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Old 09-09-2009, 04:23 AM
ottoman123 ottoman123 is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

I saw the FRs on a few WLs. I picked a few and went down to look for them

Pei Pei, L16H6 she has nice boobs. And knows how to do her bbbj well. She tongue alot as well.

Champagne L18H05. She really look japanese. She got good attitude. Also she do very good BBBJ as well.

XO L20H62 ok lah not bad mai hiam. Pussy very wet. So good loh.
Old 09-09-2009, 04:25 AM
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Re: Oops ... Are you 18 years of age??

how come suddenly kanna zap until -1?
Old 09-09-2009, 04:37 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

I went down to look see look see QQ today. Yes as the bros have said she very cute and petite. Too bad no french kissing but her service made up for her lack of french kissing.
Old 09-09-2009, 02:27 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

belated FR for Mengqi

Mengqi and Bao-er are now my dynamic duo. Have rtfed them several times, but not many FR for mengqi, so here goes

Looks - 6-7/10. Looks older then bao-er, but still not bad. Her redeeming feature are her big eyes. Very nice, especially when looking up at you while sucking your cock.

Body - 6/10 Can tell she is late twenties at least, hence in cat 100, but for her age is still very good. Slim in the right places and meat in the hips and breasts

Service - 9/10 Like bao-er, her main selling point is service. Frenching, AR, this girl does it all. In fact, for AR brothers, you have to find her. She is the only WL I ever had to tell to tone down the AR, her tongue was so far up my ass it hurt!

RTF - many times already

Best of all, only $100
Old 09-09-2009, 03:22 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

I got my pay cheque already so I decided to go down to GL. Walked around look see look see tried to look for Lele L16H6 but she occupied. The okt said can wait. But I didn't bother so I went up to L16H49.

Went in still. Didn't see any good one. Finally ask the OKT got other good ones available. He said got. I sat and waited for a while. This girl dress in black came in after that. Quite tall and classy looking. Her boobs almost like exploding out wards I thought I saw her somewhere in another house before. But don't remember where. Neber mind she looks boinkable. I paid OKT and went into the room.

I think her name is Dolly or Doris something.

So here are her stats

Look - 8/10

She has high bridge nose and big sparkling eyes. Very vixen look. Always got give CFM look.

Body - 7/10

Her curves and nice smooth. Got flesh in all the right places.

Tits - 8/10

She got a D-cup. It is nice to grab hers while doing doggy style.

Shower - 7/10

She does a good job doing boob massage in the shower she also do some BBBJ during the whole thing.

Cat-bath - 7/10

Good job with her tongue. I highly recommend her for her BBBJ. She really deep throats.

French kissing - N/A

Too bad no french kissing. But her other services makes up for this lack

AR - 6/10

She does well lah. But I think you must ask her otherwise she was almost going to skip mine

BBBJ - 9/10

She got skill. The speed is just right and she shallows your tool all the way in. Does lots of swirling with her tongue.

FJ - 7/10

I liked the doggy style. Also the missionary is quite good too.

Attitude - 7.5/10

Professional girl lah.

RTF - I think I will try again. But I wonder which house she is from. Aiyah! forgot to ask her.
Old 09-09-2009, 09:12 PM
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L18H5: Yi Ting

Last Friday night went to GL with a colleague after work, read many good FRs about this hse's WLs, there we go, reached there saw this sign 'Club 5'.

There were only 2 gals, one quite tall and the other short. I love tall gal, chose her and she showe me the way to the room. Told me she is Yi Ting, as I remembered some bros mentioned that she is pretty and I totally agreed.

Here's my statistics of Yi Ting:

Ht: shd be ard 1.65m
Bod: Nice and slim
Boobs: C or B+
Frenching: No, told me not at all. But remember some bros have it before.
AR: No
BBBj: No, only Bj. Told me she don't do BBBj. ANyway, quite good suction. 7/10
Catbath: SOP, 6/10
FJ: 5/10 I went in less than 10 thrusts, she already pushing me to thrust faster to cum. Graps me so hard that I was feeling very disturbed and totally lost the mood to bonk. Did in one position (missionary) and cum all in all less than 30 mins.

I may not be as handsome as some bros, plus I am short and round - I am shorter than her and slight more than 70kgs, but the service she rendered to me was quite a disappointment.

For those bros who supported her, this is just my opinion. If her service to me is better, I will definitely RTF her again as she is really very pretty.

Anyway, I believe some bros will get better service from her. BTW, my colleague took the gal called Tao Zi. was told service very good.

Old 09-09-2009, 09:34 PM
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L16H54A: Gou Gou

Due to the less than satisfactory bonk last Friday night, yestersday I went to GL again with my same colleague after work.

This time we tried this house, this is at the 2nd level. There were many PRCs. There again I saw this tall gal, very SYT and her boobs was WOW. Immediately told OKT I want her.

here's my statistics on Gou Gou:

Ht: Shd be ard 1.6m and above
Bod: Not slim but with baby fat at tummy, i will rate 7/10
Boobs: easily C+ or D
Catbath: very sensual and nice. Spent alot of time at this area. 8/10
AR: No
Frenching: Yes. GF was great. I love to french her. I think she is bit shy. 9/10
BBBJ: Initially was no no, I managed to get her into BBBj after painting her for 5 minutes. I will rate this area 7/10 as she may feel not comfortable doing BBBj.
FJ: A very satisfactory bonk I had since don't know when.... tried few positions before I offloaded all into her...10/10

RTF: a sounding yes. She is very pretty, very SYT and the GF is great.

BTW, my friend took Lu Lu, another tall gal. was told he ahd a staisfactory bonk too.

Old 10-09-2009, 08:11 AM
ahpong ahpong is offline
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Yuan Yuan from L16H39

Went to M13 to look for MengQi or Bao Er, but both were working. So auntie suggested to call from outside, but I said I'd wait. Whoever came out first, I'd take. More than half an hour later still no news. Then room 1 door opened a slim lady walk out, look a bit like BaoEr but slimmer. Asked auntie who's that, auntie also didn't know. Auntie asked her to introduce herself. She said her name was Yuan Yuan. Looked my type, so on. Paid $150 to auntie and in we went.

She is tall, almost 170 cm (a bit less than that she said), fair, slim (hence only have xiao long bao, but pink nipples) and still have the necessary curves. I like her butt. She also have a pretty face, almond face (瓜子脸), like those faces you'll see in a Japanese cartoon.

She is new, she's here for 9 days only. So she may be a bit green. As soon as we closed the door, battle started right away. We hugged, kissed and raba raba everywhere. She has nice smooth skin and nice scent. Nothing happened in the bath room other than a thorough wash-up with some raba raba.

In the bed, she wanted to service me, but I offerred my service to her first. Sucked her nice pink nipples and then headed south. At first, she is not use to painting, but after the awhile seemed to enjoy it. Nicely trimmed pussy with nice smell (differently people have different definition of nice smell from there). I stayed there for a good 10 to 15 minutes, just couldn't get myself off the nice abalone. Until she cummed.

Then her turn to service me. Catbath was nice, I asked for bj. enough suction to wake up my little brother and did her one position only, my favourite missionary where I can admire her look while pumping. Shot my load and we rested with her inside my arms. great gfe.
Old 10-09-2009, 01:56 PM
tunku tunku is offline
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yuan yuan 1939

bro, how is her frenching?

sounds like my type must try when i get back hehe

Originally Posted by ahpong View Post
Yuan Yuan from L16H39

Went to M13 to look for MengQi or Bao Er, but both were working. So auntie suggested to call from outside, but I said I'd wait. Whoever came out first, I'd take. More than half an hour later still no news. Then room 1 door opened a slim lady walk out, look a bit like BaoEr but slimmer. Asked auntie who's that, auntie also didn't know. Auntie asked her to introduce herself. She said her name was Yuan Yuan. Looked my type, so on. Paid $150 to auntie and in we went.

She is tall, almost 170 cm (a bit less than that she said), fair, slim (hence only have xiao long bao, but pink nipples) and still have the necessary curves. I like her butt. She also have a pretty face, almond face (¹Ï×ÓÁ³£©, like those faces you'll see in a Japanese cartoon.

She is new, she's here for 9 days only. So she may be a bit green. As soon as we closed the door, battle started right away. We hugged, kissed and raba raba everywhere. She has nice smooth skin and nice scent. Nothing happened in the bath room other than a thorough wash-up with some raba raba.

In the bed, she wanted to service me, but I offerred my service to her first. Sucked her nice pink nipples and then headed south. At first, she is not use to painting, but after the awhile seemed to enjoy it. Nicely trimmed pussy with nice smell (differently people have different definition of nice smell from there). I stayed there for a good 10 to 15 minutes, just couldn't get myself off the nice abalone. Until she cummed.

Then her turn to service me. Catbath was nice, I asked for bj. enough suction to wake up my little brother and did her one position only, my favourite missionary where I can admire her look while pumping. Shot my load and we rested with her inside my arms. great gfe.
Old 10-09-2009, 02:38 PM
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Re: yuan yuan 1939

Originally Posted by tunku View Post
bro, how is her frenching?

sounds like my type must try when i get back hehe
A bit reluctant at first, up to you to work your way in.

Some gals don't like to french after you have eaten albalone.
Old 11-09-2009, 03:10 PM
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Smile Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Originally Posted by tonchs View Post
halo bro jackme1, how can u say kaka looks n srv is not so gd? Maybe yr expectation is super high. She"s the only prc i ever bonk almost 40 times since she arrive. To me she the most sexy babe prc i ever bonk in gl. Cheers!
Sorry bro...not for me. Hope you and other bros continue to enjoy her fruits.
Old 11-09-2009, 03:16 PM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

u know, i can over-'look' tiny baby leg hairs and maybe even the occassional hairy bush...i seriously dunno what's with PRC WLs and hairy bush, white tiger? mean ok, ang-mo girls have body hair too, some might say...but at least they mostly (ex. Italians? I doubt so too and I used to know several Italians myself) shave their armpits and their bush...their forearm hairs..well..ok, tough to shave and maybe hesitant...ok, i understand..for ang-mo girls with blonde body hair...i can overlook as it's not visually obvious...but not for asians...their hair is mostly black...thus highly visible..

coming back to the topic of PRC WLs.....with my eyes shut, i can even forgive their moustache 'cos most girls would not wanna shave that area unless absolutely necessary and if bleach that area, i believe, is damn painful on that sensitive upper lip area

...but what really takes the cake is hairy armpits....i am not talking about the shaven stubble but long hairs on the armpits...ok, i know that some girls are afraid to shave that area 'cos scared of thicker re-growth..but least pluck them out...sorry, just a sec while i puke...

...oh, don't get me started on nipple hair...believe me, i have seen it in g-land..

where is the quality control by okts when they bring in PRC girls these days? at least the malaysian WLs are better at the hairness issue.
Old 11-09-2009, 10:35 PM
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Taozi L1805

After reading so many good FRs on this gal, decided to sneek a peek. Indeed she looked very young & fresh, smiles pretty alot when I dropped by on Monday. Today I decided to try her out.....but it turned out to be a boo boo.

Called OKT & confirm slot wif her. Zipped down on time & saw her in a body hugging blue dress...face as fresh as ever. She was treating to an injury on her leg....found out that she had a bad fall the night before,hands,legs...some bruises...poor gal.

Fast hands,she led me to the mating room...1st time in this house..very tiny room but nice deco,lotsa mirrors all over the room...nice lightings as well.
We did some tcss,then I have to hug her....she did not take the initiative..sigh..she undresses herself while I undressed mine own.
Went into the crampy shower room, cause of her injury,she did not take the I got quite a crappy shower from a WL...rated worst ever...nvm,cos she injured mah.
Proceed to bed,she came over,had to position her legs to avoid her bruise,gave me a soso catbath...actually just a super weak boobs massage which made me sleepy...then licked on my nips for short while & thats it.Worst catbath from WL.
Then she gave me a Bbbj,should be was just alright,slow motion wif not much suction,sensous though when she stares at me...her pretty face...did a few positions on quite satisfied.
I wanted to service her...she pushed me away!!! WTF??! cannot paint her anywhere at all...says she does not feel well....wat a F#!% excuse.
She no choice,gave another round of I went for it.
After awhile,she capped me & I started the engine rolling....I tried to kiss her...she also dun want....did not even look at me when I bonking her...super sian & my bro turun senjata....she tried to revive it,I told her just hj will do..very sian....after 5mins,unloaded out into open space.

Overall a BIG disappointment after my high expectations.Considered one of my worst bonk in many.
She says bcos she does not feel well...I told her off,if she cant do it then better not take any customers...will tarnish her rep.She says next time will do better,as if I want to gamble....once bitten twice shy....adieu man.
Sign...bros, maybe u have better luck on her.
No ratings to provide. I emphatize her for her injuries,but rejecting this & tat,wtf,lame excuse,poor service standards,waste of gd $$$ spent.

Last edited by devion; 11-09-2009 at 10:40 PM. Reason: spelling
Old 12-09-2009, 08:21 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

i have the same lousy experience with Taozi, so disappointed i shall not comment on how i wasted my $120 (30mins).
My advise is give her a miss...
Old 14-09-2009, 01:39 AM
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Re: GL 150cats FRs list

Last night I went down to look for Champagne 1805 again, I was pretty gian. she was not available as she was serving other clients. So I sat outside and wait. Waited for nearly 30 mins, buay tahan liao... My cock was steaming at full power already. Asked the OKT how long more and he recommended other girls first. But I didn’t want.. haha .. I only wanted her...

Finally after another 3 minutes or so... she finally appeared. She seemed a little tired.. most prob must be shagged after the last session. But she was still as pretty as ever. She smiled at me and brought me into room.

Once in the room, she suddenly became chirpy, and playful. Almost immediately she wanted to show me her wares. She stripped herself naked and my eyes dropped and focused on the two cute looking boobs with light brownish nipples. Sensing my horniess, she started teasing me by softly massaging the grapefruits whilst licking her lips.

Once in the bath, the usual spread of lotion, and then she gave me tits massage from the back whilst slipping her hand between my legs. I toyed with her boobs and licked her nipples. Once outside, she pushed me against the walled mirror, and knelt down, and tongued me all around the shaft teasing. This was one good teaser. Cold mirror on my back and warm teasing in front. Suddenly she engulfed me and slowly withdrawed with eyes looking teasingly at me, and again and again.

On the bed, she continued to polish the shaft lying down, kneeling, lying on my side, seated, doggie. She will take me to explosion point and then stop. Felt like eternity. Finally I could not take it anymore. Yet she continued to tease me tickling the tip her tongue and occassionally engulfing it whole. I told her to stop but she continued and asked me to CIM. She continued to lick the cum off... Fucking shiok

After that, she used the fire and ice treatment to revive my DIDI. She then requested for 69. Her pussy was nicely trimmed and sweet smelling. I let my tongue dart ard her clit and in no time she was grinding her pussy into my face. She said cannot tahan liao then rolled the rubber onto my rock hard prick. She wanted to turn but i asked her to mount me while facing away. This let me play with her ass while i pump away at her sloshing pussy. I could feel her pussy walls gripping my entire length as I see it from all angles entering repeatedly her hot hole.

She then say very tired liao so I lay her down and mounted her spread eagle style. I pumped her harder and harder and she was moaning with ecstasy. I could feel myself beginning to realize the imminent eruption so I slowed down to her dismay. I then turned her around to my favourite doggie style. Her hand grabbed my cock from under and guided it into her lovely tunnel to restore back her lost momentum. I gradually increased our pace and for each hard thrust I gave, she returned just as furiously. we continued on for a while and by now our pace was blinding causing her to moan louder and louder. I knew I had reached the point of return when i felt her quiver and her head dropped down on the mattress in exhaustion. I gave one final lunge and shot out my load in her.

I think with each visit her becomes more enthusiastic leh. This very good. I will RTF more loh.

Face wise : very cute taking into consideration also she is jap half blood.
Figure: curvasous
She has a good height and fair skin to go along with it.
I tried to french kiss her but not allow yet.
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