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Old 09-12-2008, 05:37 AM
jamesiandvi jamesiandvi is offline
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Re: straits time Stomp - report on sp'ore prostitution

Every time we are criticised, our first reaction is to point to the hypocrisy of the critic. No government is perfect and of course there's always an element of self-interest and hypocrisy. But the question we should ask is, what is in Singapore's interest, and how do we make it a better place? Just because the critic is a hypocrite doesn't make his criticisms unfounded. Singapore is doing jack shit wrt human trafficking.

If somebody can cite me government policy papers, KPIs, statistics, news reports to prove me wrong, go ahead. I will accept my mistake. But I haven't seen any action on the part of our government yet.

And the links between al-Jazeera and al-Qaeda and Osama are unproven. Al-Jazeera is a Qatari international news network, run by a Sheikh. They've got a business to run. The English wing has BBC, CNN and Fox to compete with. In fact, they were perceived as anti-Saudi (Wahhabi) that some Saudis set up their own news agency al-Arabiyya to compete. So get your facts right. And if anyone has seen their news reports on youtube will agree that they report with integrity. And nobody out there should be a naive fool enough to believe that news agencies are 'objective' - nobody is, not even our beloved CNA. Nobody can be totally objective, but as long as they report with compassion and integrity, I'm ok with it. And I think this report was made with compassion and integrity.

I know a lot of the girls come here voluntarily, but the onus on any good government is to ensure that there isn't any sex slavery here - do we have any laws to ensure that? Any enforcement mechanisms?

feel free to disagree with me
Old 09-12-2008, 08:35 AM
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Re: straits time Stomp - report on sp'ore prostitution

Originally Posted by jamesiandvi View Post
Every time we are criticised, our first reaction is to point to the hypocrisy of the critic. No government is perfect and of course there's always an element of self-interest and hypocrisy. But the question we should ask is, what is in Singapore's interest, and how do we make it a better place? Just because the critic is a hypocrite doesn't make his criticisms unfounded. Singapore is doing jack shit wrt human trafficking.

If somebody can cite me government policy papers, KPIs, statistics, news reports to prove me wrong, go ahead. I will accept my mistake. But I haven't seen any action on the part of our government yet.

And the links between al-Jazeera and al-Qaeda and Osama are unproven. Al-Jazeera is a Qatari international news network, run by a Sheikh. They've got a business to run. The English wing has BBC, CNN and Fox to compete with. In fact, they were perceived as anti-Saudi (Wahhabi) that some Saudis set up their own news agency al-Arabiyya to compete. So get your facts right. And if anyone has seen their news reports on youtube will agree that they report with integrity. And nobody out there should be a naive fool enough to believe that news agencies are 'objective' - nobody is, not even our beloved CNA. Nobody can be totally objective, but as long as they report with compassion and integrity, I'm ok with it. And I think this report was made with compassion and integrity.

I know a lot of the girls come here voluntarily, but the onus on any good government is to ensure that there isn't any sex slavery here - do we have any laws to ensure that? Any enforcement mechanisms?

feel free to disagree with me
hello bro jamesiandvi,

do you know what are u talking about?

1. Prostitution is the oldest trade in the world. Alomost every country in the world has it except may be the Vatican, if you call that small area a country.

USA, Europe and western countries probably has the highest numbers of prostitutes in the world. Are they doing any thing about it? They have legalised all the vices.

2. The Arabs are famous for their harems. Where are the women from?

U can ask the Interpol. A lot of women gone missing worldwide, a large percent of the sex slaves goes to the Arab Peninsula, cos they are in the enslaved by the sex hungry sheikhs and the culprits are untouchables. They are blatantly doing it cos they are oily rich.

3. links between al-Jazeera and al-Qaed not proven?

They have been promoting the 'jihad' mujadhudden causes. I see that as an implicit link. It is the action, do we need proof?
Old 09-12-2008, 08:54 AM
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Re: straits time Stomp - report on sp'ore prostitution

Way to go bro Michael
Old 09-12-2008, 09:17 AM
spinner_kl spinner_kl is offline
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Re: straits time Stomp - report on sp'ore prostitution

Originally Posted by louis2002 View Post
Actually prostitution help reducing the crime rate of molest & rape.....

Imagine Sillipore no prostitutes....... Where the hell those single man/ sailors who dock in our port gonna release.......

All Silliporean girls will be in danger......... (especially those chio ones)...

I once heard many years back.... People Republic of China ex-premier Yang Shang Kun 杨尚昆 visited Sillipore. He asked our Sillipore garment official accompanying him if there is prostitution here.......

Our official replied yes.............. Its controlled within some specific areas and the girls are screened regularly.........

Why are we doing so!!!!!!!! Controlling them is better than letting them go "underground" where there isn't any control..........

But now with the great influx of the FL in this Sillipore island............ The great plan of "control" is getting out of control.........

My 2 cents worth............
after got back home, he decided to issue millions of MILF, Girls and new migrants to SEA. ten million Ladies Army spread all over, no control, apply for english course, satisfy the hungry men...

Now, how to control with a little handphone ans sms you ' lai mah, lai mah, .."
and " love you.." sms...

everyday china save 3 millions bowls of rice for a million ' lady army out of china' . Thank you chonger
Old 09-12-2008, 10:13 AM
ganbei ganbei is offline
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Re: straits time Stomp - report on sp'ore prostitution

Originally Posted by michaelrocksam View Post
hello bro jamesiandvi,

do you know what are u talking about?

1. Prostitution is the oldest trade in the world. Alomost every country in the world has it except may be the Vatican, if you call that small area a country.

USA, Europe and western countries probably has the highest numbers of prostitutes in the world. Are they doing any thing about it? They have legalised all the vices.

2. The Arabs are famous for their harems. Where are the women from?

U can ask the Interpol. A lot of women gone missing worldwide, a large percent of the sex slaves goes to the Arab Peninsula, cos they are in the enslaved by the sex hungry sheikhs and the culprits are untouchables. They are blatantly doing it cos they are oily rich.

3. links between al-Jazeera and al-Qaed not proven?

They have been promoting the 'jihad' mujadhudden causes. I see that as an implicit link. It is the action, do we need proof?
Well said bro.

One swallow does not a summer make.

There may be some girls here who are forced to work their way home. But we are certainly not alone on this. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

Its not the government that is at fault. The love of money is the root of all evil.
Old 09-12-2008, 12:16 PM
LostALau LostALau is offline
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Re: straits time Stomp - report on sp'ore prostitution

Every coin has two sides. The US has done both good and bad. It applies to any country or individual. As long as there is existence, there is good and bad. Only the state of non-existence has neither good nor bad. So am I good or bad, I can tell you for sure : 'BOTH'. So praise me if I am good. If you find me bad, go ahead and scold me. I am happy about that because I know I still exist. Sounds confusing? Life itself is a GREAT CONFUSION.
Old 09-12-2008, 06:28 PM
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Re: straits time Stomp - report on sp'ore prostitution

Originally Posted by hehfun View Post
The article is from straits time Stomp

The main issue, according to the report, with regard to the prostitution in Singapore, is determining which women are doing it voluntarily and which are victims of sex trafficking.

The report also says the United States has criticised Singapore for not doing enough to combat sex trafficking, putting it in the same category as countries such as Cambodia and Sierra Leone.

whether they r forced or willing party.. wat's tat got to do with the americans?!
they think they r saints? or really the world police?
talk like there's no pro in america..

they can't even solve their own problems, yet keep poking their fucking dick into other people matters..

really can't stand their arrogance towards the asia countries..

Old 09-12-2008, 07:00 PM
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Re: straits time Stomp - report on sp'ore prostitution

As most of the pictures were taken from Geylang, let me talk about geylang.

Don't some bros here think that Geylang is really going down the drain?
The traffic there (both human and vehicular) is terrible. Can you imagine being stuck in a traffic jam at 2am??? Seriously, I hate that place but love the food, hehe. Can any bro enlighten me on what the relevant authorities are doing to curb the influx of FLs to Geylang? I think to really raid geylang, anti vice and ICA will need at least 50 buses to truck the FLs back to station Take a walk along the back alleys and what will you see? Drug traffickers and abusers, gambling tables and everything! Personally, I think geylang is going down the shithole. Oh btw, I used to frequent GL's "fishtanks" about 8 - 10 years ago but the place has changed for the worse.

As for the street walkers, yes, some were duped into coming here. But most come willingly. Singaporeans, sexually repressed for the better part of our early years, are now just slowly opening our eyes to the wonders of "sex". And with our better earning power and CPF, we just spend and spend on FLs to try to act out our porn fantasies. So which FL will not come?

Ya, the USA, *sigh*, can't settle their own country's problems but butting in here and there. It's no secret that americans revolve around US of A and nothing outside. Look at the UK, Europe and the rest of the world, not as self absorbed.

I miss my beef hor fun, dim sum, frog porridge, soyabean curd etc etc.
Flavour of the Moment, Jeanette Aw. I think i love her

Bao Bei, i miss you...
Old 09-12-2008, 07:30 PM
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Re: straits time Stomp - report on sp'ore prostitution

Originally Posted by bochapsing View Post
whether they r forced or willing party.. wat's tat got to do with the americans?!
they think they r saints? or really the world police?
talk like there's no pro in america..

they can't even solve their own problems, yet keep poking their fucking dick into other people matters..

really can't stand their arrogance towards the asia countries..

Also a known fact, Clinton, Reagan, Ike, etc... presidents are no saints. They visited nite clubs and brothels... Clinton had this prostitute mistress, reagan did not deny he was a bad boy...Obama had affairs....Ike had affairs...if you tell me they didnt go look for pros!!! I may believe you.

Recent cases of New York governor looking for high class pros... and so many more....

Dun undersand why our locals are so much into taking western and foreign media so seriously... so what if we have GL?

They have thousands of streets lined with street walkers...we have only one....and only ONE and proud of it
Old 10-12-2008, 08:39 AM
kakashi69 kakashi69 is offline
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Re: straits time Stomp - report on sp'ore prostitution

Originally Posted by MGS4 View Post
As most of the pictures were taken from Geylang, let me talk about geylang.

Don't some bros here think that Geylang is really going down the drain?
The traffic there (both human and vehicular) is terrible. Can you imagine being stuck in a traffic jam at 2am??? Seriously, I hate that place but love the food, hehe. Can any bro enlighten me on what the relevant authorities are doing to curb the influx of FLs to Geylang? I think to really raid geylang, anti vice and ICA will need at least 50 buses to truck the FLs back to station Take a walk along the back alleys and what will you see? Drug traffickers and abusers, gambling tables and everything! Personally, I think geylang is going down the shithole. Oh btw, I used to frequent GL's "fishtanks" about 8 - 10 years ago but the place has changed for the worse.

As for the street walkers, yes, some were duped into coming here. But most come willingly. Singaporeans, sexually repressed for the better part of our early years, are now just slowly opening our eyes to the wonders of "sex". And with our better earning power and CPF, we just spend and spend on FLs to try to act out our porn fantasies. So which FL will not come?

Ya, the USA, *sigh*, can't settle their own country's problems but butting in here and there. It's no secret that americans revolve around US of A and nothing outside. Look at the UK, Europe and the rest of the world, not as self absorbed.

I miss my beef hor fun, dim sum, frog porridge, soyabean curd etc etc.

True but where else in Singapore can residents 'tolerate' having a red-light district in their vicinity? We have all seen what a concentrated effort by the JC residents can do to the pubs and hotels businesses there. So defacto no choice all vices will naturally flow back to G-Land... unless we reclaim another piece of land and shift all our vices there.

Think of it this way - people always complain about our country having no soul. Not really leh, just go G-Land and tell me there's no soul there hehe
Old 10-12-2008, 08:52 AM
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Re: straits time Stomp - report on sp'ore prostitution

Originally Posted by michaelrocksam View Post

They have thousands of streets lined with street walkers...we have only one....and only ONE and proud of it
I am equally proud of that.
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