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Old 03-04-2008, 11:45 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

how about come out and lim kopi
Old 03-04-2008, 12:09 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

wah,,, adidas and everyone is back. back to normal.
hahaha ya, why dun we just meet up for kopi and discuss. hahah...

zh trip 16-19 confirm for me. i can only go weekends lah.

the 直通车 will bring u straight to your hotel, depending on which hotel u stay. but if u stay chang an, no prob. for rmb60. counter is outside immigration. customs located near venetian that area.

bro 789550 seems like he prefer jia li wan hao. coz chang an new world hotel beds are not fully fixed on the bed. when he bonk, the bed will move. hahahha... he's too agressive. in chang an new world, the bed frame is just a flat panel, with the mattress on top. for me, i'm fine with that lah. i dun rape. hehehehe...

biz rooms are actually the "china" rooms some bros are referring to. the jap rooms... dunno how to describe, just dun like it. the beds are even lower. and wooden floor (i think, if i never remember wrongly). i dun like. havent stayed in the jap room for 3 years liao... so sorta forgot. another bro advise? (bro tintin?)

bros, me going to KL to cheong this weekend. anyone interested? i'll drive.
highly recommended, SABOON SPA. very very good. PRC/locals with extra good service (by the malaysian standard). value for money.

also got FL, call-in-hotel service. 180/bonk, 350/3hr/2shots, 600/6hr. all in RM, PRC FL. we can book 3 hour for 350. and bring go out and drink and bonk. or orgy. hehehehhehee.... anyone?
Old 03-04-2008, 12:19 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by pimpternational View Post
wah,,, adidas and everyone is back. back to normal.
hahaha ya, why dun we just meet up for kopi and discuss. hahah...
meet in KL for kopi ??

Originally Posted by pimpternational View Post
zh trip 16-19 confirm for me. i can only go weekends lah.
why u only can go weekend ?? weekdays must take care of gf izit ??

Originally Posted by pimpternational View Post
the 直通车 will bring u straight to your hotel, depending on which hotel u stay. but if u stay chang an, no prob. for rmb60. counter is outside immigration. customs located near venetian that area.
got it .. thansk bro ...

Originally Posted by pimpternational View Post
bros, me going to KL to cheong this weekend. anyone interested? i'll drive.
highly recommended, SABOON SPA. very very good. PRC/locals with extra good service (by the malaysian standard). value for money.
also got FL, call-in-hotel service. 180/bonk, 350/3hr/2shots, 600/6hr. all in RM, PRC FL. we can book 3 hour for 350. and bring go out and drink and bonk. or orgy. hehehehhehee.... anyone?
bro .. everywhere u also can cheong ... u r the man ...
Old 03-04-2008, 12:21 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

latest update:

bro bonk88
bro tintin
bro 789550
bro adidas88 16th to 21th may
bro pimp 16th to 19th may
bro l3est ??
Old 03-04-2008, 12:30 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
meet in KL for kopi ??
why u only can go weekend ?? weekdays must take care of gf izit ??
bro .. everywhere u also can cheong ... u r the man ...
hehehhe..... meet in sg for kopi lah..
leaving for KL tmr. meeting a client, but thats only for 1-2 hours. the rest of the time. cheong ah! sg so sian.... plus gals in sg already 宠坏. expensive and not so fun. the theory is that PRC in sg, paid a lot more to come here. so when they are here, they try best to make it back. so money is all they think. but in malaysia, they dun spend that much to get there, so the feel is a bit different.
i wanna go saboon spa to relax. it's an all in one relax place plus bonking. i like the service lah. in sg, u have to pay SG150 for cat150, but in KL get the same service for only RM200. more hua lah. plus i have plans to meet a MM there. but if u wan to Ktv, not a good time to go KL. many places are closed.
wanna come?

i can only go zh or anywhere, coz thats when i'm free. weekdays, have to be in office. it's my responsibility. i cant take leave, coz i dun have. but i'm flexible. if i wanna go during weekdays, also can, but i wont have fun. no peace in the mind. no gf now, thats why always cheong. hehehe...
Old 03-04-2008, 03:07 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by pimpternational View Post
hehehhe..... meet in sg for kopi lah..
okay loh ... when u cum back, we'll meet up with bro l3est also ...
Originally Posted by pimpternational View Post
leaving for KL tmr. meeting a client, but thats only for 1-2 hours. the rest of the time. cheong ah! sg so sian.... plus gals in sg already 宠坏. expensive and not so fun. the theory is that PRC in sg, paid a lot more to come here. so when they are here, they try best to make it back. so money is all they think. but in malaysia, they dun spend that much to get there, so the feel is a bit different.
i wanna go saboon spa to relax. it's an all in one relax place plus bonking. i like the service lah. in sg, u have to pay SG150 for cat150, but in KL get the same service for only RM200. more hua lah.
wah .... so good lobang .. definately must cheong ...
but this wk cannot make it ....
moreover u leaving tomorrow .... if come along, have to take leave ..
Originally Posted by pimpternational View Post
plus i have plans to meet a MM there.
oh ya .... that shy mm from ZH ...
meeting her and still asked me to come along ....
why ?? u want a threesome izit ???

Originally Posted by pimpternational View Post
i can only go zh or anywhere, coz thats when i'm free. weekdays, have to be in office. it's my responsibility. i cant take leave, coz i dun have.
u don't have leave or u've taken all ur leave ???
2 different perspective ...
Old 04-04-2008, 02:43 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Hi Fellow Cheongsters

Anyone in Macau or Zhuhai from 14th to 17th April? I'll be there and hope to goto Gandong KTV after hearing so much. But I'll be there alone, so need some company.

Usually I stay at Nanyang Seaview. Anyone else got suggestions? Last time I used internet to book, costs US$55. I think there should be some better offer somewhere. Anyone can help?

Last visit, I was conned by a LHL pimp. Girl came to my room with a stuckup attitude, say home got problem etc. Need some experienced bro to return my confidence about ZH. Also, cannot drink too much, so at the LHL small stalls, kenna slaughtered. No luck there with any MM.

PM me to have a KTV outing or if you are free also go check out LHL.

uplist: coolmanks, spoonfork, Maitong, whitegals, BulleYe, Pearl, Tony

Pls up me if you like my FR. Tks

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Old 04-04-2008, 06:03 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
yipee ... looks like ZH is getting more enjoyable ...

okay ... let's update who will be in ZH from 16th to 22th may ...
Although I will be in PRC from 16th to 21st May, I will actually go CP first, may need go CA for a nite. A friend in HK for biz trip may join me in CP. So it depends on how much fun I have in CP. If its boring, I will arrive in ZH early. But plan is to arrive in ZH on 19th, spend 2 nites before leaving.

Originally Posted by pimpternational View Post
bro 789550 seems like he prefer jia li wan hao. coz chang an new world hotel beds are not fully fixed on the bed. when he bonk, the bed will move. hahahha... he's too agressive. in chang an new world, the bed frame is just a flat panel, with the mattress on top. for me, i'm fine with that lah. i dun rape. hehehehe...
I have not decided where to stay for this May trip, maybe Jia Li Wan Hao, maybe Hao Shi Jie, maybe another new hotel. Actually I not aggressive in bed lah, I am juz passionate, I want the gal to have a good time too. Btw I dun rape too, its the gals who always rape me and suck me dry of my sperms.
Retired from cheonging.
Old 04-04-2008, 09:41 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by 789550 View Post
Although I will be in PRC from 16th to 21st May, I will actually go CP first, may need go CA for a nite. A friend in HK for biz trip may join me in CP. So it depends on how much fun I have in CP. If its boring, I will arrive in ZH early. But plan is to arrive in ZH on 19th, spend 2 nites before leaving.
read a lot of happenings in CP ...
will visit the place one of these day ...
will seek sifu bro 789550 for advise when i plan to go ...

Originally Posted by 789550 View Post
Actually I not aggressive in bed lah, I am juz passionate, I want the gal to have a good time too.
agreed ... the bed is a very important element in our cheonging time ...
without a good bed, u cannot sleep better ...
without a good bed, u cannot bonk passionate
without a good bed, then u better sleep on the floor ...

Originally Posted by 789550 View Post
Btw I dun rape too, its the gals who always rape me and suck me dry of my sperms.
oh yeah ... especially the last one that stick to u like elephant glue ..
how i envy u ....
Old 04-04-2008, 10:44 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

ok, i am back, bro tin tin call me last nite and said the jetstar the price is up again, so we have to book thru tiger on the 17may to 21 may liao..even we dont like tiger, but to me good new is the flight is on morning and should be at ZH ard then we can meet up with the rest of the bro in LHL...that the plan for the now...bro adidas, may be we go for spa in the afternoon before we go ktv?
Old 04-04-2008, 11:49 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
latest update:

bro bonk88
bro tintin
bro 789550
bro adidas88 16th to 21th may
bro pimp 16th to 19th may
bro l3est ??
Latest Update as of 04/04/08 (1150am)

bro bonk88 17th to 21th may
bro tintin 17th to 21th may
bro 789550
bro adidas88 16th to 21th may
bro pimp 16th to 19th may
bro l3est ??

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Old 04-04-2008, 11:50 AM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Originally Posted by wansomemilk View Post
...Hi Fellow Cheongsters
Anyone in Macau or Zhuhai from 14th to 17th April?...
bro, we have many reports in previous pages. i know its a bit tedious. but try to read it to get some experience. normally, i dun really trust the MM from LHL, unless i take them for short time in the day. safety wise, stay in a good hotel and most likely u will be fine. coz the security will stop unwanted people from disturbing your bonk. for LHL MM, i have a regular okt who supply me. name is da gu (大古). he is from taiwan and located in some back alley. dunno how to describe to you. if u want his number, PM me. he knows me, so he can take care of u. his prices are reasonable. 600-800 for ON only. sometimes u can get a pretty good catch too. see... my idea is to take a gal from a reliable source. coz if anything happens, u can always find the okt who can control the gals. if u randomly pick any gals without knowing her background or whose her boss, sometimes, it can be dangerous. dun want u to get in trouble too.

usually getting the gals from ktv is very reliable. anything happens, u can still refer back to the ktv. ktv gals are more ex, but u are sure to be safe and wont get cheated. plus those gals are more "clean" coz they dun go for multiple shots in a day. she's yours for the whole day. less messy and complicated. but u have to pay the price of ktv expenses + the ON is more ex. i have a buddy who is the manager of 长安俱乐部. he can also take care of you and very reasonably priced. some bros have looked him up b4 also. u can trust him. his name is 汤副总. number is +86 13928080134. say u are from singapore. he can also bring u to gandong, coz a manager there used to be under him. he will take care of u. if u go alone, dun worry. many managers there will come in and drink with u. (dun have to tip them) or u can order more gals. (must tip). he can help u book hotel also. at a better price of course.

for gal attitute, this is heng sway. but usually gals from well managed ktv, gals will have an unwritten rule that they cannot leave b4 10am if they are taken for ON. PM me if u need more help.

Originally Posted by 789550 View Post
But plan is to arrive in ZH on 19th, spend 2 nites before leaving..
cool... we can meet up for a couple of sessions at ktv! and i was joking about the r*pe part lah.. hehe.... likely u kenna one CFM gal, u will the one who kenna R*pe. hhehe.... but the saying goes that "if u are being raped to a point where u cannot resist anymore, what's left is only to enjoy the sex."

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
okay loh ... when u cum back, we'll meet up with bro l3est also ...
wah .... so good lobang .. definately must cheong ...
but this wk cannot make it ....
moreover u leaving tomorrow .... if come along, have to take leave ..
oh ya .... that shy mm from ZH ...
meeting her and still asked me to come along ....
why ?? u want a threesome izit ???
u don't have leave or u've taken all ur leave ???
2 different perspective ...
when i come back from KL, i have to go mauritius and seychelles for biz and diving. we can always meet for kopi in singapore anytime.

next time, come KL with me. it's sometimes fun too. (at least better than sg)

not meeting the shy MM from ZH in KL. meeting another one whom i met in KL few months ago.

and i really got no leave. i am free and easy. own time own target. but i got my responsibilities. so i try to fix my cheonging only on weekends. weekdays, can have some light cheonging in singapore only.
Old 04-04-2008, 12:02 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

Bro Pimp, u miss us samster even when u r in KL har??..which disco or pub u goes to in KL??...usually i go to Cherry Blossom KTV in Bukit Bintang or Aloha Disco to cheong...

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Old 04-04-2008, 01:37 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

walau eh.... this SBF site loading is almost driving me crazy. dunno if it is problem with my comp or it's the site's problem. its so hard for me to log in and to load pages.... hai~~

sorry bros, posting malaysia info on ZH site.... coz bro tintin asked lah. hope you dun zap me... hee. sorry lah...

bro tintin, for KTV,
most memorable place, the best in KL, most fun, most happening is....
PUTRA INN AND STAR INN @ PUCHONG. (but already closed since 4 years ago) no other place in malaysia can replace.
dunno if u know that place, but that place is fantastic. that time, is still during mahathir reign, b4 abdullah badawi time. and the PRC just started coming to malaysia in BULK! its like a ZH in malaysia.

i usually go to PUTRA INN. SWEET BOX KTV, first floor and second floor is the KTV. got 2 types of room. K room is for ktv. proper TV for singing, with few speakers. D room is for disco (feng tao), no tv. just whole row of speakers to blast! very shoik. few hundred gals. Damage is RM40/hour/gal. no butterfly. viet/PRC/cambodia MMs available. if u like the gal, can bonk in a separate room in the same venue. Damage RM188-198, inclusive room and cd. drinking is not that expensive. RM400+ per bottle, plus barang barang. about each person 200-300. including tip for mummy.

third floor and forth floor is spa. PUTRA INN HEALTH SPA. few hundred gals also. no joke. whole row for u to choose. not satisfied, another row comes. 20+ gals each room. all in night gown. really. that time, we always blur. dunno who to choose. all very good. with good service including FJ, AR and BBBJ. damage RM188-198/shot. (second shot discount 10%). with bath facilities also. i never walk out of this joint without 2 shots on all my trips there.

STAR INN HEALTH SPA, same like putra inn health spa. all same owner.

but too bad, kenna sweep away by pak lah. that b*stard. so many memories...

now, no choice.. closest thing to this is "WHY NOT" in KL. but always open close open close, coz of raid. not as fun as last time, but ok. can hanky panky still. but prices have increased. it is at bandar putri city bank there, beside giant at puchong. damage is RM50 (tip for gal when she sit down), another RM50 (when she leaves), RM20 (ladies drink). bottle is about RM300-400. in between ktv session, can go out bonk for RM210.

other KTV i frequent is SUBARA (above sky river). others like vegas and bintang palace. only go when got those lao ban blanjah. hehee...

rest of the time, just go to SABOON lor. for clubs. now bacelorna at sunway is damn happening. many students. other clubbin spots.. too many lah... but i like poppy, aloha also i like. rum jungle. same area, can hop around. last time i used to frequent bed and loft (many bintang palace gals go there after work).

bro tintin, are u in KL or SG? Malaysian or singaporean?
Old 04-04-2008, 01:58 PM
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Re: Macau or Zhuhai

hey bros,
i was just researching on airtickets to macau during the vesak day period.
walau eh.... tickets are already SKY HIGH!!. dun feel good that we have to pay more for airticket, then we have less to spend on drinking. so bohua....

so i have a plan (for myself or anyone who wants to join me)

may 15 thursday, i will drive up to KL after work. Cheong one night in KL.
may 16 friday, morning, take air asia to macau.
may 19 sunday, back from macau to KL. drive back to singapore.

air asia has 4 flights a day from KL. 1 from JB. (dun try jb, timing is bad, very troublesome) flights are cheap! check out it and u'll be surprised.

currently, i am looking at:
May 16, Friday, AK54, KUL-MFM, 1330-1715, RM139.99
May 19, Sunday, AK57 MFM-KUL, 1335-1720, RM229.99
plus tax on both ways (add RM267)
super cheap!
driving to KL and back. petrol and toll, RM300/car. split on how many we have. all ringgit leh.... i think is more hua. plus can cheong one night in KL. hehehe....

just an idea. u all can go ahead with ya plans and we can meet in ZH. but i will be most likely taking this plan.
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