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Old 31-07-2006, 09:44 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by mk23
this i not sure leh? cos we went in straight away the server help us to paste sticker and carry the bottle in , 300baht is pay at the door right ? STd ma, no discount one ?
then when we order the mixers n misc stuff, i do saw my gal handling the bill before the waitress bring the bill back again. Disc or not i never see la, just saw i spend 800+baht
Well nomally if u book a farm ger and go disco in the nite. the girls will be able to ask them to give a discount. also they will get a cut from there if is still the case. it been awhile so im not sure it still work that way.

last trip b4 i got stuck with my tirak that was last yr with my friend, we both have gers n they ask the waiter to get them discount.

Hee Man
Old 31-07-2006, 09:53 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by edkoh2000
Good FR.

Ever since I came to H city 5-6 years ago, I have stayed in a few hotels before but after I found Hatyai Palace. I never changed hotel again. Everytime I come, I will stay there. My main reasons are 1) that it is away from the crowded LG area, 2) the deluxe room is the biggest I have seen so far for that kind of rate (700bht).3) There have porn channel on TV

I always used the above reasons to persuade friends who cheong with me to stay there.

However, the hotel is really not very "clean". Even hotel81 are better than their standard. This time is worst! I had cockroaches visiting me every night and aircon spoilt! My friend even had cockroaches go join him and his puying in bed. I complain to the manager and she was nice to go in the pest bustersm change the rooms for all of us. She stop short of offering even more discount though.

We nearly wanted to change hotel and visited a few around the area, namely the neo hatyai hotel, garden new wing and merlin. Still no one of them offer the 3 advantages I named with the kind of price so in the end we stayed put.

I was at waterbar the 1st night I reached here, very little people. In the past, the girls were very expensive so I assume and didnt ask. If I knew they had lower their prices, I would have ON! hahaha...not all dancers have nice faces but most do have good body.
H. Palace and Garden home use to be good that was 12 yrs ago. H. Palace the last time i stay is about 2 yr plus back, it was sucky. as what u have said got cockroaches running ard. lol i dont want cockroaches go into my mouth while i sleeping or go into some where and later my didi kanna bite =P

Garden home new is quite run down also, the paint have come off. hopefully they have repaint the place. water dripping from the aircon also.

merlin no way i staying there. whether is new or old. over my dead body i also wont stay there. got ........ mai said leow 7 mth

worst of all hotel in SKY is Asia hotel or hotel asia next to H. Palace that hotel sucks big time. so much worst then the other 3 hotel we just said.

I have the same feeling as u bro edkoh , i still love SKY alot cos it quiet and also remind me alot of the old days when i just started cheonging H. city.

The first hotel i stay was H. Palace hehehe some of the staff still there. i saw them the last time round during songkran 06, i was staying in asia hotel cos bo hotel available leow for that day ; ;

one of the staff can speak cantoness de.
Hee Man
Old 31-07-2006, 10:08 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by nanog69
Hi edkoh,

Yes, Channivet not only offer more girls, they are generally younger than those in Seekimyong. And generally, prices quoted in SKY is higher because they are suppose to offer "better" service, many cheongsters does have different opinion about it.

Channivet still have the most shop then other area like SKY and near 59 rest. area. not forgeting hatyai nai.

CV (Channivet) WL most of them stay in the house, most of them owe the okt money and had to stay there. some are not.

In my cheong days, CV is the most common place to book gers beside SKY that was in 1994. hehehe pom88 that shop n other shop near there. all the boss i use to know. cos everytime i come back with my ger to shop n eat lunch together with the girls there.

Also other shop i always go their shop talk to them n even have kopi there spending my time there with my girl. oh mine remind me the days when i was a newbie there ^^.

SKY is also another place. i use to see girls fighting over a guy in SKY. lol makes me laugh whenever i see them fight.

there was once, one of the shop boss was being gun down by mafia and 1 girl got AIDS and later die.

another incident was a girl in SKY got killed by a gunmen in garden home. think if i remember clearly is room 102 or should it be 202. it in new wing.

another area near 59( in thai) there is about 3 shop or maybe 4 shop there.

Hatyai nai i not very sure i lazy to go so far.

As for SYT or swee puying well i can just said b4 u can get them, they already been book by there sweetheart leow hehehee so unless u heng heng =) most of the good stuff normally give pple grap leow so try not to go too late ard 9.30am start walking ard most of them on their way back to shop if no extend.
Hee Man
Old 31-07-2006, 10:11 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by nanog69
You can try New Season Hotel, it is slightly more expensive at 850baht, and it is definitely clean. However the downside is that the room would not be as big as Hatyai Palace deluxe room.

else can try golden crown ard that price. is just liao sai of new season hotel then futher down is the hotel.
Hee Man
Old 31-07-2006, 10:15 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

I really dun understand the issue about the WB gers... is it really so incredible to believe that one of them offered their services for 1500baht.. ??? Maybe it was a one time offer since a friend (the WL from Channivate) 's client/customer asked.. anyway... i find it hilarious that something so simple can instifate a flame war... kekekeke...

We just post what we post ... some will believe ... others will question and disbelieve... we are not here to convince the naysayers otherwise... just to present our findings from our trips... Peace all...
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 31-07-2006, 10:17 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by bestbest
Hi Bro Pussyman,

I can still remember your motto in the old forum "cheong with a good heart" and can see you still are. But too bad, cannot up you another time.

Though i am no more familiar with the place as I was ten over years ago, I still feel very sentimental about the place and the friends there.

Cheers to PM and all
Bee Bee
yo bro, thanks for up me. yes i always believe in this, even up till now i still do that. i dont mistreat my girls, i still treat them as human. if the ger really no good i ask her go back.

there is alot of things pple have been doing that i dont agree but that is them so i dont really care.

every one make mistake including me so long we know what we are doing, it good enough. u answer for your own action and answer to no one.

there is alot of thing this fourm as a whole pple been abit over doing it and i dont really agree and i actually dont like it but it not my problem. i cant force other to believe what i think is right.

You cheong ard the sametime as me hehehe those days was much better in fact. it quiet and so much simple.

That is why till now i still like H. City and not other place. hmmm maybe also CR. i love that place alot too
Hee Man
Old 31-07-2006, 10:36 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by DeKuip
Best deal so far in Hatyai!!!!!

I have 1 old Ah Gua contact who u can take and he pay u back 50 baht, who want his contact??

So far no 1 have contact tat get money back rite???
No 1 want his contact arr??? Why need to pay 1500 baht everyone oso want the contact... this 1 u even get pay 50 baht and nobody want it??
Old 31-07-2006, 11:04 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by sibaysong4u
Agreed with you,is not how much you can paid her,is how you Sai Nai her to let u ass fcuk her I hav know 4 cat 2000bahts that allow anal and all this kangtow will onli be given to our P.O.P aka Stiffneck.....Hehehe
Did i hear ANAL!!!!
Stiffneck reporting!!!!


Did not really want to post as too many flaming going on butt once hear ANAL bo pian have to check in!!!!

Bro sibaysong4u how's life???How many ANAL had you had in H-city?The last ANAL you intro did not try ass the price range was a bit on the high side.

To be frank with you i have yet to have ANAL in H-city.Bo pian ass i really want the lady(WL or what so ever) to be very comfortable with it to try.

Thank again bro for remembering me when you think of ANAL!!!!kekekeke!!!!

Do lay tua eng di di!!!!
Puu ying khoon Thai mai ko hok mai chai puu ying???

Map of Hatyai!!!
Old 31-07-2006, 11:06 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by pussyman72

merlin no way i staying there. whether is new or old. over my dead body i also wont stay there. got ........
Talking about Merlin Hotel, still can recall when I was a newbie to Hatyai. It was highly recommended at "special" rate of 400baht. I stayed a couple of times before I discovered other better hotels when I know the place better. It was an eye-opener for me.

Old 31-07-2006, 11:11 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by sibaysong4u
Jus back fr Hcity few weeks ago,ask yr Dailo log in leh...i got some Kar Chng kangtow for him
Super slupsssssssssssssssssss........................... ...........
Puu ying khoon Thai mai ko hok mai chai puu ying???

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Old 31-07-2006, 11:12 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by KLKOOL
Oops... ... sorry horr... left out one Zero... But her photo damn sweet... for internal circulation only to protect the beauty
welcome back TSH !!!
Awaiting ur FRs....
these days thread is getting heated easily....
so which hotel u stay huh?
maybe we can come out a poll to find out which are the best hotelssssss
maybe tat will answer bro teevee's question on the comparison of novotel hdy with other hotels in h. city.
but i think ur FRs r of the highest priority here.... heehee....
Old 31-07-2006, 11:19 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by thai75food
maybe we can come out a poll to find out which are the best hotelssssss
maybe tat will answer bro teevee's question on the comparison of novotel hdy with other hotels in h. city.
but i think ur FRs r of the highest priority here.... heehee....
Yes, I also think that it will be good to have some kind of rating system for the hotels in Hatyai in this forum. A poll would definitely be a good idea, and it will also help the newbies too as it will be open and transparent.

Old 31-07-2006, 11:20 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by pussyman72
Well nomally if u book a farm ger and go disco in the nite. the girls will be able to ask them to give a discount. also they will get a cut from there if is still the case. it been awhile so im not sure it still work that way.

last trip b4 i got stuck with my tirak that was last yr with my friend, we both have gers n they ask the waiter to get them discount.

Don't think they have that at Paragon (unlike last time at Emperor/Hollywood right?).But like you said 99.999% of WL/FL can get the discount, so no big deal.

But must say that now a days a bottle of beer at Paragon is getting x.Two months ago it was still at 100 baht now 120 baht.(price after discount if no discount 150 baht)

Take care for now!!!
Puu ying khoon Thai mai ko hok mai chai puu ying???

Map of Hatyai!!!
Old 31-07-2006, 11:23 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

double posting sorry!
Puu ying khoon Thai mai ko hok mai chai puu ying???

Map of Hatyai!!!
Old 31-07-2006, 11:30 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by stiffneck
Don't think they have that at Paragon (unlike last time at Emperor/Hollywood right?).But like you said 99.999% of WL/FL can get the discount, so no big deal.
Hi bro stiffneck,

Talk about discount, can still remember my experience when first time buying cashew nuts at the night market to bring home. The old lady gave me a hefty discount after some bargaining, and I felt good. It was on the plane back when I realise that my friend got it cheaper than me.

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