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Old 28-10-2016, 02:34 PM
lost99 lost99 is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by jeremyl118 View Post
Being part of the Alexis Group,
Emporivm totally suck. .... . the girls quality are average and limited compared to other places by Alexis group such as Alexis and 1001, Left dissapointed with a entry fee of 200,000 rupiah....

My preference is still 1001 and if you go in early (like 2 oclock or little later on weekdays you get a free T-shirt and some dessert .
Thanks for your FR. I agree Emporium Spa can be Hit/Miss in my opinion. Sometimes the girl quality look no better than what you see in Classic, however they will generally provide more thorough service including Spa time before going to the room. My last trip i was a bit disappointed in both Emporium Spa and Tease Club, but it is a good alternative if you are bored of the usual places, with slightly cheaper price than Alexis. Just remember there is a 40% SC on top of the 150k entrance fee, which cost abt 250K with a water, just to take a dip in the Spa and look at the stocks!!! I don't think Malio puts a SC on top of their 120k entrance fee, but i usually spend quite a bit there so its either waived or i don't notice

I also find 1001 pool can be hit/miss. The most consistent place in terms of girl quality will always be Alexis, but it has the highest costs and attracts many foreign cheongsters. The good thing is the high prices will keep cheap ass broke reject losers such as DaSmooth away Those Bule trash just drink beers in BlokM and tell stories of their glory days 20 years ago before they turned into shriveled old prunes, bitter that they lost in life.

Last edited by lost99; 28-10-2016 at 03:23 PM.
Old 28-10-2016, 02:53 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by laguy View Post
.there is a new club named Starmoon, located just before Sari Ayu. .... But regarding Classic and Travel he is correct IMHO. The level of service I have experienced at those places is the worst I have experienced in Jakarta.
Thanks for suggestion. I will look into it on my next visit.

I"m sorry you think Classic and Travel have the worst service, and you are totally entitled to your opinion of the place. I"m not sure if this is the case with you, but some people need to temper their expectations for a 300K fast food fuckshop, and not expect to get a fillet mignon when you are paying hamburger prices. I dare not say Classic have the best service in JKT, but on the plus side it provides the most selection, value for money, and there are gems to be found if you take your time and know how to properly select. The number of repeat customers are a clear indication that they are doing something right.

IMO, when some people complain of bad service at these places, it is usually because they: 1. They are not selecting girls properly (i.e. rushing choices, choosing obvious starfishes or bitches), 2. They have social/aesthetic 'issues' themselves which are not appealing to the girl, and 3. Have too high expectations for a 300K fast food fuckshop. Hitting the sack is a 2 way street, and your additude and body langauge contribute to either a good or bad session; this is very hard for guys like DaSmooth with 0/10 personality and looks to accept, he just thinks by paying money he deserves to be treated like a King. For best results you need to put in some work yourself and charm the girl a bit. Sure i've had a few mediocore experiences there, but In all the times i visited Classic, i've never had a single covered BJ (BBBJ every time) or a session i've regretted relative to the price. I"ve even pulled some girls and Dancers from Classic sometimes to join me in my hotel after their shift ends! If you are consistently getting shitty service in Classic, I suggest you take a look at yourself and see if you are doing that is ruining your interaction with the girl.

Originally Posted by laguy View Post
there are significant issues with this DaSmooth guy. In the other forum he put me on his "ignore list" after I publicly took offense at his and his friends' demeanors (know it alls who know much less than they think they do but feel free to criticize or mock less senior participants for no good reason). After putting me on his ignore list he then nonetheless continued to respond to my posts by arguing with some of them in so doing revealing what can only be described as a pathological personality
Don't worry. I have a contact in JKT who has provided me some information on this clown, and he will get what is coming to him soon enough. I've been very vocal and confrontational with this pathelogical Lonely clown because i don't want him to pollute and ruin this wonderful thread the same way he and his Geriatric friends ruin the other form. It is very ironic that the reason he lingers around here is to escape the hostile and critical environment in the other thread of which he is the main cause and has lost all credibility there. It is difficult for the thread to have a spirit of sharing, openness, and honesty when stubborn Old "know-it-alls" completely out of touch with modern reality, need to TELL us how to have fun based on how things were 20 years ago.

Last edited by lost99; 28-10-2016 at 03:33 PM.
Old 28-10-2016, 03:05 PM
laguy laguy is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by DaSmooth View Post
I am guessing that lost99 called you over here from the other forum since you two are the only 2 losers over there. Welcome to this forum. Hopefully you stay. Have you lost your passport yet?

For a "new" bar, that place sure is a dirty shithole. You would think it was 100 years old rather than new. I have to admit that I have only been there once when it first opened because it was "new". I used to love that area 20 years ago. There has been no renovation at all to that area. Hell, the roads are still dirt. The locals who visit those places are mostly lower class indos like ojek drivers and they do not wear condoms at the establishments in that area so the girls are always full of cum. Let me guess, you are into getting sloppy seconds from an ojek driver.

If you think that place is better than a place like Medika, Kings Cross, or D'Heaven, you are nuts.
No, your guess is wrong about Lost99 calling me over to this forum so that I could disagree with him about Classic/Travel (or for any other reason). But your guess is about as smart as most of your posts here and in that other forum.

And there is no place in Jakarta called "Kings Cross." As a self-appointed expert on the scene there, you should use the correct name "King Cross" so as to keep up the pretense you have a clue what you are talking about, even though you usually don't.

Nowhere in my post was there a word "Bthere" but somehow you managed to add it to your quotation of my post. Please don't misquote me in the future and if you should put me on your ignore list here, don't follow that up by stalking me and continuing to respond to my posts, as you did on the other forum to posts that were informational and had absolutely nothing to do with you.

As to losing my passport, let me remind you that you are the one who is afraid of losing his passport because (as you mention in the other forum) you get drunk before going out in Jakarta and therefore fear that you would lose your passport if you carried it. No, I have been going to Jakarta regularly for close to a decade and have never lost my passport, nor have I had to pay a bribe to a corrupt cop because I did not have my passport with me during a passport/identification check. I also haven't lost my wallet ever in my life so I don't fear carrying id. with me as you apparently do given your propensity to drunkedness.
Old 28-10-2016, 03:14 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by DaSmooth View Post
If you think that place is better than a place like Medika, Kings Cross, or D'Heaven, you are nuts.
And where exactly (other than in your imagination) did I say Starmoon is better than Medika, King Cross, or D'Heaven?
Old 28-10-2016, 03:17 PM
sixnine696900 sixnine696900 is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by laguy View Post
Before commenting on the Lost 99/ Da Smooth (aka Smoothy) dispute, let me provide some recent information based on a number of visits to a relatively new club first opened a few months ago.

But regarding Classic and Travel he is correct IMHO. The level of service I have experienced at those places is the worst I have experienced in Jakarta. I know that particularly given they are budget places many like them and there is something to be said about walking into a place where there are many many girls available, some of whom are attractive and don't cost a fortune.
Hi bro,
I would partly agree with that statement, these girls go through 10 guys plus a day; But being tried is not the main reason why these girls give a bad service.
It is because at least for the so call "pretty ones". These pretty girls can choose customers because the are more HOTDOGs than girls....unless you are Hamsome or looks like an Expats....OH before I forget....wealthy Expats...These girls somehow have a nose for the rich foreigner....
Dirt cheap is not the issue, as these girls come from the same kampung as the girls from alexis group, the only different is the alexis group pick the better looking ones and the rest is offered to places like classic and the processing power of these girls are about the is in respect to the demand and supply.
If the demand out weight the supply, service normally suffers.
They do not need your money that much when in 5 mins another HOTDOG call her over...unless they like your Hamsomeness
Next posting, I will share a horror story I witness at classic...while I was celebrating my dancer's birthday party.

Old 28-10-2016, 03:25 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
If you are consistently getting shitty service in Classic, I suggest you take a look at yourself and see if you are doing that is ruining your interaction with the girl.
I don't think so. My conclusion about Travel and Classic is based on my assessment of the service there relative to numerous other places I have visited in Jakarta. How I conduct myself is pretty much constant across these numerous places, so if I find that one or two of them have consistently offered the worst service (and that is a relative term, and doesn't mean my sessions were awful at Classic or Travel) the only variable that is not being held constant is the locale.

Having said this, after a few mediocre sessions at Classic and Travel I now rarely frequent these places. So, if I have assessed incorrectly the quality of the service at these to venues it would likely be the result of a relatively small sample size or perhaps my experiences reflect a period of time when the girls there were less service oriented than they might now be.
Old 28-10-2016, 04:50 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
I have a contact in JKT who has provided me some information on this clown
I will meet you in person any time you want, chump.

If you really did have some info on me, you wouldn't be posting photos of some old grey haired man.
Old 28-10-2016, 04:51 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by laguy View Post
I don't think so. My conclusion about Travel and Classic is based on my assessment of the service there relative to numerous other places I have visited in Jakarta. How I conduct myself is pretty much constant across these numerous places, so if I find that one or two of them have consistently offered the worst service (and that is a relative term, and doesn't mean my sessions were awful at Classic or Travel) the only variable that is not being held constant is the locale.

Having said this, after a few mediocre sessions at Classic and Travel I now rarely frequent these places. So, if I have assessed incorrectly the quality of the service at these to venues it would likely be the result of a relatively small sample size or perhaps my experiences reflect a period of time when the girls there were less service oriented than they might now be.
I totally agree with you here. Although it's not the small sample size. The service there sucks. Anyone who thinks differently has likely never had good sex in their life.
Old 28-10-2016, 04:56 PM
DaSmooth DaSmooth is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by jeremyl118 View Post
Being part of the Alexis Group,
Emporivm totally suck. Went there yesterday night and they were having a halloween theme . At the entrance and reception the girls seem very attractive with the cat tail and sexy custome, but once u go to the lounge.. the girls are dress is cheap superhero custome . the girls quality are average and limited compared to other places by Alexis group such as Alexis and 1001, Left dissapointed with a entry fee of 200,000 rupiah. I would rather bang the receptionist and waitress than those sitting on the sofa.

My preference is still 1001 and if you go in early (like 2 oclock or little later on weekdays you get a free T-shirt and some dessert .
Not forgetting to mentioned that the rooms are better, standard rooms have tv there.
Lesser crowd compared to Alexis, Alexis are filled with foreigners like myself now.
Selections they dont have russians and chinese though. Mostly indons and ocasional viets and thais.
I agree that Alexis and 1001 are far superior to Emporium. I didn't go to that halloween event, but sometimes they do have some decent events there and on occasion nice girls as well. Same with Hotel Olympic.
Old 28-10-2016, 05:02 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by laguy View Post
And there is no place in Jakarta called "Kings Cross." As a self-appointed expert on the scene there, you should use the correct name "King Cross"
Good point. There's no chance that was a typo, I must have never been there. Although I was the first one on the other forum to mention it and give details about my first visit long ago. It's how lost99 found out about it, and I am betting it's how you found out about it as well.
Old 28-10-2016, 05:10 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
I've been very vocal and confrontational with this pathelogical Lonely clown because i don't want him to pollute and ruin this wonderful thread the same way he and his Geriatric friends ruin the other form.
All of my suggestions that I have posted on this forum have been spot on. I would be curious is anyone on this forum has tried any of my suggestions. I would bet my left nut that if they try them, they will agree. As a matter of fact, my posts have greatly improved the information on this forum.
Old 28-10-2016, 05:20 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
Thanks for suggestion. I will look into it on my next visit.
It's not surprising that you didn't know about it.
Old 28-10-2016, 05:37 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by lost99 View Post
i don't want him to pollute and ruin this wonderful thread.
I will tell you what... I will stop posting here if you stop posting at the other forum. Let me know if you really do care about this forum enough to agree to that.
Old 28-10-2016, 10:58 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Is Sumo still open and do they still have russians? Is it recommended?

Alexis is too far for me for russians plus its damn expensive.

Looking to try d'heaven for locals when im in JKT next week.
Old 29-10-2016, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by DaSmooth View Post
I like X2. Immigrant is also quite good. TonyCheong2 and lost99 prefer Apollo at the Bellagio. It all depends on personal preference.
As far as i know apollo is a gay bar
I never been there but i know most of the bencong like to go there
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