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Old 07-09-2005, 12:13 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Martini-Fan
flight attendant from AirAsia told me, they start to sort out the old 737 soon. Having ordered 20 brandnew Airbus A320.
Thank god if it's true....

and most of the delivery date are 2008-2009.. you can't wait that long can you ?
Old 07-09-2005, 12:14 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by liongKH
For info Bro, yesterday a Garuda plane flying from Medan to Jakarta made an emergency landing at Pekan Baru due to engine trouble.

The planes used by the airlines here are too old and poorly maintained. Just prau hard each time you fly their domestic airlines.

Garuda, Mandala abort their flights

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

A Garuda Indonesia airliner flying from North Sumatra's capital of Medan made an emergency landing on Tuesday morning at Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport in Pekanbaru, Riau, due to a fuel indicator problem.

In another incident on Tuesday, a Mandala aircraft returned to Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Jakarta after only 10 minutes in the air due to glitches with landing gear warning lamps.

There were no casualties in either of the incidents, which came just a day after a Mandala aircraft crashed into a dense residential area in Medan, killing 150 people on board and on the ground.

All 82 passengers of the Garuda Boeing 737-400 airplane were immediately transferred to other flights.

"Captain Toni Bagus saw that the plane's fuel indicator was faulty, and immediately landed at a nearby airport, which is in line with flight safety procedures," Garuda Indonesia spokesperson Pudjobroto was quoted as saying by Antara.

Among the fortunate passengers were Minister of Social Affairs Bachtiar Chamsyah and five members of the House of Representatives Commission V on transportation, telecommunications and public works.

They were flying from Medan after making a visit of condolence for North Sumatra governor Tengku Rizal Nurdin, who was killed in the Mandala crash on Monday.

"There was only a problem with the fuel indicator. Our procedures rule that pilots should immediately land at a nearby airstrip if something suspicious occurs," he said.

Brushing off maintenance problems, Pudjobroto said the plane could still fly for many years to come. The plane was immediately repaired after landing.

Passengers, however, recalled a more frightening situation aboard the plane when the pilots told them that the plane's right engine had broken down.

Social ministry's director general of social assistance Amrun Daulay, who was accompanying Minister Bachtiar, said light turbulence occurred some 40 minutes after take-off.

"We were told by the pilots that there had been damage to the right engine and were told to remain calm. The pilots tried to fly manually, but later decided to land at a nearby airport," he was quoted as saying by detikcom.

The relatively minor incident was especially frightening for passengers following Monday's crash of the Mandala aircraft due to a total engine shutdown on takeoff at Polonia Airport in Medan.

In Jakarta, Mandala officials said the pilot of the Boeing 737-200 bound for Jambi made a U-turn because its landing gear lamps did not go off after takeoff.

"The lamps should have gone off when the plane was already flying. But they didn't," Mandala spokesperson Alex Widjojo explained.

The pilot of the plane decided to return to Jakarta to prevent any further problems and ensure the safety of passengers, Alex added. The plane is of the same type as the aircraft that crashed in Medan on Monday
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Old 07-09-2005, 12:16 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Passenger manifest cock-up sparks anger, confusion

Apriadi Gunawan, The Jakarta Post, Medan

Legislator Antarini Malik received warm congratulations from her fellow colleagues at the House of Representatives on Tuesday. The legislators thought that she was one of the victims of the Mandala Airlines plane crash on Monday.

"Thank you, I am safe," she said, adding that she would have a ceremony (syukuran) to thank God for her life.

Antarini, the daughter of the country's former vice president Adam Malik, was not a passenger of the ill-fated aircraft. But, her family, friends and colleagues thought that she was one of the victims as her name appeared on television based on the passenger manifest released by Mandala after the crash, in which 103 passengers and crew died.

"I flew with Adam Air at 9:30 a.m. I had already arrived in Jakarta when the accident took place. I don't know why somebody used my name as (a passenger of) the Mandala plane. The management is awful," she asserted.

Antarini did book a seat on the Mandala flight. However, she could not get a ticket upon arrival at the airport, so she decided to fly with Adam Air instead.

The opposite happened to Jose Christopel Hutagalung. The father of one child was a dead victim of the crash, but his name did not appear in the manifest.

One of his relatives said that the 28-year-old used a ticket, which was booked for somebody named Miftah. He was forced to buy the ticket from one of the ubiquitous middlemen at Polonia Airport.

Jose had earlier come to Medan to get the high school graduation certificate of his brother, needed for enrollment at the Bandung's Padjajaran University.

His relatives, who took him to the airport, phoned his parents in Tarutung, North Sumatra and told his mother that Jose was a passenger with Mandala. Attempts to contact his cellular phone were not successful.

His mother, his wife and his brother, who arrived at the crash site later, recognized his body from his teeth and blood type.

The management of Mandala admitted the problem with the manifest as it did not provide accurate information on the names of the passengers.

Acting director of Mandala, Maj. Gen. Asril Tanjung said that his office would investigate.

"'s difficult. It is supposed to be more organized. Maybe there is such a weakness, we will fix it," he told The Jakarta Post at the crash site.

Asril, however, said that such problems also occurred with other flights as some passengers who booked or bought tickets could decide to cancel their flight and give the tickets to other people.

Such a move, he said, should not be done as it violates flight administration regulations.

Asril insisted, however, that the problem with the manifests were not a reflection of poor administration at Mandala.
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Old 07-09-2005, 12:19 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Gambling den owner arrested, 70 machines seized

Abdul Khalik, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Confirming public suspicions that gambling dens are still thriving in the capital, city police arrested on Monday evening an owner of a gambling den in Beruang Cafe on Jl. Hayam Wuruk, Central Jakarta and confiscated 70 gambling machines.

Chief of the serious crimes unit of Jakarta Police Comr. Andry Wibowo said that police had arrested the owner of Cafe Beruang identified as Abdul Hadi alias Ahok and three of his employees identified as Franky Kornelis, Teddy Cahya and Irsan Alamsyah.

"We arrested them following tipoffs from local residents. We will detain them here at the headquarters until we can complete their case files. We are now bringing the machines here," Andry said.

The arrest, somehow, confirmed public suspicion that gambling, which city police claimed to have been wiped out, was still thriving in the capital.

Jakarta Police chief Insp. Gen. Firman Gani had vowed to crack down on gambling in the city and to fire precinct and subprecinct police chiefs if there were reports of gambling dens in their respective areas after the one-week deadline.

Despite Monday's arrest, Central Jakarta Police chief Sr. Comr. Sukrawardi Dahlan will still keep his post.

National Police chief Gen. Sutanto announced a one-week deadline on July 11 for provincial police chiefs to eradicate gambling in their respective areas.

Firman Gani quickly ordered his top officers, precinct, and subprecinct chiefs to wipe out all gambling in the capital within three days, with the threat that failure would result in losing their posts.

More than 500 gamblers and gambling den owners were immediately arrested and thousands of gambling machines were confiscated after Gani's pledge.

However, many people doubt that the police were serious in eliminating gambling as it is public knowledge that many high ranking police officers receive monthly payments from big gambling bosses and lower-ranking officers also got a lot of additional income from street gambling including togel (illegal lottery).

Meanwhile, the Jakarta Prosecutor's Office announced on Tuesday that they had not received a single case file on gambling from either the Jakarta or national police headquarters.

Jakarta Prosecutor's Office deputy head on intelligence Farried Haryanto said he has reviewed all case files submitted to his office and found none on gambling.

"There are many case files received from the police but none of them are on gambling," Farried told The Jakarta Post.

He said that his office should have received many gambling case files as police have arrested many alleged gamblers over the past two months.

"Most arrested gamblers or gambling operators were caught red-handed. So, it should be easy and quick to complete the case files," he said.

Earlier, an officer at city police headquarters said that some police officers had released many alleged gamblers for cash.
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Old 07-09-2005, 12:21 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Batam Man
So what about guys like us who need to fly regularly on domestic flight? Kesian de kami...
U can always fly from Singapore u know....hehehehe

Value Air at US 117 return (JKT/Sin/JKT) ..... I book liao.....haha
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Old 07-09-2005, 12:23 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by liongKH
Thanks for the info. But my feel is that Bro RM is very frank and open. Nothing to hide and would gladly share all the simple and good things.

Cheers Bro RM and I hope I can join in tomorrow.

Thanks and u really know me...haha

All drinks on me tomorrow ya/.....

Heard got 130 golfer u know......
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Old 07-09-2005, 01:34 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Rainman

Check it out... Comment appreciated.


Bro Rainman,

It is scam. The pimp was arrested last year and they used the photo from regular girl who apply for job advertisement. It was all over the newspaper last year. Usually they put the advertising on the "Post-kota" website.
Old 07-09-2005, 02:16 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Rainman
Batam got daily Ferry to Jakarta u know....
I just asked BM this morning, he said: "It takes 2 days .. + .. by the time reach there, cannot stand liao"


Old 07-09-2005, 02:27 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Hawaii
Bro Rainman,

It is scam. The pimp was arrested last year and they used the photo from regular girl who apply for job advertisement. It was all over the newspaper last year. Usually they put the advertising on the "Post-kota" website.
Wow bro Hawaii ... you remember the news arh?

May I ask: you know is there any thumb site or html on Indo ceweks such as this sample ? can recommend?

Thanks ya


Old 07-09-2005, 02:35 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by DNAT
I just asked BM this morning, he said: "It takes 2 days .. + .. by the time reach there, cannot stand liao"
well..what he didn't tell you was the reason you cannot stand after that!

do you know who are on those boats ?? and what is available ??
you might not even want to disembark and u-turn back to Batam instead...
Old 07-09-2005, 02:45 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by MoonFace
well..what he didn't tell you was the reason you cannot stand after that!

do you know who are on those boats ?? and what is available ??
you might not even want to disembark and u-turn back to Batam instead...
you lidat say .. I know liao - lots of ceweks on board the ship .. bonk in the ship thats why cannot stand when reach JKT


Old 07-09-2005, 03:11 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Batam Man
You turst the guy? More then likely he'll get the girls to pull the stunt like: "Abang, kasih wang taxi lah, cin cai lah ect ect...."
Dun worry about that bro, I am a true "orang pelit". Once I make up my mind I stick to it and if I dun like the gal, nothing gets out of the wallet.
Old 07-09-2005, 03:14 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Rainman
Thanks and u really know me...haha

All drinks on me tomorrow ya/.....

Heard got 130 golfer u know......
Just asked my boss, he not playing tomorrow so I can't go liao. Maybe can meet you at AH.

Hope you win some really good prices.
Old 07-09-2005, 03:20 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Batam Man
Walamak!!! Looks like we'll all have to work real hard to make some real money to buy our own private jet liao huh?
Bro BM, even Ong Beng Seng got to sell his private jet plane, some years ago. I dun think I will ever be able to own one even if I work my arse out. I will just have to take the risk on domestic flights.

BTW I heard Lion Air has one of the best looking air stewardress. Haven't tried travelling by one yet.
Old 07-09-2005, 03:22 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Martini-Fan
flight attendant from AirAsia told me, they start to sort out the old 737 soon. Having ordered 20 brandnew Airbus A320.
Thank god if it's true....

Yup, the company managed to get a loan to buy 20 or 30 Airbuses. That however will take a one year from now.
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