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Old 21-12-2006, 10:29 AM
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Re: Depressed

Originally Posted by onion_rings View Post
Bro rodeo, ur very sharp siah! In this 21st century where got circumstance dun allow him to be her BF? Btw think that PRC gal must have gotten herself a sugar daddy liao that's why her heart changes so fast
bro maybe the boy got a steady gf ma and the girl is like his FB.. possible rite?

If i earn a penny each time i use my brain, I would probably starve to death ...!
Old 21-12-2006, 10:30 AM
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Re: Depressed

haiz...another sad love story
Old 21-12-2006, 10:30 AM
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Re: Depressed

i think the different is that the $$$ involved bonking your gf is mininum where you have to spend quite a lot for WL of FL.
BUT the morale is...
$$$ less = more headache
$$$ more = less headache (pay and fuck off)

Bro gary...不要为了ONE TREE, AND GIVE UP THE WHOLE 森林...try harder next time
Old 21-12-2006, 10:33 AM
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Re: Depressed

Originally Posted by nickric View Post
i think the different is that the $$$ involved bonking your gf is mininum where you have to spend quite a lot for WL of FL.
BUT the morale is...
$$$ less = more headache
$$$ more = less headache (pay and fuck off)

Bro gary...不要为了ONE TREE, AND GIVE UP THE WHOLE 森林...try harder next time

eh bro.. i don reali agree wif u leh... some gf can be damn bloddy high maintenance one... skincare pdt min SK2.. handbag must be YSL, LV, and Gucci... Shoes only from Feragmmo and Gucci and if sometimes she panchan me, allow 9west..Wallet from LV.. Belt from Gucci.. like dat then how? Just as terok.. if u count, i think FL cheaper man...

If i earn a penny each time i use my brain, I would probably starve to death ...!
Old 21-12-2006, 10:33 AM
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Re: Depressed

Originally Posted by nickric View Post
BUT the morale is...
$$$ less = more headache
$$$ more = less headache (pay and fuck off)
Short, sharp and right to the point. Cheers bro!
Old 21-12-2006, 11:14 AM
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Re: Depressed

threadstarter must be attached previously so cannot get that girl as steady. one leg step two boat now end with nothing????

Look on the bright side, now it the time get other targets, see more, know more, then can get the best.
Old 21-12-2006, 11:15 AM
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Re: Depressed

Erm, it is NOT paid sex... it's a local girl. I won't elaborate reasons why we couldn't be together, but i didn't reject her or vice versa.

Randyboy hit the nail on the head... but it wasn't just FB.. there were definitely feelings involved... on both sides.

Thanks for all the replies.. even from sammyboy himself. I know logically i'll get over it eventually. Time heals all wounds. It may take 6months, a year, who knows? But in the meantime, I'm in emotional hell.
Old 21-12-2006, 11:22 AM
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Re: Depressed

this is what they say ......"growing pains " lah......
only time will heal yah .....cheers up......mani mani more "trees" waiting to be "cut " hor.....
Life is SHORT....BONK whenever you can...........
Old 21-12-2006, 11:27 AM
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Re: Depressed

Originally Posted by gary4024 View Post
Erm, it is NOT paid sex... it's a local girl. I won't elaborate reasons why we couldn't be together, but i didn't reject her or vice versa.

Randyboy hit the nail on the head... but it wasn't just FB.. there were definitely feelings involved... on both sides.

Thanks for all the replies.. even from sammyboy himself. I know logically i'll get over it eventually. Time heals all wounds. It may take 6months, a year, who knows? But in the meantime, I'm in emotional hell.

Do i get a prize for hitting the nail on the head? Jus kidding..

yes u r right.. u will eventually get over it.. give urself sometime.. we always think it is the end of the world and that all is bleak when a relationship ends or we fail to get what we desire.. but frequently around the corner, there will usually be something else waiting for us...if you know how to open ur eyes to see.... gd luck brudder

If i earn a penny each time i use my brain, I would probably starve to death ...!
Old 21-12-2006, 11:47 AM
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Re: Depressed

Originally Posted by randyboy73 View Post
eh bro.. i don reali agree wif u leh... some gf can be damn bloddy high maintenance one... skincare pdt min SK2.. handbag must be YSL, LV, and Gucci... Shoes only from Feragmmo and Gucci and if sometimes she panchan me, allow 9west..Wallet from LV.. Belt from Gucci.. like dat then how? Just as terok.. if u count, i think FL cheaper man... that case...go all out for WL then..don't waste time liao..
Old 21-12-2006, 11:59 AM
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Re: Depressed

Originally Posted by gary4024 View Post
Erm, it is NOT paid sex... it's a local girl. I won't elaborate reasons why we couldn't be together, but i didn't reject her or vice versa.

Randyboy hit the nail on the head... but it wasn't just FB.. there were definitely feelings involved... on both sides.

Thanks for all the replies.. even from sammyboy himself. I know logically i'll get over it eventually. Time heals all wounds. It may take 6months, a year, who knows? But in the meantime, I'm in emotional hell.
bro gary, i can understand how you feel because i kana quite similar case as you two years ago. i had a gf who i cannot be with her because i'm a MARRIED MAN. we were like bf and gf, go holiday together, go to her house for dinner with her parents, we make love more than once every week...i could say our sex life are very high..feeling built up gradually but in my mind we can;t go far because i don;t intend to leave my wife.."i very self-fish right"..but when feeling involve it's not easy to leave her...but it's a difficult to one leg step two OC start to suspect and always call me when i'm we go on for ard one and a half years an finally i decide to leave her...the feeling was fuck up due to the feeling involve and she is really a very nice i make the cruel take me 6 months to heal...thanks to the SBF for good recomendation of HC, WL, FL, etc..start going for commercial sex and i feel relieve now..."eat outside in the day, go back to OC at night"..nothing can be bette than that
Old 21-12-2006, 12:07 PM
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Re: Depressed

Originally Posted by gary4024 View Post
I've even tried finding FLs during the months we aren't together but they don't seem to help much. I go drinking but all they do is make me think of her and make me even more depressed.
i think this is very serious, FL and alcohol also cannot help. what else can you do? a vacation!
Old 21-12-2006, 12:12 PM
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Re: Depressed

Originally Posted by Castrol View Post
i think this is very serious, FL and alcohol also cannot help. what else can you do? a vacation!
a vacation to bali where u can book a FL for 24 hours? That would be therapeutic
Virginity just like balloon. One Prick and all gone....

To the land of bouncing tits and swaying hips... Wheres my Honey?????
Old 21-12-2006, 12:33 PM
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Re: Depressed

Originally Posted by gary4024 View Post
Erm, it is NOT paid sex... it's a local girl. I won't elaborate reasons why we couldn't be together, but i didn't reject her or vice versa.

Randyboy hit the nail on the head... but it wasn't just FB.. there were definitely feelings involved... on both sides.

Thanks for all the replies.. even from sammyboy himself. I know logically i'll get over it eventually. Time heals all wounds. It may take 6months, a year, who knows? But in the meantime, I'm in emotional hell.
bro believe me she just trying to put on a brave front by saying that all feelings gone...let say i was once in a similar situation, we were more then fuck buddies i practically treated her as my gf..but like you say certain conditions does not allow us to be the end we broke off for about three months and in that period she tried to preoccupied herself with other guys and i knew she was in deep with one guy who barely knew her for a few months but making plans for marriage...anyway end of the day, what we had was simply too strong that even a normal relationship with the other guy could not beat what we had...of cos when we got back together, we said just be friends but we knew it was impossible..frankly there is no way a man and a woman can maintain a platonic relationship especially when they had sex before..

so if you really wants her back..give her some room but maintain a presence, that is very important..
Old 21-12-2006, 02:15 PM
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Re: Depressed

Actually feelings come and go.Have some self respect and take the answer as a man. Dun brood over it. Do some other group activities with ppl, u will meet somebody even better. By then u will look back and say heng arghh i din onz her if not would have settle for a poorer deal. hehe...
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