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Old 21-01-2013, 05:26 PM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

I think most guy will have fantasy on their daughter/sister especially if she's attractive ba. Of course, fantasy or see or think is one thing, don't really 'act' on it should be ok

I have a sister whom are really close to me as well. Probably since young, we both lost our father, especially she's just born. Hence I'm like her brother and father. Moreover, I'm the only guy in the house, and hence have to take care of everything...

Since young, we both sleep together, and even bath together. As we grew older, though we did not bath together, but we did share the same room, or even bed when going overseas together. Especially we often went to batam for a staycation and most of the time, we be sharing the same room, or even same bed (do request for twin beds all the times, but oftenly, they gave us queen/king bed.) We both are quite immune to such le... Of course for Batam trip, we even head for spa together.

Sometimes when we go out, our friends thought we are couple, as sometimes she will held my arms etc while walking.

Fantasy thoughts on her, sure have. But so far till now, and future, won't have any 'action' on her for sure
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Old 21-01-2013, 06:41 PM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

Fantasies are a very dangerous "thoughts" for me. It corrupted me and lead to my divorce years ago. My 1st fling is with a course-mate 21yrs old and the 2nd, working near my office, 26 yrs ex-SIA stewardess. Both started with some simple kopi breaks, followed by lunch, dinner and eventually we got close. Then I start to fantasize on them and when the opportunity arises, small head take over big head.

1st fling lasted 6 months ended well with common understanding as she knows I’m married. Thought that 2nd will be the same but got backstabbed after 2 months. Found out by my ex-wife via picture taken by her using my handphone without my knowledge. She met up with my ex-wife pretending she is the victim of my lies which is not true, resulted in my divorce.

Anyway I had learnt my lesson and realized that our human mind is very powerful. I refrain from sexual fantasizing lest caught in a scenario which it’s difficult to resist. Or rather don't want to resist.
Old 21-01-2013, 09:23 PM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

Originally Posted by tioseh View Post
It depends on individual moral upholding. Moral upholding because we are of age to know what is right and wrong and uphold our values.

I do have a step daughter (sd). Dated her mum when she is 6 and got married with her mum when she is 14. She is now above and beyond 16.

We are considered close just as any parents will love and provide for their child.

Basically I watched her grow from a young girl and matured beautifully to 7/10, B+ boobs. When she reached 13+, she would still sit on my laps, and groin area in cowgirl position but of course fully clothe, hugs me and rubbing my arms with her A+ boobs while walking hand in hand even till now. Told her should not do all those to any other person, male cousins or even me as it’s a temptation to all guys. It would appear the girl as loose, seductive and poor upbringing.

My daughter ask me: “Will I get tempted too?” what a question to ask! My genuine reply, “Nope, not at the moment and I hoped I won’t get corrupted”
Its very common for brothers to have seen their sister changing or even naked before. Most brothers will either look away since they know its wrong to look at their sister. Its wrong to even have sexual thoughts on your blood related sibling.
Old 22-01-2013, 12:52 AM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

Originally Posted by zzdiaozz View Post
Like other young normal horny males, its definitely tempting to look at girls not wearing bra at home. But as a brother, i've never had any thought of my hot cousin. And i believe, most guys would nt have thoughts towards their own blood related sister/ daughter its just wrong. Think you might need some *dry-cleaning service* from me :P
Haha I'm sure you can be a good vacuum machine
Old 22-01-2013, 12:53 AM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

Originally Posted by DongGunZai View Post
if you're my sister, i definitely will fantasize on you =P

Why? I don't know you
Old 22-01-2013, 12:58 PM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

Thats the reason why '' High Blood Pressure'' is so rampant in Singapore.

Old 22-01-2013, 10:30 PM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

Originally Posted by Duanehbu View Post
Why? I don't know you
Hahas. just some casual remarks =D
Old 25-01-2013, 03:00 PM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

If you are a parent, you will understand the feelings of a father. There would be strictly no temptation at all, not even the slightest bit ba.

If so then it would be really immoral and bastardized.

Just my gut feel.
Old 25-01-2013, 03:25 PM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

NO WAY girl that so wrong!!! but i will be very happy if my daughter are beautiful and sexy. As a father I will be protecting her from the wolves here LOL
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Old 25-01-2013, 04:11 PM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

Genetic sexual attraction (GSA) is a term that describes the phenomenon of sexual attraction between close relatives, such as siblings or half-siblings, a parent and offspring, or first and second cousins, who first meet as adults. Genetic sexual attraction is presumed to occur as a consequence of genetic relatives meeting as adults, typically as a consequence of adoption. Although this is a rare consequence of adoptive reunions, the large number of adoptive reunions in recent years means that a larger number of people are affected. If a sexual relationship is entered, it is known as incest. GSA is rare between people raised together in early childhood...

Old 25-01-2013, 05:43 PM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

abit off the topic, my wife's cousin is 13YO, breast just developing - A+ i reckon, very tall and slim. likes to wear shorts that are small and tight that can see some cheeks. evrytime have to force myself to look away when she comes to stay at my place.
Old 25-01-2013, 05:52 PM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

Nope I don't have those fantasies towards my nieces. Thet r quite matured already and gorwn to be beautiful and sweet.

But my feelings towards them are simply my darling nieces who are part of my family. And they know I dote on each and everyone of them very much.

TS, I personally think it is woring for you to be behaving such a manner, especially when you know your dad is looking. Are you continuing to do such acts to create "opportunities".

If you were my own daughter, I woul d have told you off strainght. I will do that if my nieces are like that.
Old 01-02-2013, 09:24 AM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

Originally Posted by adonis View Post
Genetic sexual attraction (GSA) is a term that describes the phenomenon of sexual attraction between close relatives, such as siblings or half-siblings, a parent and offspring, or first and second cousins, who first meet as adults. Genetic sexual attraction is presumed to occur as a consequence of genetic relatives meeting as adults, typically as a consequence of adoption. Although this is a rare consequence of adoptive reunions, the large number of adoptive reunions in recent years means that a larger number of people are affected. If a sexual relationship is entered, it is known as incest. GSA is rare between people raised together in early childhood...

i think me n my cousin sister are encountering this "symtom" currently..
only recently we found out about each other..
kinda complicated now, our relationship i mean..
sibeh headache..i dont know who to turn to for advice..
nor how...
we're both gonna breakdown soon..
its like she's the South end of the magnet and i'm the North..
i'm depressed i think...
Old 01-02-2013, 12:34 PM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

I think your mind is polluted and disillusioned. It is not right to fantasize of your daughter or your blood sister. It is just sick in the mind. Will you fantasize of your mom? No right? Same logic.. SICK!!
Old 03-02-2013, 09:27 AM
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Re: Daddy or brother sexual temptation on daughter/sister?

Post a photo of yourself, let us fantasize about you instead. Or FB also can
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