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Old 25-01-2006, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by gc0296
am i at any risk of contracting hiv? if i got a blowjob without condom
I do not mind one silly post about contracting, but you are making to many posts that do not make sense. Please stop making all the crazy posts.

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Old 31-01-2006, 10:49 PM
chiongchiong chiongchiong is offline
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Re: blowjob high risk?

Originally Posted by bedek05
Hi bro chiongchiong it wld be wise to use cd.Imagine a fl who have on average 3 customers a day and does bj w/out cd ? wat wld happen? Not all the fl are that health conscious. Some of them wld bj w cd. These fls I dun mind...The rule is always Play Safe,Use a cd .
Hi Bro bedek,

Ya. You're right. If go for BJ or FJ, better to use CD. Will bear that in mind....

But just worried little head take over control then jia lat...
Old 31-01-2006, 10:49 PM
chiongchiong chiongchiong is offline
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Re: blowjob high risk?

Originally Posted by bedek05
Hi bro chiongchiong it wld be wise to use cd.Imagine a fl who have on average 3 customers a day and does bj w/out cd ? wat wld happen? Not all the fl are that health conscious. Some of them wld bj w cd. These fls I dun mind...The rule is always Play Safe,Use a cd .
Hi Bro bedek,

Ya. You're right. If go for BJ or FJ, better to use CD. Will bear that in mind....

But just worried little head take over control then jia lat...
Old 31-01-2006, 11:13 PM
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Re: blowjob high risk?

Ya, capped sex is the safest! HJ/JG even safer!
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Old 01-02-2006, 01:01 PM
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Re: blowjob high risk?

Just wondering what about doing 69? There involved exchange of both parties fluid... Chance of getting sex disease is high too, rite?
Old 01-02-2006, 04:37 PM
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Re: blowjob high risk?

Originally Posted by chiongchiong
Hi Bro bedek,

Ya. You're right. If go for BJ or FJ, better to use CD. Will bear that in mind....

But just worried little head take over control then jia lat...
Bro chiongchiong as I always sqy play safe always.U have to control yr emotions. Dun like the moment of enjoyment spoil yr whole life.
RAW is War . Pse Play Safe.

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Old 01-02-2006, 10:03 PM
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can 1 give me sme advice

bear with my my ang moh not veri good......

recently i discover there a dark maroon colour pus near my penis area.... in hidden at my public hair about my dick.... is it any systoms or juz dirty kanna infected or wat.... b cos i always feel itchy then i go n scratch it.......

pls advise...thanks
Old 02-02-2006, 02:11 PM
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Re: blowjob high risk?
The link contain a list of medical studies and test around how HIV is transmitted with regards to Oral Sex

Various scientific studies have been performed around the world to try and document and study instances of HIV transmission through oral sex. A programme in San Francisco studied 198 people, nearly all gay or bisexual men. The subjects stated that they had only had oral sex for a year, from six months preceding the six-month study to its end. 20 per cent of the study participants, 39 people, reported performing oral sex on partners they knew to be HIV positive. 35 of those did not use a condom and 16 reported swallowing cum. No-one became HIV positive during the study. Due to the low number of unprotected serodiscordant pairings, all that can be said is that there was a less than 2.8 per cent chance of infection through oral sex over a year. In 2000, a different San Francisco study of gay men who had recently acquired HIV infection found that 7.8 per cent of these infections were attributed to oral sex. However, the results of the study have since been called into question due to the reliability of the participant's data.

In June 2002, a study conducted amongst 135 HIV-negative Spanish heterosexuals, who were in a sexual relationship with a person who was HIV-positive, reported that over 19,000 instances of unprotected oral sex had not lead to any cases of HIV transmission. The study also looked at contributing factors that could effect the potential transmission of HIV through oral sex. They monitored viral load and asked questions such as whether ejaculation in the mouth occurred and how good oral health was. Amongst HIV-positive men, 34 per cent had ejaculated into the mouths of their partners. Viral load levels were available for 60 people in the study, 10 per cent of whom had levels over 10,000 copies. Nearly 16 per cent of the HIV-positive people had CD4 counts below 200. The study, conducted over a ten year period between 1990 and 2000, adds to the growing number of studies which suggest varying levels of risk of HIV transmission from oral sex when compared to anal or vaginal intercourse.
Old 02-02-2006, 02:36 PM
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Re: blowjob high risk?

For the receptive partner -- that is, the one into whom the penis is inserted -- unprotected anal sex with ejaculation poses enormous risk of infection. Indeed, this form of unprotected sex is by far the most dangerous of all forms of sexual activity. Estimates of the risk of infection for each act of anal sex range from 1 in 200 to 3 out of 100. These may seem like long odds, but some 60% of the 1.5 million Americans who are HIV-positive got infected in this way.

Even without ejaculation, anal sex is considered highly risky, because HIV is present in the seminal fluid known as pre-cum, which is produced just prior to ejaculation. Anal sex is not as risky for the partner inserting his penis, but there are reported cases of HIV where this was the mode of infection, and so insertive anal intercourse without a condom should also be considered highly risky.

During unprotected vaginal sex, HIV can be transmitted from either partner to the other. Transmission from the woman to the man is less likely than from man to woman, but if the woman is having her period this may increase the risk that her partner will be infected. Estimates of the risk of infection through unprotected vaginal sex vary widely, ranging from 1 in 500 to 1 in 5,000,000.

Unprotected oral sex (giving or receiving head) can also result in the transmission of HIV. Here again, the risks are different for the person performing oral sex than they are for the one receiving it. A man or woman who performs oral sex on a man is generally at higher risk than the man who is receiving the oral sex, but cases of HIV transmission to the receptive partner have been recorded.

Performing oral sex (cunnilingus) on a woman has also been shown to spread HIV, but there have been no proven cases of a woman getting HIV from receiving oral sex. It is generally thought that transmission of HIV is at least ten times less likely to happen during oral sex than during vaginal or anal sex.

Open-mouthed kissing leads to contact with saliva. Although HIV has been found in saliva, the amount of virus present is known to be extremely low. There is no evidence of anyone being infected with HIV through kissing. Several studies have examined the possibility of HIV transmission through human bites. Estimates of the risk of infection from a bite range from 1 chance in 250 to 1 in 1,000. Several cases of transmission following a bite by an HIV-infected person have been reported, but in all but one of these cases other risk factors were present.

The insertion of fingers or the fist into the anus or vagina does not generally involve any exchange of body fluids, and therefore these activities are highly unlikely to lead to HIV infection. If the skin of the inserted finger or hand has cuts or abrasions, however, there is at least a theoretical risk of HIV transmission from one partner to the other.

A much more real risk is that if fingering or fisting is not done with care (and sufficient lubrication), it may cause cuts or tears in the lining of the vagina or rectum -- and these microscopic injuries may increase the risk of HIV transmission during later sex play. Even so, there are no recorded cases of HIV infection attributed to fingering or fisting
Old 02-02-2006, 02:38 PM
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Re: blowjob high risk?

Low Risk doesn't mean No Risk!
Old 02-02-2006, 02:51 PM
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Re: blowjob high risk?

I think I have shared this before. My colleague went for GL80 and got deep-throat bbbj service. He bragged about it on the same day and told me "sibey song" But a week later, the cock got itchy and pain when he pee. He then knew he got STD. The next few months, while on medication, tried to fend off the OC's request for sex and got her suspicious.

Don't try it.
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