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Old 18-03-2011, 11:32 AM
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

better not play with fire, u nv know wat will happen bro... at least steal eat further away la. safer
retired liao... very seldom online
Old 18-03-2011, 11:57 AM
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

your wife will suspect. Girls have very very very strong 6th sense. trust me. Don't do it
Old 18-03-2011, 12:05 PM
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

To play or not to in our yard, it depands.

If only for lust, I mean both side, than no problem. Just proceed and keep as fuck buddy.

But for your case, seem like the emotion part is strong. Is hard to keep to just fuck buddy for you. But you have said you pripoty is still your wife.

For girls, once enter into sex, sometimes they will take it as another phase of relationship. What they didn't hope or excepted now, will turn difference.

So my opinion is 'NO'.
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Old 18-03-2011, 01:57 PM
hardworking48 hardworking48 is offline
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

aiyah...I know in yr heart u already wan to fxxk her liao...just go do it lar. Just note that whatever you do, be prepared to pay for it when u get caught. Simple.

Apa discuss sini but still in yr heart, u cant wait to get into her skirt.
Old 18-03-2011, 02:03 PM
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

When it comes to lust. Money is the only thing to ensure safety. Use money to transact with WL, FL or whateverL.

Dun bank on freebies cos its something that you might have to pay even more, and money might not even be the medium of payment.
Old 18-03-2011, 02:33 PM
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

basically playing with fire...
Old 18-03-2011, 03:17 PM
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?


after reading your post, i oso feel stuck...

One side, if you makan, there could be negative consequences..

But of you dun makan, bros n sistas here no story to see leh...
Old 18-03-2011, 03:42 PM
BJ21Boss BJ21Boss is offline
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

real life story... by our bro...
Old 18-03-2011, 05:41 PM
Canoneos Canoneos is offline
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

Do you love this woman or do you think it is likely that you would fall in love with this woman? If so, you are playing with fire. Emotional infidelity can be much worse than physical infidelity for the aggrieved party. In fact, many women allow their husbands to fuck hookers but few tolerate their husband loving another.

What is your marriage worth? Would you be willing to put your wife through anguish and hell when this blows up?

I don't want to impose any morality here but there is a simple decency rule that you don't do to others what you don't want done to you.

Just my 2 cents.
Old 18-03-2011, 11:40 PM
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

TS you have 10 years of sbf experience should know where to stop, dont play the fire and shit where you eat and sleep, stop play fire
Old 19-03-2011, 11:00 PM
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

Actually, I am just looking for a NSA partner. I think the key is whether the other party wants a NSA relationship. You'll be surprised just how many there are out there who's on a NSA basis. When I say NSA, it doesn't mean meet to fuck only. We are all social creatures. Its never strictly physical sex and that's it. There must be some emotional connection as well, with the very clear understanding that there's no expectations from each other that the relationship is mutually exclusive.

Some are game for it, whilst others want more. My Tammy fling is a case where she wanted more but knew that it won't happen with me and she decided to hook up with someone else, which is OK with me and justifiably so. I harboured no hard feelings towards her at all. She slowly drifted away and went for another married guy and it turned out a little ugly for her. He got her pregnant, she wanted to keep the baby, but was persuaded to abort. The other guy's wife found out, she wanted him to leave the wife, etc. She sought me out to cope with her emotional trauma and I was there for her during her difficult period. Last I heard, she is with an Ang Moh and I sincerely wish her well with her relationship.

I wouldn't say my marriage is perfect but who can say that? However, marriage to me is a sanctimonious matter. My wife has given me her youth and it would be much tougher for her to find someone else and she would probably be devastated if our marriage broke down. For that, I would keep the marriage intact as far as possible unless she pisses me off big time. As far as money is concerned, both of us are already set for life. Of course if she gets half of what I have right now, she would be even more set for life but I have gotten some stashed away in an offshore trust company set up by my lawyer but held by bearer shares (which I am holding). I call it an insurance.

Temptation is abound out there. Trust me, I have filtered and sieved off a lot of that. I just want to play a game where I don't hurt the other party and she doesn't hurt my family. Mutual fun and mutual companionship on a non-committal basis. And if she decides to move on like Tammy, that is only fair, no hard feelings.

But, I take all the advice thus far. Don't risk the marriage. If the player is not keen for a NSA game, don't play with her and move on.
Old 19-03-2011, 11:15 PM
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

Jus bang her and give us a FR soon
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Old 19-03-2011, 11:40 PM
Oopsx2010 Oopsx2010 is offline
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

Originally Posted by whizzard View Post
However, marriage to me is a sanctimonious matter. My wife has given me her youth and it would be much tougher for her to find someone else and she would probably be devastated if our marriage broke down. For that, I would keep the marriage intact as far as possible unless she pisses me off big time.
Hey TS, no need to tell us how noble you are for caring the well-being of your wife yet harbouring the thoughts of shitting at your own back yard with the NSA theory!

For women, NSA relationship is almost non-existent unless they are in the sex trade.
Old 20-03-2011, 12:13 AM
thomastankuku thomastankuku is offline
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

Originally Posted by Oopsx2010 View Post
Hey TS, no need to tell us how noble you are for caring the well-being of your wife yet harbouring the thoughts of shitting at your own back yard with the NSA theory!

For women, NSA relationship is almost non-existent unless they are in the sex trade.
Agree to sum extent. A slut is different from a whore though. Not all whores are sluts and not all sluts whores.

And hor I do mean whore in a wider context as someone who use body to sell for material advantage so mistress etc this kind generally all is the same hooker mentality. tsao buay siam.

TS nobody understand ur situation better than urself so u want to risk ur family n marriage for a bit of sexy time go ahead do it but pls be prepared for the potential fallout.
Old 08-05-2011, 06:29 PM
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Re: Is it dangerous to proceed .....?

I have decided not to proceed. She has asked me out for drinks this week to celebrate my birthday and I have agreed. However, it'll just be drinks, chit chatting and maybe a good bye kiss.

The main reason is, I have just found a new muse recently. She's an executive in the financial industry and is a foreigner (East Asian - not Chinese) who spent many years studying in the states. She just arrived on our shores after getting a job here earlier this year, I got introduced to her and quickly started my election campaign on her as I was told she is a very popular gal in her company.

Took me 5 dates to get to where I am. During our first 2 dates, she was so cautious ..... she only allowed me to give her a small good night peck on the cheek each time I sent her home. On the 3rd date, the tide changed in my, or should I say, our favour. Without revealing too much details, I have a new found respect for champagne. It all started with a light kiss on the lips on a hot sunny afternoon in an island at a spot facing the sandy beach .....
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