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Old 23-11-2008, 10:20 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Still considering whether to do this or not Pay to cut yourself...hmm.

Few questions for those who done it at Eunos clinic.

1. Any jab for GA? Painful or not? Where they plant the jab?

2. Is it a full circumcision (high and tight) or up to the doctor to decide?

3. Did you remove the frenulum?
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Old 24-11-2008, 12:31 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

I did mine a few years ago when i was abt 2 ORD.

Sex wit foreskin senstivity is there and shiok but I always have this flap feeling while thrusting my gf. even a very uneasy feeling and dirty feeling.

since i gonna ORD i go polyclinic 2 ask for a circumcision.

Proceed is highlighted by all the bros, when i see my dick i also stunned thought car accident. but as time go by the stitches fell one by one and the dick look better similar like porn star cock heeheh. cleaning it with warm water and soap as well as proper medication will speed the healing. i mc almost 1month plus then after tat clear leave.

sex, u can feel the strokes or the fuck better as u slide into the gal's pussy without the foreskin flap kind of feel.

tats my 2cents worth

laser is usuali reserve for small kids, adults usuali tru knife
i done it at SGH
Old 24-11-2008, 02:01 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Bro tarelight, any stitches required? I still cant imagine the pain when the doctor jab your groin area for LA (local anesthesia).
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Old 25-11-2008, 10:06 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Old 15-01-2009, 10:08 PM
innezsg innezsg is offline
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

My turn to provide a feedback

Thou I had no problem pulling back my foreskin, I still decide to go for it for hygiene reason. My 1st appointment was actually in 2007 when I got my referral letter from polyclinic and I choose TTS Hospital for my specialist appt. Told the doctor at TTSH on why I want the cut and after taking a look at my dick, he said I don’t need the cut and discharge me..!!?? Being rejected???

Anyway, fast forward to last year, decided to repeat the process and this time round, I choose SGH instead of TTS Hospital. Details of the process I won’t go much as it is pretty much the same as what some of the bro’s have mentioned in earlier thread.

Had my cut last week (9 days ago) and I must say it was quite a torture for the past few days. The stitches didn’t dissolve or came off by itself and some fluid discharge starts to flow out from the stitches about 3 days after the ops. The 5th-7th days is a painful experience for me as the threads didn’t dissolve or loosen itself.

The knot tied on my dick are so tight that I have to remove the threads by myself , which hurts as a couple of threads are widening the wound holes(or stitches hole) and blood keeps oozing out from the widened wound holes. Only till yesterday when I removed all the stitches that it doesn’t hurt so much and the fluid discharge and bleeding stops. And no, nurse did not informed me of using salt water to clean wounds at all

Now there is this part at the frenulum where there is a lump of meat sticking out just below the frenulum. Anyone knows if it is will join up to the frenulum eventually coz I’m seeing 2 little lumps over here. Also, I’m seeing a imbalance of a lump just behind the ridge part of the left. The left is bigger than the right. Could this be the swelling from the widened wound holes?

Old 16-01-2009, 02:57 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

I was circumcised as a child. Foreskin had problem. I had 1 week MC thereabouts. After circumcision, i noticed there are tiny black coloration patches on the dickhead. Does anyone noticed something similar after getting the snip? I suspect it has to do with something that caused the foreskin problem in the first place.
Old 15-02-2009, 05:36 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Just went to the Eunos one last week.

Now about 4/5th day recovery.

Had some problems in the beginning. Right after surgery, my bandage fell out and one of the sutures came undone. Bled in the car, and hurried to a nearby GP near my house instead of going back to Eunos. He cleaned me and gave me a tighter dressing. Hours after that the pain was pretty bad but manageable especially if you try to go sleep. The next day, it was completely gone.

Worst part is not getting to bathe for a couple of days. I'm on my third dressing now (including the failure one an hour after surgery), waiting for Monday to remove the dressing. Somehow I don't want to move around without dressing yet. I think I'm gonna buy the bandages and cream and do it at home for the next week or so until I'm sure its completely healed. Haven't had a strong erection yet but with the bandages its not so bad. From what I read it only really hurts when there's no more bandages.

BTW, anyone else who went to the Eunos clinic know whether the doctor will give more than 1 week MC? I got 1 week initially but I'm thinking of extending cause my job will definitely make it very uncomfortable for me as its pretty mobile. Also abit sian to see my friends who have gone to hospital get 2 weeks.
Old 15-02-2009, 09:56 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Bro jasont, i'm sure the doctor can extend your mc. Did the doctor at eunos remove your frenulum? I'm wondering by removing the frenulum will it reduce the sensitiveness by a fair bit. Kindly keep us update of your status, ok?
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Old 16-02-2009, 06:02 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience


Thinking of going back to the Eunos doc tomorrow for him to take a look.

I finally walked around a bit without the bandage today and I didn't like it one bit. The place below head, right about my shaft and near the scarline is so sore and swollen. If its just pain I can tahan but my penis head (which has been constricted by the bandages) keeps retracting back into the skin of my shaft cause its so swollen, making the stitches bend and making it really hard to walk. Imagine your entire penis head missing. Sigh. My dick just looks so small and damaged right now.

So I went back to one of the nearby GPs and had him bandage it again. At least this way I can walk without pain and just have to tahan the discomfort of the bruising. I wonder how long more it will be until the swelling and slight bleeding goes down so I can stop wearing bandages. Maybe after the sutures dissolve, I don't know.

To be totally honest, at this point of the recovery I'm still wondering if I made the right move in going for a circumcision. I had phimosis but at least I could receive and give pleasure. Right now, I'm wondering when I can even have an erection that isn't constricted by a bandage.

Here's hoping to better days ahead! I definitely need more MC, cause I don't think I can sit in an office like this.

To the bro above: I have no idea about the frenulum but I'm pretty sure he didn't as he used the clamp method and from other feedback, it seems that he usually does not.
Old 17-02-2009, 06:30 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Sounds like a total disaster for your precious tool

Hope its not tat bad
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Old 19-02-2009, 01:22 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by fatty_leo View Post
Sounds like a total disaster for your precious tool

Hope its not tat bad
Ok lah, maybe I made it seem worse than it really could be. I've read some real horror stories.

Swelling still be expected I guess. Problem still with the retraction - like my head so scared to be without skin on top.

I got given more MCs. But the Eunos doctor really shouldn't be using the bandages that he's using cause its plastic - like plaster. They are thin and small and hard to bend. Imagine that on your sore dick. Once again, they fell off while I was walking. I went straight back to using cloth bandages which wrap snugly around your skin and holds it in place.

Tomorrow I'm gonna start icing the sore parts. It's been 1 week now. I need to see less swelling. Good news is that my dick finally is looking more and more circumcised. The head is getting bigger and rounder.

Time is the most important factor I guess. Unfortunately, I'm gonna bring my new girlfriend (that's why I haven't cheong in awhile hor!) to Bintan for her birthday soon. And she's expecting us to fool around in bed. Sigh...first time I'm not looking forward to that.
Old 21-02-2009, 01:35 AM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

there's a new type of circumcision. laser method. less pain and infection. but cost high. i think abt 2-3k
Old 21-02-2009, 10:03 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by Tyrian View Post
hi bro,

dun worry, i hope u can start using your magical tool again. New GF, so i believe she'll be surprised at a circumcised dick (especially so if u r a non-muslim)

just to share wif u, my bandage dropped by itself on the 2nd day. after that, i wear my usual underwear (3 sided brief) like nothing happened. walked freely without feeling so much discomfort like what most brothers has said

nonethelss, sometimes blood and pus is discharged. my gf encourages me to use a panty liner (yes, a panty liner meant for gers), so that i do not stain my brief so often. well, i felt better of course.

managed to mast myself on the 7th day with bleeding. by the 14 day, everything was fine and i'm back on action

hope to hear good news from you when u come back from bintan

Thanks for the experience.

Actually, I'm healing slow. Now on my 10th day, one of the stitches I believe came out a little and I started bleeding. Not so much pain anymore and a bit less swelling but still hurts to erect. It's lucky I took an extra week of MC.

You are very lucky that in two weeks you were healed with no more blood. I heard that for some people the stitches don't even dissolve until the 3-4 week. Even so, the sight of it is so poor thing -- scabs and blood bubbles. LOL.

Only hope now is that I can go back to work with no problems to worry about.

To be bluntly honest, I wish I had went to a hospital for the surgery instead. I was told by my GP that the Crescent doc didn't do the stitches tightly enough so my healing has been slow and that's why one of the stitches came out in the first hour of the surgery.

Oh well, I'm confident the worst part of the experience is over so I'm just looking forward to the backend of the recovery.
Old 21-02-2009, 11:06 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience


stiches is the cause of infection. u have to remove it yourself after 2nd or 3rd week and it wil heal faster
Old 22-02-2009, 05:57 PM
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Re: Circumcision: my experience

Originally Posted by melon8888 View Post

stiches is the cause of infection. u have to remove it yourself after 2nd or 3rd week and it wil heal faster
Oh...ok thanks for the info.

I'll book an appointment with my GP this coming week to get him to remove. I don't want to fuck anything up by pulling on it

Gosh, I miss fooling around with my girlfriend
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