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Old 21-01-2012, 10:38 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Went to 1854 last nite with the intention of bonking Kelly.

I must have spoken so loud that before th OKT could answer me, the girls told me "Buy an airticket to CHina to see her !".

Alamak, Kelly olso left liao ....

So, I select Xiao Hong from the fish tank because her boobs was spilling out ...

FR on Xiao Hong of from 1854:

Face: 6
Age: mid 20s
Body 7.5: Slim type
Height: quite short
Boobs: between B to B+
Fair: yes fair.
HJ: no need
BJ: 7 (no bbbj)
FJ: 8 very accomodating but quite lazy. But she will do accomodate style you want her to do
French: Doesn't speak much French only allow occasional specks here & there.

Damage: $100 for 45 mins
RTF: Dont think so ..
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Old 21-01-2012, 12:24 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

A okt recommend me to try Charli few wk ago. Got to admit she is quite chio with big boobs. But somehow I did not take her. End up taking Jin Jin. Thanks bro Max for the caution happy new year
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Old 21-01-2012, 04:39 PM
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Smile Re: My worst bonk of the Rabbit Year!!

Originally Posted by SP2010 View Post
For old time sake ?
I did upped her abt 7-8months ago, nonchalant attitude . Though she's quite chio but sadly dead fish fuck ..
Wow, my dear buddy, u also kena from her har?

Now u beri free hor? Everyday bonking in GL huh?

Who is your fav now?
Up Queue: ??

Please PM me if I had missed you out.
Old 21-01-2012, 07:46 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Went to House 18-05. and was greeted by an uncle. I said ''bai wu''.
He ushered me to inner hall and served me water.

After some time, he asked me whether I wanted slim one. I replied yes. There was two gals walking to and fro. one was tall and slim. Other was normal size and average looking. Are they CAT 100?

Then this old uncle, introduced a gal who was only about 1.58 m tall, slim. She look like schoolgirl. She led me to room, where she undressed me, admiringly touch my fair skinned boyish body. She ask me what is my name..

I replied ''San Cai. (which sound like teacher in Japanese.)'

Then she undressed and said ,'' san cai. Wo shi Jiao Jiao ''..

She soaped me , pulled back my foreskin to wash my cock.. Then washed my body..''

I lied on my back. She then said" san cai'' and gestured I be front.

I turned around , and she performed legs masage, and groin massage. She then asked me to turn around .

And applied lotion on my back, perform breast massage , followed by suction movement along my back..

Then she asked me turn around. ( huh? no AR? I paid extra $50 to be ARed )

She then perform nipple suckling which I moaned like a woman.

Then she capped my cock and gave me BJ. Then stopped, asking me'' San Cai, zhu fu ma?" I replied yes.
She continued BJing.
Till then, she removed cd , and put another one. She did cowgal on me, hugging me. Then I cummed soon..
She said Zen me kuai?

She then removed cd and cleaned. She then said "san cai, zai yi zhi, ke yi ma?

I said bu yao..Then she massage me, for a while, then she pressed my cock, and said '' san cai, wo yao ken ni zuo ai...''

and she swirled around my cock with her hand. She hugged me , shaking her head.. said wo yao..

Then I struggled to turn away my body. She pinned me hard, saying wo yao...

I told her ' wo mei gou qian'' ( I knew she was prolonging the session so that OKT would make me pay more..')

I begged her to take me to shower, she reluctantly agreed.

During shower, she make face, pleading me '' wo yao''....
She then caressed my cock sensually, saying'' san cai, wo zhi dao ni yao zuo.''

I said bu yao.... Wo hen lai...''

She let me go out , and I dried my body...Then wear my tee shirt..She opened shower door and dashed towards and snatch my pants. and said San Cai.'' and gestured me to go back to bed..

I pleaded with her to let me go.... and she suckingly hand back my pants.

Then she dried her body and wear clothes. but she blocked the door, dont allow me to open.. make final plea...'' wo men jian zai zuo ai.''

I said wo yao hui jia'. She opened the door ,and make face and stick out tongue, finally she smile at me, saying bye.

I then walked out of the room, OKT said see you again..

I heaved a relief
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Old 21-01-2012, 08:00 PM
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Re: My worst bonk of the Rabbit Year!!

Originally Posted by joker88 View Post
Wow, my dear buddy, u also kena from her har?

Now u beri free hor? Everyday bonking in GL huh?

Who is your fav now?
Haha , these days quite eng lor due clearing last year's leaves .Yalor, she didnt turned out to be Charlie's Angel ..

No lah , cannot everyday poke , Vit M lacking unlike yourself's life ? still travel to China to see AnAn, keke

Duo Duo (Toto) currently my fav as she's pleasant , willing to please & a France trained commando ..
Btw, my dear Bro, you had JiaYi (2047) recently ? any FR
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Old 22-01-2012, 12:49 AM
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Re: My worst bonk of the Rabbit Year!!

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Hello my good Öl' bro Jang! How are you coping with fatherhood life so far?

Let me know if you happen to swing by Singapore, I can send you a list of WL who would prolly meet your pre-requisites ... a la Jag ...
Hey Bro, yeah, its good. Takes getting use to. Plus here no such thing as a maid so everything done ourselves!!

Really? Jaguar type among the PRC girls? Looks/body or her mannerism?
Old 22-01-2012, 12:54 PM
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Wink Re: YoYo(2060) + YoYo(2062)

appreciate the honesty n my commiserations bro...i guess yet another different strokes for different folks situation??...

since u seem to like Duo Duo n XLJ...suggest u try the petite gem power Yo Yo(2062)

Originally Posted by SP2010 View Post
Bro Omnia,
Juz upped Yoyo( 2060 ), me was the last customer before OKT called it a night.
IMHO, Yoyo didnt turned up, session was pretty SOP kinda laid back & goin thru the motions . Nil BBBJ during shower & reluctant to speak French altho I would rate her 6.5/10 for her attitude .
Looks-wise, she dont appeal to me, she looked much like a local lian rather than the fairer/prettier mms in the hse , at most give her 5.5/10

If Ive to compare, DuoDuo(1619) & Xiao LaJiao are streets ahead, no doubt .
Cheers !
Old 22-01-2012, 12:58 PM
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wif due respect...dont think YoYo(2060) can be classified under SYT cat...well to me at least...

gong xi fa cai to u bro!!

Originally Posted by Alejandro88 View Post
Bruddah, there are plenty lah. Here you go,

Yoyo 2062
Yuki 2060
Happy 2060
Yoyo 2060
An An 1667
NaNa 1606A
YiLing 1654A
BaiHui 1654A
Fei Er 1654A
Xiao Qi 1809
Miko 1654A
LiLi 1854
Jia Yi 1637
Lisa 1606
Kai Xin 16W15
Old 22-01-2012, 01:29 PM
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Re: YoYo(2060)

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
wif due respect...dont think YoYo(2060) can be classified under SYT cat...well to me at least...

gong xi fa cai to u bro!!
Should put Xue Er @ 1606A into the Lianish SYT...hee hee

Kong Hei Fatt Choy Brother!!!
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Old 22-01-2012, 04:18 PM
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Re: YoYo(2060)

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
wif due respect...dont think YoYo(2060) can be classified under SYT cat...well to me at least...

gong xi fa cai to u bro!!
Karen & Jenny from 1854, Z4 & Kelly from 16W06, An Ni from 1606 and Xiao Ya from 2831A should also be under this cat.

Gong Xi Fa Cai to you! Huat Ah!!!!!!!!!
Seule la bonne volonte l'emportent!!

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Old 22-01-2012, 05:50 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

FR on Kawaii Jap lookalike ah lian SYT Xue Er (16 06A)

Face: 7/10 (Ah lian SYT type. She also resembles those kawaii Jap SYT girl. Her blond long hair makes her image more lianish. If she dye her hair black she will fall into the GND SYT category. She wore a pair of specs when I booked her which makes her look like an innocent student I have a fetish on girls wearing specs. Overall I like her face, suits my taste totally.)

Boobs: 6.2/10 (Natural A Cup with dark brown nipples. She scores quite low in this area. I prefer B to C cup natural boobs with pink nipples.)

Body: 6.8/10 (Too skinny i can even see the shape of her pelvic bone and ribs. Not as fair as other PRC girl. No tummy fat. Tattoo on the back of her neck and ankle area. Her body complexion not so good esp her back area. Though skinny, she still has some curves or S shape.)

Bath: 6.2/10 (SOP, nothing special.)

Frenching: 7/10 (Passionate bf gf type of frenching with some tongue action occassionally. But still feel shiok to french a chio SYT.)

Catbath: 6.2/10 (Average. Just licked my nipples and body.)

BBBJ: 6.5/10 (Average. I had better BBBJ from other WL. But then to see such a chio kawaii face licked and sucked my dick i still feel shiok esp when she wore that spec and give me a BBBJ.)

FJ: 7/10 (She was quite tight. In missionary position, I frenched her and keep pumping her non stop shiok. We also tried doggie and in doggie position she was very tight. After I have cummed she will still hug me with my dick still in her pussy.)

GFE: 9/10 (Though her service lvl not as impressive as other commandos, she scores very high in this area. We practically spent abt 20mins chatting. We even exceeded the session timing by 15mins but she is ok with it. Thumbs up )

RTF: Yes for her chio kawaii face.
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Old 23-01-2012, 01:26 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Senior bro Slyer : Fantastic & very accurate FR on SYT Xue Er (16 06A)
Top notch French, FJ ( especially doggie ) & total GFE :
Old 24-01-2012, 12:20 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by sailsingapore View Post
Senior bro Slyer : Fantastic & very accurate FR on SYT Xue Er (16 06A)
Top notch French, FJ ( especially doggie ) & total GFE :
Haha bro happy new year to u. Agree tat xue er gfe is much higher than her service ratings. Her service pale in comparison to the commandos in my fav house
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters
Old 24-01-2012, 09:24 PM
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Babes of L1606A

Bro, have you upped Ding Ding (cousin of Xue Er) before? She is tall (1.68m), voluptuous and pretty ... Her service is at least a couple of notches better than Xue Er and NaNa ...

This house used to have a celeb material WL named, Xiao Ye but unfortunately she has departed for good ...

Originally Posted by slyer View Post
Haha bro happy new year to u. Agree tat xue er gfe is much higher than her service ratings. Her service pale in comparison to the commandos in my fav house
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Old 25-01-2012, 02:31 AM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Originally Posted by slyer View Post
FR on Kawaii Jap lookalike ah lian SYT Xue Er (16 06A)
Was at 1637 down the road and asked for a gal like MiMi. Perhaps I din't make my point came across too well, so the younger guy wasn't sure what I meant and he got the okt to call Xue Er 1606. What I meant was somebody with an ass like MiMi lol.. but this Xue Er was rather cute. Yeah pretty much like bro Slyer said. On top of that kawaii look, she has this thing about her, making cute faces, with her coy innocence and all, which I find quite appealing. And the thought of her arching her back and quiver with excitement while painting was very pleasurable.
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