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Old 03-08-2009, 02:25 PM
Si Geena Si Geena is offline
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Re: Looking for opinions.

It really depends on what you want to achieve with her. Understand that any commitment should not be undertaken too quickly.

And if you want to take up a Long-Distance Relationship, then remember that you made the decision yourself. It's a long and lonely road.
The best way to cure temptation is to yield to it.
Old 03-08-2009, 10:11 PM
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Re: Looking for opinions.

Like i said earlier, let her go back to thailand for some months to see if your relationship can endure the distance and truth of time

The true fact is that you must be able to accept her past, be it just selling tequilas in bars. most probably she got no cert or skills so surviving in sg is pretty hard unless she become full-time housewife, but that also depends whether she can tahan at least the 1st 3-4 years staying at home or not.

Some friends who have viet wives i know of, cannot take it and turn back to working in pubs again. which results in quarrels and divorce. Better think very carefully.

Puppy love is good but long-term staying together is another.
Old 04-08-2009, 10:28 PM
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Re: Looking for opinions.

Thks for all the reply so far.. jz some update to ans some of your queries.

As far as i know, her highest qualification is Uni, but i believe is one of those crappy thai deg. I m not sure wat her agency told her, but it seems like she was misled to earning fast and ez cash in singapore. She was suppose to work in spore for a mth but cldnt take the job as she felt dirty and bought her tix back to BKK (Suppose to be sponsor by the agency if she work 1 full mth). When she left, there was still S$200 commission with her boss since her boss told her it was for safe keeping incase she left for BKK. Before she left, I have tested her several time and chk on her, worryin tat she is trying to KC me. But everytime it turns out she has been telling the truth.

Now she has been calling me everyday since the day she left, which has been only 3day.

Well what most of u said is rite, she may not have show her true color, since i have known her less than a mth. Shall update on progress if any.
Old 05-08-2009, 01:48 PM
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Re: Looking for opinions.

i think u missed out one impt thing. How u feel abt her. If ur not interested in a relationship with her then dun bother.

Only if ur interested then u think abt whether she true to u.
In one of the post u mentioned that u spend not more than $500 on her so in other word u did spend some money.

Try to wait and see. Time shall tell. But in the meanwhile do not or try to avoid spending money on her.
Old 05-08-2009, 02:25 PM
NewandLost NewandLost is offline
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Re: Looking for opinions.

Originally Posted by deathspade View Post
I got to know this Thai gal from one of those pub. All she does is accompany customers drinking, play games and try to get them to buy tequila from her as she earn thru commission basis. She insist that she don't sell sex (I witness a customer buying her 10 tequila and $100 but still she refuse). After goin out with her a couple of times, I got to know she actually has a fine job in thailand but gt trick by a fren who tell her how beautiful and fine singapore is. Soon she confessed that she likes me and told me not to go to the pub to look for her. when i wanna buy tequila for her, she told me to save my money. There was once i didnt meet up with her for abt 4days or so... she called me and told me she miss me before started crying. We had sex but not once she took a cent from me. All this happen within 2weeks and i would say i have not spend more den $500 on her and soon she is buying her own tix back to thai as she cant take tis job anymore.

Friends have told me not to fall for her as in sammyboys several misfortunate incidents have happen to others.

Sorry for the long stry but my question is do you think this gal is out to cheat me? Flamers are welcome and i m not a clone tho tis is my 1st post
you mention two words thai and work at ktv. no more to read. waste of time to you to pour money into a whore thinking she will do you good.
Old 05-08-2009, 02:56 PM
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Re: Looking for opinions.

Originally Posted by NewandLost View Post
you mention two words thai and work at ktv. no more to read. waste of time to you to pour money into a whore thinking she will do you good.
What are your problems with Thai, KTV and whores ?

You had been bitten, SAD... But do you really think everyone will end up jinxed like you ?

Wake-up boy, stop spewing your hateful and ignorant rhetoric towards all the working girls in the forum.
Old 05-08-2009, 08:21 PM
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Re: Looking for opinions.

Time will tell many stories

If you two still remain contactable til Dec, maybe you can drop by Thailand for holiday and also get to meet her too, but of cos, no promises to her as yet.
Old 06-08-2009, 02:17 AM
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Re: Looking for opinions.

Better to be safe than sorry...
Old 06-08-2009, 09:49 AM
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Re: Looking for opinions.

Originally Posted by deathspade View Post
Thks for all the reply so far.. jz some update to ans some of your queries.

As far as i know, her highest qualification is Uni, but i believe is one of those crappy thai deg. I m not sure wat her agency told her, but it seems like she was misled to earning fast and ez cash in singapore. She was suppose to work in spore for a mth but cldnt take the job as she felt dirty and bought her tix back to BKK (Suppose to be sponsor by the agency if she work 1 full mth). When she left, there was still S$200 commission with her boss since her boss told her it was for safe keeping incase she left for BKK. Before she left, I have tested her several time and chk on her, worryin tat she is trying to KC me. But everytime it turns out she has been telling the truth.

Now she has been calling me everyday since the day she left, which has been only 3day.

Well what most of u said is rite, she may not have show her true color, since i have known her less than a mth. Shall update on progress if any.
Been nice coming across your pos bro. although i am not very active in the forum for past few years i do have my fair share of story.

frankly speaking your post seem real. i do have an Viet FL which have similar story like yours. while she was in sg it was never a issue of money. kept in touch over the phone almost on daily basics. she even send me some stuff from her home town.

But guess what, when i pay her a surprise visit at her home(got the address when she send the package), she was actually with another guy man. painful lesson but well worth it, from then on i alawys take everything FL say with a pitch of salt.

I do hope yours does not turn out like mine but an happy ending. Good luck and be very careful, maybe u can give her a surprise visit like me. haha. nerver knows what you can find out from a few day of travel.
Old 08-08-2009, 09:45 PM
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Re: Looking for opinions.

Originally Posted by deathspade View Post
I got to know this Thai gal from one of those pub......

Sorry for the long stry but my question is do you think this gal is out to cheat me? Flamers are welcome and i m not a clone tho tis is my 1st post
im not certain tht this gal is out to cheat u or not. time will tell. but ask urself, do u really love her in the 1st place?
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round

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Last edited by simple2kee; 08-08-2009 at 09:56 PM.
Old 08-08-2009, 10:49 PM
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Re: Looking for opinions.

Seriously,,,most of the time. What they said seem so truthful and sincere. But most of the time, we have no ideas what they are doing when we are not there! all up to you what you want to believe to believe what they told you and to believe what you do not know.

Think about it
Old 09-08-2009, 05:38 AM
DuaKaTsua DuaKaTsua is offline
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Re: Looking for opinions.

Bludder, not so easy one.

You may be right but what if you are wrong? You may have nothing to lose now but deeper you sink more you lose. When all chips are in her hands, then you die die oso play by her rules liao lor.

People in this line cannot trust one. They tell you one thing but you believe meh? Most times they just playing along trying to hook you. If you dont mind and can play one then no problem because you KC them not they KC you but when they control the game then you die lor. Or die die oso must fast fast run out of them.

Dont always think you smarter than them because many times they mor clever than you. say things to fix you. Tio Tiao liao then you will know the feeling. I is stupid and simple easy guy so I cannot and never play. Thais I only a bit experience but they cunning la. But china woman worse worse by a lot. You never see it cumin before its too late.

Just my opinion, bro. Hope dun mind. Wish you lucky with dis gal.
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