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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
last week while chatting, some bros shown the interest on buying the property in dongguan.
for those who are interested to do so, here is a piece of the recent news that might help you... ÿƽÃ×½µ2500Ôª ¶«Ý¸·¿¼ÛϽµÊÇ·ñµäÐÍ£¿_·¿²úÂÛµÀ_²Æ¾+_ÌÚѶÍø 每平米降2500元 东莞房价下降是否典型? 2008年03月04日10:19 中心城区房价直降2500多元突现“雪崩”迹象 主持人: 据报道,东莞开发商纷纷加入降价战,中心城区突然涌现千余套单价4000多元的住宅,这一价格比起去年7月 份峰值每平米直降2500多元。然而,对东莞楼价会否继续下降,业内人士分歧严重。 金地、万科等主流开发商表示不可能再降了,但也有人认为,2008年房价降价的“底限”在哪里目前还说不清 。 问题在于,第一,到目前为止我们不清楚东莞房价下跌在当地是不是一个普遍现象,还是只是一个正常的调整;第 二,东莞能否成为珠三角乃至全国各地的一只“麻雀”,反映出一种典型性下调?否则,这样的假“典型”也许会 被利用,当作房产调控业已到位的证据。 房产商、消费者、管理层之间进入战略相持阶段,已是不争的事实,但究竟是跌是涨还是平,我们还 需要等待! 大众评判台 曹中铭:宏调显效 近几年来,房价的高企无疑存在炒作因素,因此此次东莞房价“雪崩”不会是偶然事件。个人认为,这更加预示着 国家宏观调控的威力已在发挥作用,相信其波及面会越来越广。 孙鹏:还看需求 在国家对楼市宏观调控政策的推动下,房价出现下降势属必然。房价一旦出现较大幅度下跌,消费者观望情绪将更 浓,楼市会陷入低迷。但会否出现价格雪崩,还要看市场需求。如果存在较高购买需求,雪崩的可能 性不是很大。 励俊:谨慎入市 局部区域出现暴跌很正常,预计同类事件会层出不穷,尤其在那些去年房价疯涨的地区。出现这种回归理性的调整 是好事,现阶段,买房人更应谨慎入市场。 ◆沸点特稿 房价上涨的基石正发生质变 赵文斌 个人认为,历经2007年“最后的疯狂”,失去购买支撑的房价已经进入绝对的疲软期。在此大背景下,个别地 区出现房价大幅下降一点也不奇怪。 判断房价走势,关键的一点,要看到房价上涨的基础力量已经发生重大变故,甚至可以说发生了逆转 。 一是市场预期起了极重要的作用。 市场价格除了由供求关系决定外,对大宗商品而言,市场预期的作用绝对不容忽视。也就是说,尽管现阶段我国楼 市存在供小于求的状况,但由于市场整体预期看跌、观望氛围浓厚,推动房价上涨动力已经大大减弱 。 二是现实购买力无法支撑高房价。 世界上从来没有只涨不跌的物价,房价也不例外。从上世纪开始的房改,客观上成为近十年来房价持续上涨的主动 力之一。尽管消费者为此付出了较高代价,但不可否认的是,我国人均住房面积普遍得以大幅提高。而当房价高到 以举家之力穷十年之功尚难购得合宜住房时,对居住面积尚有更高要求未能得以满足的消费者,也只能选择放弃, 其结果就是造成今天有价无市的局面。 三是政策环境已发生重大的改变。 在从紧的调控和严厉的反腐措施下,地方政府的“土地财政”取向正悄然生变。关注民生民意、共享改革成果,已 经成为各地领导的普遍共识,助长疯狂炒房行为的投机环境正逐步消除。 当然,从全国范围看,各地的情况不尽相同——楼市周期也不相同。因此,我们应更看重整体趋势,这个总趋势就 是:房价下跌的可能性更大一些。假设这一趋势成立,那么房价较大幅度下降的突破口必然出现在那些曾被暴炒甚 至是恶炒过的地区。原因很简单,这些地区的土地供应量相对充足,先期资金涌入较多,房屋建造面积也较多,房 价与当地收入水平比值较高,市场信心更易动摇。东莞就是这样一个典型:先期跟随南方城市房价大幅上涨而上涨 ,而今随着制造业、台资和港资企业部分撤离东莞,楼市需求已经萎缩,降价销售不可避免。 一般来说,房地产商的敏感性要比消费者更为强烈。因此可以预期的是,其它一些城市的房价也可能因为一些并不 起眼的因素而出现松动。
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
no problem, we v c u next week, FR pls...why did not hear you said u were going away fr CP but received the news while u were on the way and gone.. on sms.
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
To bbbj lover...
early of last week went to Bxxxx ktv, saw one shu-boon, quiet and innocent look girl, she matched most of my requirements but too bad that i already got a girl sat with me. however, the mummy was aggressively pushes her to me. knew this mummy for long, and she knows my preference well... the word that sparkling me and decided to have her to sit with me was "她的服务很好的,吹箫一流!!" (good service, good in bj) after a short introduction, she mentioned to me that she doesn't like drinking and not good at singing, so i decided to play with my another girl (1st one i took). while i was playing the dice and sing song with the 1st girl, she was quietly caring me, keep serving my the fruits and the snacks, and drink with me sometimes when i loss in the dice game. she didn't talk much, but she is good at generating the GF feelings by holding the hands, serving the food and drink, even i was playing with another girl... after playing a while with the 1st girl, i stopped and start the conversation with her and play with her... you should know the happnening inside the ktv, cut the story short, at the end of the ktv session, i decided to pick her back to hotel. here is the story start... after got into the room, removed the clothes, before going to the bath, she kneel down and help me to do bbbj!!! ![]() for the girl in china, after doing the bbbj for a while, the girl will stop the action and clean the mouth with the tissue. but this girl hor, can just blow, blow and blow... for minute, minutes and minutes... and another wonderful part, after put on the CD and started the action, bonk bonk bonk, cumming, unloaded. she removed the CD and do the cleaning with her mounth!!!~ her services and skills are like those in japan porn movie... the service that you can't even get in sauna... and i can't imagine the service is sooooooo good from her innocent appearance... only one word can said after the night... REALLY SEXTIFIED!!! ![]()
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
As promised writing an FR of my recent 3 day trip to CP.
Day 1 Arrived by morning flight to HK. Realised not many info regarding traveling via HK so I will elaborate more on this part so that bros who wish to go via HK will have a better idea. I had already booked thru XGX my hotel and the MPV service from HKIA to CP. It cost 200RMB for 1-way and another 180RMB for the return trip. According to XGX payment need only be made when you reach CP. After exiting the baggage claim area at HKIA, walk over to your left side and look for the “A” counters (the “B” counters are on your right). These are counters for booking of hotels, car rentals, tpt services, etc. There is a counter A15. I went up to the counter and told them I had booking for tpt to CP. The girl then brought me to the next door airport hotel where their office is. At the office they verified my booking and passed me my ticket and also a sticker to paste on your shirt. This sticker is so that when you cross customs to shenzhen side the driver at the other side can identify you. The MPV will bring you from HKIA to the border customs, at HK side customs you do not have to get off the MPV, its just like when you drive to JB like that, sit in the MPV and clear customs (note: I read some bros saying if you really unlucky they might ask you to get down and clear customs) after clearing HK customs, the MPV will bring you across the border to shenzhen. Over at shenzhen customs, the MPV will drop you and you have to get down and walk thru to clear customs. You will also have to take you bag as you will change to another MPV for the rest of the journey to CP. For those who have big bags not to worry cuz you won’t have to walk far. Once the MPV drops you just enter the hall and queue up to clear customs then after that you exit the hall and the china side driver will be there to pick you up. That is where you need the sticker for them to identify you. When I went from HK to Shenzhen, customs clearance was very fast as there weren’t anybody. Take note if you travel thru customs during peak hours you might potentially have very long queues and take some time to clear customs. Once you get picked up after clearing shenzhen customs, the MPV will send you all the way to CP right up to whatever hotel you staying in. I believe the return journey should be similar. Was supposed to go back to HKIA the same way but due to some hiccups I ended up taking the direct thru train back to HK (kowloon). Anyway will elaborate on that later in my report. For now lets get to the cheonging part!!! |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Met up with 3dee and some other bros for lunch. First time meeting 3dee and the other bros. After lunch, it was between sauna or BBS, decided to save sauna for Saturday or Sunday so its BBS shopping time! I must say, in the 3 days I was in CP, Bro 3dee brought me to many BBS but as I basically just follow him and also traveled by bread van, I have no idea which area BBS I had gone to. As to where are the BBS you have to ask Bro 3dee… he is the expert…
![]() First BBS we went.. not bad, lots of choices. Mamasan offered two girls good for shuangfei… tempted sia… but big head say, must see more first la, how can 1st day, 1st BBS you go only choose girl liao… haha. So took the mummy number and girl name and proceed to next one for more viewing. After a going to a few BBS finally decided on a girl. Only after paying 100 to mummy they said its 250rmb not 200rmb. For this again must thank Bro 3dee cuz he helped to negotiate it back to 200rmb. if I had gone myself sure kenna chop head.. haha. This girl quite normal nothing special so shall not elaborate. Service was good and no complains. After finishing let the girl go off as it was almost 6pm.. time to meet up to head to JY. Bro 3Dee had already booked room for us. We got there just after the parade had started. Wow… eye opener… girls left, right and centre… ![]() It was a Friday night and also due to the taiwanese holiday the place was packed full of guys. Made our rounds and we all managed to select 2 girls each. With our conquest in tow we head back to our rooms for more fun, drinking and singing. Really lucky we had helped to book a room in advance if not don’t think we will have any chance of getting a room due to the large crowd. In the ktv it was the usual drinking, play dice, singing… by midnight we were all quite tired out, probably cuz of the travelling in the morning.. decided to call it a night. Chose which lucky girl we each wanted to bring home and settled the bill. Then we all headed back to our respective hotels. When in the room straight away took shower with my girl then proceed to the bed. My girl is quite wild.. haha… couldnt tell she was like that cuz she quite quiet in the ktv room... spend quite sometime with foreplay before we progressed to the next stage.. haha.. to cut the long story short we finished up, cleaned up then went to bed. Next morning it was time for round 2! Again similar to the night before… haha.. shan’t bore you guys with the details. Only thing was that after we finished and my girl went to wash up.. she suddenly came running out of the toilet and told me.. “my period is here”… ![]() ![]() Actually I was contemplating whether to look for her again the second night when we went back to JY since she was quite fun. But guess she helped me to decide… as she won’t be going to work that night I had to look for new girl liao.. hehe. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
noted. See u at CP. Are you trying to qualify for the China resident cash award? Read somewhere there is a proposal to give 1000RMB to all resident. ![]() Quote:
![]() Think you cannot justify your nick. hahha During one of the round, was having a drink at the drink hut. The group behind us was 2 Angmo with their PRC gfs. The two Angmo are real tall six ft and above and their gf also all above 170, better looking than the model class at CP. They decided to overtake us and when ahead and tee up their ball. A member of my group, a frail 74 year old man, ht 165 only, very clamly walk up, thow their ball to the side and tee up his ball and when ahead and tee off. There are 14 persons at the tee, our flight of 4 golfers+4 caddies and their flight of 4+2 caddies. Now there is this total silence, not a single person said a single word, till we all finished tee off and drove off in our buggies. This experience is like the mastercard ad. Priceless ![]() Quote:
無業游民 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
I will be at cp on 27 march, reach HK aroung 1pm. wanna share limo/ come to hk airport muahahahaha
The greatest mistake Guys make. Actually thinking that they are a MM's Boyfriend. You will call them your girlfriend, and they will call you their CUSTOMER to everyone else but you. [B]bro holymonk, Mirage, Etch,yellowmilk PM me ur tread so i can up u back.. thank |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Hey , I beg you guys dont spoilt the market
Shenzhen to CP only RMB 200 CP to CA only RMB 100 Saloon new car cheers ![]()
我最幸福的事,当过你的天使 最幸福的事,吹蜡烛时你总为我许愿的手势, 为挚爱的人 在左边心口保留位置 是最幸福的事。 |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
![]() china now is too rich and the government don't know what to do with the money... and how to control the cpi... either giving the angpao to the citizen (like sillypore), or apply the tax rebate (like US), or throw the money into more development, or keep all into their own pocket... this is the hot topic in china nowadays.
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
wah.. you guys are good sia.. tink i better go train up! ![]() Quote:
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Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Women ' s lives are hard. Morning, wash clothes. Noon, hang clothes. Evening, keep clothes. Nite, iron clothes. Midnight, take off clothes. After midnight, find clothes "我唔可以俾到你幸福,但绝对可以俾到你舒服" |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
here is a news for you! met your little JJ last week, from her outlook and the dressing, she looks pregnant now!!! what did you do to her????!!!! ![]() ![]()
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Women ' s lives are hard. Morning, wash clothes. Noon, hang clothes. Evening, keep clothes. Nite, iron clothes. Midnight, take off clothes. After midnight, find clothes "我唔可以俾到你幸福,但绝对可以俾到你舒服" |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
---- next cp trip: sometimes in august ---- The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. |
Re: Monthly trip to ChangPing, HouJie HuMen
Women ' s lives are hard. Morning, wash clothes. Noon, hang clothes. Evening, keep clothes. Nite, iron clothes. Midnight, take off clothes. After midnight, find clothes "我唔可以俾到你幸福,但绝对可以俾到你舒服" |
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