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Old 31-10-2009, 02:38 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by TheUnforgiven View Post
The thread quickly degenerated into a flame war. I stopped posting after the initial few pages. Regardless, happy bonking to you too. Nowadays, bonking no longer my priority. Getting old.
Whoever given me a 7 storey lifting, thk you for your tower crane.
Just booked the air ticket, tomorrow morning will fly Penang & assault the Danok Puyin from there. Really not easy to make this dream trip, got to do this right flanking from Penang. Both Penang and Danok are my 1st trip, searching donok thread up & down, manage to get this info: fr airport take taxi to COMTAR then take van to Danok. Hope to send my 1st round out at late afternoon
SYT Lover .
Old 31-10-2009, 06:42 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Ah Ti View Post
Whoever given me a 7 storey lifting, thk you for your tower crane.
Just booked the air ticket, tomorrow morning will fly Penang & assault the Danok Puyin from there. Really not easy to make this dream trip, got to do this right flanking from Penang. Both Penang and Danok are my 1st trip, searching donok thread up & down, manage to get this info: fr airport take taxi to COMTAR then take van to Danok. Hope to send my 1st round out at late afternoon
Able to show me around Danok during the Hari Raya weekend next month?
Still lurking around
Old 31-10-2009, 08:59 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Ah Ti View Post
Whoever given, got to do this right flanking from Penang. Both Penang and Danok are my 1st trip, searching donok thread up & down, manage to get this info: fr airport take taxi to COMTAR then take van to Danok. Hope to send my 1st round out at late afternoon
Bro, no need go COMTAR/KOMTAR. Just take a taxi to Sungai Nibong Bus Station then take a van to Danok.(cheaper)
I am going in now, just hop on the van. schedule pen>dan
5:00 8:30 1200 1530 call to book 04-2612275. RM30 per way.
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Old 31-10-2009, 11:34 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

thai customs a lot ppl today at 11.30 am malaysia time. Good luck bros . I think may due to Lay Krathong event in Hat Yai.
"I'm going to be the greatest bonkemon Master ever!"
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Old 02-11-2009, 04:07 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

so quiet nowadays? anyone going this friday?
I'm a professional shit-stirrer.
Old 02-11-2009, 08:33 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Bro TheUnforgiven, u going in on the hari raya wkend this mth? I've always wanted to try danok, but can't find kakis leh.. Can join u?
Old 02-11-2009, 11:11 PM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

hope this friday fast fast come

no OT, no jam then good liao
Old 03-11-2009, 10:41 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by LifeKanasai View Post
hope this friday fast fast come

no OT, no jam then good liao
hello bro, u are going this weekend ?
im going on saturday also
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Old 04-11-2009, 01:21 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by TheUnforgiven View Post
Able to show me around Danok during the Hari Raya weekend next month?
Sorry, sorry, bro Unforgiven, forgiven me this late reply; Just back fr Danok-penang , I enjoyed so much that 1st time I did not touch the computer for 3 days. How nice we can chiong danok together, but not this moment leh; this trip is only happen that my co on a Euro vacation tour & I make use of it manage to squeezed in this so called Historical north malaysia 3 day tour. This afternoon when I back to Malaysia, I took a lot of the street scene picture to cover up...How fortunate you ppl, can go there anytime you want to.
I love my co and yet I like to bonk the syt, I got to juggle with the two.
SYT Lover .
Old 04-11-2009, 01:41 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by bonkemon View Post
Bro, no need go COMTAR/KOMTAR. Just take a taxi to Sungai Nibong Bus Station then take a van to Danok.(cheaper)
I am going in now, just hop on the van. schedule pen>dan
5:00 8:30 1200 1530 call to book 04-2612275. RM30 per way.
Thank you bro. But I left for Donok before you post this good info. Anyway, I arrived Danok at 2pm. Airport-KOMTAR(Only by official Taxi station RM42)-Danok( By 10 seater van fr KOMTAR's Travel agency-RM30).Think now got more direct way liao, tigerair start flying HDY again fr today.
SYT Lover .
Old 04-11-2009, 01:46 AM
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3 Hari 3 Malam

Bus arrived at 2am. Saw quite a number of mid 30s & 40s Thai women boarding but none stand out. Wondering where & what these ladies were doing in Ipoh. Off we went, first stop Penang & later Changloon where the bus came to rest for an hour. A cup of Milo (hot brevage) hits the spot on the early hours of morning. Then off to Bukit Kayu Hitam checkpoint. It was still very early, with buses lining up waiting for the border to open. Took more than 2 hour and a half just to clear Malaysian side as some passenger were having passport issue. Duty free stop for last chance shopping and later Thai checkpoint. Alighted, stamp border pass, pay RM1, got my bags search and walk to my hotel. Eager to meet my friend, Malaysian who runs a budget hotel. It was 8pm M’sia time and people are just staring to open food roadside stall for business. Was surprise to see the doors wide open and my friend standing outside as though he was expecting me. After check in, we were chatting over nasi lemak & teh tarik which was my morning breakfast. Inquire about Padang Besar which is about an hour plus from Danok as I planned to stay a night there.


It was 9.30am and I was eager to look for brothels near Oliver. Been keeping tabs on them through forum such as this, hopefully to pick a girl for some mind blowing sex and GFE. As I was walking down, heard my name called. It was Oudee, Ovation owner. Known him for 6 yrs, since Ovation first open its doors. Glad to see him still alive but have quite slim down plus more white hair. Found out he just married (again), have a daughter and he is 52. He’s now also running a noodle soup stall at the corner lot opposite of Paragon. Guess times must be good for him.
Told me about this girl of 18 y.o, 5’2, 34C which just had a day off and was all ready ‘to go’. Oudee knows me too well as I have a weakness for syt (sweet young thing). My last girl I had was from Ovation and goes by the name Lisa. Si dum (dark skin) Mae Sai native, that only love to please. She was always wet, and sex with her was earth shattering. We were always drench in sweats by the time we stop. Now it seems, she is married to a well to do M’sian old rooster, according to Oudee. Lucky bastard!
Oudee intro ‘Joy’ which is a lookalike of Lisa except this one is si kao (white). I was already salivating inside as she is everything a sex doll should be. I’m 12 years younger than Oudee but I strongly believe I would be able bring Joy crying for more. With Joy off to pack, I thought of going to Haadyai and just to catch a movie and burn some time before the ‘main event’. Turns out Joy is not too keen to go, stating she is still ‘recovering’. WTF. Decided to book Ah Jern, recommended by Vicenttkfun from SBF. Ah Jern is no looker but what I was after is GFE. You would think I would be nuts to pass Joy for Jern after seeing their photos which I will upload later.
Oudee had some business in Haadyai and wouldn’t mind sending me there. Had lunch with Oudee at a shop at Thon Sao market. Food was good & cheap. Comprising thai dim sum, fried koay tiew and fish, bill came about RM30 bht.
Off to Diana to catch a movie. The movie ‘ Bangkok Traffic love Story' (Rot Fai Faa..Maa Haa Na Ter) storyline sucks as well boring. Nothing romantic whatsoever. Avoid it like plague. Had some light lunch at MK suki yuki. Found Ah Jern quite a playful person and easy to talk to. Over lunch, found out she been a WL in Haadyai for a year before moving to Danok. Could speak a bit English plus she is dresses well. Expected from a 26 y.o ‘veteran’. After lunch, off to Lee Garden Plaza where we window shop till Oudee call, saying he’s ready to ‘gap ban’ (go home). Reach Danok at about 7pm due to heavy drizzle along the road back.


to be continued
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Old 04-11-2009, 01:59 AM
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3 hari 3 malam 'nightmare'.

Once in the room, had a nice bath. Was just chilling when Ah Jern hop on the bed and start teasing my manhood. She then put into her mouth, sucking and licking up and down, never missing any spot. She then catlick me from my tits to my toes. It got 'eng' so revved up that I decided to DATY 69 style. She was wet. Her continous moan plus minor resistance means I'm right on target. Decide to FJ her when her pussy dripping wet and I was high with her pornstar BJ. Capped the rubber and start pumping 3 times shallow 2 deep rhythm. Her moan was getting more intense as I start to speed up until she came. As i lay beside her, she ask if I came to which I say no. She then proceed to lick my balls which got me hard. Turn her around and FJ her till she came. Again 'the question' came up. She say 'no sanuk' if I don't come. Talk about pressure. Got hard again and decided to pump her hard like a man who is possessed. Bad mistake. Only a rookie would make this. Did the 'Who's your Daddy?' routine and force kiss her which finally broke the camel back.
She just got up (piss if I might add), call Oudee and start bitching about rough she been treated and that I had problem 'coming'. This was kick in the bollocks. To add to the injury, she was talking loudly which I believe my next & opposite 'neighbours' knew what a bastard I been. I was lying there, blur not knowing what to do till she finally was off the phone. She say that she's going back and ask if I would like a new girl. I decline as I was so 'ashame' with my act.

Off she went packing after which she ask her booking fee to be paid. Let me first clarify that Ovation will not ask the payment on the first day but instead the day after. If your girl runs, then you don't need to pay at all. Heng Heng is another place that follows this system, which I believe is great.
Ok. Back to my story. Pay her the money. Had time to reassess the situation. Hate to sleep alone. Decided to look for Oudee. Took Ani, 19 y.o Laos which Oudee recommends. Waited for her to come to my room. Long hair, skinny and fair is what i describe her. Nothing outstanding though. Talk a bit just to break the ice but felt the 'chill' in her response. Guess word spread fast that I'm a prick that need to be carefully 'taught'.
Change into her pajamas, rollover and zzzz her way, leaving me wondering how to get into her panties.
Try to break her defenses by stroking her hair & body. Got strike out even before reaching first base. I was still horny as hell from my last session but alas couldn’t bring to force myself on a girl. So the next best (only) thing was to sleep it off.

to be continued.

Girls want a lot of things from one guy. Conversely, guys want one thing from a lot of girls
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Last edited by Mushi_shi; 04-11-2009 at 02:13 AM.
Old 04-11-2009, 09:03 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Bro Mushi-shi,

Walaueh, what a nightmare for you
Anyway, a well written FR.
Old 04-11-2009, 10:00 AM
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Talking Re: 3 hari 3 malam 'nightmare'.

Originally Posted by Mushi_shi View Post
Once in the room, had a nice bath. Was just chilling when Ah Jern hop on the bed and start teasing my manhood. She then put into her mouth, sucking and licking up and down, never missing any spot. She then catlick me from my tits to my toes. It got 'eng' so revved up that I decided to DATY 69 style.
to be continued.

Great FR well written, wish there is more FRs like this to read.....!
Old 04-11-2009, 11:13 AM
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Re: Dandok Lastest update

Originally Posted by Dandok Raider View Post
so quiet nowadays? anyone going this friday?
yo.... you also very quiet for so looooonnnnngggggg, so you out of hibernation?

ready to raid once again?????
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