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Old 05-09-2014, 10:54 AM
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Re: Hot 150 china chicks

Originally Posted by Allanooi View Post
Hahahaha i saw before the poor guy kena suan by okts said sammyboyforum Aiya not accurate one all said these and that u open u own eyes see now who u like seated not look at Sammy ask me got this girl or not ?
Lol. I also heard OKT say this many times to customers. Got some customers even show some lists from their phone to OKT and then kena fucked upside down.

These lists are just a guide for reference as they are based on the collective inputs from samsters everywhere.

Sometimes when I call girls for first time, they will ask me if I read about them from internet. I always say NO these days, I will tell them that I believe my own eyes more than the internet. Usually now I pick based on which girl arouses me with her physical appearance, not on what I read.

But I will certainly note some reports with regard to breast size etc, for example if the report said the girl is flat like airport, I'll think twice about picking her.

Reports and lists are helpful, but best to pick girls based on what we see bah...

One thing maybe to avoid is to show the list from SBF to okt and ask him to call from there ba... Saw some guys did that and obviously it pissed the okt off.

Have a few names mentally listed down in the head is ok, but don't show the list from the phone lah... Sure get suan by okt...
Old 05-09-2014, 11:04 AM
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Re: Hot 150 china chicks

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
My personal advice is, all rookie SBF-browsers who read this thread have to remember to give a "huge discount" on the aspect of Actress lookalike WLs ...
I concur with your advice. There are a few that have been spot on, but some are somewhat off.

This list is just based on collective inputs and what different samsters perceive is different.

Most samsters are discerning enough to know which reports they should give a "huge discount" to...

But your note probably is good to help manage expectations of newbies ba...
Old 06-09-2014, 01:36 AM
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Re: Actresses in Geylang

Sultry SYT with Thick Long Juicy Lips

WL: You You
House: L16 H08
Home Guizhou
Age: 22
Ht/Wt: 158cm/50kg
Debut: Aug 2013

Looks (6.5/10): Sultry SYT with thick long kissable lips. Resembles 20% like Shu Qi (lips and side view). Eyes and nose medium size, squarish face and long golden brown hair. Fair complexion with slight freckles on face. Smooth skin, slight tummy was sighted, neck was a bit short. Her butt was tight and firm, pussy bright pink and nice. Her pussy was a bit sore that day (explained why a bit redder than normal). She said one of the client did not allow her to use KY and rubbed too hard on her, so poor thing, she sobbed a bit as she shared…She said she just came out of code red, hence pussy a bit dry and sensitive, same for her tits. Alamak, should have tried her a week later! Poor timing, anyway, what the heck, just handle her with care…

Boobs (7/10): Nice soft bouncy and squeezable boobs of A+ to B cup. Tits were nice small eraser size and pinkish when licked. Loved sucking and licking at them. (with gentleness)

Frenching (7/10): Initially she was a bit unwilling and not spontaneous. After we got to know each other better, she opened up and finally we frenched liked long lost lovers.

Painting: Nil. She was not comfortable as she just finished her code red.

AR (7/10): She did this for quite some time when I stood on fours. Gentle licking around and into the ass crack and non-aggressive type which I liked.

Bath (6/10): SOP. Usual front and back body rub. Nothing more.

Cat Bath (7/10): Long slurpy strokes with pop-pop sounds. Quite shiok. She spent quite some time on my sensitive parts like inner thighs, balls and butt.

BBBJ (7/10): Half to ¾ shaft strokes with licking on the meatus of my dickhead. Very skillful and I didn’t know how she still managed to lick it when my dick was inside her mouth? She turned 360 when she performed this act when I stroked and caressed her nice smooth body.

FJ (7.5/10): she pounded onto me after she finished the cat bath and began squeezing her body on mine, damn shiok…After a while, I bueh tahan liao and got up and pinned her down and frenched her. She did not reject. So I continued to kiss her and lick her boobs and tits. Felt her body spasms as I did the act and she started moaning softly…I inserted into her wet pussy slowly and started to pump slow but deep into her. Changed to sitting position and bonked her harder and harder with piak piak sounds…her moaning was louder and louder. She buey tahan liao and wanted to take over on top. She cowgirl me skillfully, not the hard bouncing type but the soft and quick strokes of her pussy in and out of top half of my harder shaft.. damn shiok.. and I thought she enjoyed this more than me leh, hehe… I switched back to sitting position again but this time rocking her harder and harder, higher and higher…I then carried her up and bonked her in the air. She was a bit unprepared at first but soon she got the hang of it and started moaning loudly again. Man, she sure weighed a ton at 50kg! (of course I didn’t say that to her, haha). Soon, we were getting a bit off balance so we sat back on the bed to catch the breaths for a bit. Then I continued with the missionary as I drove her higher and higher into cloud 9… Felt it coming soon so flipped her over and doggied her. Her ass was curvy and firm with good cushion as my pelvic bones were colliding fast and furious into her soft landing curves…The rest was history…

GFE(6.5/10): We chatted a bit but didn’t quite get strong gfe from her.

Overall: Sultry SYT with thick and long kissable lips. Good frencher but caveat applies. Good overall BBBJ and engaging FJ.

RTF: Yes but later after see some new babes first
男人不色 ,女人不乐
Old 07-09-2014, 01:38 AM
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Re: Actresses in Geylang

Originally Posted by nat28 View Post
Sultry SYT with Thick Long Juicy Lips

WL: You You
House: L16 H08
Home Guizhou
Age: 22
Ht/Wt: 158cm/50kg
Debut: Aug 2013

Looks (6.5/10): Sultry SYT with thick long kissable lips. Resembles 20% like Shu Qi (lips and side view). Eyes and nose medium size, squarish face and long golden brown hair. Fair complexion with slight freckles on face. Smooth skin, slight tummy was sighted, neck was a bit short. Her butt was tight and firm, pussy bright pink and nice. Her pussy was a bit sore that day (explained why a bit redder than normal). She said one of the client did not allow her to use KY and rubbed too hard on her, so poor thing, she sobbed a bit as she shared…She said she just came out of code red, hence pussy a bit dry and sensitive, same for her tits. Alamak, should have tried her a week later! Poor timing, anyway, what the heck, just handle her with care…

Boobs (7/10): Nice soft bouncy and squeezable boobs of A+ to B cup. Tits were nice small eraser size and pinkish when licked. Loved sucking and licking at them. (with gentleness)

Frenching (7/10): Initially she was a bit unwilling and not spontaneous. After we got to know each other better, she opened up and finally we frenched liked long lost lovers.

Painting: Nil. She was not comfortable as she just finished her code red.

AR (7/10): She did this for quite some time when I stood on fours. Gentle licking around and into the ass crack and non-aggressive type which I liked.

Bath (6/10): SOP. Usual front and back body rub. Nothing more.

Cat Bath (7/10): Long slurpy strokes with pop-pop sounds. Quite shiok. She spent quite some time on my sensitive parts like inner thighs, balls and butt.

BBBJ (7/10): Half to ¾ shaft strokes with licking on the meatus of my dickhead. Very skillful and I didn’t know how she still managed to lick it when my dick was inside her mouth? She turned 360 when she performed this act when I stroked and caressed her nice smooth body.

FJ (7.5/10): she pounded onto me after she finished the cat bath and began squeezing her body on mine, damn shiok…After a while, I bueh tahan liao and got up and pinned her down and frenched her. She did not reject. So I continued to kiss her and lick her boobs and tits. Felt her body spasms as I did the act and she started moaning softly…I inserted into her wet pussy slowly and started to pump slow but deep into her. Changed to sitting position and bonked her harder and harder with piak piak sounds…her moaning was louder and louder. She buey tahan liao and wanted to take over on top. She cowgirl me skillfully, not the hard bouncing type but the soft and quick strokes of her pussy in and out of top half of my harder shaft.. damn shiok.. and I thought she enjoyed this more than me leh, hehe… I switched back to sitting position again but this time rocking her harder and harder, higher and higher…I then carried her up and bonked her in the air. She was a bit unprepared at first but soon she got the hang of it and started moaning loudly again. Man, she sure weighed a ton at 50kg! (of course I didn’t say that to her, haha). Soon, we were getting a bit off balance so we sat back on the bed to catch the breaths for a bit. Then I continued with the missionary as I drove her higher and higher into cloud 9… Felt it coming soon so flipped her over and doggied her. Her ass was curvy and firm with good cushion as my pelvic bones were colliding fast and furious into her soft landing curves…The rest was history…

GFE(6.5/10): We chatted a bit but didn’t quite get strong gfe from her.

Overall: Sultry SYT with thick and long kissable lips. Good frencher but caveat applies. Good overall BBBJ and engaging FJ.

RTF: Yes but later after see some new babes first
Thanks for the FR. Guess You You becoming a small star in lorong 16 now.
Quite a few good lookers in her house 1608 too like Xiao Xiao, Jiu Jiu and Li Li.
Old 07-09-2014, 02:33 PM
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Re: Actresses in Geylang

A super chatty fair cute SYT with lots of high GFE & KC showered...

You You (L16 H08)

Age: 22yo
Exp in GL: 8-9 months plus
Height: 1.58-1.6m

Face: 7.3/10
(You You is a cute, kawaii and adorable SYT with a tinge of sexiness and sluttiness. She can easily pass off as a university undergrad girl. She has a pair of big, sparkling, beautiful and playful eyes. She also has medium high nose with sharp tip and luscious thick sexy poulty lips. Its probably due to her sexy lips which makes her resembles shu qi haha. Her facial complexion is extremely fair, porcelain-smooth and almost flawless. She has waist-length long reddish brown hair which smells very nice. Her hair is damn long. Her face is a little bit squarish with prominent chin. Her face is full of cheeky and funny expressions haha. She is a very humorous and entertaining girl. Her speaking voice is very teh and has this wa wa tone. With nude or less makeup on, she will definitely look like a green, innocent school girl. Overall, her SYT face suits my taste bud. Sweetness to the maximum! )

Body: 7.3/10
(At 1.58-1.6m tall, You You is generally slim with meat on the right places. Her body has those womanly curves and her ass is perky which is good for doggie. Slight tummy spotted. She told me she was much slimmer when she first came to Singapore. Her body complexion is damn fair, porcelain-smooth and flawless. Even mosquitoes will slide down her body haha. Her legs are slender smooth. Slight arm pit hair spotted. I simply love to hug her haha. She has quite good fashion sense based on those pics I saw on her wechat moments.)

Boobs: 7/10
(You You has a pair of natural A+ to B- cup boobs with pinkish nipples. Simply love to lick, suck, tune, play with her boobs.)

Bath: 7.3/10
(You You is very playful and cheeky during the bath as she teased me non-stop. Very bubbly, energetic and fun loving girl. She performed sensual, slow, gentle, body to body soapy rub on my front and back. Lots of teasing sensual HJ on my dick and balls massaging action. She also used her boobs and nipples to tease my dick head. Whenever our eyes met, we smooched and frenched passionately like lovers. She gave me a brief BBBJ during bath.)

Cath Bath: 7.5/10
(I laid on my front. She used her smooth boobs to rabba my entire back while her fingers were arousing my sensitive regions. She then sprayed Listerine into her mouth. After which she performed sensual, strong-suction cat bath on my entire back with pop pop sound. My flesh felt her teeth. Her mouth is indeed powerful with strong suction. Lots of saliva & Listerine were all over my back. I flipped over. She used her boobs to rabba my front body while her tender smooth fingers were arousing my sensitive regions. We frenched on and off whenever opportunities arose. She then performed similar cat bath routine on my front.)

Frenching: 7.9/10
(We frenched very naturally and spontaneously whenever our eyes met. Lots of tongue fight. This girl knows I am a lover for frenching. Her frenching has gentle passionate as well as aggressive variations. She likes to suck my tongue into her mouth. Lots of oomph frenching this babe. Simply addicted to frenching her haha.)

AR: 7.2/10
(She employed licking style of AR. Great effort. Thoroughly licked my ka chng hole while HJ me and playing with my balls. Alternated AR with ball sucking action.)

BBBJ: 7.4/10
(She teased my dick by licking my dick head and along my shaft with lots of CFM facial expression. Lots of tongue flicking action. Her BBBJ was quite good. Suction was relatively strong and BBBJ deep throated. She BBBJ me when I was standing on the bed as well as when I laid on the bed. Lots of saliva stimulating my dick.)

Pussy Painting: 7.5/10
(She has bushy soft pussy hair and very beautiful pinkish pussy. I can’t help it but gave her pussy a great licking. I licked and fingered her pussy alternately. She enjoyed my every painting and fingering and moaned softy and sexily. Her hands were messing my hair and caressing my face haha.)

FJ: 7.7/10
(FJ with her is so natural. No commercial feel. I thought I was bonking my gf haha. She is wild, horny yet playful in bed. Her pussy was tight. In missionary, we frenched non-stop passionately while I thrusted in and out of her pussy. I gave her ears and neck a good lick while she sucked my nipples. Her moanings were music to my ears. Her hands were all over my body. She likes to fine tune my nipples. We switched to doggie. Her ass is fleshy & perky enough for doggie. Grabbed her boobs from behind and licked her entire smooth back. Her back is so smooth, fair and flawless. She turned her head around and we engaged in passionate frenching. I upped my tempo and pumped her harder and harder. Every pump sent her to estacy as her moanings became louder and louder. We then switched to asian cow girl. She has good riding stamina. Grabbed her boobs while she was busy riding my dick front back left right. Often she lowered her head to French me while riding. We then switched to missionary at the edge of the bed. We frenched once again and occasionally I licked and sucked her nipples. I pumped her faster and faster and eventually cannot endure any longer and exploded all my sperm into her ahhhhh shiok la! She grabbed my arms tightly panting profusely. Her cheeks were flushed. I felt her pussy muscles contracting. We laid in that position hugging each other while my dick is still in her pussy. What a mind blowing sex!)

GFE: 9/10
(She is the most chatty and talkative girl I ever met in GL. Non-stop tcss, chatting and jokes between us. She is very cheeky, playful, humorous, bubbly, fun-loving, energetic girl. She likes to make funny monkey faces. After FJ, we hugged and laid on the bed like lovers viewing her pics on her phone. She gave me a good bye kiss when we were about to leave the room. Simply addicted to her high KC & GFE. I am sure many bros were KCed by her haha.)

RTF: Definitely yes. In fact I have lost counts on the number of times I RTF haha. She is a gem!

Note: Above ratings/descriptions were based on my personal encounter. Service of WL varies from customer to customer, depends on chemistry, WL's mood, individuals and sometimes luck.
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Old 07-09-2014, 02:41 PM
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Re: Actresses in Geylang

Another good FR on you you. Well deserved. Not forgetting other sweet gems in 1608 like Xiao Xiao, li li, jiu jiu etc

Originally Posted by slyer View Post
A super chatty fair cute SYT with lots of high GFE & KC showered...

You You (L16 H08)

Age: 22yo
Exp in GL: 8-9 months plus
Height: 1.58-1.6m

Face: 7.3/10
(You You is a cute, kawaii and adorable SYT with a tinge of sexiness and sluttiness. She can easily pass off as a university undergrad girl. She has a pair of big, sparkling, beautiful and playful eyes. She also has medium high nose with sharp tip and luscious thick sexy poulty lips. Its probably due to her sexy lips which makes her resembles shu qi haha. Her facial complexion is extremely fair, porcelain-smooth and almost flawless. She has waist-length long reddish brown hair which smells very nice. Her hair is damn long. Her face is a little bit squarish with prominent chin. Her face is full of cheeky and funny expressions haha. She is a very humorous and entertaining girl. Her speaking voice is very teh and has this wa wa tone. With nude or less makeup on, she will definitely look like a green, innocent school girl. Overall, her SYT face suits my taste bud. Sweetness to the maximum! )

Body: 7.3/10
(At 1.58-1.6m tall, You You is generally slim with meat on the right places. Her body has those womanly curves and her ass is perky which is good for doggie. Slight tummy spotted. She told me she was much slimmer when she first came to Singapore. Her body complexion is damn fair, porcelain-smooth and flawless. Even mosquitoes will slide down her body haha. Her legs are slender smooth. Slight arm pit hair spotted. I simply love to hug her haha. She has quite good fashion sense based on those pics I saw on her wechat moments.)

Boobs: 7/10
(You You has a pair of natural A+ to B- cup boobs with pinkish nipples. Simply love to lick, suck, tune, play with her boobs.)

Bath: 7.3/10
(You You is very playful and cheeky during the bath as she teased me non-stop. Very bubbly, energetic and fun loving girl. She performed sensual, slow, gentle, body to body soapy rub on my front and back. Lots of teasing sensual HJ on my dick and balls massaging action. She also used her boobs and nipples to tease my dick head. Whenever our eyes met, we smooched and frenched passionately like lovers. She gave me a brief BBBJ during bath.)

Cath Bath: 7.5/10
(I laid on my front. She used her smooth boobs to rabba my entire back while her fingers were arousing my sensitive regions. She then sprayed Listerine into her mouth. After which she performed sensual, strong-suction cat bath on my entire back with pop pop sound. My flesh felt her teeth. Her mouth is indeed powerful with strong suction. Lots of saliva & Listerine were all over my back. I flipped over. She used her boobs to rabba my front body while her tender smooth fingers were arousing my sensitive regions. We frenched on and off whenever opportunities arose. She then performed similar cat bath routine on my front.)

Frenching: 7.9/10
(We frenched very naturally and spontaneously whenever our eyes met. Lots of tongue fight. This girl knows I am a lover for frenching. Her frenching has gentle passionate as well as aggressive variations. She likes to suck my tongue into her mouth. Lots of oomph frenching this babe. Simply addicted to frenching her haha.)

AR: 7.2/10
(She employed licking style of AR. Great effort. Thoroughly licked my ka chng hole while HJ me and playing with my balls. Alternated AR with ball sucking action.)

BBBJ: 7.4/10
(She teased my dick by licking my dick head and along my shaft with lots of CFM facial expression. Lots of tongue flicking action. Her BBBJ was quite good. Suction was relatively strong and BBBJ deep throated. She BBBJ me when I was standing on the bed as well as when I laid on the bed. Lots of saliva stimulating my dick.)

Pussy Painting: 7.5/10
(She has bushy soft pussy hair and very beautiful pinkish pussy. I can’t help it but gave her pussy a great licking. I licked and fingered her pussy alternately. She enjoyed my every painting and fingering and moaned softy and sexily. Her hands were messing my hair and caressing my face haha.)

FJ: 7.7/10
(FJ with her is so natural. No commercial feel. I thought I was bonking my gf haha. She is wild, horny yet playful in bed. Her pussy was tight. In missionary, we frenched non-stop passionately while I thrusted in and out of her pussy. I gave her ears and neck a good lick while she sucked my nipples. Her moanings were music to my ears. Her hands were all over my body. She likes to fine tune my nipples. We switched to doggie. Her ass is fleshy & perky enough for doggie. Grabbed her boobs from behind and licked her entire smooth back. Her back is so smooth, fair and flawless. She turned her head around and we engaged in passionate frenching. I upped my tempo and pumped her harder and harder. Every pump sent her to estacy as her moanings became louder and louder. We then switched to asian cow girl. She has good riding stamina. Grabbed her boobs while she was busy riding my dick front back left right. Often she lowered her head to French me while riding. We then switched to missionary at the edge of the bed. We frenched once again and occasionally I licked and sucked her nipples. I pumped her faster and faster and eventually cannot endure any longer and exploded all my sperm into her ahhhhh shiok la! She grabbed my arms tightly panting profusely. Her cheeks were flushed. I felt her pussy muscles contracting. We laid in that position hugging each other while my dick is still in her pussy. What a mind blowing sex!)

GFE: 9/10
(She is the most chatty and talkative girl I ever met in GL. Non-stop tcss, chatting and jokes between us. She is very cheeky, playful, humorous, bubbly, fun-loving, energetic girl. She likes to make funny monkey faces. After FJ, we hugged and laid on the bed like lovers viewing her pics on her phone. She gave me a good bye kiss when we were about to leave the room. Simply addicted to her high KC & GFE. I am sure many bros were KCed by her haha.)

RTF: Definitely yes. In fact I have lost counts on the number of times I RTF haha. She is a gem!

Note: Above ratings/descriptions were based on my personal encounter. Service of WL varies from customer to customer, depends on chemistry, WL's mood, individuals and sometimes luck.
Old 09-09-2014, 11:27 PM
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Re: Actresses, Pop Idols, and Celebrities in Geylang

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post

1654A >>> Yi Yi - Janet Hsieh
I went for a session with YiYi today, and I must comment that she looks like Kristin Kreuk, especially when she smiles.

For those who don't know, Kristin Kreuk is best known for her role as Lana Lang, the teenage Superman's girlfriend in the Smallville TV show. She also acted as Chun Li in the lousy Street Fighter movie "The Legend of Chun Li".
Old 11-09-2014, 08:23 AM
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Re: Actresses, Pop Idols, and Celebrities in Geylang

Adding some inputs from bro dbhh who says Yi Yi 1654a looks like Kristin Kreuk. Actually for me, I find she resembles vanessa hudgens. So just adding that in.

Any updates from brothers on other "actresses" in the various houses?

All brothers, let me know if I missed anything or if any girls ORD and need to be removed from the list.

Thanks to all brothers for the updates to this list so far


NOTE: The list below is a rundown of mainly cat 150 PRC working girls who have been said by some to resemble actresses/singers/models and other female celebrities.
This is based on some individual opinions by various contributors to this forum, so please bear in mind that looks are subjective when referring to this list - this means you may find that your perspective on the girls may differ, and the difference may be great in some instances. So be prepared for disappointment.
This list is also open to all for contributions, so please feel free to add on.

0819 >>> anything new?

1606 >>> NaNa - Gillian Chung

1608 >>> Xiao Xiao - Elaine Cheah/Michelle Chia, You You - Shuqi

1612 >>> Amy - Nina Li Chi

1615 >>> Tong Tong - Vivian Lai

1617 >>> Jia Yao - Michelle Chong, Jia Yi - Selena Li Sze Wan

1639 >>> Na Na - Yang Mi, Tang Tang - Cecilia Cheung/ Elva Hsiao

1649 >>> Angel - Angelababy

1651 >>> Ting Ting - Pamelyn Chee,

1654A >>> Lulu - Gigi Lai/Dawn Yang, Yi Yi - Janet Hsieh/Kristin Kreuk/Vanessa Hudgens, Xiao Xue - Eva Mendes

WH1604 >>> Tian Tian - Vivian Lai/Ai Himeno/Michelle Chong

WH1606 >>> anything new?

WH1612 >>> 06 Yu Guo - Michelle Chong, Ke Ke - Lee Yoo Ri

WH1615 >>> Linda - Michelle Chia, Xiao Xue - Tang Wei

WH1617 >>> Bao er - Felicia Chin

WH1619 >>> Yan Yan - Da S

1803 >>> Siqi - Mai Sato

1805 >>> Money - Penny Tai

1809 >>> Tina - Phyllis Quek, Apple - Da Yuan/Silver Ang (younger version)/Feng Yuan Zhen,

1817 >>> Xiao Bu Dian - 李心潔

1856 >>> Model - Kate Pang

2033 >>> Anything new?

2038 >>> Anything new?

2040 >>>

2041 >>> Li Li - im ji hye, Emily - GEM邓紫琪, Bobbi - Ann Kok

2045 >>> any thing new?

2045A >>> anything new?

2047 >>> Jia Zhen - Cecilia Cheung, Jia Mei - GEM邓紫琪,

2058 >>> Anything new?

2062 >>> Fang Fang - Mio Kitagawa, Jia Jia - Vivian Hsu, Xiao Xue - Kim Hyun Joo

2062A >>> Ye Ye - Zhou Xun

24M13 >>> 03 (ling san) - Melody Chen

2831A >>> Qiqi - 林熙蕾 Kelly Lin

3033 >>> Tina - Carol Cheng
Old 12-09-2014, 01:23 PM
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Lisa (2041)

To me i think this Hubei mm is a sexy slutty ah lian looker wif light brown long hair, fake lashes look ok, not bad eyes, slightly resembles kpop rapper CL fm 2NE1...enjoyable bonk n definite gem potential. ..
Old 12-09-2014, 02:08 PM
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Re: Actresses, Pop Idols, and Celebrities in Geylang

Adding some inputs from bro Omnia who says Lisa 2041 resembles kpop rapper CL from 2NE1. Do you guys agree?

I personally find her housemate Sasa looks like Zhang Ziyi or Christy Chung. So going to add that in.

While on the subject of house 2041, the other girl I find super cute here is Yuki, although, cant think of which actress she might resemble.

Any updates from brothers on other "actresses" in the various houses?

All brothers, let me know if I missed anything or if any girls ORD and need to be removed from the list.

Thanks to all brothers for the updates to this list so far


NOTE: The list below is a rundown of mainly cat 150 PRC working girls who have been said by some to resemble actresses/singers/models and other female celebrities.
This is based on some individual opinions by various contributors to this forum, so please bear in mind that looks are subjective when referring to this list - this means you may find that your perspective on the girls may differ, and the difference may be great in some instances. So be prepared for disappointment.
This list is also open to all for contributions, so please feel free to add on.

0819 >>> anything new?

1606 >>> NaNa - Gillian Chung

1608 >>> Xiao Xiao - Elaine Cheah/Michelle Chia, You You - Shuqi

1612 >>> Amy - Nina Li Chi

1615 >>> Tong Tong - Vivian Lai

1617 >>> Jia Yao - Michelle Chong, Jia Yi - Selena Li Sze Wan

1639 >>> Na Na - Yang Mi, Tang Tang - Cecilia Cheung/ Elva Hsiao

1649 >>> Angel - Angelababy

1651 >>> Ting Ting - Pamelyn Chee,

1654A >>> Lulu - Gigi Lai/Dawn Yang, Yi Yi - Janet Hsieh/Kristin Kreuk/Vanessa Hudgens, Xiao Xue - Eva Mendes

WH1604 >>> Tian Tian - Vivian Lai/Ai Himeno/Michelle Chong

WH1606 >>> anything new?

WH1612 >>> 06 Yu Guo - Michelle Chong, Ke Ke - Lee Yoo Ri

WH1615 >>> Linda - Michelle Chia, Xiao Xue - Tang Wei

WH1617 >>> Bao er - Felicia Chin

WH1619 >>> Yan Yan - Da S

1803 >>> Siqi - Mai Sato

1805 >>> Money - Penny Tai

1809 >>> Tina - Phyllis Quek, Apple - Da Yuan/Silver Ang (younger version)/Feng Yuan Zhen,

1817 >>> Xiao Bu Dian - 李心潔

1856 >>> Model - Kate Pang

2033 >>> Anything new?

2038 >>> Anything new?

2040 >>>

2041 >>> Li Li - im ji hye, Emily - GEM邓紫琪, Bobbi - Ann Kok, Lisa - CL from 2NE1, Sasa - Zhang Ziyi/Christy Chung

2045 >>> any thing new?

2045A >>> anything new?

2047 >>> Jia Zhen - Cecilia Cheung, Jia Mei - GEM邓紫琪,

2058 >>> Anything new?

2062 >>> Fang Fang - Mio Kitagawa, Jia Jia - Vivian Hsu, Xiao Xue - Kim Hyun Joo

2062A >>> Ye Ye - Zhou Xun

24M13 >>> 03 (ling san) - Melody Chen

2831A >>> Qiqi - 林熙蕾 Kelly Lin

3033 >>> Tina - Carol Cheng
Old 12-09-2014, 02:59 PM
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Re: Actresses in Geylang

some ppl said ella@54a looks like ella@she. But I personally find she has mixture of look, when smile abit like selina@she, when not smile certain angle especially bbbj n look at u resembles 李丽珍.

Lulu looks like 陈冰@china voice
Old 12-09-2014, 04:16 PM
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Re: Actresses in Geylang

Originally Posted by korean View Post
some ppl said ella@54a looks like ella@she. But I personally find she has mixture of look, when smile abit like selina@she, when not smile certain angle especially bbbj n look at u resembles 李丽珍.

Lulu looks like 陈冰@china voice
Interesting comments. Ok, will include into the list.
Old 12-09-2014, 04:20 PM
BronzeGod BronzeGod is offline
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Re: Actresses, Pop Idols, and Celebrities in Geylang

Adding some inputs from bro Korean who says ella 1654a looks like ella@she or Selina@she but also like 李丽珍.

He also says Lulu 1654 looks like 陈冰@china voice

Do you guys agree?

Any updates from brothers on other "actresses" in the various houses?

All brothers, let me know if I missed anything or if any girls ORD and need to be removed from the list.

Thanks to all brothers for the updates to this list so far


NOTE: The list below is a rundown of mainly cat 150 PRC working girls who have been said by some to resemble actresses/singers/models and other female celebrities.
This is based on some individual opinions by various contributors to this forum, so please bear in mind that looks are subjective when referring to this list - this means you may find that your perspective on the girls may differ, and the difference may be great in some instances. So be prepared for disappointment.
This list is also open to all for contributions, so please feel free to add on.

0819 >>> anything new?

1606 >>> NaNa - Gillian Chung

1608 >>> Xiao Xiao - Elaine Cheah/Michelle Chia, You You - Shuqi

1612 >>> Amy - Nina Li Chi

1615 >>> Tong Tong - Vivian Lai

1617 >>> Jia Yao - Michelle Chong, Jia Yi - Selena Li Sze Wan

1639 >>> Na Na - Yang Mi, Tang Tang - Cecilia Cheung/ Elva Hsiao

1649 >>> Angel - Angelababy

1651 >>> Ting Ting - Pamelyn Chee,

1654A >>> Lulu - Gigi Lai/Dawn Yang/陈冰@china voice , Yi Yi - Janet Hsieh/Kristin Kreuk/Vanessa Hudgens, Xiao Xue[/COLOR] - Eva Mendes[/COLOR], Ella - Ella@SHE/Selina@SHE/李丽珍

WH1604 >>> Tian Tian - Vivian Lai/Ai Himeno/Michelle Chong

WH1606 >>> anything new?

WH1612 >>> 06 Yu Guo - Michelle Chong, Ke Ke - Lee Yoo Ri

WH1615 >>> Linda - Michelle Chia, Xiao Xue - Tang Wei

WH1617 >>> Bao er - Felicia Chin

WH1619 >>> Yan Yan - Da S

1803 >>> Siqi - Mai Sato

1805 >>> Money - Penny Tai

1809 >>> Tina - Phyllis Quek, Apple - Da Yuan/Silver Ang (younger version)/Feng Yuan Zhen,

1817 >>> Xiao Bu Dian - 李心潔

1856 >>> Model - Kate Pang

2033 >>> Anything new?

2038 >>> Anything new?

2040 >>>

2041 >>> Li Li - im ji hye, Emily - GEM邓紫琪, Bobbi - Ann Kok, Lisa - CL from 2NE1, Sasa - Zhang Ziyi/Christy Chung

2045 >>> any thing new?

2045A >>> anything new?

2047 >>> Jia Zhen - Cecilia Cheung, Jia Mei - GEM邓紫琪,

2058 >>> Anything new?

2062 >>> Fang Fang - Mio Kitagawa, Jia Jia - Vivian Hsu, Xiao Xue - Kim Hyun Joo

2062A >>> Ye Ye - Zhou Xun

24M13 >>> 03 (ling san) - Melody Chen

2831A >>> Qiqi - 林熙蕾 Kelly Lin

3033 >>> Tina - Carol Cheng
Old 16-09-2014, 11:10 PM
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Re: Actresses in Geylang

Bro bronzegod spotted FeiFei 1809 TVB 杨怡 Travia Yeung....
Old 17-09-2014, 12:11 AM
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Re: Actresses in Geylang

nana@54a probably resemblances 范玮琪?
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