FL Dome 1 - The Land of Smiles comes to YouFreelancers are not subject to the mandatory health checks that are
required of registered sex workers that operate in designated red light areas.
They operate illegally outside of the system put in place to curb the spread
of STDs. Proceed at your own risk.
Agreed with all the bros and the threadstarter but so far i deal with brother San, brother Thaiboy and brother O-K-T, all 3 of them have been very "safe".. especially brother Thaiboy, so accomodating, PM him ask him to let me know in the morning, he also accomodate. I think one of the most accomodating OKT liao..
Not to promote about Thaiboy service but it is true that he never sms me about stock. Safe safe okt.
i can't help but agree with thread starter. i've been reader for years till recently engaged with okt here for fear of such risks. so far no problems but better be safe cause once found out will be big time.
at first i tot sms during weekday office hrs is safe but if i'm sick or work fr home and go for shower and oc is 'helpful' to chk sms then die leow. okt will not know wat's our condition and location, to be fair.
as they say 'don't call me , i'll call you'.
Agree totally, partially the reason why i started this thread because the next day is Public Holiday and was worried that some OKTs forget and start sending SMS. If that happen, my cock will never stand up for the Nation again.
That is why I dont patronize those okts who ask for my number. You want business, I will call you, not the other way round.
I will keep away from those okts that ask for your name and handphone number.
I think that is not highly possible unless we dont go for FL. As I put myself in their shoe, I understand they need to safe guard themselves too. Hopefully they put theirselves in our shoe also by safe guarding our family's interest.
I Agree..with that.
One OKt SMS me for new stock update.. (Included the Web Add).
Unfortunately My OC was around and read it. She tried to go to website as per sms...Lucky to me is that she could not reached to right page. I was so nervous if she found out what will going on...between us.
*So i want to suggest that Email update is just enough for everything.
Email will be best....that was a very close shave. I strongly disagree of SMS update. Somemore with link of website....if come out SMS "New Stock arriving soon on thursday, please Contact me" Still not that bad, at least for me, i can still say from supplier....those other trade can still say ppl msg wrongly or what so ever. But with link to the webby is a BIG NO NO.
wah piang. bro i think if happen to me, i would be furious with the OKT.
recently there have been a few "out of the blue" smses from OKTs. dear OKTs, i know you guys are just carrying out some marketing and each sms is actually costing you money, but i suggest you just leave it to us bros to contact you. we are here in the forum and have joined your groups for a reason. no need to push the "product" under our noses. we will know where to find you.
yeah, thats what i mean, we are horny, we have the money, we know where to go. I am more worried then furious, so hopefully this out of the blue SMS will stop.
I think we should boycott those okts who dont respect us at all! If those still dont heed our advice, lets blacklist all of them down here. This is to prevent and warn those people out there intending to join their group. At least they have be warned.
So who want to start the ball rolling?
I am the thread starter so I think I should start the ball rolling.
However at this point I think of not boycotting the OKTs yet cause I always think we should always "feedback" on customer service. Boycott will come only after warning. So lets just let go for the time being and hopefully the OKTs reading this will stop SMS for update unless the client request to.
damn. im not lucky enuff to get smses on new updates.. sian 1/2 =)
If you are married with kids, I am very sure you will think otherwise.
Unless you have a wife that does not matter about all this which is only happen in your dreams. Or even worse, a wife that does mind about all this spell even more trouble....you know what I mean...heehee
i do agree with TS too. i also received sms from okts regarding their new stock or rather their lull period whereby nobody is booking their particular gal. OKTs should really try not to sms their 'clients' lah to prevent anything disastrous from happening. for my case, it's not convenient to get a prepaid card too cos most of the time am with CO.
thaiboy is still the best okt around in term of service and standard of his gals. Cheers thaiboy !!!!!!!!!!
Hmm I think the best way out would be using a prepaid card, I have been using that and it works fine heh
You don't know when will this guys sms you and if they sms at the wrong time you will be in deep shit
Because I was a noobie when I first join...dont know the procedure....If I knew, I would confirm get those prepaid card...Initially I thought the number is just to make sure the person apply not just for fun...or at least with our number they will know who to reply when booking for appointment....Never would I expect they will do "follow-up". anyway it is just a few bad eggs....Example Bro OKT, very steady...never will i receive his SMS for "marketing" even after appointment I sms him not to SMS me out of the blue, his reply was that he is here to provide good service in a discreet manner.....well said and he did it even till now.
Not only him....alot of OKTs here also dun SMS me unless I sms them for appointment.Only a few Bad Eggs dun go by the book.
Alamak thats why always use a different number if you want to cheong...
Agree that we use diff number if we want to cheong. However I think FL service has always been discreet. If OKTs can practice steps to safe guard themselves, why cant we as consumer request that they also safeguard our interest??Is that so differcult to not to SMS??
As I say, pay fuck and forget, never would I expect that I pay for a service that will give me future headache and worries .I not saying money is everything. But what I am saying the reason I come for FL is to be hassle free and not into something that will pose a danger to my marriage....If like that, might as well I go have a mistress which give me more excitment and satisfation as well as more "personal" usage since the potential danger is the same.
Also that why I start this thread to see if my preference is majority felt or I am just being a odd diffcult customer.However from what I see from all the respond....everyone felt the same way, so I assume OKTs should take all this into the consideration.
Hmm... I never call the OKTs but always communicate through sms. I had some updates from one but it's always discreet msg. Overall, I think most of them are very discreet and respect us a lot not to anyhow send msgs. From my experience, most would not initiate the msging with you unless you started it. hehe.
I agree that most dun SMS you as I enage a few of them before. But it just take one Bad egg to send one SMS at the wrong time, wrong day to open your can of worms
1st, get another prepaid card. There are some selling those register card so you wont have to register it under your name.
I agree and will get that done soon.
2nd, if recieve SMS alert of OKT new girl, you should reply " PLS DO NOT SMS ME, I will contact you if I need it, I will check out your stock online "
If still recieve such SMS alert then you can choose option 1, get a prepaid card, or, it is time to look for other more discreet OKT
Cheong wisely!!
Already done that. I receive so far 3 SMSes of these type and reply as per your advice. But however whenever I apply for their service..if new OKTs, I always already stated clearly not to SMS me out of the blue as CO is around on close lookout. I must again also stress again NOT ALL OKTs is like that but it only take one of the the many that send one SMS at the wrong time to open your can of worms.
And good point to say is that the 3-SMS comes from different OKT. Meaning they dun repeat their mistake at this point of time.
But i was thinking why wait for trouble to come. Might as well start this thread to minimise future trouble and send this massage across to all OKTs.
Anyway thanks for your respond to this thread. As seems you are the only OKTs bother to respond and air your view
Agreed with all the bros and the threadstarter but so far i deal with brother San, brother Thaiboy and brother O-K-T, all 3 of them have been very "safe".. especially brother Thaiboy, so accomodating, PM him ask him to let me know in the morning, he also accomodate. I think one of the most accomodating OKT liao..
YES....These 3 are among the OKTs that never give me that problem.