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Old 06-11-2011, 09:06 AM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

Originally Posted by sgjoey View Post
Deliciously ironic that the operator of Singapore's most popular sex forum should choose to point fingers at whores.
There's no irony whatsoever. I have no problems with prostitution and I have absolutely no problems with prostitutes providing sex in exchange for $$$ as a purely commercial transaction. In fact, I wholeheartedly support the concept of sex in exchange for money. It's an essential part of any civilized society.

What I'm against is either or both parties blurring the lines between a commercial transaction and a relationship.

Whores who take advantage of clients who have become emotionally attached to them need to be exposed for the cheats that they are and taken to task for their actions. Whoring is a profession and they need to act professionally just as lawyers, doctors, architects do.

If a doctor took advantage of an emotionally vulnerable patient or a teacher took advantage of a student, they'd be fired. They might even end up in prison. Why should WHORES who scam their clients get away with their sins.
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  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 06-11-2011, 12:26 PM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

Originally Posted by RealEstateGuy View Post
Braddah, what's with you animosity animosity?
Animosity? LMAO....
Did u need to do a spell check on that word online and accidentally pasted TWICE?
I'm just having fun

Is this the best u can do? Picking on those questions that can let u flare ur "status" in a reply?

Why only pick on my 1) answer? Try anwering my 2) reply and all others which i've sprinkle and directed at you elsewhere on the forum.

Last edited by goodpartner; 06-11-2011 at 12:41 PM.
Old 06-11-2011, 08:25 PM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

To offer even her own daughter's virginity for money, this mum truly has zero morals left. So sad...
Old 06-11-2011, 10:41 PM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
There's no irony whatsoever. I have no problems with prostitution and I have absolutely no problems with prostitutes providing sex in exchange for $$$ as a purely commercial transaction. In fact, I wholeheartedly support the concept of sex in exchange for money. It's an essential part of any civilized society.

What I'm against is either or both parties blurring the lines between a commercial transaction and a relationship.

Whores who take advantage of clients who have become emotionally attached to them need to be exposed for the cheats that they are and taken to task for their actions. Whoring is a profession and they need to act professionally just as lawyers, doctors, architects do.

If a doctor took advantage of an emotionally vulnerable patient or a teacher took advantage of a student, they'd be fired. They might even end up in prison. Why should WHORES who scam their clients get away with their sins.
Thanks for the clarification.

But some doctors do marry their patients. Some teachers do marry their students. In both cases, it is not necessarily unethical -- much depends on the timing.

Same thing with sex workers and their customers. That sex workers may form emotional attachments to certain of their customers is not necessarily unethical. As long as both parties go into the relationship with their eyes open, why should anyone judge them negatively?
Old 07-11-2011, 02:45 AM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

Originally Posted by sgjoey View Post
That sex workers may form emotional attachments
Sex workers do not form emotional attachments with their customers. Sex workers form emotional attachments with the wallets of their customers.
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Old 07-11-2011, 09:42 PM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Sex workers do not form emotional attachments with their customers. Sex workers form emotional attachments with the wallets of their customers.
An unfair assumption. Everyone, including sex workers, works for money. Why presume that sex workers are incapable of falling in love?
Old 08-11-2011, 11:01 AM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

Originally Posted by sgjoey View Post
An unfair assumption. Everyone, including sex workers, works for money. Why presume that sex workers are incapable of falling in love?
Ask yourself why any sex worker would want to marry a MAN WHO FUCKS WHORES if it wasn't for the money.

If it's love they're looking for, they'll search for Mr Right beyond their commercial liaisons.
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  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 08-11-2011, 12:30 PM
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Smile Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

To Dear Big Boss and All SBF Bros,

I like to be blunt and speak from my heart because I'm no hypocrite.

We can all agree that a whore is a person who accepts payment in exchange for sexual relations.

Some whores, like those in GL, have multiple clients.

Some whores, like my mistresses, only have one client.

What about those girls and boys who marry for money, not love? Are they not whores?

What about those who compromise principles for personal gain? Have they sold their souls to the devil?

Worse than whores, IMHO.

According to a survey in Gotham Country, Congressmen in DC are ranked between prostitutes and drug dealers in terms of honesty and trustworthiness.

What if I marry my favourite mistress?

What will happen to our son?

Very bad outcome, ya?

But I'll give you a noteworthy exception.

If a 69 yo tycoon marries a 19 yo gal, would u believe that she marries him for love n not for his money?

So is she a whore? Some may think she is a smart gal, not a whore. What if she becomes his er nai? Would that make her a whore?

What would happen to the son of their union, the result of a supposedly pure business transaction?

Let me give you a historical fact.

In one such union, in which there was a 50 year age difference, the son of the tycoon became the Oxford-educated Dato Loke Wan Tho, perhaps the richest and most respected man in SE Asia at his time.

Who are Loke Wan Tho's parents?

Father: Wong Loke Yew, born 1845

Mother: Loke Cheng Kim, born 1895

I rest my case,

I would welcome your comments and criticisms.


Bro WB
Old 08-11-2011, 12:48 PM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

The way I read it, Bro Warbird is saying that something good can come out of a union between a man ( any man but preferably rich (?)) and a prostitute? Am I right? If yes, it means Bro WB does not agree with sammyboy. And I would take the same position, ie please don't condemn a woman just because she sells her body for money. She might not have a choice. There are many women who had bern tricked into believing they were traveling to another country for a legitimate job but ended up being forced into vice.

Last edited by Istrike4D; 08-11-2011 at 12:49 PM. Reason: Typo
Old 08-11-2011, 01:14 PM
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Smile Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

Originally Posted by Istrike4D View Post
The way I read it, Bro Warbird is saying that something good can come out of a union between a man ( any man but preferably rich (?)) and a prostitute? Am I right? If yes, it means Bro WB does not agree with sammyboy. And I would take the same position, ie please don't condemn a woman just because she sells her body for money. She might not have a choice. There are many women who had bern tricked into believing they were traveling to another country for a legitimate job but ended up being forced into vice.
Hi Bro Istrike4D,

I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is that if we use a broader definition, then many, many people r whores or worse...

Although I hv no definitive evidence, I believe Dato's Loke's 19 yo mom was a virgin when she married his 69 yo dad.

But virginity means nothing. There r many gals who sell their virginity for money...I know of a case where a young daughter let a warden had her virginity in exchange for preferential treatment of her imprisoned father. Is she a whore or a filial daughter?

Even virgins r whores. Recently, my agent in PRC intro twin sisters, pretty 19 yo uni students from white collar family, for BY. Last yr, I had a 22 yo SH gal, a uni graduate n a part-time TV actress, from a well to do family whom I met at TAM, who was a virgin! I BY-ed her for a month. Another whore!


Bro WB
Old 08-11-2011, 03:21 PM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

This evergreen debate will always be fruitless without boundary defined/agreed for the argument, since both sides are right when they quote general statistics i.e. It's a fact that majority of whores are money face AND also true there'll be some small percentage where they're not.

So than we've to look at the intentions of those taking either sides (or a neutral stand), then it'll be more obvious there's really no point arguing

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Ask yourself why any sex worker would want to marry a MAN WHO FUCKS WHORES if it wasn't for the money.

If it's love they're looking for, they'll search for Mr Right beyond their commercial liaisons.
Along with this question, I'm also curious to ask why any normal female would want to marry a "man who fucks whores" if it wasn't for money? Believe me, I fuck whores and I'm surprised that being honest about it to some of my prospective wifes in this modern society doesn't drive them away Perhaps I shouldn't have show them my wealth during initial dating... but seriously when I ask them why, they say their ex-bf/hubby also fucks whores and it's ok if the man they "love" is honest about it, etc.

Last edited by goodpartner; 08-11-2011 at 03:46 PM.
Old 08-11-2011, 03:56 PM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
This evergreen debate will always be fruitless without boundary defined/agreed for the argument, since both sides are right when they quote general statistics i.e. It's a fact that majority of whores are money face AND also true there'll be some small percentage where they're not.
If I can convince just ONE person a year to change his mind about marrying whores, I'll consider my campaign to be a success.

Whores have flawed personalities and value systems. While there may be the odd one who bucks the trend and produces a genius, such cases are few and far between. The majority of whores are breeding machines for the next generation of dysfunctional misfits.
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  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 08-11-2011, 11:26 PM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
If I can convince just ONE person a year to change his mind about marrying whores, I'll consider my campaign to be a success.

Whores have flawed personalities and value systems. While there may be the odd one who bucks the trend and produces a genius, such cases are few and far between. The majority of whores are breeding machines for the next generation of dysfunctional misfits.
A strange remark since a sex worker does not bear children unless she becomes somebody else's wife. As such, sex workers are hardly "breeding machines", unlike normal women.

As for flawed personalities, I daresay that no one's perfect and sex workers are as flawed or as flawless as any other person. Seeing that you approve of the idea of commercial sex, I am quite nonplussed how you perceive their value system as not being up to the mark.
Old 09-11-2011, 12:35 AM
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This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
... mother forced her sell her virginity for cash... $5,000.. service clients.. buy a bungalow in Johor Bahru... Lianhe Wanbao, 3 November 2011
Originally Posted by warbird View Post
.. noteworthy exception.If a 69 yo tycoon marries a 19 yo gal,.... son of the tycoon became the Oxford-educated Dato Loke Wan Tho, ..richest and most respected man in SE Asia at his time...
Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
.. fruitless without boundary defined/agreed ... both sides are right ..majority of whores are money face .. ... why any normal female would want to marry a "man who fucks whores" if it wasn't for money? prospective wifes ..say their ex-bf/hubby also fucks whores and it's ok if the man they "love" is honest about it, etc.
"This .. will happen ..." - Nothing other than death and tax is certain/definite to happen. Wanbao has reputation of sensationalising news. Wonder what the mother's repy; if aware - definitely unbecoming of a mother, if true. Generalisation is never fair for "Matters of the Heart" issue as it is always subjective - depending on experience /environment / friends /norms etc. Birds of the same feather flock together. See my signature - not new.

Many true cases of WLs sacrificing for poor famillies. Marrying a WL has many problems - definitely not recommended. Many foreign brides (Vietnamese etc) in Singapore hoping for better lives whilst helping their families. Hope that they will find love - just like match making in the good old days. Judge not that ye be not judge!! Everyone can love and can find love. Just like beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I have seen successful foreign brides happily married and WLs too - raising good families.

Very interesting topic - endless discussions - everyone is right - all about individual's perceptions based on his background/ experience/ upbringing. Just my opinion - no need to agree. Good Night. Cheers.
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Old 09-11-2011, 03:04 AM
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Re: This is what will happen to your daughter if you marry a WHORE!

Any debate related to human emotions is like the end has no end(listening to the strokes now). We will be biased towards our own feelings and judgement no matter what.

to me, fall in love with a WL/FL/SW = 敢爱人之所不敢爱,品味与众不同

then again, all the above is a big big "IMO".
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