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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 05-12-2003, 02:22 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Ah Xin fr

Originally posted by Explorer2
Hahahah....... so does A-XIN hang out at 51 Jazzy??
Have u tried that place and checked out the babes there??
any recommendation??
I think I went few times recently...
got couple of them quite pretty...

Ling Ling stands out...
then Bao Bao, Elva, A-Yong and so on...
there used to be a Sung last month...
have not brought them upstairs though...
Bro, care to describe Ling Ling in details like who she often hang around. A lot of them have very similar names and most i know by their viet names and not working names.

Please describe leh, cos my friend wanna know ling ling after reading your posting. If they are who i think they are. Bao Bao just came back recently but her younger sister is much prettier. A-yong is a little over the hill. Elva, not sure who. As for sung, is she the one who dun speak english well and often dress in one piece dress.............
Old 05-12-2003, 02:26 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ah Xin fr

Originally posted by darkstar
a-xin from blue star/lagoon area, not 51....yah i know 51 got many young babes but its a little crowded/noisy sometimes...very dif to relax....dat's y i prefer the blue area....just my 2 cents

if u want 51 expert....bro lament's the guy.....tho he semi-retire liao
well, though in semi-retirement mode, I can still visit my gf's relatives still here mah. Can go and pay my respect to them mah. Though i have to relax one corner.

This is why this days i stay in the no-fly zone between the 51 & 181 parallel. Else kenna force to land my plane by coalition forces patrolling the area.
Old 05-12-2003, 02:38 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ah Xin fr

Originally posted by darkstar
cost wise.................1 jug abt $27 - hh even cheaper about 20
and location.............middle of joo chiat rd beside 81 sakura n opera
tips is it abt the same? $10, $20, $
room style or open pub concept? pub concept w high tables/stools
need to open bottle? ........not unless u wanna...its quite reasonale price.-chivas about $165+

Pubs in this zone chares between 20 - 23 per jug depending on timing. Beacuse of nut charges thats y higher. Just like 51, per jug is 28 but 1st jug always charge $4 for nuts and $1 for towels. Such charges are often waived for regulars.

Tips- is always the same.

This zone the pubs have no rooms so its up to u if u wanna open a bottle.

Concept is the same as JC but due to fact that JC is split between karaoke & pub area, this area's pubs are not. So dun be surprised to hear old man singing.
Old 05-12-2003, 02:45 PM
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Re: Re: Ah Xin fr

Originally posted by Explorer2
Bro, well written!!
very long never read such steamy FR already!!
You have given me the confidence to bring girls along Joo Chiat upstairs!!
Becos I have always thought that these type of FL just interested in making us hard and quickly get it over done with!! hardly much cat bath and service... that is why i never really dare to go for them...
recently my frens and I are quite keen on 51 Jazzy, have been going down....
just wondering whether the Viets there provide good service in general??
Problems has nothing to do with Viet gals, its the same weven if you go pick up a girl. If the gal like u, they give better service else its just a shoot and forget game.

So all this sometimes boils down to your relationship and at times its the professionalism of the gal. On whole, thai services are still the best.

Area 51 is still my favourite but now i contented to sit back & relax. The past 3 days I have been going home early. Maybe should really go & pay my respects there.
Old 05-12-2003, 02:54 PM
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Bro Darkstar.... U got PM.
Old 05-12-2003, 04:55 PM
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wah darkstar, u now king of joo chiat, better than me sia..... u go there barely few weeks got people pm you already.

Resigned to the fact that I have to live out my life in retirement........

dun make me "jiang hu" come back.......

anyway, darkie sms me if a-xin worth it, my friend wanna try .... he say your FR make him hard ....... i not interested......
Old 05-12-2003, 05:59 PM
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Originally posted by poolhot
Bro Darkstar.... U got PM.
reply u liao
looking forward cheong w u
Old 05-12-2003, 06:02 PM
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Re: Re: Ah Xin fr

Originally posted by lament
Bastard, U never post FR on Viet gals and now post this kind of FR, trying to tempt me out of my retirement.

Well one thing are her nuts real and thats all i really want to know, seems like a C-cupper for her small frame.
u forget oredi....u'r the one who ask me to fr......remember?
not 100% sure if her nuts r real or not...most prob not..but its real soft n nice to touch....silky n creamy too....hmmmm
Old 05-12-2003, 06:10 PM
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Originally posted by lament

wah darkstar, u now king of joo chiat, better than me sia..... u go there barely few weeks got people pm you already.

Resigned to the fact that I have to live out my life in retirement........

dun make me "jiang hu" come back.......

anyway, darkie sms me if a-xin worth it, my friend wanna try .... he say your FR make him hard ....... i not interested......
dun worry....i never plan to be king of anywhere....i like to cheong n move on new frontier but somehow dis j c area like magnet keep pullin me back....
anw, i will nvr be able to touch u......u'r my shufu of j c n dat will nvr change.....n my viet lingo oso no where close to yrs.....onli know a few words lah..

on a-xin....worth evry penny as long as u dun keep askin if her nehneh real or not.....its real soft n nice enuf.

Old 05-12-2003, 06:12 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Ah Xin fr

Originally posted by darkstar
u forget oredi....u'r the one who ask me to fr......remember?
not 100% sure if her nuts r real or not...most prob not..but its real soft n nice to touch....silky n creamy too....hmmmm
I never ask you to FR, you tried a few there mah but never FR mah. All I wanted to really is if she has real nuts not surgically enhanced. Seems like you the expert not sure .........

i remember asking u to book her and u say dunno got energy or not, next thing u tell me u book her .....

anyway, any ops let me know. retirement no fun........
Old 05-12-2003, 06:32 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Ah Xin fr

Originally posted by lament
I never ask you to FR, you tried a few there mah but never FR mah. All I wanted to really is if she has real nuts not surgically enhanced. Seems like you the expert not sure .........

i remember asking u to book her and u say dunno got energy or not, next thing u tell me u book her .....

anyway, any ops let me know. retirement no fun........
its true my energy level vry low....even cheong factor oso low...n i did tell her oso...we supposed to bonk another day....but last min wen her other two cus walk out w/o paying her.....i changed plan n decided to do the job right away so at least her nite not so wasted...n she appreciated dat.....

dun worry wen i go j c sure sms u 1....rem y'r my shufu of j c

Old 05-12-2003, 06:43 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ah Xin fr

Originally posted by lament
Bro, care to describe Ling Ling in details like who she often hang around. A lot of them have very similar names and most i know by their viet names and not working names.

Please describe leh, cos my friend wanna know ling ling after reading your posting. If they are who i think they are. Bao Bao just came back recently but her younger sister is much prettier. A-yong is a little over the hill. Elva, not sure who. As for sung, is she the one who dun speak english well and often dress in one piece dress.............

Bro Lament,

Honestly speaking, Ling ling is the undisputed Beauty queen there at 51!! I have been there abt 5 times, and she has always no doubt been a head turner!!
Best part is she does not look lian.. she has an Awesome Hour Glass figure (jus like Christy Chung type of figure!) Her boobs are big, fair, soft and creamy!! C+ approaching D. she knows how to dress, especially when she reveals a deep cleavage that guys will die for....
thinking of her now makes me hard.... her face has this innocent look!! just like IVY lee!! abit elegant lao chio look though she is only 24-25.... the type of innocence that if you go hard on her, she will rather commit suicide... the type if u bring her out during weekends with your frens, they will think she's your GF!

as for sung, i also like her..... she is also a C cupper!! got the very type of sultry look.... such that if she blows for you, very easy to cum in her.... cos her eyes and tongue sing the same tune!! to make you cum in her!!
Old 05-12-2003, 06:44 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ah Xin fr

Originally posted by darkstar
its true my energy level vry low....even cheong factor oso low...n i did tell her oso...we supposed to bonk another day....but last min wen her other two cus walk out w/o paying her.....i changed plan n decided to do the job right away so at least her nite not so wasted...n she appreciated dat.....

dun worry wen i go j c sure sms u 1....rem y'r my shufu of j c

Thanks for e prompt reply. Tis ah xin sound good........ Hope she can be as good as some MMs....

Old 05-12-2003, 07:13 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ah Xin fr

Originally posted by Explorer2
Bro Lament,

Honestly speaking, Ling ling is the undisputed Beauty queen there at 51!! I have been there abt 5 times, and she has always no doubt been a head turner!!
Best part is she does not look lian.. she has an Awesome Hour Glass figure (jus like Christy Chung type of figure!) Her boobs are big, fair, soft and creamy!! C+ approaching D. she knows how to dress, especially when she reveals a deep cleavage that guys will die for....
thinking of her now makes me hard.... her face has this innocent look!! just like IVY lee!! abit elegant lao chio look though she is only 24-25.... the type of innocence that if you go hard on her, she will rather commit suicide... the type if u bring her out during weekends with your frens, they will think she's your GF!

as for sung, i also like her..... she is also a C cupper!! got the very type of sultry look.... such that if she blows for you, very easy to cum in her.... cos her eyes and tongue sing the same tune!! to make you cum in her!!
wah dis 51 so happening.....must shift my target up north oredi...kekeke
Old 08-12-2003, 09:16 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ah Xin fr

Originally posted by Explorer2
Bro Lament,
Honestly speaking, Ling ling is the undisputed Beauty queen there at 51!! I have been there abt 5 times, and she has always no doubt been a head turner!!

thinking of her now makes me hard.... her face has this innocent look!! just like IVY lee!! abit elegant lao chio look though she is only 24-25.... the type of innocence that if you go hard on her, she will rather commit suicide... the type if u bring her out during weekends with your frens, they will think she's your GF!
Bor, your words are poetry to my ears and describe no more, the more you write the more temptations to popo back into the scene .....................

I now whiling away my time, have a dink or 2 and shoot pool enuff oredi. Besides, my gf's flight schedule for arrival next week.......
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