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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 30-07-2015, 08:08 PM
antares79 antares79 is offline
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Re: People's Park

Yeah peoples park is getting quieter, had a decent place I went to a few times, PRC lady, I knew her by chance...
FYI I'm not SG locals, more like permanent visitor haha, so one day I happen to stay in hotel nearby, had some errands to do in PP area
Was about to go back to hotel when I passed by this small massage, looked legit n the lady didnt look like she's onto something fishy so I thought WTH, legs got tired anyway, so I went in n took 90 mins massage...
Decent technique, good strength, did the full 90 no cheating time, first time nothing happened...., I wasn't expecting anything anyway haha, $75 for the massage, n so I went there a couple more times in a span of probably 3-4 months everytime I visited SG again....

Anyway...., this happened mayb on the 4th or so visit, by now she remembered me well, now she was friendlier, plus I understand mandarin so chat was a bit easier
First few massages were with loose pants on, this time she non chalantly pulled my pants off completely as I was lying face down, saying it's more convenient, I said whatever....
Did the same routine, still good massage but then at one point she pushed my legs wider apart, more than I was prepared for, rather embarrassed actually
By now she was more willing to explore my upper inner thighs n butts, every now n then kneading the perineum, spider sense tingling hahaha, I kinda got the idea but try to stay cool tho it was rather overwhelming....
Flipped over, stiff pole was on plain sight, she said she will take care of it later with a smile....
Continued normal massage for mayb 15-20 mins, then the finale, firm grip on the stick with thumb downside, the other hand locking at the base, rotating grip while pulling the stick to all directions, just like gaming stick haha, she said its good for stamina n some other stuff I wasn't really sure about (u couldn't really think of anything under such circumstance hahaha)
Sure enuff in less than 10 mins I shot everything, she cleaned all, served tea hav a chat, gave her $150 in all, she didn't say anything bid me safe journey

I went back for 3-4 more times, the last visit she basically gave me more than half an hour cock treatment, from behind n JG like treatment, still $150 all in
That's my XP, haven't visited SG again for almost 5 months now, wonder if she's still around....
Old 31-07-2015, 08:44 PM
torrokey torrokey is offline
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Re: People's Park

heard that they offended some customers or business rivals, so someone report to mata regularly on them

people park is not safe for the next 1 month minimally, with NDP and election coming.

If they really offended ppl, and ppl want to sabo them, confirm very risky to play there.

Originally Posted by johnn View Post
level 2 is Level two,
not consider as level 2.
kenna raid, last month.

Walk pass the toy shop row, can see no business,
badly affected.
Old 31-07-2015, 09:51 PM
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Re: People's Park

Originally Posted by antares79 View Post
Yeah peoples park is getting quieter, had a decent place I went to a few times, PRC lady, I knew her by chance...
FYI I'm not SG locals, more like permanent visitor haha, so one day I happen to stay in hotel nearby, had some errands to do in PP area
Was about to go back to hotel when I passed by this small massage, looked legit n the lady didnt look like she's ,,,,,,
nice report..
but ppl park centre,ppl park complex,
which shop, lady willing to do 90min?
thats good.
better spend time pull in another carot.

they are meant to be fuck and forget.

Last edited by johnn; 31-07-2015 at 10:12 PM.
Old 31-07-2015, 10:16 PM
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Talking Re: People's Park

Originally Posted by 3umbrellas View Post
paiseh bro i thought level 1 was like 2nd floor at that building yes is go up escalator from ground floor. so I guess it is considered level 2 where theres a sex shop there. anyway I dun wanna confuse brothers any further there is a wechat to add if I get banned then too bad good things must share. Nicole7081 is the ID just try it out seems like alot of brothers out there kept calling her when I was with her.
you say...
lvl one is like lvl two,
so consider as level 2,
cant find any sex shop, only sex- toy shop.
its different.
Old 02-08-2015, 12:17 AM
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Re: People's Park

Originally Posted by torrokey View Post
heard that they offended some customers or business rivals, so someone report to mata regularly on them

people park is not safe for the next 1 month minimally, with NDP and election coming.

If they really offended ppl, and ppl want to sabo them, confirm very risky to play there.
all hair dressing salon got checked, secret room open up and check.
too foolish to hv a massage there.
tcm is better bet, and safe.
Old 02-08-2015, 01:29 AM
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Re: People's Park

Aiyah, TS talk a lot. But damn confusing.

Is People's Park Complex. Level 2, the hair saloon shop nearest to the toilet. I only know there was one gal there. A bit dark and tall. Damn wild.

You can try you luck with her for very special service if you know her better.
Old 02-08-2015, 06:50 AM
antares79 antares79 is offline
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Re: People's Park

Sorry not being clear, people park centre, the one with maybank on the ground, yeah I found out all the shit with raids, kinda risky back then to think of it now
Old 02-08-2015, 10:05 PM
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Re: People's Park

Originally Posted by eEconomist View Post
Aiyah, TS talk a lot. But damn confusing.

Is People's Park Complex. Level 2, the hair saloon shop nearest to the toilet. I only know there was one gal there. A bit dark and tall. Damn wild.

You can try you luck with her for very special service if you know her better.
dark lady..indian milf?
Old 03-08-2015, 05:26 AM
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Re: People's Park

Originally Posted by bedokMassage View Post
dark lady..indian milf?
you can find that in Little India but not ChinaTown...
Old 03-08-2015, 10:15 PM
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Re: People's Park

lili massage very good, will not pop question,
At only yuya ppl park complex. ,then can find her.
Very rare prc ,no pop golden question.
Old 05-08-2015, 01:32 PM
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A little review on there & the ml whose name is so called "Nicole" . Had her wechat in my phone for quite sometimes .. From pics , look not so bad . Ok cut short now . Actually before the night I went to find this Nicole , I actually had a quick hj without any massage from a lady along the 2nd level salon . Saw her closing the door but she still waved and asked me if I want to get a special service . At first was quoted $80 so I rejected and pretend that I'm in a rush but after few seconds , she quoted me $60 , as I was the last customer .
Overall : Not too bad .
So last night , out of my curiosity and blame it on my backside or birdy itchy I went to msg this "Nicole" on wechat and make a appointment at 10pm which I feel it will be very safe around that closing timing . First , she was still serving another customer when I make the appointment with her at 10 . I reached and the door wasn't lock , so I went in . She was serving her customer behind the so called hidden mirror in the salon shop . I knew it because I went to push the secret hidden door & she said she has a customer in . Really super not safe at all ! Secondly now . I paid $30 entrance fee , while I also being served I was told hj was less than a 100 which was quoted 80 . So I went on with it without any massaging . After awhile she started popping qus like how about blowing for another 30 ? I agreed . After less than 5mins , she asked me if I wanna get my ass licked ? I said it's ok but she went on and do it and charge another 30 . Then she said how about a full service for 180 ? I said Im lazy and not in the mood but she still went on to take a condom and capped on me and automatically ride me . Due to my lil bro reaction , I just get on with it . After riding for awhile she asked if I wanna anal for another 50 ? I straight rejected with a very serious face . As it goes on , she asked me if I tried shooting in mouth before i pretended saying no . Then when I was gonna explode , she automatically again blowed me and sucked my load out . After I released she said cim will be charged another $20 . Already shoot inside and got no choice I paid . Overall the amount I paid is $30 entrance + $200 full services .
Just wanna warn all the brothers here don't be a Robert or Carrot like me . Definitely not gonna rtf the whole people's park complex & of course this particular "Nicole"
Old 05-08-2015, 05:17 PM
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Re: People's Park

Is this the shop nearest to the toilet? Wow $230 can get a Korean in a nice hotel already and better quality product probably.
Old 05-08-2015, 05:49 PM
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Re: People's Park

Originally Posted by wtcxxx View Post
Is this the shop nearest to the toilet? Wow $230 can get a Korean in a nice hotel already and better quality product probably.
That's the problem when small head over ride the big head. Unless her looks cmi. Tks TS for the FR, save alot of bros of their hard earn money.
Old 05-08-2015, 07:36 PM
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Re: People's Park

Originally Posted by romidogdog View Post
That's the problem when small head over ride the big head. Unless her looks cmi. Tks TS for the FR, save alot of bros of their hard earn money.
unless cmi?
still want?
Old 05-08-2015, 07:36 PM
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Re: People's Park

Originally Posted by romidogdog View Post
That's the problem when small head over ride the big head. Unless her looks cmi. Tks TS for the FR, save alot of bros of their hard earn money.
willing to pay unless she look super model.
.................................................. ..................
bro beck thk for the review, also let ts know also .
room behind mirror is quite away from toilet.
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