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Old 26-07-2007, 05:43 PM
Mark Lim Mark Lim is offline
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Hi bros, i have completed processing all new SMIB network memberships. we now have a total of 107 members, 17 in group A and 90 in group B.

please check your emails and sign up for the BJStar yahoo group soon to enjoy the privileges.

if you are applying, remember to provide sufficient info to avoid delay in the process. if you are not sure what info to submit, please click on the link below my signature and read the procedure.

Mark Lim
Old 26-07-2007, 09:17 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by Shuqi View Post
This is a mixture of 鹿角 (deer horn), 狗鞭 (dog's penis) and 羊宝 (goat's testis). they are available at Chinese medicine shops. It may be effective for some brudders, but not for others.
bro, looks like a strong formula le.. all heaty stuff, other than energising and pumping up the little one, can cause nose bleed bo?
Old 27-07-2007, 04:25 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by Mark Lim View Post
wah, bro goo_ey, your 鳄鱼肉和红蛤蚧暾汤 also power sia man ...
hahaha...bro, the 鳄鱼肉和红蛤蚧暾汤 taste is very good, next time got chance we can have it together at shenzhen hmmm....wondering if can add in bro shuqi concoction formula WOW, then we siao liao 6 times in 12 hours
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Old 27-07-2007, 10:22 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

thanks to bro mark for his resources, i met up with fellow samster bro bambool to cheong, so here are the fr's...

1st night- itaewon
flew solo on first night as i arrived in BJ at night, and only checked into my hotel at 930... threw my bags down and rushed to itaewon in a taxi, worried that all the best MMs all gone.. arrived at itaewon at 10pm, for first timers pls check previous postings on how to get there as place is NOT well lit at night, better to use heavenly star (man tian xing) ktv as reference point.. walked up 3rd floor and place really macam BS or TH in SG, and asked for wang hong, and a middle-aged woman came, mentioned bro lim and she smiled became very frenly.. brought in one round of girls, but apologized on the standard as she said already late at night.. but stil managed to find one MM thats quite pretty and nice features.. chose her but more importantly, after i selected the ger, wang hong went out of her way and dragged about 6 other quite pretty MMs who already were sitting with other customers to show me what i can expect if i come early next time... i think to seduce me to come the next night.. hehe.. but still this was a very nice gesture.. so paid wanghong 200 and also gave her the 600 for the MM i chose.. the rest of the night did not disappoint, and got the MMs handphone number for future reference..

2nd night - hollywood
this place decor is much nicer than itaewon, so was quite surprised that it was categorised as a budget ktv... met up with bro bambool and went to hollywood together at about 9 plus- not early, but not late too, but unfortunately according to sunfei and her ass...istant, it was a busy night, so 1st round of gers were... scary.. bro bambool thought the gers just walked away from an accident, but he was being kind.. heh.. anyway second round brought better MMs, bro bambool found his skinny type ger, but there was nothing for me.. boh pian, luckily got magic number from night before, so called the ger from itaewon and she came and kept me company... at end of night, about 1230am, assistant mummy came and gave us a nice discount, total bill was 400 for room, about 6-8 bottles of beer, fruits.. etc.. quite cheap by SG standard, and she also kindly told us the tips to give, 200 for asst. mummy, 200 for bro bambool's ger... only bummer was that bro bambool;s ger didn;t wan to be da pao'ed, so he no action that night... but don feel sorry for him cos he just saved his ammo for the next night, when we went to langtoasha spa, and fr on this will be posted in beijing recommendations section...

in conclusion, hollywood has nicer decor, but wanghong;s frenly attitude in itaewon more than made up for it.. so if happy ending is your priority, then go itaewon and da pao straight, unless you miss really miss home and wan to sing song in cheap ktv setting macam geylang style... but if you wan to spend time sing song and drinkdrink, then go hollywood..

but if got time then go both lah..
Old 28-07-2007, 10:01 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by brudder bare View Post
thanks to bro mark for his resources, i met up with fellow samster bro bambool to cheong, so here are the fr's...

1st night- itaewon ...

2nd night - hollywood ...

in conclusion, hollywood has nicer decor, but wanghong;s frenly attitude in itaewon more than made up for it.. so if happy ending is your priority, then go itaewon and da pao straight, unless you miss really miss home and wan to sing song in cheap ktv setting macam geylang style... but if you wan to spend time sing song and drinkdrink, then go hollywood..

but if got time then go both lah..
Bro, thanks for the FR. There are many other good ktvs in bejing for cheonging - budget, mid range and high end types.

if you have time and can find small lanes, i recommend you Da Yu Yi (大宇翼). this place has nice deco and some exotic girls. i found a pretty north korean girl there few weeks ago. the only set back is that this ktv is located in a small lane and difficult to find.

Mark Lim
Old 28-07-2007, 11:05 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Bro Mark,
Can you PM me the address for Hollywood Itaewon and DA Yu Yi? Would be glad to join some cheonging session as I am still finding my way around.
Old 29-07-2007, 01:07 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Went to De Bao recently and the gals drink up the beer like water gal drank 20 bottles. In fact, within the first 2 hours, the gals drank up at least 30 bottles among themselves. And they were quite reluctant to drink hard liquor. So while there are some nice gals there, don't think this is a pocket friendly KTV to go to.
Old 29-07-2007, 04:40 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by San7 View Post
Went to De Bao recently and the gals drink up the beer like water gal drank 20 bottles. In fact, within the first 2 hours, the gals drank up at least 30 bottles among themselves. And they were quite reluctant to drink hard liquor. So while there are some nice gals there, don't think this is a pocket friendly KTV to go to.
Bro, the beer is free flow at itaewon. U pay the same 300RMB for the room charges whether u drink 6 bottles or 20 bottles.
Old 30-07-2007, 11:51 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by ken0404 View Post
Bro, the beer is free flow at itaewon. U pay the same 300RMB for the room charges whether u drink 6 bottles or 20 bottles.
Yeah. At Iteawon, U only need to pay 300RMB and get free flow of beers, free neh neh squeeze and ball squeeze also from mami. Worth it !
up me if you like the posting.
Old 30-07-2007, 10:38 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by Andy Gan View Post
Yeah. At Iteawon, U only need to pay 300RMB and get free flow of beers, free neh neh squeeze and ball squeeze also from mami. Worth it !
bro, wang hong's signature welcome is really unforgettable huh!
Old 31-07-2007, 04:07 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by Mark Lim View Post
if you have time and can find small lanes, i recommend you Da Yu Yi (大宇翼). this place has nice deco and some exotic girls. i found a pretty north korean girl there few weeks ago. the only set back is that this ktv is located in a small lane and difficult to find.
Mark Lim
Brudder Mark, The information of Da Yu Yi is not in BJStar. Can you promote me to Gold member ?
Old 31-07-2007, 08:36 PM
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Talking Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by Mark Lim View Post
Bro, thanks for the FR. There are many other good ktvs in bejing for cheonging - budget, mid range and high end types.

if you have time and can find small lanes, i recommend you Da Yu Yi (大宇翼). this place has nice deco and some exotic girls. i found a pretty north korean girl there few weeks ago. the only set back is that this ktv is located in a small lane and difficult to find.

Mark Lim
Hi bro Mark,

Not sure if you can promote me to Gold Member? The information in BJSTAR is no longer enough to satisfy my thirst Many thanks in advance.

Old 01-08-2007, 08:43 AM
Mark Lim Mark Lim is offline
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Originally Posted by Shuqi View Post
Brudder Mark, The information of Da Yu Yi is not in BJStar. Can you promote me to Gold member ?
Originally Posted by Vince2007 View Post
Hi bro Mark,
Not sure if you can promote me to Gold Member? The information in BJSTAR is no longer enough to satisfy my thirst Many thanks in advance.
ok, ok, bros. if you have posted 3 FRs, just send pm the links and i will upgrade you to GOLD member. if you have not posted 3 FRs, then do your part lor ...

this is open to all SMIB network members

Mark Lim
Old 01-08-2007, 08:43 PM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Thanks to Bro Mark and directions from bros here, I manage to visit Itaewon last weekend. Actually the place is not too difficult to find if you open your eyes and look around. The problem with the signboard is that it is not lighted up, so bros don't expect brightly lit up signboards.

I went there at about 9.30pm and looked for Wang Hong. She came out from a room and was very friendly when I said I was introduced by "Lin Ge", she mentioned several times Lin Ge and her go way back.

As I was only interested in Dabao overnight, she led me to a room and told me the price for Dabao is RMB600 if I'm willing to let the girl off early morning (around 1-3am) or if I wanted the girl to stay till the next day (10-11am) it would be 800. I told her how come never heard of this rule from bros before, she never explain but just reiterated the charge. I opted for the 600 package and then she asked me to sit down and brought in about 10-12 ladies for me. She said the good girls already taken up and these are the ones that can Dapao. Standard of the girls is about 6 but two of them stood out. I asked to see another round but she said that's all and all the good ones and those willing to Dabao already taken. So bopian, after thinking for sometime, I decided on a Harbin MM that has got this very demure look, very nice soft skin and a little baby fat. She was dressed very casually in t-shirt and 3/4 pants just like any young MM you see shopping at Xidan.
While waiting for my MM to get her bag, Wang Hong asked some girls to come out from their rooms to show me just what I've missed, I would say standard not fantastic and I think my girl better. I didn't get the signature ball grabbing form Wang Hong as I was constantly protecting my didi but I can say she is quite a funny character. I paid her RMB200 tips and then off we went.
The MM turned out to be a gem, she is very shy and very guai type and I even have to teach her some of the way, wonder how she end up in this line (I didn't really ask her). Found out that she is an English student in the day time and work partime at night (just started 2 weeks ago).

Overall quite satisfied and the MM gave me very GF feeling. I think the bros here are right, the girls in Itaewon are quite new to the line and I think Wang Hong has prepared them well so they not so stuck up. I got my Harbin MM's mobile and waiting for this weekend to call her out.

Thanks again Bro Mark for the intro.

Old 02-08-2007, 01:56 AM
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Re: KTVs in Beijing

Was alone last week. So made a trip down to Itaewon and look for all time favourite Wang Hong. Reached destination around 8.30PM. Place was kinda pack oredi.

Told Wang Hong going to ta bao. First batch of gals came in.. WAH.. almost fainted. Then saw a shy gal hiding by the corner. Asked her to come forward for a closer look as the place was dark. Um.. not bad. Ok, settle liao. Paid and go. Her name is Lei Lei.

Went back to hotel. TCSS with her, and she was telling me, the night before, she went out with her gal friends for a birthday bash at a ktv in the outskirt, and they did something rendevous. Um..was kinda kpo. so prompted more.. They were actually at a gigolo ktv. Her friends each had a guy and they brought the guys back for "party" after ktv. I was shocked. She told me me they do this every year. I told her, next time, if there are organizing something like that. Call me. I am sure many Bros here dont mind providing escort services for the night

Then she also told me she has a cousin working in Itaewon. I asked her who is that. She showed me the photo. Couldnt make out who is that. Then she said I should know her.... To my surprise, she was the girl I had 2 weeks back. Interesting. She told me she was actually in the room that time. But just that her "aunt" came. So she was hiding at a corner.

Out of the blue, suddenly she popped the question, if I am interested in Shuang Fei..Oooo.. my mind began to fantasize.... but i acted innocent and asked her what is that.. she said, its ok if I dont know. Dont want to teach me bad. So I continued to act innocent.

After which we stripped and proceeded with action. Wow her breast was nice soft and of the right size. Pussy, kinda hairy.. but acceptable. She refused to let me lick her down south. Didnt insist. So fingered her.. She was kinda dry. Asked me to stop and say she would prefer to have my little bro in her.. Mai Tu liaos, having myself capped and started action.. SHE WAS TIGHT... As i was pumping her.. she was bitting the pillow. Can tell she is high. Wah liao. She really give you the innocent and GF feeling.

After approximately 15 mins of action. Unloaded into her. WOW the experiece is good. The problem with most Chinese KTV gal here, is that they have bad breath. Am very cautious when choosing a gal, as the breath can easily turn anyone off. Good thing, encounter so far was still ok.

Heard from Wang Hong that she has a Russian gal. Will see if my schedule permits this week. Have yet to try exotic chics.
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