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Old 04-01-2012, 01:34 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Aiyoh bro... Im in the same boat...

Some want...

Young girls

Horny girls

Horny milf girls

West side girls

More to tampines side girls

Busty girls

Big boob girls

Cim girls

Natural boob girls

Easy to lay girls




Im no pimp or okt.. I may give one or two ctcs for u to mk friends.

Rest is left to u n d girl....

Easy fuck? Pcc la ...

Originally Posted by hayhay View Post
wahahahaha, well said my lord
Originally Posted by hayhay View Post
i also hate this type of guys? some guys here, thought that the maid get laid by us, will defintely be veri horny to get laid by others??

some of the guys also ask me that they want with big breast and young some more? FFFF they think i'm OKT, this type i wont pass them any ctc.

think again, we have to work for it nicely to them and treat them as a human being.

they are maid too bad they are born in a poor country not like singapore,
think back if you are born in there country and they are born in singapore, do you want them to treat you the nicely or treat you like shit like what some you guys treat to maid??

we have the same colour of blood that is red.don tell me you blood colour is white or blue.

treat them nicely,like how you court other girls, is the same way but may be easier.
Old 05-01-2012, 12:26 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Jz want to share my experience. This gal i got to kwn at my work place. she work in one of the shop, she is viet working sg for 3 years and i kwn her for nearly 6 with her and after her work sent her home few times and whenever she nd some help on her hp bill accompany her to settle her bill. after asking 4th time for dinner together at last she willing to go dinner but accompany by her friend also viet gal. 1st we went for coffee chit chat together then dinner after that about to going home as her friend staying different place so i fetch her back. when walking to take bus she suddenly hold on my hand and while walking i was thinking so i jz ask her abt going some secret place with me to happy together and she jz smiling n hold me more tight say up to me she follow me...dont think too much, go down my secret place while waiting for room she was so shy keep hugging me cos scare ppl see. That was her 1st time making love with sg guy since she working sg for 3 years without, she was so shy when we doing but hv to respect her when doing slowly n only did her in missionary as she shy 1st time doing with sg guy. she's wet below until the bed wet...nw waiting for 2nd time with her this year cos nd to let her be more comfortable with my 1st time maybe 2nd time she will be more comfortable with me
Old 05-01-2012, 12:37 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Hmmmmm, Vietnam gals may be emotional so hmmmm u prepare to commit? May not be free F hor....just saying.
Old 05-01-2012, 02:13 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

True bro lord, Please do not take for effort where got fruits to bear???? No such thing as ask want have fun anot or etc????? After all they are gals, need to be friend and in return u be reward well. If you cantt hit it dun gif up try again....Do not blame someone gif you the contact, chey this one cannt F one.... Gd luck buddy. Go to the ground make mre friends =)

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Aiyoh bro... Im in the same boat...

Some want...

Young girls

Horny girls

Horny milf girls

West side girls

More to tampines side girls

Busty girls

Big boob girls

Cim girls

Natural boob girls

Easy to lay girls




Im no pimp or okt.. I may give one or two ctcs for u to mk friends.

Rest is left to u n d girl....

Easy fuck? Pcc la ...


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Old 05-01-2012, 05:02 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Most guys here wan easy way out.

Not prepared to work to woo d girl n win her.

Many guys think u send 5-10 txt n d girl must be ready for d big bang.

No body wants d long haul.

Paid sex not my cup of tea.

Liked d way u approach it.

How do u add maids to ur fb account.

What if ur friends or wife find out?
i totally agree, i have my experience too, a lot of work before the bonk.
Old 05-01-2012, 03:18 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Even maids want to be treat right before giving in to us So respect and treat them like any girl and you may get what you lust after in the end.
Wishing everyone here a Happy Bonking 2012
Old 05-01-2012, 06:41 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

FINALLY.... there seems to be some serious advice/conversation abt treating "maids" as human beings. The very term "maids" is used in such a demeaning way by many samsters and thats a reflection of poor upbringing. We so desperately seek bodily pleasures from these "maids", yet we talk abt them like they are a lower form. If we so readily want pleasure from them, what level do we belong to if they are seen to be low forms of life?? I am so happy to see that the senior brothers are actively involved in educating our brothers who treat "maids" like mere meat!! Once you change your mindset and treat these ladies like equals, you can be guaranteed of a great time with them. Don't give them false hopes with empty promises. Make your intentions clear and if they go along with it, you know you are in for the time of your life!! Respect Begets Respect!! Happy bonking brothers!! disrespect meant to any brothers here
Old 05-01-2012, 07:10 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Thank you for your support bro.

Its the work we put in that makes the screw even more pleasurable right?

The more the girl does not want you.... the more you wanna screw her....

And when you get to screw her it makes the whole experience so thrilling and gives you a high that sometimes liqor cant give you.

Do share your FRs if you havetime bro.

Originally Posted by giggsgiggs View Post
i totally agree, i have my experience too, a lot of work before the bonk.
Old 05-01-2012, 08:26 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

1) The whole piece is very well written bro. Way to go. Fully agree with your entire piece

2) Just the parts in blue ..... unfortunately these girls end up falling in love with me and hope that i marry them. How can i marry the whole world? he he.... so that part somehow i end up screwing up....

Atleast i am being honest

Originally Posted by luvurss View Post
FINALLY.... there seems to be some serious advice/conversation abt treating "maids" as human beings. The very term "maids" is used in such a demeaning way by many samsters and thats a reflection of poor upbringing. We so desperately seek bodily pleasures from these "maids", yet we talk abt them like they are a lower form. If we so readily want pleasure from them, what level do we belong to if they are seen to be low forms of life?? I am so happy to see that the senior brothers are actively involved in educating our brothers who treat "maids" like mere meat!! Once you change your mindset and treat these ladies like equals, you can be guaranteed of a great time with them. Don't give them false hopes with empty promises. Make your intentions clear and if they go along with it, you know you are in for the time of your life!! Respect Begets Respect!! Happy bonking brothers!! disrespect meant to any brothers here
Old 05-01-2012, 08:28 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Yes bro..... treating them well and not as fuck objects or sex objects is very very important.

sex will come along. it is but natural. When you treat them well.... sex will come...

unfortunately bros here think they are too smart and look down on the maids and think that they are waiting to be fucked.

For me i treat them well and i get good results and i am happy.

Atleast the pinays i am with dun feel used.

Originally Posted by lglg666 View Post
Even maids want to be treat right before giving in to us So respect and treat them like any girl and you may get what you lust after in the end.
Wishing everyone here a Happy Bonking 2012
Old 05-01-2012, 11:47 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

hahahahhaa... I guess you can't blame yourself if they fall for you!! Must be all that natural charm that's oozing from The Lord!! But the bottomline is... we need to treat all women decently....whatever the rewards may be.

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
1) The whole piece is very well written bro. Way to go. Fully agree with your entire piece

2) Just the parts in blue ..... unfortunately these girls end up falling in love with me and hope that i marry them. How can i marry the whole world? he he.... so that part somehow i end up screwing up....

Atleast i am being honest
Old 06-01-2012, 10:32 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by luvurss View Post
FINALLY.... there seems to be some serious advice/conversation abt treating "maids" as human beings. The very term "maids" is used in such a demeaning way by many samsters and thats a reflection of poor upbringing. We so desperately seek bodily pleasures from these "maids", yet we talk abt them like they are a lower form. If we so readily want pleasure from them, what level do we belong to if they are seen to be low forms of life?? I am so happy to see that the senior brothers are actively involved in educating our brothers who treat "maids" like mere meat!! Once you change your mindset and treat these ladies like equals, you can be guaranteed of a great time with them. Don't give them false hopes with empty promises. Make your intentions clear and if they go along with it, you know you are in for the time of your life!! Respect Begets Respect!! Happy bonking brothers!! disrespect meant to any brothers here
How true.....for some of guys here who treat maids as "low class". Frankly once you get into their pants, they can give you as good a time as any high class pussy. So....respect beget respect as like bro luvurss said here
Old 06-01-2012, 12:45 PM
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Re: Screwing maids


Declare I never make love with maids. I do not call them maids too and I usually call them domestic helpers. I came from a kampong with no money to buy food and am a lowly person myself from a child. I worked hard and life got better and I always hope domestic helpers will do the same and get better life.

Please love them when you make love with them. They are human too.

Sorry if I offend anyone. I know the urge is hard to resist but I managed.

Have a good weekend,
IT Guy
Old 07-01-2012, 11:58 AM
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Re: Screwing maids

Originally Posted by tanman View Post
Hmmmmm, Vietnam gals may be emotional so hmmmm u prepare to commit? May not be free F hor....just saying.
Thanks bro for advice...but i keeping low profile dont always after the deed keep contact her cos u kwn some gal will kwn u want more if got F loh then she will hook u up...stay low for few weeks then see hw....still hv few pinay friends nw take some times to go into it
Old 07-01-2012, 01:05 PM
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Re: Screwing maids

Had my first session for the year.

Sadly my chick .... had the time of the month.

so had to use rear entry

ofcourse cant waste opportunity.

two rounds in 4 hours a bit high for my standard

one round is actually enough for me

cost is $0

What madethe fuck so special was that.....She was playing hard to get for a good two weeks.

So after whipering lotsa sweet nothings i managed to get into her pants.
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