Re: Any bro underwent an operation to cut off the skin of your penis?
My share:
i had mine done i last year due to phimosis and hygiene reasons that came with it, thou i've forgotten when, but what i can say is the first 2 days after the op was really uncomfortable ... i would wake up in pain even after i took the pain killers, on the 3rd day after mi op, the dressing didn't came off, so i took it off myself, and was caught by the bloody sight of mi "new" little bro for the 1st time and was really doubting myself whether i made the right choice to get the skin cut... sleeping was better now, maybe my body just gotten used to the pain. Walking for me after the op seems funny, i was walking like riding on horseback instead... i had to be extra careful when i showered everyday, and had to use cotton swab instead to dab mi little bro, and i went around the house with just a loose boxer and getting it stained everyday.
*But all these were just for bout the 1-2 wk, after around the 3rd week or so, it finally got better, walking was back to normal, and after 1 month it was healed completely.