singaporean or a Malaysian in my opinion.

Bod - 7.5/10

She is about 1.63 m tall and slim. She is fair and possesses smooth body complexion. She has a non-permanent tattoo on her pubic area.

Tits - 7.5/10

She has B-cupper assets. Her nipples and areolas are very pale pink in colour. Her boobs are rather nice to squeeze and suck ...

Shower - 8/10

We frenched for at least 5 mins before she offered me two rounds of deep-throated BBBJ in the toilet.

AR - N/A

Frenching - 7.5/10

Not bad but there is room for improvement. Given time I believe she can match my Malaysian regulars.

Cat-Bath - 7.8/10

Slow and sensual fashion. Very stimulating indeed. I like ... Something like Meizhi.

BBBJ - 8/10

Awesome deep-throated BBBJ. She offered slow, steady, moist and very sensual BBBJ. She also licked my penis shaft, testicles and scrotum. Very shiok ah!!

FJ - 7.8/10

We adopted 3 positions - 1) Gal on top; 2) Squarting doggie and 3) missionary. She has well trimmed pussy hair and her pussy can wet pretty easily. It was quite tight too ... Hmm ... Shiokado!!

Attitude - 8/10

Very courteous and can warm very fast. Lots of GFE can be expected from her. A la Beemer and Meizhi.

RTF - Probably yes but not so soon. She told me a bloke booked her for 12 hours at one time and he continues to look her up almost very day for a session thereafter. He must be smittened by her ...

She might not be long in GL. She told me she might terminate her 2-year contract way before it expires as she has other long term plans. Therefore, catch her while she is still around ...

Cheers, Max
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Last edited by max_priest; 18-01-2009 at 10:58 PM.
Old 19-01-2009, 11:17 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

San San L28 H31A

Finally i am able to RTF her. She has put on weight since the last visit but it is for the better as she was scrawny when i first tried her. With more flesh she looks more complete and prettier.

With her nice long legs and perky ass, and she really has a CFM look and pretty. wow, combined with an ok service, it was a great bonk. I had a nice round of catbath on my back before she went to the front for catbath and BBBJ. It was made even higher when she tried the HJ with lotion. Anyway, i could not take it and attemtped to french her, which she did not engaged much, instead using her tongue to twirl around my mouth, which i dont quite like. I like the girlfren boyfren kiss kind, passionately lokc lips kind.

Anyway, her stats are:

Looks: 7.5/10
Body: 7.5/10
Boobs: 6/10
BBBJ: 7/10
FJ: 7/10
Old 20-01-2009, 10:04 AM
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Smile Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Thx bros max priest n fat fatt for ur FRs on San San.

Buay tahan must try her soon.

BTW, I hv never tried a GL Cat150 gals before n hv not fxk a M'sian Chinese gal for a long time.

Old 20-01-2009, 10:41 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

The 150cats PRC station at home base or they go other house?
Old 21-01-2009, 08:30 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

After reading many good FRs on San San, I went to look for her at L28 H31A yesterday, but the waiting time was over an hr. Decided to call Christine instead becos I recalled bro max priest's good FR on her. She came in less than 10 minutes. She looked chio, quite slim n sexy. Very fair skin.

It was a very sextisfying bonk...but one man's meat is another...or shall I say reality is in the mind of the beholder?

Here r my personal ratings:

Name: Christine
Race: Malaysian Chinese
Age: 25 (looks younger)
Height: 160
Weight: 48
Looks: 7-7.5, pretty, fair clear skin
Boobs: Beautiful, relatively large, size C
Stats: 33C, 24, 34
Figure: 7.5, proportionate, small boned, but w/ shapely perky ass
Frenching: No, I dun normally do it w/ WLs
BBJ: 8, I always cover my didi w/ CD
Painting: No
Attitude: 7.5
FJ: 8, tight pussy, many positions
Damage: $150 + small tip
RTF: Yes, after I meet up w/ san San n a couple of others, haha.

She was skillful in using her mouth n hands simultaneously to stimulate n please...very shiok. I must admit that most PRC MMs n local gals lack her skill. I believe she will return to KL for CNY tmr.

Thx for reading.

Last edited by warbird; 21-01-2009 at 08:33 PM. Reason: typo
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