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Old 07-07-2005, 02:45 PM
s_egg s_egg is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

As for the info
my own family also kena the food poisoning
so its very true
heng i nvr follow them go eat so im fine

as for the info about the sound system
a lot friend of the family went there when they grand opening
the one with mini concert with ADO,Vicky Zhao Wei etc
pay 5 jt per table receive lousy food, lousy sound system during the concert
so alot of ppl complain

As for the owner
my family kinda know the guy
in person n by reputation
i also surprised why can happen all this stupid things
with all his money n power all this shit should not happen
looks likes he's a beginner in the entertainment biz
Funny the grand opening was done by the governor of jkt
he should be one of the muscleman behind
as red ribbon opening by him is not cheap le
although he might do it free for him as the owner's group is the one who backs him up in the governor election last time around

Mayb should let me or bro rainman or other samster take care of this joint ya
we'll make it the best nite entertainment center in town
Old 07-07-2005, 03:15 PM
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Re: Surabaya Info

Originally Posted by Rainman
Seach and u will see that there are more then 2 threads here on Surabaya/.

A small tips for u... Stand outside Tanjungan Plaza in the evening and ppl will come up to u offering girls... I got my first fark in Surabaya there....

Desparado is the name of the BAR in Shangri-la.. I got my 2nd FL there...

Indo Chinese ladies are rare and I really don't keep a look out for them.

Locals, as in Indo Indos, Plaza Surabaya has also got some hanging around inside. I met a few near the escalators within minutes of walking in.

The disco in the same complex is most popular for freelance girls every night. Never failed to connect there although it's dark like all Indo discos. You need to have good eyesight or a way to get them into the lighted spots.

As Rain pointed out, Tunjungan Plaza is a most popular pick up spot with freelancers wandering around e.g. in McDonalds there etc etc. Pimps too outside.

Desperado and the other top hotel spots have many free lancers too. Oh yes, last I visited was more than 2 years ago when I found the disco club at the Hyatt full of local Chinese groupies of girls and guys from rich local families hanging out. Not sure if it is the same today. If you young and know how to "tackle girls" it might be for you!

Rich Indo Chinese kids are wild and will play if you are their type!
retired but sometimes active!
Old 07-07-2005, 04:04 PM
liongKH liongKH is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Hawaii
I don't remember the name. It was Ria or Lia. But You were right it is not worth it. Too expensive for those regular type girls with no killer service. The only plus is that the room is equiped with very expensive brand shower set. It was Kohler or Grohe.
The name sounded familiar, anyway small sized girl with a demure village girl look. If fitted the descriptions, she used to work in Gran Melia Health Center.
Old 07-07-2005, 04:07 PM
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Re: Surabaya Info

Originally Posted by sassina2
Indo Chinese ladies are rare and I really don't keep a look out for them.

The world has changed lah..

Now can find lots of Local Chinese girl lah and cheaper u know...

300k,.... Go to tropical SPA.....

I did her raw also sometimes back....hehehe
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Old 07-07-2005, 04:11 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by s_egg
Mayb should let me or bro rainman or other samster take care of this joint ya
we'll make it the best nite entertainment center in town

That's my dream lah...hahahaha

Someday somehow.... let's see.....

Time being... AVOID Sand lah..

Don't be caught with your pants down... Not so nice leh...

Here is the quote

From: AMike3
Jun-29 4:21 pm

Hati-2 aja ... saya baca di koran kemarin, bahwa Pemilik Mangga dua square ini lagi ada masalah dengan DPRD DKI ...karena adanya keluhan dari masyarakat sekitar ... dan hari rabu ini memasuki panggilan ketiga terhadap pemilik tsb. Dan kalau nggak salah pemanggilan ketiga ini sudah melibatkan aparat kepolisian untuk menjemput paksa. Takutnya ada bro-2 yang lagi asyik masyuk di kamar tahu-2 aparat menggerebek .. kan bisa berabe ? Jadi, mendingan cooling down dulu sampai masalah ini kelar baru kita rame-2 ke sono. Okay ?
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Old 07-07-2005, 04:15 PM
liongKH liongKH is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Rainman
The girls there are mostly retire pro from Kota....lolz...

So they avg 30 yo and above.... Went once and tell me all the shit... For all I care.... Asked me 300k for a HJ.... Told her go look into the mirror and let me know..... What the fark....

Moral of the story... Never expect a good looking gal in 4-5 star hotel here that would give u a cheap fuck... They were meant for Tourist u know.....

Mulia... Nearest Joint would be Melawai Hotel... Martini and Indoman love it....whahahahah

Brother Rainman very correct, no young ones I have seen so far. As for lookers yet to see one worht the go. Anyway the price will turned me off.
Old 07-07-2005, 06:32 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Rainman
Nearest Joint would be Melawai Hotel... Martini and Indoman love it..
My dear, hehe,
me longtime not been in Melawai or Blok-M. Sometimes I picked some young ones outta Lintas, but it's back to 2002/03 or so.
Recently more Bats, CJ or 30.

Sex is like air. It's unimportant unless you aren't getting any.
Old 08-07-2005, 10:27 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Martini-Fan
My dear, hehe,
me longtime not been in Melawai or Blok-M. Sometimes I picked some young ones outta Lintas, but it's back to 2002/03 or so.
Recently more Bats, CJ or 30.

Hehe.... Next time we start fm where. we will end where... Hehe
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Old 08-07-2005, 02:58 PM
s_egg s_egg is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Bro rainman where is this Tropical Spa u talkin about?
with the local chinese gals
Ive been with one but not so nice old

is it jkt or surabaya?
jkt got any other plc can get local chinese gls?

Thx for the info
Senior Rainman
Old 09-07-2005, 03:36 PM
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Re: Surabaya Info

Originally Posted by Rainman
The world has changed lah..

Now can find lots of Local Chinese girl lah and cheaper u know...

300k,.... Go to tropical SPA.....

I did her raw also sometimes back....hehehe
Interesting if service is good . Where is this Tropical Spa?

I might just pop into Jakarta for some BD fun!

retired but sometimes active!
Old 11-07-2005, 11:44 AM
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Re: Surabaya Info

Originally Posted by sassina2
Interesting if service is good . Where is this Tropical Spa?

I might just pop into Jakarta for some BD fun!


Phenom knows best. His customer's shop is there,.,,

Ruko behind Roxy MAS.. Where u see handphone and nothing else but Handphone...

There are 3 SPA inside.... Look for tropical.... They have 3-5 Chinese girl age 2o plus... Pay the massage price but normally no massage given....lolz.... Just your bro might be sextify.... avg dmg 300k...

If u want to know... Some of the grils ex Korean SPA that gave full BM and BBBJ only works there... Ask the recept for Korean SPA's girl and get a VIP room with bath tube... They can provide the same u get from the good old Korean SPA....

I have 2 FR on Tropical here.... Go and find lah./...


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Old 11-07-2005, 11:51 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by s_egg
Bro rainman where is this Tropical Spa u talkin about?
with the local chinese gals
Ive been with one but not so nice old

is it jkt or surabaya?
jkt got any other plc can get local chinese gls?

Thx for the info
Senior Rainman
Bitang Mawah and TC got lots of Chinese FL in the afternoon. Asking price is normally 350k./... Once brought dannysg there and saw this SYT.. about 18-19, quite pretty and Chinese student... Ask her how much and she say 350k... Ask her how come so ex, standard price only 200k here..... Know what she say>??>

"Ko.... I Chinese and how can u treat me like the local."

...lolz.... Anyway, dannysg tried her... Not bad lah.. Actually want to bring her back to hotel but she say mummy scold... muct go home for dinner.... tomorrow got to go to school u know....hehe.. But hor,.,, can go hotel in the afternoon tomorrow after school u know....hahaha

I also tried another Chinese FL at Super before,... She is good but then the problem is these girls come as and when they want... So if u hook up one... Get their HP number so that can introduce to other bro in future...

Happy hunting......

My days are over...

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Old 13-07-2005, 01:17 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Friday night and I felt in the mood to try something new. After reading about 75 Taman Sari Raya I decided to try to find it. It turned out to be dead easy. From the outside the ruko looked totally quiet and innocent. No lights, no signs but luckily there were a few cars parked outside at 8:30 pm, so I was probably in the right place at the right time. I quickly parked and asked the preman "ada cewek sini?". He escorted me the few steps to the green gate.

A papi opened the gate and walked me into the ruko. It was like something you would find in Hatyai - two couches full of girls, waiting to be booked. To me the quality was something like TC, except without the young freelancers.

I quickly confirmed the system - takeaway only, Rp 200k ST and 400k LT - and made my choice. She went to get a big handbag and held my hand as we walked back to the car, a promising start. I took her immediately back to my place, stopping only to tar pow dinner.

Her handbag contained her overnight kit - shampoo, shower gel, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc. Certainly different from LT in TC where the girls come without preparation.

Once we got home I took a closer look and found she was a lot smaller sized than I had expected. She was sitting down when I chose her. Petite, fair but exotic looking rather than pretty - I was feeling rather adventurous. Yanti from Cirebon. Twenty years old and working for 6 months, she said. Probably true as she did not know many places in Jakarta.

Turned out that she tried her best to be a girlfriend. Lots of hugging and kissing, before and after.

Face: 6.5
Body: 5 (but those who like petite girls may like her)
FJ: 7
RTF: probably not, there are 35 girls in the house, so I would choose another the next time.
Opening hours: 7 pm - 3 am
Damage: 400k plus taxi fare of 100 k.
Old 13-07-2005, 10:43 PM
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Question Re: Jakarta Info

I asked before and nobody seemed to know.......
so i will ask again....... does anyone have info about all the spa's (and there are alot) in grand wijaya center (is it blokM or what?)
seems to me they must be ok since lots of japanese hang out there.
any info.....???
Old 14-07-2005, 09:47 AM
liongKH liongKH is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by indoman_il
I asked before and nobody seemed to know.......
so i will ask again....... does anyone have info about all the spa's (and there are alot) in grand wijaya center (is it blokM or what?)
seems to me they must be ok since lots of japanese hang out there.
any info.....???
Near to Blok M, next to Darmawansa Square. The reasons why the Japs hang out there is 'cos of COSMO. COSMO is a supermarket catering to the Japs and Koreans.

Yes there are alot of spa joints there but sorry I have never tried any.
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