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Old 16-12-2010, 08:56 PM
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Lightbulb Tonite I conferred her the title - Ms Commando WL

Tonite I conferred her the title - Ms Commando WL

Hey bros, do you know who I am referring to? She is tall, sexy and definitely performance-oriented ... And she is from 54A which is well-known as the house of service-oriented WLs. No prize for guessing the answer right ... Here is the answer ...

WL Name - Jenny
Orign - Harbin, PRC
Age - 24 years (she claimed but I thought she looks like she is in her late twenties to early thirties)
Height - 1.7m (on bare-foot)
Home Base - L16H54A
Misc Info - She has managed to garner many beau who showered her with TLC after the departure of Moon from the same house

Look - 6/10

She ain't pretty at all and some may find her unpleasant as well. Like what some people say, she has the looks of a horse face Ah Gua (colloquial for transvestite). No offence to her ardent supporters as I merely put up what I heard from my SBF buddies. What drawn her hardcore regulars to this WL is her ability to discharge lots of GFE and her extraordinary commando performance.

Body - 8.5/10

Awesome by GL standard! Not many GL WL can match her in this department. She has almost everything a warm blooded man would desire! Tall, big tits, slim waist, perky butts, proportional hip, flat tummy, long slender legs and super smooth body complexion. WOaFFF!!!

Tits - 7.5/10

Although C cups, regret to say that they are surgically-augmented. However, I must say they are prefessionally well done! Only the veterans can tell the difference. Bonus points awarded for her pink nipples.

Shower - 7.8/10

Just like Michelle from 2831A, she provided me with lots of sexciting actions in the shower. However, I find Michelle's action more interesting and sexciting! Perhaps I find Michelle very spontaneous and we can click pretty well.

Cat-Bath - 8.5/10

She is a PRO! What can I say, man! Try her and am sure you would be spoilt! You are warned, man! Definitely not for the faint-hearted folks!

French Kissing - 8/10

This is what I can lusty & aggressive french kissing versus Michelle's french with feeling.

AR - 8/10

Fantastic! Sexually spell-binding with the lethal hand-mouth action ... A la Coco!!

BBBJ - 8/10

She is for sure a veteran! Mind you, I have very high standard in this department. Again, alot of stimulating hand action while BBBJing me. She really drove me crazy, man!!

FJ - 7.8/10

She was game for almost anything and any positions you desire! You call the shot and she will oblige without fail! A word of caution, not for the faint-hearted individuals. If you have history of heart attack or hypertension, please skip her for the sake of your love ones and most importantly, yourself. If you are game, try her and you would understand where I am coming from. In order to enjoy the session to the fullest, I would urge you to be pro-active in the sexual action.

Attitude - 8.5/10


RTF - Once is enough as her looks is below my standard. I merely wanna experience how it was like fucking this commando-qualified WL ...

There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

My Personal FR Thread:
Old 16-12-2010, 11:31 PM
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Re: FR on Apple, L1809

Originally Posted by PAPA YONG View Post
She doesn't french leh! Or maybe it's just me?! haha ...

Waolao! Long Q liao?! Just called and was told she is working and there's one more waiting ...

Have tried Apple L1809..hhhmmm maybe she doesnt like to french... lol
But anyway yes one of the gals that has looks and service.
Had a really enjoyable sexssion.
Bros who like petite gals with looks and service should not miss out this out.
Old 17-12-2010, 12:00 AM
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Re: FR on Apple, L1809

Originally Posted by rain. View Post

Have tried Apple L1809..hhhmmm maybe she doesnt like to french... lol
But anyway yes one of the gals that has looks and service.
Had a really enjoyable sexssion.
Bros who like petite gals with looks and service should not miss out this out.
Glad that I am not the only one she doesn't french. LOL!~
How long was ur Q today? I didn't wait and went for Joey at WH06 liao.
Old 17-12-2010, 12:05 AM
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Re: FR on Apple, L1809

Originally Posted by PAPA YONG View Post
Glad that I am not the only one she doesn't french. LOL!~
How long was ur Q today? I didn't wait and went for Joey at WH06 liao.
Brudder, you must ask this brudder maxx to try Apple as most WL french this suave gentlemen lor.
Old 17-12-2010, 12:13 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Bro lol like i said think she doesnt like french...any way she makes up for it on other area of for me ok lah

Its worth the wait. Its not like wait for a few hours so still not a you can make use this time to see all the gals in and out mah lol
Old 17-12-2010, 01:04 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

I have been trying to post something for the last few hours. But it says u need the moderator to approve ur post. Even after waiting for hrs, my post doesn't show up :O
Old 17-12-2010, 04:03 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Haiz what a bummer, been a few months since I last visited GL and so happened wanted to get Bei Bei but already balik kampung. Same with her little sis. Well now GL is going to be short of two "ass"cellent talents.
Shake Rattle And Roll!!!
Apologies to anyone who have already upped me and I did not return favor, please pm to let me know as I don't usually check rep pts.
Old 17-12-2010, 06:00 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

FR on Ai Li, W1606

I think Ai Li’s appearance is between a SYT and GND, but my senior Bro O---- thinks otherwise, he thinks she is a young MILF, haha….. Ai Li is very demure, quite, reserved and rather shy (Only the outlook, once inside the room, is totally different). IMHO, her look is above average.

Went to her home base to check up her housemates cause read some good reviews on them. In the end, I chose her because she looks fresh and her petite size. She came from Hubei and is slightly taller than 1.55 m but I think less than 1.6. She has been working in GL for 2 months and used to work in KTV back home for a couple of months before heading here. Btw, she is only 21 years old, born in the year 1989. She may be young, but her service standard, hmm… quite skilful though.

Look – 7.0/10
She has this fresh young look, somehow look like those JC or poly gal (Maybe because of her age). She has natural long hair and used little makeup. Her facial complexion reminded me of Charlie of L2007, covered with not very visible light brown freckles.

Body – 7.2/10
She may not be tall, but she has the right curve at the right place. A little puppy fat, which I told her to watch out on her diet. Overall, she is fair and has the young and fresh body type. If she is slightly taller, it will be better.

Boobs – 7.0/10
She has a pair of beautiful A+ cupper and light pinkish tits. Her boobs look exactly like those of Amy from L1654A.

Shower – 7.5/10
She is very hard working in this department. Not only she performed soapy body wash and massage, she even made used of her thighs to grab hold of your penis to rub you high.

Cat-Bath & AR – 8.0/10
A good lick is what you can expect from her. AR was done with alternate suction on your testicles, licking on your ass-rack and the area in between. And mind you, at least 10 minutes were spent here.

BBBJ – 7.0/10
Not the aggressive type but slow and sensuous, I like the way she looks at me although the BBBJ was quite mechanical.

French Kissing – 7.0/10
Again the not so aggressive, commando, eat you up kind of kissing. As mentioned, she is quite reserved and rather shy, I enjoyed her soft lips very much, like kissing your girlfriends during those courtship days.

FJ – 7.5/10
Her natural moans were like music to my ears. I was enjoying so much that I came within minutes with just one missionary position.

RTF – Her service and performance is definitely above average. If you are in the mood of a fresh young looking gal, you can consider her because I find her natural girlfriend reaction was her main pulling factor.

Happy Bonking.
Old 18-12-2010, 01:54 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

RTF Apple for 3 sessions today.

KNN! One stupid FR from me and I waited for 1 hr 45 mins.

Lan Lan! Booked her till I song.

One silly mistake is that I thought her house opens at 1PM like most shops,
Ended up doors half-open at 2PM only and all girls were making up.

Done 1 session then, first customer but the renovations near her base L1809 make me cannot cum lah! Wanna proceed to L1817 for round 2; better room and sound proof. Damn! It is suspended / closed for 1 week. Settled at WH15 to call her again. That's when i wait for a long time before she finally arrives, with long Q still behind. Took 2 sessions here.

WAOLAO! She told me alot of new faces looking for her ... she is abit lost and doesn't like the attention Ask me can delete boh?!

While waiting, saw my "KC" Joey from opp. So "PIESAY"; saw my "KC" from the suspended WH17, she got dumped to WH54.

Waolan oi! My worst nightmare!

My "KC" girls are smsing me, screwing me upside-down. Don't know what to reply. Guess that's it. No more special GFE anymore.

Last edited by PAPA YONG; 18-12-2010 at 02:05 AM.
Old 18-12-2010, 02:44 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Why are u suck an idiot ? All cheena girls cheat and it is too expensive to pay them. They need to lower the price way way down.
Old 18-12-2010, 04:26 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Err..So u went to WH15, was that on L16 or L18??
Old 18-12-2010, 12:48 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by PAPA YONG View Post
RTF Apple for 3 sessions today.

KNN! One stupid FR from me and I waited for 1 hr 45 mins.

Lan Lan! Booked her till I song.

One silly mistake is that I thought her house opens at 1PM like most shops,
Ended up doors half-open at 2PM only and all girls were making up.

Done 1 session then, first customer but the renovations near her base L1809 make me cannot cum lah! Wanna proceed to L1817 for round 2; better room and sound proof. Damn! It is suspended / closed for 1 week. Settled at WH15 to call her again. That's when i wait for a long time before she finally arrives, with long Q still behind. Took 2 sessions here.
Wahhh!! PapaYong, it looks like u are not old afterall. Maybe your dick is well taken care although u are old de. You everyday also fuck wor. Kekekekeke!!
Old 18-12-2010, 03:56 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

papayong power la, 3 sessions that is 3 hours right

sia la...dunno wad u do inside there for 3 hours

later im going down to find apple
FR is only a chance, not a guarantee
The more FRs the better to get a more accurate picture
Old 18-12-2010, 09:08 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

short fr on cola 1805
looks 6.5 fair not syt look, more womanly type
hgt ard 1.62
boobs A+ going B
catbath 7/10
frenching 10/10 this woman is a frenching queen
ar i din try coz we too passionate liao
bbbj 8/10 almost commando like
fj 9/10 very responsive with great audio and some pussy muscle control
gfe 8/10
rtf yes
Old 18-12-2010, 09:21 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by comm View Post
papayong power la, 3 sessions that is 3 hours right

sia la...dunno wad u do inside there for 3 hours

later im going down to find apple
She is OFF today; overworked yesterday (Fri), non-stop since opening until 2.30AM. Don't even have time for meals.

I regret doing the FR now. She is so tiny; saw 2 brudders dashed in, asked for her directly, even tho she told me she doesn't know who they're. WAOLAO! Walk-in like some LAO DA ... don't know who the fuxk they think they are and flip through the registrar, OKT doesn't even know you. If you're reading this, identify yourself. YES! I was the one that went in before you yesterday while you were waiting. !@#$%^&

FYI: L1817 closed for 1 week since yesterday.
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