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FL Dome 2 - The Middle Kingdom Spreads its Wings Freelancers are not subject to the mandatory health checks that are required of registered sex workers that operate in designated red light areas. They operate illegally outside of the system put in place to curb the spread of STDs. Proceed at your own risk. |
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Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
Thank Q Brierot for Yuki contacts... Juz came back from an appointment with her. Her massage is definitely top in my list, is really those tuina type which had cure my neck n shoulder ache. Same as Rita, she also provides sensous HDLY n body massage! Is confirmed very valued for $. Tink will alternate between Yuki, Rita n Xiao Juan for my future massage. Vitamin M is damn low nw, have been trying alot of FL massage tis past months...
Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
Live Long, Play Hard, Stay Strong, Last Long ![]() To be Love and not to Love Building Empire ATM, no time for KCing ~~Temporary Retired~~ |
Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
Can you pass me their contacts.. I have posted 2 review on Pissa. But I just joined so I am not sure if anyone will share the contacts.
Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
Can any bros who have tried Yuki clarify what's the damage for the session with her? I called earlier & was told by her its $100/1.5hr. I was puzzled coz I tot it was $80 all along.
Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
hmmm...I have not seen her.. wait for TS to clarify lah
returning favors for ups.. slowly. ![]() If i have not rtn your up, please pm me. The CP page may have been refreshed and i can no longer see your details |
Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
i am the bro who had a 3pm session with Yuki. I was on QQ with Rita on thursday pm.. she mentioned that her sis in in town already, if i were free then, I could have the 5pm session on thursday with Yuki.. but then, too rush for me, so made appt for 3pm session (thru Rita, cos I still dun have Yuki's ctc) Well, I definitely enjoyed my session..quite well maintained figure and the boob was about the same size as Rita.. just the nipple is a bit darker.. soft to hold, nice to suck. The whole session was very similar to Rita.. if you close your eye and dun talk.. you would think that its Rita who is doing the massage, from the massage proper, to the BM to the JG.. felt very nice.. Regards.
为你的难过而快乐的 是敌人
为你的快乐而快乐的 是朋友 为你的难过而难过的 就是那些该放进心里的人 如果我们不能在一起, 那就是说我们没缘份 既然没缘份,那就没什么好遗憾的了 今天说要忘了你, 明天却又想起你 念你,念你在梦里. 问此情何时已 |
Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
ehz....wanted to write long long Fr but lazy
But i can easily sum it up as young milf, very good pressure points, relaxing + painful shiock massage lol Of cos hands down its one of the best massages around so for all those who have yet to try should go at it. Think maybe next time will try Rita but now i think i stay put with Yuki first cos lazy to change haha Btw to Ts i don't have Yuki no cos that night i book Rita and Yuki together, one for me one for another SBF bro and i take Yuki while he take Rita When i really free and got mood will put a nice nice long long fr =) |
Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
Now my turn to write FR. I have tried Rita a week ago, so will do the comparison.
Massage wise Yuki was more thorough. Almost every muscle she can find will be pressed hardly. Rita was good too but missed out some details. Look wise Rita is better cos younger. Yuki is more of a MILF but still looks decent. Rita is short and Yuki is average height. Rita is tanned and Yuki is fairer. Attitude wise, Rita was more friendly. Yuki is hardworking but it was a customer and client feeling. The extra thing. Rita was better than Yuki. I was done in a very short time with Rita. However, with Yuki it took a longer while. My preference will be Yuki for main course and Rita for the dessert. ![]() |
Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
ehz, Imagine with Yuki skills, Sukis BM then Ritas Hj =D
Priceless hohohoho hehehe maybe for San(three) Fei and request they follow the above sequence =P Quote:
Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
First of all, i would like to thank bro brierot for yuki's contact. Confirmed an 11am appointment this morning. Sms her room no when I got to the room & she was at the front door in less than 10min, very impressive. She's a beauty considering her age, a little flabby around the waist but the rest of her body was just fine. A milf definitely! The next 1.5hrs are easily just painful & pleasurable at the same time. Her massage was very thorough & I didn't expect every part of my body to be scrutinized like that. Definitely painful at some point but i take it as a form of therapy, no pain no gain:-) Then came the juagen part which i really enjoyed. Imagine being manhandled by this milf so much smaller than me. I was at her mercy
![]() Face: 7/10 Body: 7/10 Boobs: 6.5/10 Massage: 9/10 BM: 9/10 HJ: 9/10 Damage: $80 + tips +$30(room) |
Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
bro hantu tetek, up u for ur FR, thanks
Live Long, Play Hard, Stay Strong, Last Long ![]() To be Love and not to Love Building Empire ATM, no time for KCing ~~Temporary Retired~~ |
Re: YUKI - Suki Rita Sis - coming to Singapore
![]() Rita definitely don't manage the appointments as well as Suki used to. Next time I see her, must give her a hard time! hehehe
Waiting for Yuki's return... |
Hi Bro,
care to share her ctc?? XxcheongxX ![]() |
My first session with Yuki in SG
I finally manage a session with Yuki over the weekend when I was back in SG.
Had to arrange for Sunday morning, cos it was my only free slot. After arranging with her, went to the usual hotel at appointed time. Wow, no rooms! Nearby hotel also no rooms! KNN, thought finish, got to postpone liau! Call her and told her can't get room, she came and meet me anyway, cos Rita suggested another place but when she came, Yuki also don't know where it is! Fortunately at the time, a couple left, so fast hand fast leg, go book and was told room will be ready in 10 min. Tried to find a place to sit down with Yuki for a drink but coffee shop nearby closed. Before we managed to find a place, room ready. So, after 30 min wait, go into room and quickly stripped down for massage. As usual, chat a bit during the massage, which is good as ever. Can feel her getting to all my sore points on my shoulder and back. Asked me missed her or not etc. Of course I teased her wherever the conversation provided opportunity for me to do so. Anyhow, the massage was ready good but I told her I have to leave earlier for another appointment. So once the back and legs are done, she started her JG. Her JG has improved a little, more like Suki's now compared with the times when she was in KL, still under Suki's tutelage then! I was told by the sisters that Yuki teaches Rita and Suki the finer points of massage while Suki coaches them on JG! Back to the massage, once JG started, she did the usual routine of working on my thighs and all the critical points around my little brother, bringing it to new heights! hehehe... Just before she started on her BM, she exclaims and gave me a shock. She left a red spot on the bed, cos of her 'da yi ma' arrival. Even though she had her pad on, it still leaked out a little. By then, time was running out for me and I told her to skip my back and just get on with BM on my front! I won't rate her the usual way with points since I have done it in an earlier post and the ratings rremain similar. Looking forward to my next session with her and next time, cannot rush through like this time. Otherwise, don't enjoy it fully!
Waiting for Yuki's return... |
Requests for contact and FRs
I like to address Brudders frequenting this thread.
Quite a number of brudders have requested Yuki's contact from me. I just cleared more than 10 PMs going back to Sunday. Apologies I can't attend to them earlier. I have had quite a busy few days. As with previous batches of requests, I check the requestors' points and the posts they have made and contributed. I generally do not give contact to the brudders who have very low points or have not made significant postings. No hard and fast rules but if there is no track record, I hesitate to give. I know this make it tough for brudders new to this forum but I can't think of better way to gauge how genuine the requestors are. I hope alll brudders who have not gotten contact from me understand I want to protect the good finds we have so we are able to enjoy the services for as long as possible without the garmen spoiling things for us. I suggest to these brudders that they try with other brudders who also have Yuki's contact from Rita, if they know those brudders better or approach Rita directly, if they can. Hope you all understand. For the brudders who have gotten contacts from me, post FRs soon. I am looking forward to reading them!
Waiting for Yuki's return... |
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