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Old 19-06-2008, 09:20 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Necromancer II View Post
Its confirm Phor hun yong not Hun payong. This is two different barangs. I am an Archan so i wont be wonrg. So fast you see result liao arh? Hahahaha....congret to you bro!
Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
I not sure about the pricing by bro nec. I don't know who he got this Hun Payon from. Bro rocketscientist also mentioned its the same piece as per the pics posted by bro silvia. LP Nian (3rd verse in hanyu pinyin)
Originally Posted by insomia View Post
abit contradicting as i got mine at 699 and brother silvia got it at 699 too. but one of the brother said he got it from thailand same product and from same LP Nian which cost 100. i think we somehow know the answer. anyway, i am not stirring any fire or spark here. however i wish to know the truth to be exact the pricing. if i get hoonpaayong at 699 and i know that the price covers the profits which the brother ought to deserve to make then i accept the fact. however, if i buy it at 699 and other brother says can get same thing however the price is 100 then i think this is not ethical enough.

i wish to know is it the same product and from the same Lp Nian???
So Can i know from the professionals what should we call it?

Phor hun yong or Hun payong ??

I will stand by Bro Necromancer as " I am an Archan so i wont be wrong. "

If Archan is wrong , then I guess I can be forgiven for the mixed up infos given by the bros here.
Old 19-06-2008, 10:01 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post
Dun worry bro Necromancer. I am glad u came forward at last.

As for silvia and insomia ,I am sorry I got the facts wrong. I apologise for that.

So I like to know exactly how many Langsi Khun Paen u actually had? U said u sold one to another bro here right? Another one to me. So do u still have your piece that u keeps with yourself?

U have been avoiding this question since the first time I asked u.

LOL , if i want to create trouble , u would not have held onto the reins here until now. I came forward only after realising how much fustrations u have caused many of the bros who got barangs from u.

People have eyes to see , the outcome whether I am making this up or not ,will soon be revealed. If I am in the wrong , I am sorry.
Oh okie sorry bro thai disco_lover i also misunderstand u. As for the KP yeah i have sold mine cos no choice bcos yours supposed to be book by another bro so i gotto let mine go. Thanks for clearing up the air.
Old 19-06-2008, 10:23 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by insomia View Post
hi all brothers, firstly it is my second post in this thread. however things are different as in my rep points i got zapped by boss for some reasons that i forgot to logged off from a pc in the lan shop someone missue my account.

to cut long story short, i have rented some stuffs from bro necromancer. firstly i am not here to prove or say anything that needs to influences anyone. it has nothing beneficial for me. but rather i am here to share what is worth to let known to brothers here that good stuffs are hard to get.

in this commericial market, we find alot of commercial made amulets sold in the market however we only hear by words of mouth saying that that is good and sometimes we never see results. therefore, we spend so much money on a empty amulets and barangs. although it does not bring any harm, but still we are getting something that is of no good to us.

by fate, i meet brother necromancer. i could just says that i have paid numerous sums of money to alot of those so called master, archan in the market. however, no improvements at all. in the end, only found a burnt hole in my pocket. when i first met bro necromancer, i have a doubt on his stuffs. but i told myself to bet my last dollars on the table. guts feeling push me to try. i see some results as the doors smoothly open up and i found some works to do compared to last time all dead ends.

what i trying to share is i used those previous barang that i rented from other people compared to my 600 dollars plus of barangs from bro necromancer. i see results very fast. and proven. i followed this thread very closely and i found out that competition is very high here. there are alot of commercial stuffs and some geniune stuffs. as there is a saying in chinese real metal is not afraid of hot fire. i respect brother necromancer. i think he ought to deserve an applause for helping me and other brothers in here.

lastly, my post does not mean any spark to start a fire. i merely here to share and state my thoughs and my true encounters. cheers.

Hi bros, bro insomia had supported me and i appreciate him alot really. Pls guys if you have any enquiry pls come forward to me dont target him instead. Thanks bro insomia.
Old 19-06-2008, 10:37 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Good day Bro Insomia, Need you to enlighten me as ustand fm Bro N to told him I pm u that his Bg is very cost high. Please let me know when did I pm you. What happening in this forum please don't add fire with your mouth of word which is not true. I DARE you to prove that I talk bad about his thing. If you are are unhappy about your own dealing with him that between you n him don't pull me in for nothing. Stand up like a man and face it.
Old 19-06-2008, 10:39 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

dear bro/sis

For info there is a new group in marketing siam amulets . Pls free to browse around .

Soorng_Phra : Soorng

Thank u for attention .
Old 19-06-2008, 11:03 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

brother camry69, firstly i need to clear the air with you. as i have mentioned that i got the hun pa yong as mentioned by brother bodhisttva that he got it at 100 sing. therefore i am quite unhappy given that i rented at 699 and brother silvia also rented at same price. also i told brother necromancer that how come same product double pricings. i was not given a satisfactory answer due to who is telling the real exact words. as bro necromancer stands says that his is real and in the market in thailand there are alot of fakes. therefore, i ask brother necromancer to come forward to clear the air on why he rented this at 699??? curious..... and brother bodhisttva said it is at 100 sing... sound fair. i think it is quite fair as brother bodhisttva said that he welcome brother necromancer to step forward to point out whether his is real and also point out whether brother bodhisttva mentioned his is fake.

regarding the dealing between me and brother necromancer i did not pinpoint anyone. i just mentioned to him that i received pm after my first post mentioning i did rented 5 to 10 barangs from brother necromancer however all at high cost. given my situation i even ask brother necromancer to reduce his pricing and he said that he did not make any money and he suffering losses over the amulets and barangs.

i did not doubt him until i received comments in this thread that hunpa yong only cost 100 and i was quoted 699. therefore i ask brother necromancer to come forward to proved or rather justify why his cost 699 and brother bodhisttva cost only 100. as a consumer spending or renting i think it is fair for brother necromancer to come forward to justify why his cost 699 and what consist of the 699 compared to the market renting at 100.

i believe those who rented same product from brother necromancer also wished to know this as well. i did not mean to add fire or spark in this forums. as mentioned, we are here to clear air not to start a war. i did mentioned in my postings stating that i am not here to start a war and i am here to clarify things and hope brother necromancer would stand forward to give me an answer as i have stood up for him in my first post. however, after hearing such comment that his barang which claimed to be so niche and yet there are imitation around and i myself who saw the mae ta kien which i also rented from brother necromancer was sold only 5 dollars at Fu Lu Shou 4 faced buddha shop. i was curious and surprised. because brother necromancer claimed his stuffs all come from cambodia and how come a place in the mountain and forest in cambodia have such fast spreading into thailand? that i am curious too as i was told by brother necromancer that all the barangs i rented from him comes from his master archan som pak. therefore i dare to assume only his master can produce these barangs and no other people could. how come i find it at singapore and also bro bodhisttva found in thailand???

lastly, i hope brother necromancer would like to step forward abit more to explain my quries? also to clear these quries so that other brothers who rented also know what is actually happening. thanks.

please remember i am posting a quries not a message over here to start a fight. cheers

Originally Posted by Camry69 View Post
Good day Bro Insomia, Need you to enlighten me as ustand fm Bro N to told him I pm u that his Bg is very cost high. Please let me know when did I pm you. What happening in this forum please don't add fire with your mouth of word which is not true. I DARE you to prove that I talk bad about his thing. If you are are unhappy about your own dealing with him that between you n him don't pull me in for nothing. Stand up like a man and face it.
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Old 19-06-2008, 11:06 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Camry69 View Post
Good day Bro Insomia, Need you to enlighten me as ustand fm Bro N to told him I pm u that his Bg is very cost high. Please let me know when did I pm you. What happening in this forum please don't add fire with your mouth of word which is not true. I DARE you to prove that I talk bad about his thing. If you are are unhappy about your own dealing with him that between you n him don't pull me in for nothing. Stand up like a man and face it.
Bro camry69, good you clear the air too. All this trouble started from one person who posted a pic here. I think he kwn who he is !
Old 19-06-2008, 11:21 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by David_Ginola View Post
Bro oasisG, very nice phra krings u have there.....u mentioned amulet forum? which forum bro?
Don't waste time on that forum, what open forum? 2000 over members, i think half are clones. Went in before, those stuffs even posted by the mods are low end class amulets which the Thais mai aow leow, sharing of profit margin among the mods, stir their own trend to make $ from the members. Haizzz, amulets only mah, if say until so rich need to seel all this meh?

Recently saw a LP pae laiser posted by a member , commented fake but yet it was sold by a repotable mod from forum. If this piece is posted by this mod, all the 'three leggers' will say " Bro, swee arh !!!'

SA? pls lah, dun waste time, i think SBF can have a separate amulet discussion forum better than that with hiiden experts here leh
Old 20-06-2008, 12:18 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

For the past few days , I have bros coming forward to share with me their incidents with bro Necromancer.

What interests me the most was the fact that some bros will keep on buying barangs despite their 1st rental.

From my experience , I got the barangs from Bro Necromancer UPON his RECOMMENDATIONS.

He was the one who CHOSE the "supposedly right" barangs suitable for me. Professionals cant go wrong right?

But why is it that some bros got the barangs RECOMMENDED by him but do not see any EFFECT?

And what's worse was THEY WERE RECOMMENDED "SUPPOSEDLY STRONGER" BARANGS to them so that the EFFECT will come?

Aint the "supposedly right" barangs showed effect like how the rest of the bros who bought them?

In the first place, if the barangs do not seem to work , why were they RECOMMENDED to them ??

Why is there a need to "PUSH" FOR more barangs to enhance the EFFECT?

By the way , the barangs rented aint no cheap items here. We are talking about hundreds to thousands of dollars here.

Which brings me to another topic!

Does the PRICE determines the POWER/EFFECT?

It seems to me that some bros shared with me that apparently the Pricer the barang , the more EFFECTIVE it is.

I always thought my langsi khun paen was one of a kind already. But I soon realised that there were even more POWERFUL ones than mine.
Old 20-06-2008, 01:22 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post

Does the PRICE determines the POWER/EFFECT?
U said so much, it will be good that u post the pic of your barang n the price u rented it. Else ppl here will say u r another shit stirrer.
Old 20-06-2008, 01:31 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
U said so much, it will be good that u post the pic of your barang n the price u rented it. Else ppl here will say u r another shit stirrer.
They ( the readers ) know which barang and the price I got for it.

I am happy with my barang , just voicing out for the bros who shared with me.
Old 20-06-2008, 01:57 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post
They ( the readers ) know which barang and the price I got for it.

I am happy with my barang , just voicing out for the bros who shared with me.
HURHURHUR bro just disclose everything la. Let everyone see for themselves who the self-proclaimed arjan really is ma.

Last edited by 1HILLDUDE; 20-06-2008 at 02:13 AM.
Old 20-06-2008, 01:57 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by thaidisco_lover View Post

I am happy with my barang , just voicing out for the bros who shared with me.
U happy with what u bought? But your previous dun sound like u r happy. U r doubtful.
Old 20-06-2008, 02:05 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
U happy with what u bought? But your previous dun sound like u r happy. U r doubtful.

End of day , u will know the full story.

Get ready your pop corns and get the best seats and enjoy.

I believe this is one show u must catch , so perhaps let the main star do the replying.
Old 20-06-2008, 02:08 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by 1HILLDUDE View Post
HURHURHUR bro just disclose everything la. Let everyone see for themselves who the self-proclaimed arjan really is ma.
I would share with others what I came to know about.

Dun say until so bad "disclose" lah.

It's up to the readers to believe what they read.
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