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Old 24-12-2006, 08:13 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Noni Juice View Post
1) his blog how will he let people contaminate?try posting sme shit about him and he will never allow the comments to come out. so he can stop his act of saying contaminate his blog. that time when he came back singapore, he post big big in his blog, he met up with his investors.he post big big that he met up with bro N and completely fabricated all the scenario and can even sccoff at people saying he is afraid of bro N. truth is, he didnt even got the balls to meet bro N.roger lim made an appointment and didnt even turn up.bro N gott to go around hunting for him in geylang.
Meet investor for what? Is he going a full refund to anyone who wants to withdraw? He knows he got the upperhand so all he do now is just talk ck and sing song. Already months now, and look at where his website is heading.

after all, the main question here is evaded. roger lim.where is the receipt?
His website is not a formal business entity, so how to issue receipt? He will not be stupid enough to issue receipt since it is not incorporated as a business anywhere. As I said before, he has already pocketed all the money, so the investors just has to take it as lesson learnt and write it off.

Old 24-12-2006, 09:19 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Wah wish samsters here would get zap also, where the X’Mas spirit go? Anyway I still wish everyone here all the best! Merry X’Mas.

Hatyai,Thailand For... 24-12-2006 06:15 PM Merry Christmas
Old 24-12-2006, 10:29 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

comments from scumbag roger's blog

fat29 Says:
December 24th, 2006 at 5:57 pm
TV, please leave the troubles and accusations in SBF to the bros who are still active in the fourm to resolve. Since you have decided to leave the forum, you have implicitly choose to live and let live.

Allow your detractors to have their last words and then you can move on. There is no need to prolong this agony for them and yourself. If we look back years later or even months later, we may find this fights unnecessary and leaves lesser and lesser room for personal reconciliation.

Nobody can predict that one day, both Ben and yourself may reconcile and become great friends. If East and West Germany can reconcile, Egypt and Israel can reconcile, Dr Mahathir and George Soros can shake hands happily again, I don’t think it is impossible for you and Ben to reconcile. This may not be in our minds now, but it will happen if fate permits and if you are willing to exercise personal restraint, generosity and forgiveness.

I urge you not to give in to the temptation of replying, there can be no gain for any of the conflicting parties.

thaivisitor Says:
December 24th, 2006 at 7:29 pm
Bro Fat, I understand your concern. I do what I have to do. No, I don’t think Ben and I will ever be friends, not with the threats that goes across even to my family.

what a good start, trying to slander bro C@ aka Ben's name? i believe anyone who know bro Ben will know that it is not true. come on with your stories fast, fast ler, everyone is waiting to see how imagnative you can be.
Old 24-12-2006, 10:40 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by nanog69 View Post
Few months back, I have already warn samsters here that this conman, thaivisitor, will not hesitate to reveal out whatever personal information he has on anyone who fall out with him.

Now you know why many who have being conned by him are keeping quiet because they are afraid of what he will tell?

mr nanog

let me count....from bro klkool, td, dekuip, kingstar, romance and now C@ (did i miss out anyone?). i believe it is all their fault as the "great" thaivisitor will never do wrong to anyone.

thaivisitor is always the victim of "evil" samsters planning to ruin his reputation, well that is if he has any reputation in the first place.
Old 25-12-2006, 01:57 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

what is his blog's addy?
Old 25-12-2006, 02:40 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by The Oracle View Post
mr nanog

let me count....from bro klkool, td, dekuip, kingstar, romance and now C@ (did i miss out anyone?). i believe it is all their fault as the "great" thaivisitor will never do wrong to anyone.
thats right! how can the great and almighty thaivisitor do wrong??

last time even say loud loud to samsters who look for him in hatyai that he is the godson of sammyboy! he can do no wrong and he can do whatever he want in sbf and boss would not do anything to him! all the samsters in sbf must give him face and respect him a great deal!especially when he come back singapore, all dying to meet him and he willl be so bo eng like an MP meeting the people in geylang!knn, make me want to spit on his face!

merry christmas to all.
Beware of this SBF conster Roger Lim aka Thaivisitor aka Midnightiger.
Old 25-12-2006, 03:31 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by Noni Juice
thats right! how can the great and almighty thaivisitor do wrong??

last time even say loud loud to samsters who look for him in hatyai that he is the godson of sammyboy! he can do no wrong and he can do whatever he want in sbf and boss would not do anything to him! all the samsters in sbf must give him face and respect him a great deal!especially when he come back singapore, all dying to meet him and he willl be so bo eng like an MP meeting the people in geylang!knn, make me want to spit on his face!

merry christmas to all.
ppl wanted his signature mah, you don't know meh?

Originally Posted by Cyber@id
I'm waiting for you to post your side of story, I'm sure many others is also waiting. Make sure you also post how you beg for my forgiveness through PM to me and how I reply you, OK bo?
he also post that bro C@ has been good to him before his self-exile from sbf (we saw that posting), now i wanna see how he twisted his words around and i wonder how he beg for bro C@ forgiveness through PM, can't wait to see bro C@'s posting.
Old 25-12-2006, 05:56 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

i will be in hatyai on 6 jan till 13 jan. thinking that on the 8 jan, will like to travel either to krabi or phuket. any recommendation which is better ?krabi or phuket ? any guys knows how much is the flight from hatyai to phuket ? or by bus ? or hatyai to krabi by bus or van ?

Any guys know the rate for novotel in hatyai by buying vouchers there ?

I cant decide now. should i buy one way ticket to hatyai first and then buy back home ticket from there or buy two and fro?.by the way, i take company leave from 6 till 13 jan. i am not sure i will be back earlier than 13 jan or 8 days is too long there? info is greatly appreciated.
Old 25-12-2006, 07:43 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

This is to set the record striaght after reading all the accusation about TV breaching trust of his so-called friends. After reading this, you all will know wat kind of person this Cyber@id aka Ben is.

Ben accuses TV of big mouth leaking his personal matters to other samster. First, TV is not the only one who knows about his extra marital affairs, there are several who always hang out with him including Romance, Jungerider, Kingstar, Kevlin - so why is he so sure it is not them to leak it out..and must be TV? Becos Ben had a grudge against TV for not helpin him when he needed $$. This is the incident:

When Ben's gf Y was thrown down from the apartment and seriously injured and had to go for immediately operation, Ben wanted to ask TV for $$ as loan first, but TV refuse because he felt odd dat how can Ben do not hav the $$ when he is a GM of a MNC drawing high salary, and also he TV do not have anything to do with this problem. Becasue of this, Ben is angry about it and decide to regard TV into a foe. I will let Ben explain why and who thrown his gf down the apartment as that is his own problem with his wife. Also, maybe Ben would like to tell everyone whether he is taking care of her now, or instead had dumped her after she is physically scarred and crippled for life, kicking her out of the apartment.

As for leaking info to the wife, he already admit that his wife has engaged PI to tail him. So maybe he should get the answer from his wife, instead of trying to insinuate that TV did it.

For N photo, it was already removed after Ben contacted TV, so no issue. If talk about breach of trust, then it was Ben who lied to TV taht no photo can be taken in WB and Hi-So. Why issit that Ben say no photo in Hi-So when others are taking photos here and there? Ben owns the place?

As for samster A and his tirak, he had already been told about the incident and accepted his tirak's explanation. So why ben is getting upset over this incident that is none of his business, when samster A is cool about it? It is just another lame excuse to find fault with TV.

As we can see, the real reason for Ben's personal grudge against TV is TV's refusal to loan Ben the $$ for his ex-mistress operation. There is no reason why TV should do that as it runs into tens of thousand, and TV is not actually a rich man. What if Ben decide not to repay the loan? Y got crippled and scarred is becasue of Ben, so it is he who should shoulder the whole responsibiliy instead of blaming TV. Ben's own marital problem is his own doings and he cannot go around blaming TV for his woes.

So we shld not just listen to one side , but also give TV a chance to give his side of the story.
Old 25-12-2006, 07:59 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by macfan1905 View Post
i will be in hatyai on 6 jan till 13 jan. thinking that on the 8 jan, will like to travel either to krabi or phuket. any recommendation which is better ?krabi or phuket ? any guys knows how much is the flight from hatyai to phuket ? or by bus ? or hatyai to krabi by bus or van ?

Any guys know the rate for novotel in hatyai by buying vouchers there ?

I cant decide now. should i buy one way ticket to hatyai first and then buy back home ticket from there or buy two and fro?.by the way, i take company leave from 6 till 13 jan. i am not sure i will be back earlier than 13 jan or 8 days is too long there? info is greatly appreciated.
Well... if you are traveling from HDY... I would choose Krabi... If you are going to Phuket... might as well fly direct

Rent a van from Hadyai to go to Krabi... any travel agency can give you a competitive rate

U wanna check flight from HDY to Phuket... check

As for novotel rates... u can always ask ThaiHotel or check on the internet... but maybe you can get better rates at travel agency in HDY...

U ask too much question... kekekekeke... u r even asking if your holiday is too long ???
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Old 25-12-2006, 08:00 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

TsunamiFund... with all do respect... if TV wanna say something... he will come here personally... we know all parties involved... we dunno you... unless you are another TV clone ..
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 25-12-2006, 08:08 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by TsunamiFund View Post
As we can see, the real reason for Ben's personal grudge against TV is TV's refusal to loan Ben the $$ for his ex-mistress operation. There is no reason why TV should do that as it runs into tens of thousand, and TV is not actually a rich man. What if Ben decide not to repay the loan? Y got crippled and scarred is becasue of Ben, so it is he who should shoulder the whole responsibiliy instead of blaming TV. Ben's own marital problem is his own doings and he cannot go around blaming TV for his woes.
is it?during that point of crisis period, ben also tried borrowing money from a few of his kakis in hatyai. apparently, it came too suddenly and none ,like Thaivisitor aka roger, can come up with that money within the two days. after a window period of few more days, cyber@id already solved the problem on his own and everything was ok.

Now, if he wanna get angry over the loan thing, why was it he is still on good terms with the rest of his friends, whom like thaivistor, wasn't able to loan him the money??

should i rephrase it :
thaivisitor needed an excuse now to tell the world why cyber@id is slamming him. AGAIN, the stupid merry go round to make himself look good while blaming others and also, purposely divulging other ppl's personal info.

posted yesterday 24 Dec7.39pm
Originally Posted by noni juice
oh,whatever he post will be how victimised he is, how his kind intentions is being mis-read etc...again, it will be the same old merry go round to make himself look good, with the occasional spilling of others private info to spice up the news.low scumbag!
everybody can predict your low down move,scum bag! you have been using it too often liao!
Beware of this SBF conster Roger Lim aka Thaivisitor aka Midnightiger.
Old 25-12-2006, 08:22 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Old 25-12-2006, 09:57 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by TsunamiFund View Post
I will let Ben explain why and who thrown his gf down the apartment as that is his own problem with his wife.
who the hell dare to throw our tai kor gf down? not scared he call his police ka kai and cowboys ?
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Old 25-12-2006, 11:30 PM
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Re: Hatyai,Thailand For Sawadee Newbies

Originally Posted by TsunamiFund View Post
Ben accuses TV of big mouth leaking his personal matters to other samster. First, TV is not the only one who knows about his extra marital affairs, there are several who always hang out with him including Romance, Jungerider, Kingstar, Kevlin - so why is he so sure it is not them to leak it out..and must be TV? Becos Ben had a grudge against TV for not helpin him when he needed $$. This is the incident:

When Ben's gf Y was thrown down from the apartment and seriously injured and had to go for immediately operation, Ben wanted to ask TV for $$ as loan first, but TV refuse because he felt odd dat how can Ben do not hav the $$ when he is a GM of a MNC drawing high salary, and also he TV do not have anything to do with this problem. Becasue of this, Ben is angry about it and decide to regard TV into a foe. I will let Ben explain why and who thrown his gf down the apartment as that is his own problem with his wife. Also, maybe Ben would like to tell everyone whether he is taking care of her now, or instead had dumped her after she is physically scarred and crippled for life, kicking her out of the apartment.

As for leaking info to the wife, he already admit that his wife has engaged PI to tail him. So maybe he should get the answer from his wife, instead of trying to insinuate that TV did it.
Some clarification to be made here.

During July, my wife took all the money from our join-account (30+ m baht) and went back to taiwan (she is a taiwanese) with my son. Quite a numbers of samsters know about this, including TV.

After one month, my wife secretly come to hty, she find out that I'm staying with Y in the Great Hotel (new hotel near J.B). When I was out drinking that night (28 Aug), someone broke into our room in hotel, disfigure Y's face and thrown her out off 6th floor. When I came back, I find out what happened and immediately rushed to hospital.

She was send to Hatyai Hospital at first, for emergency treatment but the hospital refuse to operate on her unless I can pay half of the operation cost (300,000bht) up front. I called up Kingstar and Junglerider immediately for help, both of them are in s'pore in the point of the time, so they couldn't help me. I called TV asking for his help later, he did not help me with the money, but he come down to the hospital to keep me company.

I let Y tranfer to Bangkok Hatyai hospital for treatment after I managed to contact the vice-chairman of BKKHTY hospital. He agreed to let Y operated first, but I must get the money by the next morning (800,000bht). Bro Kingstar suggest to me that I can try to talk to my boss to get a loan of 2 month's salary (my salary is 400,000bht per month) from my company first which I did and settle the first operation cost.

TV go to the BKKHTY hospital with me and while waiting for Y to come out from her operation I told TV not to leak anything out about it, he promised me that as well. Y's total medical bill come near to 3m baht, which I had to sell my condo (1.2m bht), mortage my car to a finance company (0.8m bht) plus the loan I get from my company to settle it.

I've been paying all Y's medical expenses now even when we are no longer together and I will continue to do that until she recover fully.

I'm revealing in great details so that someone else cannot twist the fact to make himself look good.
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