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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 21-07-2017, 03:24 PM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

Very good advice
Old 22-07-2017, 01:21 PM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

16 upp to bros - Everyday is a learning experience. Never too late to learn

Originally Posted by Babymonkey View Post
Bump thread... Good read. Could saved me the time and $$$$ learning the ropes if this was shared 6 years ago when i started... ^0^
Originally Posted by pirate1 View Post
You should have written this 9 years when I just joined. Good one. Cheers
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Old 22-07-2017, 02:18 PM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

Out of so many threads, this is one of my favorite. Full with good advise(to cheongsters, hehe... ).
I totally agree with all advise and suggestions by TS and other bros. Will follow this thread, and hopefully when there's something good to share with I will come out mine as well.
Old 22-07-2017, 07:03 PM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

+2 UPP halogen & kue19
Another thing worth noting : Never ask an unfriendly A or B Cup Auntie to recommend you dua liap sure kena assigned an A-Cup ML

Originally Posted by halogen019 View Post
Good sharing. There are some truths to the pointers

From experience, building up rapport can lead to better service most of the time. It is the same with all other interactions in life. If you are friendly to someone and treat her nice, chances are your actions will be reciprocated.

Not sure about your dua liap comments though. Neighbourhood places can also have dua liap. You just have to look closer.

One more thing about asking counter staff for big boobs girls - half of the time their recommendation is fake. They will just anyhow assign you one girl. I have asked for busty ml but get an A cupper in the end. Especially true if the receptionist is those Aunty-type who are not friendly.

Again, some truths to your story. I will not completely say this is fake. But a lot of factors also come in play. Not just visiting many times will be able to do so. Maybe you are really handsome, your tool is thick and long, ML not good looking but very horny cannot find men etc.

Like how some ML can become comfortable with you that they agree to unlimited shots if you outcall them. Anything can happen. We are all humans with feelings and intelligence to make decisions based on so many permutations. We are simply not programmes with strict logics and limited set of outcomes.

But a guide and some experience sharing is always good. Help bros here make informed decisions.
Old 22-07-2017, 11:27 PM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

Bro, I usually tip the counter girl at the point of registration, and then ask her for recommendations

Originally Posted by halogen019 View Post
Good sharing. There are some truths to the pointers

From experience, building up rapport can lead to better service most of the time. It is the same with all other interactions in life. If you are friendly to someone and treat her nice, chances are your actions will be reciprocated.

Not sure about your dua liap comments though. Neighbourhood places can also have dua liap. You just have to look closer.

One more thing about asking counter staff for big boobs girls - half of the time their recommendation is fake. They will just anyhow assign you one girl. I have asked for busty ml but get an A cupper in the end. Especially true if the receptionist is those Aunty-type who are not friendly.

Again, some truths to your story. I will not completely say this is fake. But a lot of factors also come in play. Not just visiting many times will be able to do so. Maybe you are really handsome, your tool is thick and long, ML not good looking but very horny cannot find men etc.

Like how some ML can become comfortable with you that they agree to unlimited shots if you outcall them. Anything can happen. We are all humans with feelings and intelligence to make decisions based on so many permutations. We are simply not programmes with strict logics and limited set of outcomes.

But a guide and some experience sharing is always good. Help bros here make informed decisions.
Old 23-07-2017, 12:05 AM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

Bros, thank you all very much for sharing!
Really informative and good guidance for newbies like me! =)
Old 23-07-2017, 10:07 AM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

Originally Posted by nicecrack View Post
Bro, I usually tip the counter girl at the point of registration, and then ask her for recommendations
Good strategy. Worth trying.

However, I also realise if the shop really has no busty ML, the receptionist will still assign you someone. Even if you tipped her.

Asking for a younger or older ML is easier than asking for a busty one. Chances are there would be a mixture of young and old ML
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Old 23-07-2017, 02:03 PM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

16 UPP for an ultra-generous samster

Originally Posted by nicecrack View Post
Bro, I usually tip the counter girl at the point of registration, and then ask her for recommendations
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Old 24-07-2017, 04:36 PM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

I have tipped a masseur $10 before my 2nd session with her because she gave me a VERY VERY nice teasing massage the earlier session.

And since I was the "last" customer, she gave me a very memorable session and closed up. Have returned to her since, she's not money faced and never asked for more. I went back multiple times to get teased.

Much better deal, she gets a long time customer. I get a good teasing/bonus session from her from time to time. No risk of AV as no GQ asked.
Old 25-07-2017, 01:59 AM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

Hey bros, need advice here. Do you guys normally go for the normal $50 massage or the prostate massage? Because from my noobie exp, prostate massage got higher chance to get GQ asked since they "fondle" at our groin area.
Old 25-07-2017, 03:36 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

Item 2,3,4,5 ,6,7 ,8,9 all correct
Old 25-07-2017, 04:29 AM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

Since everyone is sharing, let me share something that I would love to know when i was first playing around...

1) Know which shop to go... Massage should be at most $50/hr... I will walk away if anything is higher.
2) Think with your head not your dick, they will always offer what juagen or what special massage... dont do it! get the normal one for $50/hr
3) Learn to walk away or say no... I know sometimes paiseh or what, but fuck it. You dont need to pay extra for those money face
4) Are you coming here for massage or just to release? want sex go geylang... confirm better and cheaper service... (someone stated this somewhere above)
5) You can sometimes ask the "receptionist" if she will be massaging for you.
6) You can ask to see who is massaging for you, or if there are others then you can choose from there too.
7) I realised some people asking ways to have the GQ asked, some places you can see for sure got GQ de, some place are not so open, while some are clean center but the massage lady decided to sneak a special service... you see the forum people talking about how to get the GQ, its normally those center that is by right "clean" one.

My first time, being the stupid me didnt know price and all, I paid for 70+ for 1hour massage and $100 for just a hj... i felt so stupid.

I went for a lot of massage after that and learn to be able to tell what type of massage center from the looks of it... I like to find out more, fake fake go in ask for massage price...

It was then i went and tried geylang one day, and realised for $50(dont even have entrance fee) you can fuck til song... if even want cheaper, go JB ocean hotel.

Still, the feeling a little different from massage and geylang... as massage should give you real massage with specials, time to chit chat and kena tease, while geylang the straight bath you then go into action normally...

Personally, I prefer "clean" massage with teasing, just $50/hr (although i always go for 2hrs)... some places tease you a bit, accidentally brush your balls/rod, rare cases really stroke you for long time but tell you cannot shoot. So far i only been to one that really keep stroking me...
After tease, if really want release on a girl, go geylang, if not go home pcc... That's me la, everyone got their own likings haha

Moral of the story I wanna share is, don't spend pointlessly. Know what you want. Think with your head and not your dick. Don't be paiseh and keep quiet.

Feel free to PM me to ask about massage/freelance/geylang/jb or anything... Or tell me what you are looking for and i can recommend you what to choose.
Or any lao jiao know got good teasing de wont ask GQ one can share ctc with me

Last edited by DarlyNg; 25-07-2017 at 04:40 AM. Reason: add more info
Old 25-07-2017, 07:11 AM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

Thanks bro Darly Ng for the advice! You are right, sometimes think with the brain below, never think with brain on top. After massage then think of the money fly haha and btw I stay in the west maybe we can trade good MPs!

Anyway thanks to TS and all the bros here too, will follow up with this awesome thread closely now! ������
Old 25-07-2017, 11:48 AM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

You will gained enough experience if you visited so many MPs or FL to know what to do, how much is the recommended rates and use your bigger head to think and say no!

Like bro DarlyNg mentioned, want sex go geylang. For the last 10 years cheonging MPs, sometime last year I ventured into the world of geylang. Its an eye opening experience for me. But still prefer MPs.

I had spent 40K for past 10 years for this extra curriculum activities of mine.

No matter what, cheong safely and do not bring any disease home!
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How much have u spent? 你花了多少钱?
Old 25-07-2017, 12:18 PM
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Re: Humble advice for bros new to local MP scene

To all d cheapskates here if no money stay home n Pcc. Cb kias ml no need earn money ah. If u in their shoe wtf will u do. Wat will u tink of all d cb customers like u all. Simple no money then don't look for massage n want special and try to bargain esp if u look damn ugly n smelly. Lol
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