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Old 11-05-2013, 11:01 AM
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Re: Great Bonks

1. Hornymarthafock
2. Madhatter
3. Luvityoung
4. *FiReWoRkS*
5. Speedster
6. Loki
7. tanmikel
8. pollux69
9. WithoutEuu
11. Greenfrog
12. babysky
13. Poltergeist
14. RigR
15. achu
16. tomabcde8
17. Stryker
18. klose87
19. amorei2
20. knight888
21. Oneballout
22. babyckh
23. zamiel
24. Berengsek
25. Jjjr
26. Benny25
27. Geylander
28. ecneralc
29. upil
30. bolueeleh
31. magician72
32. grey82
33. Sexmonger
34. Aahtaan24
35. zserty258
36. virginlovers
37. black84
38. chibaxi82
39. sugizox
40. drhyde79
41. heavenwing
42. 323bimmer
43. Litbour
44. takishi1
45. Aces9999
46. quip
47. cps7733
48. toothless
49. babyonboard
50. Keng
Old 11-05-2013, 12:51 PM
323bimmer 323bimmer is offline
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Re: Great Bonks

Hoho.. the magic number 50 has been reached! Actually, it should be 51.. Bro Keng should be 51 not 50.
Old 11-05-2013, 02:01 PM
stryker stryker is offline
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Re: Great Bonks

Whether 50 or 51 or other no., it shows there is big clamor for Frank's return as there is no doubt of his babes service & quality during his offerings. Frankly speaking, have tried almost all of Thai OKTs' here & some elsewhere and the ones I tried without feeling short-changed are TD, PS & LB & of course, his babes

I believe he will be back with a bang sooner than we think. Who knows, he might now be preparing his babes for the grand opening. Hope to hear from ya soon!!
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Old 11-05-2013, 09:11 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

1. Hornymarthafock
2. Madhatter
3. Luvityoung
4. *FiReWoRkS*
5. Speedster
6. Loki
7. tanmikel
8. pollux69
9. WithoutEuu
11. Greenfrog
12. babysky
13. Poltergeist
14. RigR
15. achu
16. tomabcde8
17. Stryker
18. klose87
19. amorei2
20. knight888
21. Oneballout
22. babyckh
23. zamiel
24. Berengsek
25. Jjjr
26. Benny25
27. Geylander
28. ecneralc
29. upil
30. bolueeleh
31. magician72
32. grey82
33. Sexmonger
34. Aahtaan24
35. zserty258
36. virginlovers
37. black84
38. chibaxi82
39. sugizox
40. drhyde79
41. heavenwing
42. 323bimmer
43. Litbour
44. takishi1
45. Aces9999
46. quip
47. cps7733
48. toothless
49. babyonboard
50. Keng
51. tastertaster
Old 13-05-2013, 03:09 AM
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Re: Great Bonks

Anyone Tried Jaguar from CE??
Old 13-05-2013, 03:31 AM
Khorsho Khorsho is offline
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Re: Great Bonks

what happened to secretmanor? I heard some good things about them but they suddenly disappeared?
Old 13-05-2013, 12:38 PM
vr311 vr311 is offline
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Re: Great Bonks

1. Hornymarthafock
2. Madhatter
3. Luvityoung
4. *FiReWoRkS*
5. Speedster
6. Loki
7. tanmikel
8. pollux69
9. WithoutEuu
11. Greenfrog
12. babysky
13. Poltergeist
14. RigR
15. achu
16. tomabcde8
17. Stryker
18. klose87
19. amorei2
20. knight888
21. Oneballout
22. babyckh
23. zamiel
24. Berengsek
25. Jjjr
26. Benny25
27. Geylander
28. ecneralc
29. upil
30. bolueeleh
31. magician72
32. grey82
33. Sexmonger
34. Aahtaan24
35. zserty258
36. virginlovers
37. black84
38. chibaxi82
39. sugizox
40. drhyde79
41. heavenwing
42. 323bimmer
43. Litbour
44. takishi1
45. Aces9999
46. quip
47. cps7733
48. toothless
49. babyonboard
50. Keng
51. tastertaster
52. vr311
Old 15-05-2013, 12:19 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Target met but the thread has died down .....
Does not Look like Thaiboy will return.

Its a damn shame.... Still keeping my fingers crossed though
Old 15-05-2013, 01:32 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

I am not Thaiboy...

Jus a simple ThaiBeautiful
Old 15-05-2013, 02:01 PM
babyckh babyckh is offline
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Re: Great Bonks

So boss how? Everyone waiting for your signal.
Old 15-05-2013, 06:40 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Originally Posted by babyckh View Post
So boss how? Everyone waiting for your signal.
me to waiting....!
Old 16-05-2013, 11:04 AM
spboy spboy is offline
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Re: Great Bonks

1. Hornymarthafock
2. Madhatter
3. Luvityoung
4. *FiReWoRkS*
5. Speedster
6. Loki
7. tanmikel
8. pollux69
9. WithoutEuu
11. Greenfrog
12. babysky
13. Poltergeist
14. RigR
15. achu
16. tomabcde8
17. Stryker
18. klose87
19. amorei2
20. knight888
21. Oneballout
22. babyckh
23. zamiel
24. Berengsek
25. Jjjr
26. Benny25
27. Geylander
28. ecneralc
29. upil
30. bolueeleh
31. magician72
32. grey82
33. Sexmonger
34. Aahtaan24
35. zserty258
36. virginlovers
37. black84
38. chibaxi82
39. sugizox
40. drhyde79
41. heavenwing
42. 323bimmer
43. Litbour
44. takishi1
45. Aces9999
46. quip
47. cps7733
48. toothless
49. babyonboard
50. Keng
51. tastertaster
52. vr311
53. Spboy
Old 16-05-2013, 01:48 PM
tastertaster tastertaster is offline
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Re: Great Bonks

Pornstar stable.

i tried a girl from Pornstar stable earlier this week. She already left SG and I forgot her name.

Service was ok, but she was in a bit of a rush because it was near dinner time and she hadn't eaten all day.

Main thing to report is that Pornstar seems to be using real photos as her photo matched her and her roommate also matched her roommate's photo. Just that the photos are photoshopped, but that is to be expected.

So at least Pornstar stable is not using totally fake photos unlike some other stables.
Old 16-05-2013, 03:11 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Great Bonks

To all our TD Bro Patron Supporters,

Thank you for your support for the past year. We at TD will cease to function for the moment due to some administrative issues and We assure you that this closure is not due to any raids.

Once again, We at TD Thanks all Bro Patron Supporters for your support.
Old 16-05-2013, 05:22 PM
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Re: Great Bonks

Wah this is so sad, I was looking forward to apple today n orange next week... My whole week goes down the drain, hope to see you guys back soon!

The sexmonger needs an Apple a day to keep the doctor away! One last special request!
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