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Old 27-01-2012, 08:09 PM
civic27 civic27 is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Hi bros I will be in manila next week and been researching in here for info.

I'll definitely head to MBC and AF1.

Could some of the bros be kind enough to pm me some FLs contacts or gals who do massage in hotel contact numbers.

Thank you in advance.
Old 28-01-2012, 12:25 AM
manilaboy2007 manilaboy2007 is offline
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

That why I hated the Korean and don't cant understand why people like Korean Song, Korean food or even their cultures? I won't even think of paying for a trip to Korea for tour after seeing how their guys treat the girls. If business trip there then lang lang got to go. Working with koreans is alway a nightmare to me and any business meeting on table might turn into a fighting or shouting match to see who can get the best deal.

Maybe those guys are nobody in their own country so come to philippines with a bit of money, they want to show off to the pinoy that they are rich. Balls to them.

Kind of sad to see places like angeles been 'bought' up by korean business..

Originally Posted by haha_123 View Post
U reminded of an incident when I went with my friend to Asia Entertainment. There was a group of Korean sitted on the next table. When the girls were brought out and paraded infront of the Korean customers, one of them took out a torchlight to shine at every inch of the girls' boby. Eventually he rejected all the 'goods'.

I thought it was very mean and degrading for the girls to be so closely examined by the Korean with the torchlight. Maybe his occupation is to examine antiques, diamonds, rare stones or small creatures.
Old 28-01-2012, 12:27 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

At least Singaporeans don't have that kind of reputation yet. HENG ah.
I be heading to Manila soon....can't wait to cheong there again! hehe

Started to trim down the list of girls to meet on DIA liao. =p

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Yes thats what i thought.

but actually its ok....

U know why?

u r paying for the commodity.

Yes you are purchasing a commodity.

I have seen ang mohs doing that in AC (not the local Ang Mohs) but the ones who come for sex tourism.

they look at girls pretty closely.

In fact i have read instances on the internet where the Ang Moh even sticks his dick inside a girls pussy to test the looseness.... Cause no shiok if too loose....

He he...

The Ang Moh even opened the lips of the Vagina by making her sit on the floor. Not sure what he was testing.

As long as the management of the bar does not think its demeaning i guess.... thats how it goes.....

But then bro point noted and i understand what you are trying to say. Yes sounds demeaning...
Old 28-01-2012, 02:19 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati


What a typo!

The angmoh puts his fingers into the vagina... Not his dick...

Thank god i read d post again.

So managed to correct myself.

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post

In fact i have read instances on the internet where the Ang Moh even sticks his dick inside a girls pussy to test the looseness.... Cause no shiok if too loose....

He he...

The Ang Moh even opened the lips of the Vagina by making her sit on the floor. Not sure what he was testing.

As long as the management of the bar does not think its demeaning i guess.... thats how it goes.....

But then bro point noted and i understand what you are trying to say. Yes sounds demeaning...
Old 28-01-2012, 02:50 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

But i no chance to go to manila yet..

nvm will go around hunting more.. once you know how to talk to them you can talk to any of them haha

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Old 28-01-2012, 05:48 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post

What a typo!

The angmoh puts his fingers into the vagina... Not his dick...

Thank god i read d post again.

So managed to correct myself.
LOL thats why when i read your post i was a bit shocked on how the ang moh do their quality control check...
Old 30-01-2012, 02:57 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Bro etsys, i now agree... It really is a freakin banana republic

Posted by an ang moh

As a frequent traveller to the Philippines I have had the frequent displeasure of some successful extortion attempts and many unsuccessful attempts. The last one happened when I decided to visit friends for a week and fly from Manila to Bangkok. If there is an uncorrupted or half decent law enforcement officer or other government official who loves their country and wants to help remedy the corruption and many wrongs I will happily provide dates and details so you can track down and remove this scum from your society. (Very wishful thinking)

How it happened!
Knowing that you are a target and most at risk when you are in a hurry I arrived at Manila’s international airport third terminal in plenty of time to check in at the Cebu Pacific airlines counter. My lady and I checked in and got our boarding passes.

My lady was then challenged at the immigration departure counter needing to prove that she was capable of financially existing in Bangkok for five days. (This was our fifth trip together from manila to Bangkok so this was expected and we were prepared). Once we cleared the immigration counters we then proceed to the metal detectors and hand luggage baggage checks. There were two lines one for males and one for females. I help her with bag on to the x-ray machine and then return to my to my line. I was the last on in the line to the x-ray machine. I could see my lady on the other side putting her shoes back on and waiting patiently for me to go through the body and bag search.

HERE IS THE STING! As I was having my bag and wallet searched the security guard inspector found my asthma medication which was labelled with my name, the dosage required, and the doctors name that had issue the prescription. (Very common medication called Symbicort) The guard said where was the prescription, and replied at the drug store where I purchased the medication. The guard then said you are attempting to smuggle drugs out of the Philippines! I said “what!” The guard then said keep your voice down or I will put you and your lady into a cell until I work this out with you! At this moment my lady got up and started to walk over to she what the problem was. The guard saw here coming and order me to make her sit down away from us or he would put us both in a cell. I complied. At this point the guard was running his fingers through my wallet and said we could fix it. I did not want to argue realising that I was in a no win situation and at risk of missing our plane and replied take what you need to resolve this issue. He then emptied my wallet of all of its cash, equalling around 200 us dollars. He then let me go reminding me that he would be waiting for me on my return flight as he worked this shift with these flights to and from Bangkok so do not say anything! I was lucky as he missed the 2000 thousand dollars that I had in my jacket pocket.
Old 30-01-2012, 05:44 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

just got back from makati.went to the so-called red light district at p.burgos trip there.checking up agogo bars on the street.most bars have their own mummy.prices are not cheap as expected.barfine of 3120 peso and 1850 for my beers and ladies drinks.3000 peso for my damage is 8000 peso.totally not worth.
Old 30-01-2012, 06:13 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Bro a few pointers...

..... Read up first before cheong

..... Ask questions here on budget vs actual costs

..... Make a detour to AC. php 8000 goes a long way there

..... Manila especially makati/p burgos are for businessman or d big whales....

..... If u wanna b a short term millionaire then Manila is urs

..... If u still wanna cheong manila lotsa read up/ research is a mst to know d rules of d ground u wanna play on

But anyway mr liew thks for sharing ur experiences...

I guess lesson learnt....

We all get burnt at some point of times in our lives.


Originally Posted by mrliew View Post
just got back from makati.went to the so-called red light district at p.burgos trip there.checking up agogo bars on the street.most bars have their own mummy.prices are not cheap as expected.barfine of 3120 peso and 1850 for my beers and ladies drinks.3000 peso for my damage is 8000 peso.totally not worth.
Old 30-01-2012, 06:50 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Hi Bro the Lord,
Your response is in lightning speed and truly well said. Was in Manila weeks ago and did went to MBC.Many FLs around but not to my liking so hop onto a victory lines bus in Pasay to AC
in 3 hours time was drinking SMB with BF in Tropic.hehehe.
Old 30-01-2012, 07:10 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

U r a wise man bro.

The haggling at MBC can get annoying at times.... Especially with d girls insisting 2500php for ST.

IN tht event id rather do a doublefly in AC right?

Originally Posted by willytell View Post
Hi Bro the Lord,
Your response is in lightning speed and truly well said. Was in Manila weeks ago and did went to MBC.Many FLs around but not to my liking so hop onto a victory lines bus in Pasay to AC
in 3 hours time was drinking SMB with BF in Tropic.hehehe.
Old 30-01-2012, 07:26 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Manila is a great place and always will be.

Therefore The Lord will always support this thread.

But we need to bear in mind that the ppl who wanna make money in Manila from us cheonsters r far more foresighted than we think.

They hv played the game umpteen times...on unsuspecting preys...

Blowing php 25-30,000 is d norm at Makati/ padre burgos areas... Coz its meant for d well heeled clientele..

We r but ordinary mortals

Hence note of caution....

Yes we must cheong.... But not get ripped apart..
Old 30-01-2012, 07:47 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

In MBC,the ground floor look a shit place even our Da Lu bar were to look alike especially when it is in full swing.As the FLs worked in group and in all sizes and shapes.The Bf will be fixed so as not to make the girl you intended to lose face among her friends.Anyway,it should be in between P1500 to max P2000.
Old 30-01-2012, 08:08 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

actually we did went to the very famous LA cafe.but the surrounding is just like a kampung
with lots of street kids keep asking for money.they even hug us from behind by not letting us to go.what a bad we decided to cancel our trip there.

QUOTE=The Lord;6829917]Bro a few pointers...

..... Read up first before cheong

..... Ask questions here on budget vs actual costs

..... Make a detour to AC. php 8000 goes a long way there

..... Manila especially makati/p burgos are for businessman or d big whales....

..... If u wanna b a short term millionaire then Manila is urs

..... If u still wanna cheong manila lotsa read up/ research is a mst to know d rules of d ground u wanna play on

But anyway mr liew thks for sharing ur experiences...

I guess lesson learnt....

We all get burnt at some point of times in our lives.

Old 30-01-2012, 08:45 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Bro mrliew, sorry to add, never ever give in to street child beggars. Once you did,the next moment you will be waylaid by 8 to 10 of them. They are a organised group. Imagine what happen if you caught one trying to fish somethings out of your back pocket and the poor kid is only 7 years old? Hope you learn from the old timers to be street-smart and avoid these kind of unpleasant situation.
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