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Old 04-02-2019, 08:58 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by racerboy View Post
Siam escort

Girl : Ros

Book her at your own danger, if you want to have nightmares and will not go call chicken for a couple of months

Good : okt quite responsive
Bad : skin tone totally different from pics. Is those type of Issan farmer type skin tone.
Worse: face is much much older. I think more than 30+. U can see the wrinkles that’s alike the Tokyo MRT track diagram near the eyes
Worst! : this girl doesn’t have nipples! I kid u not. The nipple area and the areola area, are all reddish and looks like abrasion wounds! When confront her, she said something went wrong with her boob job and doctor cut it away. Wtf!!

Many people ask why I don’t reject? Cos i always like to shower alone, and she has long hair (I suspect it’s hair extension done) to cover her boobs/nipple area.

It’s only when about to start then I notice. Wtf...

Please, only visit her if u want to have nightmares!
Thank you for sharing, I was waiting for review on her.
Old 04-02-2019, 09:29 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Realise no reviews on xclusive?
Old 04-02-2019, 10:16 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by racerboy View Post
Siam escort

Girl : Ros

Book her at your own danger, if you want to have nightmares and will not go call chicken for a couple of months

Good : okt quite responsive
Bad : skin tone totally different from pics. Is those type of Issan farmer type skin tone.
Worse: face is much much older. I think more than 30+. U can see the wrinkles that’s alike the Tokyo MRT track diagram near the eyes
Worst! : this girl doesn’t have nipples! I kid u not. The nipple area and the areola area, are all reddish and looks like abrasion wounds! When confront her, she said something went wrong with her boob job and doctor cut it away. Wtf!!

Many people ask why I don’t reject? Cos i always like to shower alone, and she has long hair (I suspect it’s hair extension done) to cover her boobs/nipple area.

It’s only when about to start then I notice. Wtf...

Please, only visit her if u want to have nightmares!
Wow... sounds bad. Kinda feel sorry for her. She was previously here few months ago. Her implants were relatively new and she was constantly massaging it trying to keep them soft then.
Old 04-02-2019, 10:54 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

3/2 Sunday 8.30pm
FR on tarma sesh with Min and June from GalaxyX

Looks: Min- 7/10 , June 8/10
Body: Min- 8/10, June 8/10
Boobs: Min- 8/10 (enhanced hard tits), June- 8/10 (natural B IMO)
BBBJ: 10/10 for both!! Min is more on the naughty side while June is more of a GFE kind
FJ: Min- 8/10. Like what other bros mentioned she loves to dirty talk alot. 1st shot in missionary after done riding me cowgirl.
June- 8.5/10. I like her better maybe cuz I'm a sucker for SYT kind. 2nd shot cowgirl which I did not expect to be so fast. Min was super horny took her vibrator and asked me to help her masturbate while June was still riding me.

Overall: I say it's a good night I had. Saw Rin in the hallway (FINE looking body) Was gonna book her for tarma sesh too but unfortunately she is booked out way early. Another time it is..

Happy Chinese New Year to all and also play safe fellow chiongsters
Old 04-02-2019, 11:00 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by jason9 View Post
Loversforstress ROWIE look great.any kind bro can shared her FR
There was a good FR for her .
Old 04-02-2019, 11:10 PM
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Thumbs down Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

LoverFortress used to be quite good until they got more girls working in the same place. I don't mind using a common toiet but using same bed and bedsheets where girls and their men used before is totally not acceptable.
Old 04-02-2019, 11:22 PM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

any fr of som or fah from s69 stable?


Old 05-02-2019, 12:50 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by racerboy View Post
Siam escort

Girl : Ros

Book her at your own danger, if you want to have nightmares and will not go call chicken for a couple of months

Good : okt quite responsive
Bad : skin tone totally different from pics. Is those type of Issan farmer type skin tone.
Worse: face is much much older. I think more than 30+. U can see the wrinkles that’s alike the Tokyo MRT track diagram near the eyes
Worst! : this girl doesn’t have nipples! I kid u not. The nipple area and the areola area, are all reddish and looks like abrasion wounds! When confront her, she said something went wrong with her boob job and doctor cut it away. Wtf!!

Many people ask why I don’t reject? Cos i always like to shower alone, and she has long hair (I suspect it’s hair extension done) to cover her boobs/nipple area.

It’s only when about to start then I notice. Wtf...

Please, only visit her if u want to have nightmares!
Waa, been eyeing her for a while. You took 1 for the team and i thank you for that bro. Like another bro mentioned, as much as i feel bad for you, got to feel shitty for her as well. If what you say is true, imagine ourselves getting some penis enlargement surgery but end with a botched one. Bigger penis but half the penis half gone or something.
Old 05-02-2019, 01:49 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Been a silent lurker in SBF since 2016, usually just reading interesting threads from you bros in the sex discussion forum.

Recently just broke up with my gf and feeling horny so i decided to try my first FL experience. Really wanted to try M from Soi69 but okt didnt respond, so i got Soda from Pornstars instead. But my first experience wasn't a good one ):

Usually i do not like to spread such negativity but i really think this one is a bit too much. The only good thing out of this is that the OKT response is very fast and prompt.

5th Feb 2019, 12:00am

Soda - Pornstars

Look: 6/10 - she mentioned that she didn't put on makeup. Totally don't look like picture, but looks still quite okay. Is more of the cute type than pretty as shown in the picture.

Body 7/10 - Her body is tight and boob should be around B cup with dark pointy nips. Not a major boob lover so still a go for me. Tattoos on her back which was a turn on (love tattooed girls ;P)

GFE: 1/10 - Other than wishing me happy new year and washing up for me, that's about all the GFE it gets. Not much small talk as she said she don't speak english (phut angkrit mai dai). Everything felt very rushed.

I went in for a light makeout about 1 min and she wanted BBBJ already. BBBJ for about another 2-3 mins then she wanted to cap on and cowgirl. Stopped her and wanted to 69 and got REJECTED. Cowgirl for less than 5 mins she say tired want missionary. Change to missionary, went in for light kiss on the neck REJECTED, kiss ears REJECTED, fingering also REJECTED. After that really no mood liaos, no choice but to unload. Total time 15mins only.

After 1st shot, she just sit there and use her phone while i washed up. I asked her why its mentioned available but you say cannot. She say her boss never ask her can or not, she don't like, and that she don't speak english. I wonder if any bros here have had the same experience?

BBBJ: 5/10 - Average BBBJ, suction not too strong, she only gave BBBJ for max 3mins then wanted to move on.

FJ: 5/10 - Tight and wet, but complain tired (cowgirl), and just lie there in missionary.

HJ, Painting, Frenching, 69: 0/10 - Advertised have, requested with her, but rejected. Mentioned she don't like and okt never tell her can (please clarify).

OKT quite quick to respond after i told him and he charged $110/1/1 instead of $140/2/1.5. 1 shot liao then pay but still bo hua lah :/

As much as i love to give a better review, this is my honest thoughts about it and i don't know how to write this in a nicer way.

On the other hand, she mentioned shes going back tomorrow, so i don't know if it cause i'm the last few customers then she dgaf.

Hopefully next time would be better yeah.
Old 05-02-2019, 02:08 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by racerboy View Post
Siam escort

Girl : Ros

Book her at your own danger, if you want to have nightmares and will not go call chicken for a couple of months

Good : okt quite responsive
Bad : skin tone totally different from pics. Is those type of Issan farmer type skin tone.
Worse: face is much much older. I think more than 30+. U can see the wrinkles that’s alike the Tokyo MRT track diagram near the eyes
Worst! : this girl doesn’t have nipples! I kid u not. The nipple area and the areola area, are all reddish and looks like abrasion wounds! When confront her, she said something went wrong with her boob job and doctor cut it away. Wtf!!

Many people ask why I don’t reject? Cos i always like to shower alone, and she has long hair (I suspect it’s hair extension done) to cover her boobs/nipple area.

It’s only when about to start then I notice. Wtf...

Please, only visit her if u want to have nightmares!
Bro, kudos to you for voicing out and alerting all the bros here. This stable can't be trusted. I have gotten the same experience as you last year from another girl.

The girl at first die die don't want to admit but in the end admitted. Then I confronted the OKT and he still doesn't want to admit. I mean if you want to make quick bucks, at least bring real girls in la knn what for cheat all the bros here
Old 05-02-2019, 04:54 AM
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Ivy from Teeruk lovers

Want to try Nicole yesterday but she was not available at my timing. Bro SK suggested that i go for new lady IVY today instead. It's the eve of CNY and kinda hard to know what time my reunion will end.
Was lucky to secure a slot with IVY at 7pm.

First day of work for IVY.
Lucky to the within the first 10 to try her.
Friendly girl with natural assets and a very sexy butt. Good command of English. Very proactive in her service and fun girl to be with.

Her Blowjob consist of a lot of DT. looking like she did a lot of practice.
No gag or whatsoever. She uses a lot of tongue action to wet your dick and balls.

Fucking her is just like some hardcore sex video when she lock you it and kept wiggling here and there and can't stop rocking on my dick. Did her doggy for a long time as she does know how to get into the right position to sync with my thrusting action.
Finishing her off with a CIM.
GFE is quite strong as she frenches a lot and was very passionate during the FJ.

Very enjoyable session with IVY. will probably RTF her sometime soon.

Booking details:

Old 05-02-2019, 05:48 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by cchinz View Post
Been a silent lurker in SBF since 2016, usually just reading interesting threads from you bros in the sex discussion forum.

Recently just broke up with my gf and feeling horny so i decided to try my first FL experience. Really wanted to try M from Soi69 but okt didnt respond, so i got Soda from Pornstars instead. But my first experience wasn't a good one ):

Usually i do not like to spread such negativity but i really think this one is a bit too much. The only good thing out of this is that the OKT response is very fast and prompt.

5th Feb 2019, 12:00am

Soda - Pornstars

Look: 6/10 - she mentioned that she didn't put on makeup. Totally don't look like picture, but looks still quite okay. Is more of the cute type than pretty as shown in the picture.

Body 7/10 - Her body is tight and boob should be around B cup with dark pointy nips. Not a major boob lover so still a go for me. Tattoos on her back which was a turn on (love tattooed girls ;P)

GFE: 1/10 - Other than wishing me happy new year and washing up for me, that's about all the GFE it gets. Not much small talk as she said she don't speak english (phut angkrit mai dai). Everything felt very rushed.

I went in for a light makeout about 1 min and she wanted BBBJ already. BBBJ for about another 2-3 mins then she wanted to cap on and cowgirl. Stopped her and wanted to 69 and got REJECTED. Cowgirl for less than 5 mins she say tired want missionary. Change to missionary, went in for light kiss on the neck REJECTED, kiss ears REJECTED, fingering also REJECTED. After that really no mood liaos, no choice but to unload. Total time 15mins only.

After 1st shot, she just sit there and use her phone while i washed up. I asked her why its mentioned available but you say cannot. She say her boss never ask her can or not, she don't like, and that she don't speak english. I wonder if any bros here have had the same experience?

BBBJ: 5/10 - Average BBBJ, suction not too strong, she only gave BBBJ for max 3mins then wanted to move on.

FJ: 5/10 - Tight and wet, but complain tired (cowgirl), and just lie there in missionary.

HJ, Painting, Frenching, 69: 0/10 - Advertised have, requested with her, but rejected. Mentioned she don't like and okt never tell her can (please clarify).

OKT quite quick to respond after i told him and he charged $110/1/1 instead of $140/2/1.5. 1 shot liao then pay but still bo hua lah :/

As much as i love to give a better review, this is my honest thoughts about it and i don't know how to write this in a nicer way.

On the other hand, she mentioned shes going back tomorrow, so i don't know if it cause i'm the last few customers then she dgaf.

Hopefully next time would be better yeah.
She look pretty in pics.
Thanks for honest FR, hopefully it's a one time thing and you will find a good gal to meet ur needs
Old 05-02-2019, 06:50 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

RTF FR for Aiko @ Lovers Fortress; $120/90/2

Same good review for this RTF session, so I'll mainly repeat what I posted previously

Location: Spacious apartment with en-suite toilet, clean big towels, mouth wash available this time

Looks: Inked SYT, fair by Thai standard, minimal make-up which suits her

Boobs: Natural

BBBJ: Will keep on going, good suction, nothing special but nothing to complain

FJ: Her petite frame makes any position enjoyable IMO. Hardworking girl, but don't expect any commando/PSE standard from her

GFE: If you're into shy/innocent SYT with decent service, go for her. If you're into wild/commando standard, skip it. Speaks French. She seems green in this line, so treat her nice, especially since she's staying alone.

To the bro who left love bites on her neck and shoulder, c'mon, be nice, I can see that she doesn't like it. I hope you tip her good enough.
Old 05-02-2019, 07:12 AM
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Re: Great Bonks (STRICTLY for sponsored gal only)

Originally Posted by racerboy View Post
Siam escort

Girl : Ros

Book her at your own danger, if you want to have nightmares and will not go call chicken for a couple of months

Good : okt quite responsive
Bad : skin tone totally different from pics. Is those type of Issan farmer type skin tone.
Worse: face is much much older. I think more than 30+. U can see the wrinkles that’s alike the Tokyo MRT track diagram near the eyes
Worst! : this girl doesn’t have nipples! I kid u not. The nipple area and the areola area, are all reddish and looks like abrasion wounds! When confront her, she said something went wrong with her boob job and doctor cut it away. Wtf!!

Many people ask why I don’t reject? Cos i always like to shower alone, and she has long hair (I suspect it’s hair extension done) to cover her boobs/nipple area.

It’s only when about to start then I notice. Wtf...

Please, only visit her if u want to have nightmares!
Thanks for the review. She looks good from the me one trip/$
Old 05-02-2019, 07:44 AM
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Originally Posted by jayded View Post
Same here, took one for the team earlier (see FR for M above)

Central location (not the most discreet though, 2 girls came and went until it was my turn). Just take note a bit packed up cos public hol
She is good. Patience and hard woring girl, not rush for time.
Her looks is consider decent and she french.
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