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Old 23-03-2007, 12:49 PM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

Bro YinYang,

I think SBF bros' herewent clubbing got a mission to strike, that is to strike whatever gal they are looking for(SYT, MILF, FL, Maid and .......).

A lot of bros' dun have the chance to go clubbing as either Married or MMMM concern. But one thing for sure, ALL MAN CxxK will ITCHES.

So i suggest a club where bros with proven track record of(ONS, Free FxxK) join and exchange contact. We skip the session of wooing girl.

For my case, i dun go clubbing, but ,does not mean i got no contact. Bro svs_hire will know that i also send him some protenial MILF as we are MILF lover.

Old 23-03-2007, 01:14 PM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

Originally Posted by pokeman71 View Post
....lot of bros' dun have the chance to go clubbing as either Married or MMMM concern. ..ALL MAN CxxK will ITCHES. ...skip the session of wooing girl. ...i dun go clubbing, but ,does not mean i got no contact. Bro svs_hire will know that i also send him some protenial MILF
Bro, dun doubt your ability with gals... Steady la, your straight forward style in not wasting time.. straight to action.

Missing out on your MILF generosity leh..
You only live ONCE, pass this way but ONCE..
Old 23-03-2007, 01:29 PM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
uncle, u free meh? no need to moonlight as babysitter ah?

sbf ladies would be a nice touch (pun intended), sherine reserved for u ok?
i be a free man soon mah, this thread may be a good chance for me to get some female beer kakis lay.

apa ini sherine reserved for me? sherine join already ah?

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Gals always welCUM to gate crash.. only entry requirement for MBBS maiden get together is "live" singing card, popping out of some cake in their full glory birthday suits. We pioneers can then savour the goods kekekekeke
wow MBBS maidens! rock it baby!
Old 23-03-2007, 03:59 PM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....was a bit worried that not many relies then, but wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, at least got bros who will rally for a fxxxing good cause......

Lets do it on a sat weekend, i propose 14 april..Venue....???? let's c what u bros decide on and we'll have the venue confirmed by 6 April. bros, u can always feedback....

Old 23-03-2007, 04:00 PM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

SBF babes most welcuuuuummmm to join in. Shemales n the like.....dun think have space for you here.....

Old 23-03-2007, 04:30 PM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

Originally Posted by triple h View Post bros who will rally for a fxxxing good cause......Lets do it on a sat weekend, i propose 14 april..Venue....???? let's c what u bros decide on and we'll have the venue confirmed by 6 April. bros, u can always feedback..
Alibi club (for those tied up with OCs) fall in... 1st AGM? kekekeke

(Thread starter, you seem to be sexcited with your wooooooooooooo)
You only live ONCE, pass this way but ONCE..
Old 23-03-2007, 10:28 PM
_AXL_ _AXL_ is offline
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

Originally Posted by triple h View Post
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....was a bit worried that not many relies then, but wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, at least got bros who will rally for a fxxxing good cause......

Lets do it on a sat weekend, i propose 14 april..Venue....???? let's c what u bros decide on and we'll have the venue confirmed by 6 April. bros, u can always feedback....
blocked out the date already. confirming attendance. errr, bro hunter, how to feedback preferred location to u? u must tell us the theme first mah... like that if necessary, we can go rent costumes 1st mah...

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Alibi club (for those tied up with OCs) fall in... 1st AGM? kekekeke

(Thread starter, you seem to be sexcited with your wooooooooooooo)
can arrange for a "like real" silent mobilisation. done this before for my buddies. my office issued hp number very official looking, but the downside is that must keep change of clothes in car and most likely, can only use once every few years. not a long term solution. upside:- visa until next morning and in army, cannot suka suka answer calls, so at liberty to report OC at selective timings.
Old 23-03-2007, 10:35 PM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

Originally Posted by Castrol View Post
i be a free man soon mah, this thread may be a good chance for me to get some female beer kakis lay.

apa ini sherine reserved for me? sherine join already ah?
but weekend u cannot right? how? u've got more than 2 weeks to come up with some sorry excuse. or else all yr female beer kakis down the drain loh... we taking 1st blood liao!

but sherine's 1st blood reserved for u.
Old 23-03-2007, 11:40 PM
pokeman71 pokeman71 is offline
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
Bro, dun doubt your ability with gals... Steady la, your straight forward style in not wasting time.. straight to action.

Missing out on your MILF generosity leh..

Bro Yinyang,

Not that we dun want to cheong, but we got our concern, our work does not permissible us to tell our OC we meet customer in PUB or Kareoke. For instance I got 1 contact from friend(a divorcee), friend telling me she like K-box, if you go with her sure can UP her later in the night, but we can see cannot touch.

Right now i still enjoying my bonking with Candy, lately a philino maid.

Old 24-03-2007, 11:19 PM
WillamSexsphere WillamSexsphere is offline
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

Hey bro, would the follow simple common sense ground rules be adhered to for your club?


1. Each must be prepared to buy 2 jugs.

2. After buying the beer, no one must be forced to drink it. Each his limit as some need to drive home later.

3. The earliest there at the agreed time will buy the 1st 2 jugs, then followed by the rest. Those late will buy their compulsory 2 jugs and must not complain that they had not drink other's beers. Anyone who leave early or before the stipulated end time and have not paid for his rounds must automatically put 2 jugs on the table before leaving as a courtesy.

4. The one who placed order for beers must not leave, go toilet, answer call, etc, until the beer arrives.

5. Ladies, be they from SBF or gfs, is not welcome, because bros and women have different expectations, and furthermore may lead to jealousies and conflicts. Better they go for outings that do not cheong for fucks and WLs. ( A thousand apologys to the SBF ladies, no offence and disrespect meant)

6. No bro must lust after another's WL, but they are free to book her next night.

7. Unless 70% of bros agree, no shift location. Go as a group, leave as a group.

8. Anyone who has a heated disagreement with another brother under the influence of alcohol or not, please automatically finish his beer and leave the pub. Once calm down, alcohol drained from body, calmly resolve the matter one to one another day.

9. Being brothers, must take care of each other. Any bro that's drunk, the rest must contribute a few dollars to get a taxi/tow truck to send him and his car home. Next time he buys beer for the rest.

10. Each owe themselves to be happy. No one is obligated to entertain anyone. One must make the effort to be happy, even if down, or he will drag others down and moody as well.

All the best to your new club and may it succeed. Cheers!!
Not a clone, will meet in real for a free mug of beer.Just an ordinary down and out lousy script artiste

Vote me for MP! I will ban LD, transfer AV to anti-terrrorism, cap prices for masses-HJ-$10,BJ/FJ-$40,tips-$20 for full 2hrs,make men carry 2 condom compulsory,welcome foriegn SEX talent!
Old 26-03-2007, 06:54 PM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

[QUOTE=WillamSexsphere;1923112]Hey bro, would the follow simple common sense ground rules be adhered to for your club?


Cheers bro. Good intention on the rules.


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Old 26-03-2007, 10:17 PM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

Originally Posted by WillamSexsphere View Post
Hey bro, would the follow simple common sense ground rules be adhered to for your club?


1. Each must be prepared to buy 2 jugs.

2. After buying the beer, no one must be forced to drink it. Each his limit as some need to drive home later.

3. The earliest there at the agreed time will buy the 1st 2 jugs, then followed by the rest. Those late will buy their compulsory 2 jugs and must not complain that they had not drink other's beers. Anyone who leave early or before the stipulated end time and have not paid for his rounds must automatically put 2 jugs on the table before leaving as a courtesy.

4. The one who placed order for beers must not leave, go toilet, answer call, etc, until the beer arrives.

5. Ladies, be they from SBF or gfs, is not welcome, because bros and women have different expectations, and furthermore may lead to jealousies and conflicts. Better they go for outings that do not cheong for fucks and WLs. ( A thousand apologys to the SBF ladies, no offence and disrespect meant)

6. No bro must lust after another's WL, but they are free to book her next night.

7. Unless 70% of bros agree, no shift location. Go as a group, leave as a group.

8. Anyone who has a heated disagreement with another brother under the influence of alcohol or not, please automatically finish his beer and leave the pub. Once calm down, alcohol drained from body, calmly resolve the matter one to one another day.

9. Being brothers, must take care of each other. Any bro that's drunk, the rest must contribute a few dollars to get a taxi/tow truck to send him and his car home. Next time he buys beer for the rest.

10. Each owe themselves to be happy. No one is obligated to entertain anyone. One must make the effort to be happy, even if down, or he will drag others down and moody as well.

All the best to your new club and may it succeed. Cheers!!
Bro, what if some bros here don't take BEER but something else? But would like to be part of this gathering??? No offends bro, but I think this sort of gatherings should be on individual account rather than setting so much rules for other sbf bro's (example, 2 jugs of beer from each sbf bro attending). Nevertheless, I would agree with u on the rest of the above items. Cheers!!!
Old 27-03-2007, 03:26 AM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

Hello all bros n sis, trying hard to jio ppl dwn on wed to PH........any1 interested? Think we can start off from there...How?
Old 27-03-2007, 09:24 AM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

Originally Posted by tomvoyeur View Post
Hello all bros n sis, trying hard to jio ppl dwn on wed to PH........any1 interested? Think we can start off from there...How?
Where is PH?
Old 27-03-2007, 09:29 AM
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Re: MBBS - the elite club

yo bros....and sisters out there....
I dun wan to lay down ground rules as we all matured adults.
Simple rule of thumb........Make merry and try to get laid that nite.

those who feel like opening drinks...most welcummmmm. whether it is one jug or two jugs, it doesnt long as we all have fun.....the resr is immaterial. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

A few venues for your feedback
1) MOS - only problem is that it is always a long queue to get in
2) Zouk - oso got long queue
3) DblO - oso got long queue
4) Madam Wong - hmmmmmmmmm
5) SJPH - never been there......

1) Lisbo
2) Godfather
3) XTD

Me long time never go chiong.....u guys recommend and we c the best venue for all. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo.

The Date 14 April 07 is fixed.

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