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Old 04-01-2012, 04:51 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Early work release

How to get to know your potential EWR.?

So I’ve been brain storming a lot trying to figure out how to explain myself without appearing to be “the all knowing one”. I spoke to a few barhopping buddies about the subject matter, and we all seem to agree on one thing. To deter ones self from a bad EWR or starfish, YOU MUST conduct a thorough interview.

No, she’s not applying for a full time job. But you want to make sure there are no surprises or short comings in the bedroom. Asking a few questions before inquiring for EWR will greatly increase the odds of having a great night.

I don’t want you guys to think that just by asking a few questions, will guarantee that you have a superstar in bed. There’s many factor that I take account in my selection process. But one of the main factors that I look at is, does the girl actually like you?

This is roughly what I do when I’m actively looking to take a girl out. Upon entering the bar I’m scoping out the area looking for something that pops. They don’t necessarily have to be tall, thick, and wearing librarian glasses. Just something that sticks out from everything else.

I order a drink and sit there and decide what girls to call down for a drink, if there is any. Sometimes there is a girl that automaticly spots me and will not stop stareing at me. Oh boy, I know she wants it. But its not always like that. Some girls do pop for you and some don’t. If you do see a girl, but you’re just not sure if she up to par, per say. Don’t be shy to ask the waitress for some info on the girl. You know, is she malibog (horny)? Does she barfine? What kind of guys she likes to go with? Cherry girl? If your still not satisfied with the info the waitress has given you, ask to talk to that girls mamasan. The mamasan will tell you exactly what you want to know. She knows her girls. Ask the mamasan straight out, do you think will she will go out with me?

If you don’t feel comfortable blowing a ladies drink on her, then its time to move to a different girl or bar. But lets say you do call the girl down based on what the mamasan has said. Now what? It’s time for the interview!!

With the questions that I’m asking, the objective is to make her comfortable with my presence and make her want me more. Other guys will be real blunt and not give a fuck about emotions or personal feelings. The following questions are the basic “I don’t give a fuck” questions.

Do you like to fuck?

Are you a 3 holer? (that means do you like to take it in the ass, pussy, and mouth)

Do you suck dick?

Do you swallow?

If you feel like these are important questions, then ask the mamasan first. Trust me, it’s not the first time shes heard them. I’ve had mamasans try to push her 3 holer girls on me before. If you ask the girls these questions without gauging the situation and with no small talk first, they can get offended. You don’t want to do that.

Once the interview has begun your main objective at that very moment is not to get her to spread her legs so you can mount her. You’re trying to gain her trust and and make her feel comfortable with you. If you play your cards right she will be leaving with you, but she needs to feel 100% safe with this person she just met!

However, there are the veteran bargirls that are all business and will spread their legs for you anytime. So my advice will not apply to these girls. But those are the kind of girls I don’t go for. I’ve been consistently going to the bars and I see and hear all the nasty stories that the waitresses tell me about those girls.

But getting back to the main subject, the interview. Eventually, once the two of you shared some laughs and giggles, you will eventually, if things go according to plan, be asking for a EWR. But before you do, you must make clear on what will happen back at your pad. Make no mistake. If you don’t say anything, that means she didn’t agree to what you really want. Don’t think for a nano second that there is a universal bargirl script foretelling the way the night is suppose to end. There is no posting of any job responsibilities and duties anywhere in the bars. So don’t go cry wolf, when you fucked up! Tell her exactly what you want, at what speed, how rough you want it, what areas of the room, time duration, fetishes, what time she’ll be leaving, and most importantly, short time or long time.

In closing, my intent with this piece is to save you guys from getting a runner or starfish, or a combination of the two. I’m here in SYK to share some knowledge that I’ve obtained while living here. I am not a expert in the matter, nor do I act like it. I wish you guys the best of luck with your future EWRs. Stay safe and be happy. Aloha………….

The lords quote: despite all of the above..... U may still end up with a deadfish. I hv gotten screwed many times.... Well thats life... Move on.... But then.. The above interview helps acclimatize guys who r not aware

Originally Posted by best123 View Post
Thanks for the explaination ZIEBART.

EWR stands for? So buying them that drink only stays with you in the pub? No following back to hotel? In this case they will not get much business right?
Old 04-01-2012, 04:53 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Bro, nice website for read up. Well, that will add even more bars to cover. Really wondering how many can I cover with so few days.

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Going to repost here information from Harry the Horse website.... << else bro Ninja will be after me>>

A whiff of a different air...

The girl is actually cute but for her tummy.

But looks good with the Ang Moh.
Old 04-01-2012, 05:04 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post

datou, No response from her.

Just something that happened few days ago.
My regular girl recently chat w me on yahoo/chikka just arrived in Angeles after spending Xmas in hometown .
told me she went to the doctor feeling unwell n was diagnose w serious kidney problem.
Doctor prescribe her 3 kinds of pills costing 100p each pill.( 900p a day?)
Further asking detail of her sickness was told ovary infection.

She just taken her last prescribed pilln had no money for more medications.
Now her landlord is chasing her for rental 2000p.
Her sister failed try to borrow money from relatives n friends, she approached the bar owner n friends but they worry she will not return after the loan.

So she felt hopeless w little money, needs medication n money for rent.
Being the kind guy, I told her I m returning to Spore n will try to come soon.
But I will inform my friend (ZIEBART) who will be there few days later to bring her to the hospital for a thorough checkup n get her cured.
So ask her don't worry just wait for my friend.

So after bro ZIEBART texted her, she chat w me on yahoo that she is fine now after seeing the doctor and getting the correct medications. She is in hometown now n will return to Angeles a week later.
No mentioning of needing financial help.

Just " honey I miss u, call me when coming Angeles"

Thks again Bro ZIEBART, your text cured her.

Last edited by datou; 04-01-2012 at 05:20 PM. Reason: typo
Old 04-01-2012, 05:29 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Aiyo... bro ziebart explained n we understood.

Guess u r still new to happenings in the PI.

EWR = early work release since prostitution is illegal in PI

EWR is just a term. D girl will still follow u
Never happened to me .. but, I know some carrot top who EWR girl, and girl in a very sweet voice said "EWR=spend time with you .. not sex .. "

Hence, either you must be sweet (not always need to be white man to get right vibe .. ) and ensure that the deal is a deal .. or be thick skinned to ask bluntly "you fxxk me later right ? and stay till morning right ?"

of course, the guy who got ditched was not only an ass, but also was being a bit too rough and squeezy .. so you know what NOT TO DO .. if you want "LURVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV"
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 05-01-2012, 01:29 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Bros out here should read Harry the Horse. I did post information from his website quite a while back.

The guy despite his cancer and chemo treatment (possibly recovering now) still does a fabulous job far superior than anyone amongst us in reporting things that we may never discuss or mention.

Here is his Dec 2011 girl Elaine from Rhapsody.

I think she is reasonably stunning with her long legs, quite slim too but for the lil mol on her forehead
January "I wish I could.." girl from Juliana looks good. Anyone been to Juliana's? Can the girls/models/dancers there be ewr-ed?
Old 05-01-2012, 04:04 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Lemme chk her out... Hold on

Yes she looks cute too...

Email ids provided as well

Originally Posted by Boat collector View Post
January "I wish I could.." girl from Juliana looks good. Anyone been to Juliana's? Can the girls/models/dancers there be ewr-ed?
Old 05-01-2012, 10:32 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Thks again Bro ZIEBART, your text cured her.
No problem, that's why its good to have friends who can help us verify and help our girls.

I also was asked for help last month for my friend's new born baby. Baby had bad heart beat, so needed operation. Budget 8000p. I agreed to help cos this is important.

Txt my American friend in Angeles to visit her at the hospital and to pass her the money. But she said NO, cos she is shy to have visitors. So... I failed in helping a friend. Sigh.
Thanks to those who up me points. If you did not put your name i will have headache to guess who to return favor to. Cheers!
Old 05-01-2012, 11:38 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

It's a long time I login. Ok will post all the rest of the FR in 1 shot. Enjoy

Fr - 27 Nov

Wanted to meet datou today but he was already fully booked with ladies. :P So gonna to meet him the next day. Going to BF Bell today to have some action.

Smsed Beefstick and met him at my hotel. Then we took a jeepney and head out to T&A. Sat down order our drinks and trying to find gals we like. Too bad cant find any gals I liked yesterday. Also was chatting with Beefstick to know about his night activie yesterday.

So decided to head over to Nasty Duck. As usual I just sat there while Beefstick made his 1st move.
He bought the same gal a LD and negotiating whether is it possible to BF her today. It's not going so smoothly and in the end Beefstick
Beedstick exchange hp number with her. So without wasting our time decided to hop over to Candybar.
(Beefstick its nasty duck where the gal nvr smsed you not T&A. :P)

Well I am still trying to find the cute waitress I saw bck during the 1st trip, but failed.
Beefstick mentioned the waitress serving us have a similar look of his friend.
The gals on the stage not really to my liking, but did noticed that there are some hidden gems at the resting/changing room. So we kept waiting for the gals to change slowly(if not wrong every song 1 gal will leave while a new gal will go on to the stage. Finally the gems are out 1 by 1. But before all the gems are up there, a group of Koreans pop in. Before they entered, Beefstick was playing eyes game with 1 of the dancers. So in order to prevent the Korean getting all the gems, I decided to ask the gal to come sit with us. LOL but around 5 mins later the Korean are doing their favour act ... giving out $ and ping pong ball. Sort of feel sad for the gal being called by us. Beefstick bought the gal a LD and started the ice breaking session. When they were chatting about 3Some, I joined in the conversation by adding: "You(the gal), Beefstick and me can 3some, she smile and replied: "Why not". :P After some jokes and fun, Beefstick asked her to choose a partner. So now Beefstick also got his doublefly too.
Beefstick decided to join me to Ms Magic to take a look. But sad to say no gals there for me to stay for a drink. So told Beefstick to go bck to his room and enjoy the DF. :P
As for me decided to walk to ponytail or lunetime. Smsed Boat Collector, got his reply and told to meet at his friend's room. Met Boat Collector and his friends in their room. Decided to go barhop at around 6pm.
1st stop Gecko, cant remembered clearly how many LD Boat Colllector bought(2 or 3) but remembered that his friend bought a LD for the waitress while I was there chatting with Bell. Supposed to BF her but she got bf-ed by someone else after I left with Boat Collector to barhop. There goes my plan bursted again.
After Gecko we headed over to La Pasha. Today La Pasha got 3 BFed from our group.
2 for the bachelor guy and 1 for Boat Collector. And the actions are so fast before I have my seat warm.
After everyone finished the drinks, we headed bck to 1 of of Boat Collector's friends room. In there they have another round of drinks(the liq they purchase at the airport.) Boat Collector actually wanted to let his friend and the 2 gals to used his room because of the jacuzzi and the sauna facility, but was turned down as the 3 of them prefer to do the norm. :P

So after around 30 or 40 mins, the rest of us(Boat Collector + his Bf("Nice"), 2 of Boat Collector friends, BeefStick and me) headed down to Genesis. Sat down at the corner next to the door where we(5 guys and 1 gal) were enjoying. Soon Boat Collector's friends each got a LD for a gal(waitresses to be exact) while Beefstick have a tequila gal as companion.

Boat Collector suddenly have the urge to have some food, so he brought his gal go out to have some bbq food at the road side. I decided to join him too since I did not purchase any LD yet. After that I told them how I missed eating chicken skin, Nice suggested there's 1 stall on the main road, so off we go hunting for the chicken skin. We were in luck, the mobil stall was there and just nice 2 cups of the skin left. Grabbed it and enjoyed our filled with it. :P
Back we went into Genesis again. Boat Collector saw Jennifer on the stage so he made a bet with me that she would be happy to accept the LD. Since nothing for me to lose so just asked her down and offered her a LD. Just liked what Boat Collector have guessed, she accepted the LD. Everyone busy chatting with their companion. Was chatting halfway when Jeniffer suggested to give me a nail cutting if I was to BF her. I was liked, no tks for the nail cutting but yes for the BF. Actually wanted to BF Jennifer tonight, but was not well prepared in cash(dont ask me why, I also dunno why). Boat Collector actually wanted to loan me some but I kindly rejected. So
in the end everyone have a companion in their room while I have scored zero again. LOL think fated to rest in the room alone again. :P

End of 7th day.
Old 05-01-2012, 11:39 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

FR - 28 Nov
Smsed Beefstick but no reply(think its the start of my smses went mia.)
Met datou at 145pm and we took the jeepney up to Back to school. We sat directly at the far end of the stage. Wanted no to waste any time decided to buy a gal(dancer) a LD but did not BF her. datou actually wanted to buy LD too but when he went to the front to take a look, he decided to save the money for the next bar.

So we just go barlooking on a few bar before we settled down at Honeykos. datou was there to look for a gal("Busy") and wanted to BF her. So did he succeed, you will find out in a short while by cont. reading.

So we took sat down at the pool room. Ordered our drinks while datou was waiting for the gals to finished their game before he began his pool. As usual, nothing attracted me while I am there, so I just watched datou played with Busy. While playing, datou decided to start giving out gifts(earrings) to a few gals in there. After the game, datou decided to buy Busy a LD and chit chat with her at another table. So for me was just watched the Korean guest who came to play the pool after datou. In the end datou did not BF her cause she was being BF for 8 days(well not sure true or not, but who cares.)

So decided to go to the next bar. Walked passed candybar as datou wanted to visit last as he BF a gal there yesterday. We visited the next few bars around it and decided to cont. walking down. But after walking for around 5 mins or so, datou decided to head back for candybar. Sat down for awhile and datou companion("Cowboy") came and give him a nice hug. datou asked Cowboy to recommend a gal to me, after looking kindly rejected the offered. Finally datou decided to pay the BF. While waiting for Cowboy, I decided to buy "Playful" a LD. datou left with Cowboy while I was still in the bar with Playful. After around 20 mins later left the bar with Playful.

Took a jeepney back to the hotel. Have the 1st round with her. Was a playful gal as we "fight" in the bed trying to conquer one another. Then we have our dinner at Chow King. After that went back to the room watched TV and "fighting" once when the commercial is up. Have another round before we called it a day.

End of 8th day.
Old 05-01-2012, 11:41 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Fr - 29 Nov - 1 Dec

Well as usual went up to have breakfast alone as Playful wanted more sleep. As usual spend almost 1 hr or so before head down to my room. Playful was still Zzzz. So I just watched TV. 30 mins later she's up washed up and we have the last round before she left.

Today will be meeting Melody whom I have BFed during my 1st trip. Smsed her almost every 30 min to 1 hr but no reply wondering will my planned be spoilt again. So decided to sms datou, but no reply from him too(back then did not realize my smses went mia until around 8pm). So for the whole day decided to slack at the hotel. Then around evening time got a sms frm a friend(M) who just pop in AC for a day before heading out to Thailand the next. Met up with him and decided to bar hop a few bars before meeting his companion. Was chatting and suddelny the topic head towards tongue piercing, and M suddenly suggested to his companion about having it. The gal did not think/consider and just said: "why not."

Wow nvr realize the gal will agreed so fast. So we left the bar and went out to hunt for the pierce shop. Found 1 and the gal choose the stub she wants and have it pierced. M and I was looking it live at the spot. Well the person who did the piercing is not really very experiencing cause she did not do the job skillfully and have the stub dropped on the floor while trying to tighten it.
After that M have something to do, so we parted but will be meeting for dinner at around 8pm.

So left me alone so decided to go bar-hop. Since nvr been to Crystal Palace, decided to go there to take a look. Well a big "bar" sat down and just relax. Then mamasan poped over and chit chat with her. Got to know most of the gals on the stage are BF value for 3K peso . Hmmm think the 2nd tier are 1.8K peso and very little of them and they are all hiding at the back.

Around 730pm got a sms frm Melody asking me whether I was going to BF her as agreed ? I was like ??? thought I smses her in the afternoon to confirm everything. So by then I was around 60% sure my smses for the day have all went mia. So decided to head to Typhoon immediately to meet and BF Melody. Went in to Typhoon and decided to look for her as it almost time for me to meet up with M.
Went to the bck of Typhoon and saw Melody, asked her whether want to company tonight, and without thinking she just smile and knod her head. So asked her to get change quicky and I just paid for the BF.

Cut short the rest of the story ...
Met up with M have dinner then after dinner we parted.
Head bck hotel have a passional love making session with Meldoy since we last met(6 months ago). Have 2 rounds of various position before we end up chatting and tried to call each other but failed. This explain why no one replied my smses. :P
After 1 hr of chatting decided time to Zzzz, so we hugged each other and Zzzz.

End of 9th day.

Woke up as usual around 8am. Melody was already up and watching fashion chn. Seeing her nice and C rack my didi marikita. Decided to have my first round first for the day before heading for breakfast. Well she really knows how to enjoy my licking. Too bad she still not into me and refuse to give me bbbj. So I just have to miss that and enjoy the moaning and biting. :P
By the way she's the first gal who actually followed me up for breakfast. The gals I have before totally slept all the way in the morning.

So was enjoying my breakfast with her company. After that head bck to the room and watch tv again. Around 2pm bid her goodbye and started to try my luck sms + call datou and ZIEBART but seems like my problem of sms to them is still unsolve. Decide to head to ponytail again hoping to find Hazel since I cant get hold of her thru the phone. Too bad she's not around so finally decided to BF Melody again and the next.

Nothing much actually happened other than eat and having love session with Melody(as usual with no special or surprise from her).

That's the end of my trip of Nov in AC.
Old 05-01-2012, 11:45 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Highlighted Harrys comments in green below... In case they got missed out in the mounds of txt earlier.

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Crime, crime and more crime.

Hi Harry, I have enjoyed reading your straight forward no baloney articals recently. I have lived in AC off and on for 7 or 8 years and permanently for the past 3 years. I have a lovely wife and daughter and pretty much stay out of the bar scene, for no other reason other then I am just plain happy at home. I do have a few friends around the bar scene that in the past few months have met with tragedy such is the latest, Hans, of Butterfly Rock. I don’t know if things are getting worse around here or just a bad run of luck in recent months.

I’m a straight forward foreign guy who has worked and traveled the world for 30 years with basic common sense about other cultures and local laws. I keep my nose clean and stay out of trouble or possible troublesome situations.

However in the past few months have also met with my own minor bad luck around town. In Sept I was run off the road on my motorcycle on MacArthur near Johnny’s to find 4 local upstanding teenage citizens jump out or their van to assault me. I had my motorcycle helmet on, so that saved me a bit and of course I fought back in the middle of the street until the police arrived. One might think this is a cut and dry obvious crime situation that 4 men in a van ran over and attacked one man on a motor bike. Well the local authorities didn’t think so, and to make a long story short I decided after a long evening in jail cell (together with 3 of my attackers, the 4th mysteriously walked away ) to wrap up my torn clothing, pay a few bucks and get home. As well, to pay these gentlemen the cost of their damaged van that my motorcycle caused. I cant complain much about this, as it was my decision to just end the situation and be done with it. Something that some might say is what these kind of folks count on. At least with us foreigners. But honestly I cant say if I would have faired any better in AC Courtroom..
Secondly, my Filipina wife was Car napped or motorbike napped just last month in broad daylight just off Pandan road near theTuscanyresort. Actually just in front of the christian international school where as the security guard just happen to be in the CR. Two men with the T-shirt style face cover and a 45 automatic jumped out of a hide spot near the speed bump and pushed her and her 8 year old son off the bike and shoved the gun in her face and rode off. 3:00 pm with the schools guard 5 meters away and a trike terminal 20 meters away. No one lifted a finger to help in any way. I do consider us lucky as similar situations with guns have turned out far worse. Needless to say that bike is gone forever especially since the LTO has no system in which to report or track stolen motorbikes. As my wife attempted to at least input the stolen motorbike registration into the LTO computer system so if and when the thieves tried to re-register it then it would be marked as STOLEN. But NO, this is not possible. Thus making it absurdly easy for a thief to re- register a stolen bike and make it their’s in a matter of minutes. No questions asked, As well, the police write a report but seem to do little else but persistently asked my wife out on a date. Their opening line is: Police man “Hello Mom Did you find your motorbike ? (arent we supposed to be asking them that question) Anyhow, the system is set up in favor of the thieves. The only measures to stop this are the occasional check point in which you might catch 1 out of 1000 thieves. The LTO needs a system to mark stolen vehicles in the computer.
Well last but not least my subdivision in Pandan is run by a supposed elected president that no one has seen or talked to in many years. Even the borangy capt cant contact him. The problem is this subdivision has been the continued victims of crime after crime in the last year with no security and no one to speak with in the homeowners association. Robbery’s, burglaries, car napping, motorbike napping , drug dealing, and the usual. In fact last week two guys on a trike took a young girl from fields ave and brought her all the way over here just to rob her. A sign that the local thugs know just were to go for a little privacy with no security. I have tried for more then a year now to get some one, any one to help or at least identify our homeowner’s association and help with this situation but to no avail. my question to you after all of this, is do you have any idea who in the local government is in charge of the barangy’s over all or who has any say in the homeowners associations ? Thanks for your time and I do appreciate any of your advice. Tony AC Pandan (Tony, the first part of your letter indicates one hell of a run of bad luck. Too bad that you got a taste of the “no matter what syndrome” here in the PI. That is, if you are involved in an traffic accident, no matter who is really at fault the police usually decide that it is the foreigner. In your case I am surprised since you were physically attacked by four men and beaten. Then, to have your wife attacked as well? Man, that is just too much. The homeowner’s beef seems trivial compared to all the other stuff but I did forward your comments to John Casey, a foreigner who has had some recent experience with the Villa Sol Homeowner’s Association. You might find his comments helpful: Interesting situation with the President missing. The organization to approach is HLURB on their web site. Republic Act #9904 is the Magna Carta for Homeowners and Homeowners Associations, and for other Purposes. I personally feel that locally a letter to the City Council would be in order and the proper person is in the City Council online directory. I don’t mind assisting in the matter if he should want to stop by my place any afternoon and we could go over the paperwork and the routes that I took and I could show him where to deliver a letter for the City Council and or attend their meetings.)
Old 05-01-2012, 11:47 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Bro ziebart... Next time you wanna make a mistake type my name inside?

Scared to offend you... So my lil joke plus apology

Originally Posted by ZIEBART View Post
Yes, I bought these zero dollar tickets months ago. The 19th trip is a mistake cos I want to be in Sg for CNY.

I will miss you all.
Old 05-01-2012, 11:53 AM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Bro wetdevil, you r really good man. U typed so much info.

U r an epitome of patience.... U beat all of us hands down with your reporting style and depth of detail.

Excellent stuff bro... Cheers again.

I feel ashamed tht i am no where near you despite the huge number of posts i have clocked.

Having said that i really hope other bros here and seniors will support you for your FRS.

I WAnt to specifically point out here that ur FR was not a ONE OFF.

you repeatedly took time to compile several FRs.

All of us have some learning to do from you

Originally Posted by Wetdevil View Post
Fr - 29 Nov - 1 Dec

That's the end of my trip of Nov in AC.
Old 05-01-2012, 12:40 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Bro wetdevil, you r really good man. U typed so much info.

U r an epitome of patience.... U beat all of us hands down with your reporting style and depth of detail.

Excellent stuff bro... Cheers again.

I feel ashamed tht i am no where near you despite the huge number of posts i have clocked.

Having said that i really hope other bros here and seniors will support you for your FRS.

I WAnt to specifically point out here that ur FR was not a ONE OFF.

you repeatedly took time to compile several FRs.

All of us have some learning to do from you
Well a good writer will summarize all the juicy part and make it short.
As for me I added almost everything in it that make it less juicy.

The Lord your posts also have tons of info in here and other threads too.
Old 05-01-2012, 12:41 PM
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Re: Angeles City (Balibago) Tips

Originally Posted by datou View Post
Just something that happened few days ago.
My regular girl recently chat w me on yahoo/chikka just arrived in Angeles after spending Xmas in hometown .
told me she went to the doctor feeling unwell n was diagnose w serious kidney problem.
Doctor prescribe her 3 kinds of pills costing 100p each pill.( 900p a day?)
Further asking detail of her sickness was told ovary infection.

She just taken her last prescribed pilln had no money for more medications.
Now her landlord is chasing her for rental 2000p.
Her sister failed try to borrow money from relatives n friends, she approached the bar owner n friends but they worry she will not return after the loan.

So she felt hopeless w little money, needs medication n money for rent.
Being the kind guy, I told her I m returning to Spore n will try to come soon.
But I will inform my friend (ZIEBART) who will be there few days later to bring her to the hospital for a thorough checkup n get her cured.
So ask her don't worry just wait for my friend.

So after bro ZIEBART texted her, she chat w me on yahoo that she is fine now after seeing the doctor and getting the correct medications. She is in hometown now n will return to Angeles a week later.
No mentioning of needing financial help.

Just " honey I miss u, call me when coming Angeles"

Thks again Bro ZIEBART, your text cured her.
Wow now ZIEBART have upgrade to a witchdoc also, using sms also can cure a sick person.
So is a blessing in disgust that datou have not been con by the act of his kindness.
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