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Old 07-04-2010, 10:21 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

bro didisong2,
To reply your points (hope I will not make myself a BIGGER ASSHOLE)

yes it is not right to post wan-er tel number as this will disturb her privacy. Now if she dun change number, we will be seeing her having tons of calls and sms while we are having our massage session with wan-er. So not only wan-er is hurt that way, in a way, bro kikapu is also destroying our session with wan-er. so it is time to reflect on your impluse act.

Thank you for supporting Wan Er and this threas all this while. Glad you also know that kikapu is a Bigger Asshole. Really appreciate it.

and as for bro powertool, piece of advice for you. Stop being an asshole. this is not the way to help wan-er. If I go to the restaurant and ask the waiter, may I know where is the washroom, even though the sign are pretty visiable, is the waiter going to be like you and tell the customer" hey , you moron, can't you see the big big sign. go find yourself"

Thank again for your kind advice. However, I see the situation here is a little differently from u. This is how I see it......

When a restaurant gets popular, there'll definitely be competition. At time, some unscrupulous competitors may plant "spies" to bad-mouth it. If these spies are detected, you as the manager of the restaurant what will u do? Will u sit still and do nothing & let it happen & turn bad?

As for the newbie guy who I have "ticked off & deducted his pts", he has been asking for her nos thru my PM. He does not have the patience to wait & worst - posted publicly a negative remark. This remark is totally unfair to Wan Er & I feel it will definitely affect her business. I have to do damage control. As a TS, I believed I can make the decision for Wan Er.

remember you are here helping wan-er...nobody force you. you did it willingly. so even though you may feel that certain bro is so stupid until he pissed you off, it is not right for you to bark at them. You could choose to answer them nicely or at worst, you choose to ignore. remember by you being the man that help wan-er to close the link between the customer and wan-er, with your aggressiveness and "cocky" attitude, you are in fact turning some customer away. Maybe if you are nicer, you may not need to push the thread as hard as what you are doing now.

Yes, At time, I may appear to be high-handed. As TS, I am here to sieve thru those genuine samsters & troublemakers. I believe, everyone want to be a Good Guy at All Time. But at time, someone has to be the Bad Guy. Depending on situation, I can be either here.

you are the front man, if your attitude is bad, pple will have doubts about wan-er service. but in actual fact, wan-er service attitude is much much better than you.

I tend to disagree with you here. With so much positive FRs about Wan Er services, I doubt any would-be new clients will have any doubt about her good service. But I strongly believed, they would have heard alot about me - A grouchy temperamental old man..... haha....

this is a man to man honest talk, if you dun like what I say, you are more than welcome to rebutt my msg or even use your 9 points to deduct my points. just my 2 cents worth.

If my memory doesn't fails me, I believed I have upz u with my solid solid 9pts for your honest & fair FR many months ago.

So, bro didisong2, I hope I have not offended you or anyone with my reply.

NEWBIES...... Read this before you proceed further or I'll zap u jialat jialat.....
Old 07-04-2010, 10:56 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

I think TS is doing his job well. I feel at time he has to be strict in his management of his thread. He maybe hot and quick temper but I believed he has a big heart. Its not easy for a guy (not OKT) to help wan er run the thread so successfully for about a year now.

I hope everything will return to normal
Old 07-04-2010, 11:15 AM
didisong2 didisong2 is offline
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

haha...yes true bro powertool69 is doing us a great favor and thanks again for the wonderful ctc and I had enjoy many sessions with wan-er.

but my point is, somehow or rather, this is a service line. You do not want to offend brothers. You need to handle things in a more diplomatic ways. To me, you need to be nice to all, even they are difficult, or stupid. By being mean, you may oneday offend someone that is even a bigger asshole. He may resort to reporting to AV or calling the press to report a new way of finding massage service. cyber-massage. then those legal house will complain to the AV and the AV will take actions. Just like the brothels complaining about the cyber-OKT.
Now you see the AV is clamping down on the cyber-FL.
still looking for my 1st bonk in 2010

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Old 07-04-2010, 11:18 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by powertool69 View Post
bro didisong2,
If my memory doesn't fails me, I believed I have upz u with my solid solid 9pts for your honest & fair FR many months ago.

So, bro didisong2, I hope I have not offended you or anyone with my reply.

yes you are an oldman getting very haven up me lor i just went and check my user CP. din find you there. so you want to up my pts now?
still looking for my 1st bonk in 2010

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Old 07-04-2010, 01:35 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by didisong2 View Post
yes you are an oldman getting very haven up me lor i just went and check my user CP. din find you there. so you want to up my pts now?
see.... bro song2didi or is it didisong2? hahaha..... I told u I am an old & forgetful man..... Thanks you for upholding this thread with your valuable inputs.

Upz u solid solid 9pts liao

NEWBIES...... Read this before you proceed further or I'll zap u jialat jialat.....
Old 07-04-2010, 01:37 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

As for those samsters asking for wan er ctc, I will release it for the time being until things cool down a little. Perhap early next week.

In the meantime, keep those request coming
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Old 07-04-2010, 02:24 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

KUDOS....Bro powertool...u r the think u even to explain urself to the groundless accussations.....Respect....anyway pls keep me in the loop if wan er has changed her hp number due to some brainless pig...haven got a chance to rtm her since i tried months ago....timing always not rite..but nvm...i always rem that patience pays off....cheers
Old 07-04-2010, 03:41 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

yeah........ power man........!!! Give this old man a TIGER!

keep it up!!!!!!
Old 07-04-2010, 07:30 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

ME newbie but from what i have seen, you guys are being great and tolerant and as a TS, powertool69 is doing a great job for keeping this thread alive (this is already a 2nd thread whereas previous already over 100 pages)...

Anyway, she is here for a living so please refrain from causing more trouble...

No point cutting people's life unless you want others to treat you the same.

Wan-Er did her best to keep up her standard to serve bros here, there are many regulars which prove she deserve the repeating visit.

Keep up the good job and peace out
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Old 07-04-2010, 09:03 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Hi bro

can haf wan er's ctc?

Thx a million
Old 07-04-2010, 10:03 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by powertool69 View Post

Not once, but twice...... You have created troubles for me here. Why are you doing this type of stuff ???? Now, touch your heart and ask yrself..... What has I done to you that I deserved this kind of trouble from u???? "
Did you tell her that it is because of your lousy attitude? I hope you are man enough to tell her.

You are very helpful and you will be able to re-distribute the new number in no time. Good for noble man who do not mind tireless job.

Don't be arrogant again else history will repeat itself
Old 08-04-2010, 12:28 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by didisong2 View Post
you are the front man, if your attitude is bad, pple will have doubts about wan-er service. but in actual fact, wan-er service attitude is much much better than you.
bro powertool,

understand tat u wanted to promote wan-er but take it easy and be more tolerant of fellow samster's comment/feedback

Old 08-04-2010, 09:27 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by pewpew View Post
ME newbie but from what i have seen, you guys are being great and tolerant and as a TS, powertool69 is doing a great job for keeping this thread alive (this is already a 2nd thread whereas previous already over 100 pages)...

Anyway, she is here for a living so please refrain from causing more trouble...

No point cutting people's life unless you want others to treat you the same.

Wan-Er did her best to keep up her standard to serve bros here, there are many regulars which prove she deserve the repeating visit.

Keep up the good job and peace out
bro pewpew,
Thks for your support for this thread. Really appreciate your encouraging words. Cheers

Originally Posted by rider021 View Post
KUDOS....Bro powertool...u r the think u even to explain urself to the groundless accussations.....Respect....anyway pls keep me in the loop if wan er has changed her hp number due to some brainless pig...haven got a chance to rtm her since i tried months ago....timing always not rite..but nvm...i always rem that patience pays off....cheers
bro rider021,
Thks again for those words of encouragement & supports.

Originally Posted by kone3 View Post
bro powertool,

understand tat u wanted to promote wan-er but take it easy and be more tolerant of fellow samster's comment/feedback

bro kone3,
Appreciate your words of advice. Thks again.

NEWBIES...... Read this before you proceed further or I'll zap u jialat jialat.....
Old 08-04-2010, 10:22 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by powertool69 View Post
see.... bro song2didi or is it didisong2? hahaha..... I told u I am an old & forgetful man..... Thanks you for upholding this thread with your valuable inputs.

Upz u solid solid 9pts liao

no problem. we just have wan-er interest in mind. tks for the points
still looking for my 1st bonk in 2010

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Old 09-04-2010, 06:35 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

wan er was having a tooth infection for the past 2 days....:-(

she was very miserable. Hope u guys who RTM will be able to cheer her up. Also, pleasee...... if u guys wanna tapow makan for her.... No KFC or fried stuffs....!
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