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Old 07-06-2002, 11:54 PM
wonsim wonsim is offline
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Originally posted by Rainman

But before Jakarta, howabout Medan togetther. That would be fun too as I am with 2 real cheongsters there on Friday 14th Jun.

Join us lor.
Hi Bro Rainman

Just cam back from medan/semarang and even yogja.. No action in medan at all as my collesgue and client all decent type. Tried the massage in hotel room (stay in Emerald) and both nights, the 30+ lasy offered handjob at 50,000 IDR. Nothing special but the 1 hour massage at 50,000IDR was quite good, quite relaxing.

One good stuff about Medan is there many chinese babes and must said real pretty. But guess you can hardly get them as most are quite rich so no chance to get them at places like stadium in Jkt.

Over in Semarang and Yogja...again no action but the huatt at yogja is a real good resort for golf and spa.

Was in Jakarta last night (16 June) but again no action. Arrived late around 9 pm from Semarang and dunno where to go. Regret not asking for your contact and thus stay inside room do nothing. Really miss the action but guess too timid to venture out alone as my behasa not good.

Really hope to meet you in JKT soon. Will be in Bandung 3rd week of this month and will be staying in JKT for a night. If you are free..maybe can meet you for a drink. Also...keen to know where to find gals at those techno places...Did heard my friends mentioned but never been to one.

Old 08-06-2002, 10:34 AM
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Medan, my friend also told me it is now quiet and not like before. Anyway, he will arrange a gal for me and said it will cost Rup 500,000. Well, gals are cheaper only in Jakarta.

Central Java. Quiet hor, also stayed at the Hyatt the last time I was there. Nice place but very expensive, we order a bottle of Black Label and it cost more then 1 million. Semarang is better.

Techno place.

Sydney2000 - Mangga Besar
Miller - Lokasari (new)
Millennium - Gajah Mada Plaza
Gudang - Omni Batavia
Grand Manhattan - Borobudor Hotel
Stadium - 4th Floor
1001 - Jl Hayam Wuruk
Halai - Ancol

Most of the above only open at 10pm and closed at 6am.

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Old 08-06-2002, 11:52 AM
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if i do manage to swing it and travel down... cost dont matter.... uncle can pay wat.. just write entertainment claim can oledi.... hiak hiak hiak.....

most important is for us to have fun fun and more fun.. and of course get laid... moon.. you agree or not... sorry that i was not able to go out when you were in town... catch you back here the next time k....... do sms me when you get in and not when you are abt to leave...... lol......
LiFes a BiTcH...

So..SCreW WhiLe YoU CaN...
Old 08-06-2002, 12:04 PM
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Originally posted by LiNpEh

if i do manage to swing it and travel down... cost dont matter.... uncle can pay wat.. just write entertainment claim can oledi.... hiak hiak hiak.....

most important is for us to have fun fun and more fun.. and of course get laid... moon.. you agree or not... sorry that i was not able to go out when you were in town... catch you back here the next time k....... do sms me when you get in and not when you are abt to leave...... lol......
So u coming to Medan or not. I changed my plan again and would be in Medan on 11-12th of Jun instead.

Moon now very busy. never log in for so long. I think he is going back next week-end. U can call him then.

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Old 09-06-2002, 10:06 PM
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Hotel at S$60 around 'happening' place

Going to Jakarta on the 14th June. Can anybody recommend a clean and safe hotel around the 'happening' place at a budget of about S$60? Thk u very much.
Old 09-06-2002, 10:16 PM
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Hotel Olympic

Can anybody point me to Hotel Olympic? I mean web address?
Old 10-06-2002, 03:53 PM
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Re: Hotel Olympic

Originally posted by jamesgwilliams
Can anybody point me to Hotel Olympic? I mean web address?
Hotel Olympic is a small hotel thus do not expect any web address. Their main biz is the KTV on the 3rd and 4th Floor.

There are many small hotel like these in Lokasari, Mangga Besar areas and no reservation required. Rates should be about Rup 300,000 for a night or SD62.

Check it out with your local contact here in Jakarta if u have one.

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Old 10-06-2002, 10:40 PM
wonsim wonsim is offline
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Originally posted by Rainman
Medan, my friend also told me it is now quiet and not like before. Anyway, he will arrange a gal for me and said it will cost Rup 500,000. Well, gals are cheaper only in Jakarta.

Central Java. Quiet hor, also stayed at the Hyatt the last time I was there. Nice place but very expensive, we order a bottle of Black Label and it cost more then 1 million. Semarang is better.

Techno place.

Sydney2000 - Mangga Besar
Miller - Lokasari (new)
Millennium - Gajah Mada Plaza
Gudang - Omni Batavia
Grand Manhattan - Borobudor Hotel
Stadium - 4th Floor
1001 - Jl Hayam Wuruk
Halai - Ancol

Most of the above only open at 10pm and closed at 6am.

Hi Bro Rainman

So does that mean one is able to pick up gals at this places for free when you buy them some "shake head pills'??? Btw...I guess most the gals there doesn not speak English rite.

Sorry to bother you time and again but mi really blur lah. Does those gals who go there to shaek head student/working adults or full time pro? And also, what is the best way to apporach them. Dun they chrage at all or really free?

Will be in Bandung from 17-19 and 19 night at JKT. You will be kn JKT during this period?


Old 12-06-2002, 09:58 AM
Martini-Fan Martini-Fan is offline
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not for free

Originally posted by wonsim
those gals who go there to shaek head student/working adults
or full time pro? And also, what is the best way to apporach
them. Dun they chrage at all or really free?

Hi Bro,

once I had a night with a disco girl. I suppose they are there for fun, but they'll follow you for action if they like you.

Btw, nothing is for free. They expect drinks and a little help in the morning. Not a big thing, so what?
Sex is like air. It's unimportant unless you aren't getting any.
Old 13-06-2002, 07:48 PM
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Originally posted by wonsim

Hi Bro Rainman

So does that mean one is able to pick up gals at this places for free when you buy them some "shake head pills'??? Btw...I guess most the gals there doesn not speak English rite.

Sorry to bother you time and again but mi really blur lah. Does those gals who go there to shaek head student/working adults or full time pro? And also, what is the best way to apporach them. Dun they chrage at all or really free?

Will be in Bandung from 17-19 and 19 night at JKT. You will be kn JKT during this period?

As mentioned by Martini, my good friend. There are no such thing as free iin this world. U could don't pay if u want but what is Rup 200-300K if u like it. They are not pro and most are there for some fun and maybe pocket money.

Most at these places are real local and yes, many Chinese thus don;t expect them to know English. What u get depend on your luck and whether they like u or not. I see many Chinese but as most of my firend that knows me. I never pick up before. I prefer to go to the right place as I always insist on service.

In fact just came back from Medan and the gals that I got was shit, 17 yrs old and yes for the first time. I got a dead fish. Separate report coming in the otehr thread.

As for 19th Jun. yes I might be here. I think u have my HP number. Otherwise. PM me your and I will sms U.

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Last edited by Rainman; 13-06-2002 at 08:01 PM.
Old 13-06-2002, 08:04 PM
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Re: not for free

Originally posted by Martini-Fan

Hi Bro,

once I had a night with a disco girl. I suppose they are there for fun, but they'll follow you for action if they like you.

Btw, nothing is for free. They expect drinks and a little help in the morning. Not a big thing, so what?
A little help in the morning as in School fee for next month. So be kind and gave what u think they deserve. Learn from Martini lor.

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Old 14-06-2002, 08:30 AM
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Re: Re: not for free

Originally posted by Rainman

A little help in the morning as in School fee for next month.

Uuuups, only for a month? I paid for the whole semester for her and her two sisters, and lots of books. Probably I spoiled the market, you should say such stuff earlier!
Sex is like air. It's unimportant unless you aren't getting any.
Old 14-06-2002, 12:12 PM
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Re: Re: Re: not for free

Originally posted by Martini-Fan

Uuuups, only for a month? I paid for the whole semester for her and her two sisters, and lots of books. Probably I spoiled the market, you should say such stuff earlier!
My friend. u make so much money. So okay wah.

See u soon???
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Old 14-06-2002, 12:52 PM
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okay okay

Originally posted by Rainman

My friend. u make so much money. So okay wah.
You're right, so that's my part to develop Indonesia? Funny, my financial support for poor people seems to be determined for girls between 18 and 23, beer bars and golf courses.

Any other hobbies, Mister Martini??
I don't think so.......

Sex is like air. It's unimportant unless you aren't getting any.
Old 14-06-2002, 03:20 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: not for free

Originally posted by Rainman

My friend. u make so much money. So okay wah.

See u soon???
Pak Rain,

Any recommendation? Which hotel near to happenning. Like you, I insist on service. Kalau boleh, saya mahu panching.

Selamat petang
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