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Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
Originally Posted by kiko
Can bros here share your opinion the difference between High class KTV PRC gals to lower class KTV like Tian ann men , Lido palace Vs Club armani , B.S?
What i dont like about high class ktvs gals is that when u go out meal with them , they already asking u for $200, lower class ktv gals are different , they dont ask for money, i can eat relax with them w/o any worry about that $200.
Another thing i dont understand why high class ktv gals always asks guys to buy them L V bag?
Bro kiko,
The gals are all the same one lah. Be it high class eg Lido or low class eg BS KTV etc etc. Pussy will be same pussy feeling when u bonk.
The gals are all here to make some or alot of quick bucks with their precious time to go makan for FOC. Unless u can pick up that 1% rare breed of gals like Bro DYBJ. Hard to find indeed. Yr so call lower class KTV gals also expect some tip from you when u bring them go makan. They are sacrificing their precious money earning time u know.
LV bags ?? bro diehard4ever15 mention to me before, go Shanghai buy a lorry load of A grade LVs and come back be santa claus lor...the gals sure to love u deep deep.
Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
Originally Posted by Fatjumbo
LV bags ?? bro diehard4ever15 mention to me before, go Shanghai buy a lorry load of A grade LVs and come back be santa claus lor...the gals sure to love u deep deep.
Bro Fatjumbo.....I think you may get better deals in Guangzhou....for A grade LVs.....
The Day we are born, we start to die. Life is filled with uncertainties, please live life to the fullest with no regrets.
Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
Bro there are some things we shouldn't say as it could possibly break the income for these girls.With regards to some issues we should not dispense the facts in detail too freely. If not fishes will swim to other seas if the worms refuse to be eaten. Like that old fishes also starve leh =p must be selfish a bit lah.
Originally Posted by jasdude
Firstly ,Have you encounter gals that work in Tian ann men , Lido palace standing at lorong 8 and 10 after work ? whats the difference of those from BS and armani ? The answer is They are all up for sale but price is different from place to place . Same as viet gals that go hyatt ! after joo chiat , they head straight to hyatt and orchard tower and demand higher price for a bonk !
So it subjective from person to person , place to place ! Whether they charge you for the time they go out with you its also subjective ! First , if you ask a gal out on a FRIDAY evening accompanying you for the whole nite 80% she will ask for some money ! but if its a SUNDAY , she might not charge !
There is no right or wrong but everything is subjective depending on the person and the gal .
Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
Originally Posted by kiko
Can bros here share your opinion the difference between High class KTV PRC gals to lower class KTV like Tian ann men , Lido palace Vs Club armani , B.S?
What i dont like about high class ktvs gals is that when u go out meal with them , they already asking u for $200, lower class ktv gals are different , they dont ask for money, i can eat relax with them w/o any worry about that $200.
Another thing i dont understand why high class ktv gals always asks guys to buy them L V bag?
not only high class girls will ask. even girls at BS or other KTVs will also asked. i always reply in a straigh face. How many u want? grade A stuff. if u wan to eat with the girls, ask them out after working hours or during the dinner resting time, but must send back to work la. if not they will start charging liao.
Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
regardless of their status, in the end, they are still human(horny) who need money to survive and have their materialistic needs as well. they may be here to earn money but they also need some socializing.
Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
Try not to wear a lot of branded stuff. They gauge a lot on how much they can fleece with regards to the brands of our clothes , watches & cars. There was once after I fucked a girl we talked cock and ended asking me to buy her a car. I laughed, nuzzled her, fucked her hard again and left. They call you Lao Ban /Lao Gong so behave like one and show them who's the boss. Happy cheonging.
Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
Originally Posted by diehard4ever15@
regardless of their status, in the end, they are still human(horny) who need money to survive and have their materialistic needs as well. they may be here to earn money but they also need some socializing.
Wow bro...u post the most today here ah...haha. Well said !!
Yea they are also human, let's shower them with some respect too especially if they are nice to us.
Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
Originally Posted by EtherC
Try not to wear a lot of branded stuff. They gauge a lot on how much they can fleece with regards to the brands of our clothes , watches & cars. There was once after I fucked a girl we talked cock and ended asking me to buy her a car. I laughed, nuzzled her, fucked her hard again and left. They call you Lao Ban /Lao Gong so behave like one and show them who's the boss. Happy cheonging.
Wow Bro Ether, during yr talk cock session did u accidentally leaked out how many villas and condos you owned ?? hee hee hee... just kidding you.
Good Advice...need to show them who's the Boss. You too happy cheonging
Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
Originally Posted by kiko
Can bros here share your opinion the difference between High class KTV PRC gals to lower class KTV like Tian ann men , Lido palace Vs Club armani , B.S?
What i dont like about high class ktvs gals is that when u go out meal with them , they already asking u for $200, lower class ktv gals are different , they dont ask for money, i can eat relax with them w/o any worry about that $200.
Another thing i dont understand why high class ktv gals always asks guys to buy them L V bag?
My personal view is all of them r humans who dared travel all the way to this part of the world trying to make some money in any class of KTVs for themselves n their family. Of course some of them r lucky to be 'tabao' by some rich guys la!
But im not a wealthy guy, i pay them whatever i think is market price in that KTV. If too ex, then bo bian go home fly kite lor...
Pay $200 for dinner is one thing that i rarely do, i rather buy all my friends the dinner! But $200 for dinner plus a shot or 2, i will go for it!
Thanks to all bros who up me! Leave ur nick so that i can up u back when i have the power to do so.
Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
Originally Posted by EtherC
Try not to wear a lot of branded stuff. They gauge a lot on how much they can fleece with regards to the brands of our clothes , watches & cars. There was once after I fucked a girl we talked cock and ended asking me to buy her a car. I laughed, nuzzled her, fucked her hard again and left. They call you Lao Ban /Lao Gong so behave like one and show them who's the boss. Happy cheonging.
Buy car??!! I will tell her ok on! Then give here a few more shots then bring her go buy paper car or toy car! haha!
Thanks to all bros who up me! Leave ur nick so that i can up u back when i have the power to do so.
Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
Originally Posted by kiko
Can bros here share your opinion the difference between High class KTV PRC gals to lower class KTV like Tian ann men , Lido palace Vs Club armani , B.S?
What i dont like about high class ktvs gals is that when u go out meal with them , they already asking u for $200, lower class ktv gals are different , they dont ask for money, i can eat relax with them w/o any worry about that $200.
Another thing i dont understand why high class ktv gals always asks guys to buy them L V bag?
Huh...u mean nowdays still got this practice by them to ask for $$ to go out makan meh? In the early days when the PRCs just touched down on our shores, and when they were considered a novelty, yes they do ask for money just to go out for makan. But already long time not being practiced already leh, cos got sooo many PRCs now, no longer considered something new or fresh, and also economy now compared with many years back is so god-damn bad...If u still actually pay, then kudos to u...either they c u ez to makan, or u r really gd to makan...
Anyway abt LV bag, not just high end KTV gals will ask for it, low end KTV gals also like, just that they must c who r the customers they are facing b4 they ask 4 it...PRCs just have this deep deep infatuation with LV...
Re: To stay in or out of a relationship with a KTV gal
Originally Posted by Fishcer
Huh...u mean nowdays still got this practice by them to ask for $$ to go out makan meh? In the early days when the PRCs just touched down on our shores, and when they were considered a novelty, yes they do ask for money just to go out for makan. But already long time not being practiced already leh, cos got sooo many PRCs now, no longer considered something new or fresh, and also economy now compared with many years back is so god-damn bad...If u still actually pay, then kudos to u...either they c u ez to makan, or u r really gd to makan...
Anyway abt LV bag, not just high end KTV gals will ask for it, low end KTV gals also like, just that they must c who r the customers they are facing b4 they ask 4 it...PRCs just have this deep deep infatuation with LV...
next time...we should introduce ourself as LV Prada, Gucci or Christen Dior. time to change my name