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Old 25-05-2009, 03:30 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by danny_chee00 View Post
been cheonging in dannok since may last year. up till dec'08 already been there like 50+times. not i wan to lansi here but already got kong tau then its normal la.

any advise here bro? am i another stupid victim or i'm just running into bad luck?
I can vouch that the Danok Kong Tau is very powerful.
Cheong-ed abt 5x now and I'm still so looking forward to every trip. Fortunately or unfortuantely, it is difficult for me to make frequent trips there.

I do know of ppl who carried on a serious r/s with some working girls like you, be it kong tau or true love. The girls are so service-oriented and I am a happy master everytime. But end of the day, I always remind myself that this is purely a monetary transaction for my case and certainly do not want to destabilse my life. I depart with 100% satisfaction and 0% feeling.

Your story just re-emphasized my thoughts. I'm sure there are some really nice girls in Danok who are worth our true love/time/money but are thrown into such a complicated life because of circumstances. But are we capable of giving them 101% attention (encompasses love/time/money)? If not, I reckon we should step far far away from such a game before we end up hurting others or ourselves.

Just my humble 2cent offence intended to any shifu here
Old 25-05-2009, 05:31 PM
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Talking Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by danny_chee00 View Post
been cheonging in dannok since may last year. up till dec'08 already been there like 50+times. not i wan to lansi here but already got kong tau then its normal la.
met a nice gal called 'miow'. anybody else knew her here?been going steady with her since the first time. i actually do mind she is still working when with me but wat to do? she have to support her family ma. i do provide some la but i guess nobody will ever be enuf. but i really have no complain when im with her.

As long as you are happy and comfortable with her......just enjoy it....!

now is totally devastated. been telling her that i have another gf back here when i really dun have. no mood to go there de since i caught her cheating behind my back. anyway, i should already knew this is coming. but never really expect all this since i have the feeling she is true to me. cheating part is maybe because of money n living.
up till now she still calls me but i didnt pick up. am i doin the right thing?

any advise here bro? am i another stupid victim or i'm just running into bad luck?
Originally Posted by Husky69 View Post
I can vouch that the Danok Kong Tau is very powerful.
Cheong-ed abt 5x now and I'm still so looking forward to every trip. Fortunately or unfortuantely, it is difficult for me to make frequent trips there.

I do know of ppl who carried on a serious r/s with some working girls like you, be it kong tau or true love. The girls are so service-oriented and I am a happy master everytime. But end of the day, I always remind myself that this is purely a monetary transaction for my case and certainly do not want to destabilse my life. I depart with 100% satisfaction and 0% feeling.

Your story just re-emphasized my thoughts. I'm sure there are some really nice girls in Danok who are worth our true love/time/money but are thrown into such a complicated life because of circumstances. But are we capable of giving them 101% attention (encompasses love/time/money)? If not, I reckon we should step far far away from such a game before we end up hurting others or ourselves.

Just my humble 2cent offence intended to any shifu here

Don't be mis-lead by the shifus here playing KC games......they have spend tons of $$$ and not to mention they know exactly what to do and when to do what to do......they got the anti-kong tao with them all the time.....!

They can dropped a so-called "teerak' and have another one on the same night! That is what I called "shifu"....

In another words.....they are burned so often initially that they become the hunter not the prey, not the victim because they are so immune already.....!

It is because I personally see them in action, the burning and healing and burning ......finally they are so seasoned now.
Old 25-05-2009, 06:57 PM
Lim2305 Lim2305 is offline
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by danny_chee00 View Post
been cheonging in dannok since may last year. up till dec'08 already been there like 50+times. not i wan to lansi here but already got kong tau then its normal la.
met a nice gal called 'miow'. anybody else knew her here?been going steady with her since the first time. i actually do mind she is still working when with me but wat to do? she have to support her family ma. i do provide some la but i guess nobody will ever be enuf. but i really have no complain when im with her.

now is totally devastated. been telling her that i have another gf back here when i really dun have. no mood to go there de since i caught her cheating behind my back. anyway, i should already knew this is coming. but never really expect all this since i have the feeling she is true to me. cheating part is maybe because of money n living.
up till now she still calls me but i didnt pick up. am i doin the right thing?

any advise here bro? am i another stupid victim or i'm just running into bad luck?
I am from WSG and the nickname used is 2305. As I always telling the bro there, if you really love your puying until can't survive without her then bring her back to your home town. If NOT they will 99.9% will not sincere to you.(lat Kaai)

Sorry to say that If you cannot bring her back then you should accept that one day you will found her sleeps with other guys. I think you can still answer her call and book her just like other working puying.
You are NOT stupid, most of the bros here had gone through this(me too).......
I think now you should come to Thailand to enjoy and then forget it when you reach Malaysia.
By the way! Is this Miow looks like Malay girl with a big eye and big Boobs?
Old 25-05-2009, 07:37 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Froggy View Post
Well, let me know when you are going ... i will plan from my end ....
Sure will, keep me updated with your plans too as I might have some extra time off coming up soon

Originally Posted by Playman View Post
I have already Pm you our schedule ....... July lah bro!
Sifu I will be in KL first weekend of june, dont I owe u a dinner?
uplist: ...

Thanks to the bros who recently upped me. Please leave your nick or PM me so that I may return the favour
Old 25-05-2009, 08:02 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by danny_chee00 View Post
been cheonging in dannok since may last year. up till dec'08 already been there like 50+times. not i wan to lansi here but already got kong tau then its normal la.
met a nice gal called 'miow'. anybody else knew her here?been going steady with her since the first time. i actually do mind she is still working when with me but wat to do? she have to support her family ma. i do provide some la but i guess nobody will ever be enuf. but i really have no complain when im with her.

now is totally devastated. been telling her that i have another gf back here when i really dun have. no mood to go there de since i caught her cheating behind my back. anyway, i should already knew this is coming. but never really expect all this since i have the feeling she is true to me. cheating part is maybe because of money n living.
up till now she still calls me but i didnt pick up. am i doin the right thing?

any advise here bro? am i another stupid victim or i'm just running into bad luck?
Bro.... 'see open' abit ok.... Me too once of the stupid victim. Heart too soft. I ever saw my ex with other guy which is more uglier than me. What to do.... Let it be la... look at the bright side la. They are the one not appreciate us. So, time to get another teerak and kena kt.

Generally Puying in danok only like 3 things which is money, handsome guy and drug. so whoever you met in danok, she sure like one of it or maybe all. Either one of it will surely kill you if you are too decent. Take care bro
Old 26-05-2009, 12:56 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Just my own view, is get more teerak at once time, 1 no good throw away, still got others, others no good, throw all away n get new 1

99% of those WL,ML,coyote,bikini whatever they work in clubs,pubs,disco n MPs cannot be trusted, whatever they said, 10% of their words can be trusted only.

They all have a complicated life n we live in a steady life, i'm very sure they will make your head burst like volcano. True love no no to me, play play love yes yes to me. If the girl is decent type can think bout it. Decent mean not working in the so called WL,ML,coyote,bikini n whatever in this kind of field.

If really want together with them, try get a PI to check them out n see worth for u or not.
Old 26-05-2009, 01:40 AM
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Talking Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by piratebooty View Post
Sure will, keep me updated with your plans too as I might have some extra time off coming up soon

Sifu I will be in KL first weekend of june, dont I owe u a dinner?
No problem come come....who buy dinner not a problem as long as we are buddies.....most of the Danok lovers is here.....second week of June off to give me a tinkle so we can have a party yeah!
Old 26-05-2009, 12:09 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by danny_chee00 View Post

now is totally devastated. been telling her that i have another gf back here when i really dun have. no mood to go there de since i caught her cheating behind my back. anyway, i should already knew this is coming. but never really expect all this since i have the feeling she is true to me. cheating part is maybe because of money n living.
up till now she still calls me but i didnt pick up. am i doin the right thing?

any advise here bro? am i another stupid victim or i'm just running into bad luck?
Drop her bro.she will continue to cheat u as long as u are with her still.The true feeling u felt is just another kc trap which many other bros had experience.Thai gals are extremely good in creating a false gfe making your mind spin thinking she is special towards u then others.

My suggestion is to use the money u had been sponsoring her to f*uck many other ladies for the sake of fun telling yourself ur special meat is just another piece of pussy & forget it.Its not easy if u keep thinking abt her & hope this therapy will help u.
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Old 26-05-2009, 12:47 PM
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Talking Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by danny_chee00 View Post
been cheonging in dannok since may last year. up till dec'08 already been there like 50+times. not i wan to lansi here but already got kong tau then its normal la.
met a nice gal called 'miow'. anybody else knew her here?been going steady with her since the first time. i actually do mind she is still working when with me but wat to do? she have to support her family ma. i do provide some la but i guess nobody will ever be enuf. but i really have no complain when im with her.

now is totally devastated. been telling her that i have another gf back here when i really dun have. no mood to go there de since i caught her cheating behind my back. anyway, i should already knew this is coming. but never really expect all this since i have the feeling she is true to me. cheating part is maybe because of money n living.
up till now she still calls me but i didnt pick up. am i doin the right thing?

any advise here bro? am i another stupid victim or i'm just running into bad luck?
Bro....let me give you straight......!

We all go there to enjoy and for newbie there is always some feeling for the girls initially........but then think.........
  1. They are working as a "making love" with strangers is their job....! So you can't call that "cheating" as you know from day one they are WL...that is how you get to know them in the first place....!
  2. Even you fully sponsor them, that doesn't mean they are going to be faithful to you only as they are so many bfs before you....who knows sponsor more than you.
  3. If you are serious about this relationship.....think again and again, can you accept her for what they are then bring her back to your country.....that will to a certain degree makes sure she don't cheat on you....still no guarantee.

Don't worry relax and go a few more times.....and eventually you will understand.......!

We have gone through the same shit as you, just that mine is much much earlier than difference. That is the price to pay for the lessons in LOS.....Welcome to the club!
Old 26-05-2009, 01:45 PM
dodg3vip3r dodg3vip3r is offline
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Playman View Post
Bro....let me give you straight......!

We all go there to enjoy and for newbie there is always some feeling for the girls initially........but then think.........
  1. They are working as a "making love" with strangers is their job....! So you can't call that "cheating" as you know from day one they are WL...that is how you get to know them in the first place....!
  2. Even you fully sponsor them, that doesn't mean they are going to be faithful to you only as they are so many bfs before you....who knows sponsor more than you.
  3. If you are serious about this relationship.....think again and again, can you accept her for what they are then bring her back to your country.....that will to a certain degree makes sure she don't cheat on you....still no guarantee.

Don't worry relax and go a few more times.....and eventually you will understand.......!

We have gone through the same shit as you, just that mine is much much earlier than difference. That is the price to pay for the lessons in LOS.....Welcome to the club!
Well said, from one of the many sifus here... Personally, i think is always good to adopt a transaction mentality, bonk and go.
Old 26-05-2009, 02:42 PM
danny_chee00 danny_chee00 is offline
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Playman View Post
Bro....let me give you straight......!

We all go there to enjoy and for newbie there is always some feeling for the girls initially........but then think.........
  1. They are working as a "making love" with strangers is their job....! So you can't call that "cheating" as you know from day one they are WL...that is how you get to know them in the first place....!
  2. Even you fully sponsor them, that doesn't mean they are going to be faithful to you only as they are so many bfs before you....who knows sponsor more than you.
  3. If you are serious about this relationship.....think again and again, can you accept her for what they are then bring her back to your country.....that will to a certain degree makes sure she don't cheat on you....still no guarantee.

Don't worry relax and go a few more times.....and eventually you will understand.......!

We have gone through the same shit as you, just that mine is much much earlier than difference. That is the price to pay for the lessons in LOS.....Welcome to the club!
Why i call that cheating is because even though i know she is working while im not there, she lied to me saying that she doesnt work. i bribe a lot of bouncer and captain to keep the watch for her, that is how i got most of my info from.

anyway, i think that is a sad place for me now. maybe i should turn 3o'clock from prai roundabout and head to betong straight.....find another teerak, kiss n goodbye.

thanks bro
Old 26-05-2009, 03:00 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Dear all sifus,
many thanks for the kindly advise. actually i too had many sweet n sour experience there de. one of the pub owner there is my fren, so we mix a lot with the ppl there. many advice came from him also but i guess he too like cheated.he too saying that the gal truly love me because my fren wife is her sister 'ci mui'. so they had pillow talk during the night. wat i heard lately is that she even tried to commit suicide when i told her i already got another darling here. hai........

last year october i did bring her back to my hometown. spend about 3 weeks in m'sia. initial planning to stay here 3 months then only bring her back dannok to chop passport. i thought it will be a happy ending but she told me she dun like malaysia. reason: the food, the boringness because i got to work, and no booze. so i start tulan and fetch her back lo. but in good terms with her la.

then all those cheating puying tricks come out de la. wat i felt now is that she really do love me, but just can't let go the party and the pills. by the way, she is just 21. so maybe thats why? i'm 28.

anyway, my sincere appreciation to all the cheongster that drop me an advice. thats the main reason this forum rocks. i will keep that in mind and make sure i wont fall into another trap when i start to cheong in betong next month.

Old 26-05-2009, 03:05 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Lim2305 View Post
I am from WSG and the nickname used is 2305. As I always telling the bro there, if you really love your puying until can't survive without her then bring her back to your home town. If NOT they will 99.9% will not sincere to you.(lat Kaai)

Sorry to say that If you cannot bring her back then you should accept that one day you will found her sleeps with other guys. I think you can still answer her call and book her just like other working puying.
You are NOT stupid, most of the bros here had gone through this(me too).......
I think now you should come to Thailand to enjoy and then forget it when you reach Malaysia.
By the way! Is this Miow looks like Malay girl with a big eye and big Boobs?
she don't look like malay girl nor have big boobs. she is quite fair and really gorgeous. lesson no #1. dun look for the extremely nice sweet pretty gal. usually their kong tau is much powerful and hard to get rid.
Old 26-05-2009, 03:43 PM
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Talking Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by danny_chee00 View Post
she don't look like malay girl nor have big boobs. she is quite fair and really gorgeous. lesson no #1. dun look for the extremely nice sweet pretty gal. usually their kong tau is much powerful and hard to get rid.
Damn you sure learn fast....that is the the way, there is also a few gems in Betong...don't let history repeat itself.....enjoy!
Old 26-05-2009, 04:23 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by holymannn View Post
Bro.... 'see open' abit ok.... Me too once of the stupid victim. Heart too soft. I ever saw my ex with other guy which is more uglier than me. What to do.... Let it be la... look at the bright side la. They are the one not appreciate us. So, time to get another teerak and kena kt.
Nobody here can fright ur handsome muahahahahaha, even tom cuise has to salute u
The greatest mistake Guys make. Actually thinking that they are a MM's Boyfriend. You will call them your girlfriend, and they will call you their CUSTOMER to everyone else but you.

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