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Old 21-10-2011, 12:36 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

LOL.. nice work lah, Bro F400. Wonder if she start looking around the office to guess who it was.
Old 21-10-2011, 01:07 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Met girl online.
Invited her over to my place.
Asked her to tie me up.
She ties me to my bed after stripping my shirt and shorts off (leaving boxers)
She gives me tickle torture for 20min straight. All over. Balls especially. She tickle my cock and balls till i cum.
Then she climbs on top of me while i'm still tied up and starts frenching me.
We end the day with a handjob.
Old 21-10-2011, 03:37 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

haha glad this thread is still alive and well after all these years
Old 21-10-2011, 06:53 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by twinchrome View Post
haha glad this thread is still alive and well after all these years
Pervert things will never end as long as human being existing in this world.
And it will carry on generation after generation, and it getting more pervert.
Old 21-10-2011, 10:41 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Ok this happened in my poly days.

I had this ex and there was this day we finished doing at one of the staircase at our poly. She went to the toilet to wash up. After waiting a min my evil thoughts came and i went into the cubical beside her and close the door. I climb up the toilet bowl and look. For a good 5mins she didn't notice me peeping and right before she finish her "business" i left the toilet.

When she came out i told her what i did. (dun ask me why i told her) I thought she was going to murder me for doing what i did but her face was red and pink instead. So i had to go that much further to say things like "what happen if it wasn't me but some other guys?" so much so that it sounded like what i did was totally ok and right.

Den as all evil thoughts, it come with a tail. I told her i wanna do it in the toilet. We went into the same cubical and i was sitting on the toilet bowl humping her. Halfway doing it we heard the toilet door open and 2 gals came in. My heart was jumping so fast i thought it landed on the floor when they used the cubical on the left and right of us.

Fear the 2 gals will see my macho shoes and men leg hair i stand on the toilet bowl, *evil thoughts again...* I look over the cubical divider. On the left side was this poly gal and i was peeping at her like what i done to my ex. I didn't even care my ex was inside the same cubical as me and worst i was inside the gals toilet.

There i stand stare at another gal using the toilet, my ex suddenly give me a bbbj. I was at cloud 9 i tell u, she was blowing me n i was peeping... den i thought to myself, how about the gal on the right? so i turn over and look over the other side of the cubical divider. Damn another poly gal and both of them look so syt and were chit chatting. By this time my ex mouth was filled with my soldiers and this was her 1st CIM. She quickly spit them out.

Needless to say i got out of the toilet safely with the help of my ex and our usual shagging at the staircase was changed to the toilet. Just this time i was not allowed to look at other gals in the toilet (not when she was around anyway) Last 2 yrs of my poly life was the best, i can say i shag at all the gals toilet in the engine sch on all floors kinda something i would say priceless.
Condom is not 100% safe, I got a friend that wear a condom and got hit by a bus

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Old 21-10-2011, 10:46 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Happen about 15 years, was alone having breakfast at the hawker centre beside east coast lagoon, feeling bored after breakfast took a stroll down towards jetty where the fisherman parked their boat and selling their catch after returning from sea.
Feeling horny after seeing female joggers zao gen while doing sit up at the fitness corner
Walk over to a uncle and bought some big size sotong and ended up pcc and entering "her" in the public toilet,, feeling was good but the smell of the sotong on my dicky nearly make my gf vomit when she bj for me that night
She ask me why got sotong smell told her i fucked a sotong in the morning she laugh and said i bullshit.....well how to convince her that i'm telling her the truth
Old 02-12-2011, 12:28 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Been fantasizing one hot colleague everyday. well toned and SYT too bad already married. Everyday wear tight skirt to office showing sexy bum. Really want to rip off her panties and shift my shaft into her.

One day when everyone left, just had evil thought of peeing to her water bottle and wipe my dicky at the drinking area. Shake and pour away the urine since the smell too strong. The next day saw her fill the water bottle and start drinking give me a instant hardon! Since then, it have been a daily routine for me.
Old 02-12-2011, 01:41 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Did some perverted stuffs during my class chalets.

1) Act had a diarrhea and told my friends I'll stay in the chalet alone. Immediately open all the girl's bag and found their wet bra and panties in plastic bags. Sniffed all of it and cummed on a stained white panty belonged to the prettiest girl. Spread the cull all over it to make it less obvious. Wonder did she find out..

2) Cummed on a girl's shampoo.

3) Recently had a class chalet and evil thoughts running on my mind again.
This time I downloaded a spy video app on my iphone and placed it on a strategic spot in the toilet and act as if i forgot to take out together with my wallet to make it more convincing and so that the camera can capture a good view. Guess what, my planned worked. Captured 1 girl peeing and another girl showering (the prettiest one). After that girl showered, she took my phone and wallet and passed it to me without realising i have a video of her, as the app is running in the background. Immediately took my phone back and went into the toilet. Saw my two classmates clean shaved pussy and my classmate's b cup pinkish nipples. Cummed twice and left the toilet a happy man.
Old 02-12-2011, 10:39 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

haha maybe bro can share with us the video?always had this fantasy too but now no chance of class chalets le..
Old 02-12-2011, 06:34 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by vanityandwax View Post
Did some perverted stuffs during my class chalets.

1) Act had a diarrhea and told my friends I'll stay in the chalet alone. Immediately open all the girl's bag and found their wet bra and panties in plastic bags. Sniffed all of it and cummed on a stained white panty belonged to the prettiest girl. Spread the cull all over it to make it less obvious. Wonder did she find out..

2) Cummed on a girl's shampoo.

3) Recently had a class chalet and evil thoughts running on my mind again.
This time I downloaded a spy video app on my iphone and placed it on a strategic spot in the toilet and act as if i forgot to take out together with my wallet to make it more convincing and so that the camera can capture a good view. Guess what, my planned worked. Captured 1 girl peeing and another girl showering (the prettiest one). After that girl showered, she took my phone and wallet and passed it to me without realising i have a video of her, as the app is running in the background. Immediately took my phone back and went into the toilet. Saw my two classmates clean shaved pussy and my classmate's b cup pinkish nipples. Cummed twice and left the toilet a happy man.
wa share the pics with us here and it'll help SHHOOOTTT up your pts too
Old 02-12-2011, 11:13 PM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by TwinX View Post
The max I had once was 11 pieces of her panty, forgot to bring back when I book out and she run out of panty. As for my gf, she will go back home pantyless.
Brother, you are lucky that your Sergeant never conduct stand by bed
Old 03-12-2011, 02:48 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by vanityandwax View Post
3) Recently had a class chalet and evil thoughts running on my mind again.
This time I downloaded a spy video app on my iphone and placed it on a strategic spot in the toilet and act as if i forgot to take out together with my wallet to make it more convincing and so that the camera can capture a good view. Guess what, my planned worked. Captured 1 girl peeing and another girl showering (the prettiest one). After that girl showered, she took my phone and wallet and passed it to me without realising i have a video of her, as the app is running in the background. Immediately took my phone back and went into the toilet. Saw my two classmates clean shaved pussy and my classmate's b cup pinkish nipples. Cummed twice and left the toilet a happy man.
Uploaded to mediafire n share it with bros here
Old 03-12-2011, 04:02 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by raiders View Post
Brother, you are lucky that your Sergeant never conduct stand by bed
ha ha ha ha ha
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Old 14-12-2011, 01:33 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by twinchrome View Post
haha glad this thread is still alive and well after all these years
Hahaha yes this is one of the best threads ever started in here
Seldom around

Learn to accept NO for an answer unconditionally.
Old 14-12-2011, 07:27 AM
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Re: most pervert things done?

Originally Posted by vanityandwax View Post
Did some perverted stuffs during my class chalets.

1) Act had a diarrhea and told my friends I'll stay in the chalet alone. Immediately open all the girl's bag and found their wet bra and panties in plastic bags. Sniffed all of it and cummed on a stained white panty belonged to the prettiest girl. Spread the cull all over it to make it less obvious. Wonder did she find out..

2) Cummed on a girl's shampoo.

3) Recently had a class chalet and evil thoughts running on my mind again.
This time I downloaded a spy video app on my iphone and placed it on a strategic spot in the toilet and act as if i forgot to take out together with my wallet to make it more convincing and so that the camera can capture a good view. Guess what, my planned worked. Captured 1 girl peeing and another girl showering (the prettiest one). After that girl showered, she took my phone and wallet and passed it to me without realising i have a video of her, as the app is running in the background. Immediately took my phone back and went into the toilet. Saw my two classmates clean shaved pussy and my classmate's b cup pinkish nipples. Cummed twice and left the toilet a happy man.
Bro, wat app u using??
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