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Old 02-06-2013, 02:41 AM
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Re: Apple(2062)

Originally Posted by scobbyr View Post
no prob bro. anyway some of the OKT are very dishonest. he told me 100$ for 45 min. and after that when i came out, he told me xiatian is flat 150. i was dam pissed, told him give the extra $50 to her as tips and paid the full fee.
I've been going GL for quite a few years and I have never come across $100 / 1/ 45mins.

It's either $150 / 2 hrs or $80 / 30 mins. no?
Old 02-06-2013, 12:24 PM
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Re: She performed the YTL services with finesse & fantabulously

Originally Posted by Stimsia View Post
haha, you can choose the girls but the girls still can choose to provide the extent of service to you

i think only maybe ex angpai yoyo of 2062 provide standard solid service across?
really miss her service
I agree with your statement. However, if a bro does not get good service from the gal, he may not RTF her. It is not a win win case for her.

There are of course cases that a gal purposely offers substandard service to a nasty and irritating customer so that he would not come back.

One ang pai told me that she refused to offer raw to a young man and soon after that day a very distorted FR appeared in SBF. Well, there are always two sides to a story.
Old 02-06-2013, 01:25 PM
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Re: She performed the YTL services with finesse & fantabulously

Originally Posted by kp338 View Post
I agree with your statement. However, if a bro does not get good service from the gal, he may not RTF her. It is not a win win case for her.

There are of course cases that a gal purposely offers substandard service to a nasty and irritating customer so that he would not come back.

One ang pai told me that she refused to offer raw to a young man and soon after that day a very distorted FR appeared in SBF. Well, there are always two sides to a story.
We should always take FRs with a pinch of salt, and not swallow things hook, line and sinker.

Some questions to ask when surfing through FRs:

1) is it written by a credible and independent reviewer? For example, one should be wary of those who keep writing about the same house, that's obviously promotional and a marketing gimmick. Also, if someone who seldom posts suddenly logs in to post an overly positive or negative FR, you should question the FRs credibility.

2) Does the reviewer have the same taste as you? Some samsters will have different tastes from you so girls they recommend may not meet your needs. Find a samster whose recommendations seem to consistently match what you look for in a girl.

3) Has there been similarly positive reviews from independent reviewers? Some samsters will back each other up in promoting a girl or house as they are part of a group of cheongsters. Instead, look out for reviews that come from different sources that have no relation or little interaction with other samsters. The best way to know you have a gem is when a senior samster's review is confirmed by two other lesser known samsters.
Old 02-06-2013, 02:40 PM
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Re: She performed the YTL services with finesse & fantabulously

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
We should always take FRs with a pinch of salt, and not swallow things hook, line and sinker.

Some questions to ask when surfing through FRs:

1) is it written by a credible and independent reviewer? For example, one should be wary of those who keep writing about the same house, that's obviously promotional and a marketing gimmick. Also, if someone who seldom posts suddenly logs in to post an overly positive or negative FR, you should question the FRs credibility.

2) Does the reviewer have the same taste as you? Some samsters will have different tastes from you so girls they recommend may not meet your needs. Find a samster whose recommendations seem to consistently match what you look for in a girl.

3) Has there been similarly positive reviews from independent reviewers? Some samsters will back each other up in promoting a girl or house as they are part of a group of cheongsters. Instead, look out for reviews that come from different sources that have no relation or little interaction with other samsters. The best way to know you have a gem is when a senior samster's review is confirmed by two other lesser known samsters.
Good points, thanks.
Old 02-06-2013, 11:29 PM
TrueExperience TrueExperience is offline
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Re: More Ye Zi (2041) FR

After reading some FR of Ye zi, (2041), I finally tried her today ... and was a little disappointed.

I totally agree that her beauty has indeed been overhyped by some bros in my opinion. For one, she is pimply and kinda of big bone. On top of that, I can’t really say her service is that great either. I will not say that she is jaded but everything is just average. RTF is not likely for me.

No offence to brudders whom are her fans.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Yet to try but would agree that this Ye Zi can't really be considered "pretty". She's more of pleasant looking lah.

May be a little overhyped by some bros.

Old 03-06-2013, 02:34 PM
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Re: Clone spotted!!

Originally Posted by TheGreenLantern View Post
I can tell from a mile that u are clone and has an evil agenda here!! Out of no where and u appear suddenly to tarnish a WL image just to wanting to get back at a certain samster!!

I dare u to surface again to spar with me and I shall identify u and your Master!!!
You are a real major pest. But I have to agree with you that the post by trueexperience on Yezhi is fishy. I never seen her face up close but I would not consider her big-boned and her skin seems quite ok.

Definitely strange for anyone to sign up a new account just to post a negative FR. But there are quite a lot of such one-off FRs posted by some new accounts that I've noticed but never seen you attacking them.

Whether it is to slam a girl or post fake promotional frs, some of these "new" samsters are definitely clones with an agenda in mind.

We should certainly be wary of those who sign up new account just to post an fr on certain houses or girls, or those that seldom post or havent post for a long time - eg six months is quite long. Some accounts even disappear for more than a year or even a few years and then suddenly pop up to post on girls or attack others.

Definitely suspicious when that happens.
Old 03-06-2013, 02:38 PM
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Smile Sq(16w06)

SQ(16W06)..22yr old mm fm Hunan...quite cute slutty schoolgal/poly gal looker wif nice eyes, wears fakelashes which look ok n hair extensions...petite small 153cm? ht...quite slim bod wif slight tummy impression, upper left back has a mole n slight skin tone colour difference(may hv suffered an accident before?) but skin quite smooth...32Ccup boobs(she told me) wif lightish brown raisin droplet tits, definitely the best part of her bod, as her boobs look fabulous n beautiful, fresh perky firm yet soft, damn shiok to see feel n play wif!...small pert ass; pussy well trimmed, fresh pinkish oyster, no smell...has previous skin trade experience...

Overall sex svc vgd for newbie n gfe is vgd as well...full pkge svcs...boob fuck v shiok...full catbath up n down n circular nice lick style done twice, once me in doggie n once on me back....bbbj three quarter deepthroat gd, first done fm below me doggie, then me on me back wif legs lifted, she standing n finally she lying down wif me playing wif her clit, shiok! ...eyecontact quite gd...she appeared to enjoy me tonguefu...

Fj vgd, accommodative, has stamina n quite tight...not bad enjoyed asian cowgal n cowgal becuz of the sight n feel of her lovely boobs jiggling in tandem to the piak piak piak sound!...light frenching...eventually came on her beautfiful boobs, cld not resist!...soothing massage at the end wif gd pressure...

Overall quite an enjoyable bonk wif this newbie complaints, just that i did not feel that much oomph...not her fault though as she is a nice friendly mm who tries her best to pls... #Standard caveat applies.... Think it is impt for pple reading FRs/recommendations to always try n bear in mind tat based on human nature variables factor the experience each punter gets fm the mm shall prolly/possibly not be the same...heck even the same punter may not get a similar experience on rtf...the mm is human afterall, wif feelings, emotions, mood swings, prejudice/bias, health issues etc - this is the collective human nature variables factor tat i am talking abt, a fundamental std caveat whenever one reads an FR./recommendation
Old 03-06-2013, 03:48 PM
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Ye Zi of 2041

Name: Ye Zi (叶子)
Base: 2041
Origin: Henan, PRC
Height: 164cm
Statistics: 34B, 24, 36
Weight: 50kg
Boobs: 34B, enhanced with good contour, the augmented breasts give me feelings of both firmness and hard on touching. I believe the she went for the implant not too long ago. After another few months of resting, the tits could becme softer and while maintaining the good shape. Ungraded

Looks: a SYT, pretty face, a pair of sexy legs, hour glass shape and slim body, slightly tanned body, friendly demeanour, 8/10

Foreplay: she helped me to undress and we teased each other while we had light kissing, 7.5/10

Shower: after applying shampo over my body, she body massaged me with her boobs. It was enjoyable while two not so soft tits hit me from time to time and from place to place. She completed the session with a round BBBJ which was wet and sexciting, 7.5/10

Catbath: a short round of traditional massage followed by gentle licking and sucking. We made jokes at each other, 7.5/10

BBBJ: another round of wet licking and powerful sucking 7.5/10

AR: good cleaning by licking with tongue penetration, 7/10

Frenching: light kissing with tongues and gentle kissing of pussy, 7/10

FJ: proactive and getting more responsive as we progressed. We got inspiration from the AV movie and tried more difficult and demanding styles. She moaned and moved her body to accommodate me. 8/10

GFE: friendly and we had good conversation and laughed from time to time. 7/10

Overall: good feeling and service except I felt the hardness of boobs when she touched me. I am a lover of natural boobs. I believe her tits will become softer in few months' time as in the case of retired Lu Lu of Yi Tiao Long. 7.5/10.

RTF: yes probably in a few month's time
Old 03-06-2013, 03:51 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

Service can be very subjective due to mood, condition n chemistry with the customer. I find yezhi service is solid for me as I enjoyed her accompany a lot . Look wise she is pretty, just that may not as pretty as ap like Jinjin, lulu, xiaoxiao to name a few. I disagree that she is big bone, but she got abit pimples. But hey even actress aso suffer from pimples yeah? With makeup covered up it is quite okay to me.
Old 03-06-2013, 05:03 PM
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Re: GL Legal PRC FRs

I tried Ye Zi before once and her service is good. There was a bit of hype about her before the latest batch came because she was one of the first of newbies after CNY. She is not those commando type but at least better than some of those who cut corners or are mechanical. As some bros classify, she is not those really pretty type but quite pleasant. Some say she look a little like Paige Chua. But I think overall the consensus is that she is friendly and a good service girl with good C-cup boobs
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Old 03-06-2013, 09:59 PM
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Re: Clone spotted!!

We may have our differences but I agree with you on this. Ye Zi is a real gem and I have RTF'ed her several times tho my last session with her is a while back. She is definitely not a plain jane and by no one's standards is big boned. On the contrary, I find her slender and willowy unless she has ballooned in the interim. Someone just wrote she looks like Paige Chua and I have to agree (I have seen Paige Chua in real life and they do look quite similar in looks and body).

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
You are a real major pest. But I have to agree with you that the post by trueexperience on Yezhi is fishy. I never seen her face up close but I would not consider her big-boned and her skin seems quite ok.

Definitely strange for anyone to sign up a new account just to post a negative FR. But there are quite a lot of such one-off FRs posted by some new accounts that I've noticed but never seen you attacking them.

Whether it is to slam a girl or post fake promotional frs, some of these "new" samsters are definitely clones with an agenda in mind.

We should certainly be wary of those who sign up new account just to post an fr on certain houses or girls, or those that seldom post or havent post for a long time - eg six months is quite long. Some accounts even disappear for more than a year or even a few years and then suddenly pop up to post on girls or attack others.

Definitely suspicious when that happens.
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Old 03-06-2013, 11:04 PM
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Re: Clone spotted!!

Originally Posted by Doomas View Post
We may have our differences but I agree with you on this. Ye Zi is a real gem and I have RTF'ed her several times tho my last session with her is a while back. She is definitely not a plain jane and by no one's standards is big boned. On the contrary, I find her slender and willowy unless she has ballooned in the interim. Someone just wrote she looks like Paige Chua and I have to agree (I have seen Paige Chua in real life and they do look quite similar in looks and body).
if she looks like paige chua, I would have upped her for multiple sessions by now. But so far, her looks yet to attract me enough to even order a single session with her.

However, certainly she is pleasant looking and very friendly to all customers even if you are not calling her. I would say she has no lack of fans or business and generally gives off very positive happy vibes.

By the way bro doomas, how's your health situation of late? Hope all's well.

Any real paige chua look-alikes out there? I recall the closest I tried was former SK from wh1606. I'm a fan of paige chua too
Old 03-06-2013, 11:08 PM
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Re: Clone spotted!!

Take a look at 1608 Wei Wei

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
if she looks like paige chua, I would have upped her for multiple sessions by now. But so far, her looks yet to attract me enough to even order a single session with her.

However, certainly she is pleasant looking and very friendly to all customers even if you are not calling her. I would say she has no lack of fans or business and generally gives off very positive happy vibes.

By the way bro doomas, how's your health situation of late? Hope all's well.

Any real paige chua look-alikes out there? I recall the closest I tried was former SK from wh1606. I'm a fan of paige chua too
Old 04-06-2013, 04:35 PM
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Re: Clone spotted!!

Originally Posted by Doomas View Post
...but I agree with you on this. Ye Zi is a real gem and I have RTF'ed her several times tho my last session with her is a while back. She is definitely not a plain jane and by no one's standards is big boned. On the contrary, I find her slender and willowy unless she has ballooned in the interim. Someone just wrote she looks like Paige Chua and I have to agree (I have seen Paige Chua in real life and they do look quite similar in looks and body).
Bro, you've my endorsement on what you commented but I don't agree she resembles Paige Chua closely. Prolly not more than 10-15%.
Originally Posted by kp338 View Post
Name: Ye Zi (叶子)
Base: 2041
Origin: Henan, PRC
Height: 164cm
Statistics: 34B, 24, 36
Weight: 50kg
Boobs: 34B, enhanced with good contour, the augmented breasts give me feelings of both firmness and hard on touching. I believe the she went for the implant not too long ago. After another few months of resting, the tits could becme softer and while maintaining the good shape. Ungraded

Looks: a SYT, pretty face, a pair of sexy legs, hour glass shape and slim body, slightly tanned body, friendly demeanour...
Good and reasonably accurate FR, bro ...

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
... I never seen her face up close but I would not consider her big-boned and her skin seems quite ok.
Absolutely ... what Trueexperience commented is definitely not very true ... I have had Yezhi about a couple of months thrice ... She is not outstandingly pretty but am sure most warm blooded male species would not reject her upon seeing her the very first time as she looks sweet, demure with a touch of sexiness in her ... She has attractively slim physique with somewhat fair smooth body complexion albeit her frontal assets are surgically augmented.

There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 05-06-2013, 01:33 AM
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Re: Clone spotted!!


I had Ye Zi about a week back, she did had some pimples on her face which she covers effectively with make up. She is definitely not slender slim at least compared to Dong Jing and her boobs feels rather stiff maybe they are naturally that way.

And I might have caught her on a bad day service wise but I am sharing what I experienced.

I am glad she have supporters but just not from me.

BTW, this is my only account for truthful comments, no clones.

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post

Absolutely ... what Trueexperience commented is definitely not very true ... I.....
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