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Old 01-12-2017, 09:13 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Support this awesome thread by Bro WB.

Please continue sharing bro.

Enjoy your weekend.
Old 02-12-2017, 02:42 PM
TanSonNhat TanSonNhat is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

Great mindset to have w/ a woman, whether you have known her for 20 seconds or 20 years.

Bro WB
Bro WB

Very true above sentence. Have a great weekend yourself.
Old 02-12-2017, 03:00 PM
Forth Forth is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by TanSonNhat View Post
Bro WB

Very true above sentence. Have a great weekend yourself.
Agreed with the above sentence too.

Have a nice weekend Bro WB.
Old 03-12-2017, 08:01 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Good morning!

The quality of air inside KTVs is very bad. It's hazardous to your health. My original idea of picking up gals outside KTVs makes a lot of sense. I'll still go inside KTVs with a singular purpose: To see as many chio SYTs as possible, in the shortest possible time.

That said, there are certain KTVs whose air quality is much better. I will not name any. You should know.

It's my civic duty to present the following medical facts:

"In fact, many physicians and researchers believe that passive smoke — the smoke exhaled by others — is potentially even more dangerous than actively inhaled smoke.

The reasoning is this: When someone smokes actively, the hot acrid fumes taken in are such an irritant that they often trigger an instant cough, thus limiting exposure to lung tissue, at least to some extent. Passive smoke, on the other hand, is dilute and not so hot. As a result, it tends to be inhaled and drawn in more deeply without causing an immediate reaction.

What is quite clear is that lungs exposed to cigarette smoke — whether it is actively or passively inhaled — are black and pigmented from all the chemicals in the smoke, many of which are cancer-causing.

There’s also the issue of “third-hand smoke,” in which particles and chemicals exhaled can settle on surfaces like chairs and desks and pose a further health hazard."

Dana Reeve died at 44 of lung cancer, from second hand smoke.

"If you have health you have hope, if you have hope you have everything."


Bro WB
Bro WB

Good morning!

What an auspicious Sunday!

Fully agreed with you that if healthy have hope. You live long enough to learn and enjoy whatever you want. The reverse is not true when poor bad health will ruin a person life.

When healthy even aging at 60 yrs old will feel young at heart. Surprise that some gals prefer matured men.

So how was the quality of gals in ktv now?

I really enjoyed your thread and will be checking-in freqenetly to update myself.

Have a great weekend.

Old 03-12-2017, 03:46 PM
Suarez79 Suarez79 is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Excellent sharing by Bro WB. Support this thread!!
Old 04-12-2017, 04:38 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by TanSonNhat View Post
Bro WB

Good afternoon!

I dun see any problem if you spend less and achieved your objective. I think the most important is the stamina to last a long race.

Bro WB,

Agreed with you that nothing to brag if can bed a non WL pussy. The entire process is whether you achieved the self-mastery which you advocated.

Now I learned from you AEM and will be using this term for my hunting. Also agreed that I am the PRIZE in David X rule.

Please post more for us to learn from you.

So how is the quality of the gal now in Dec 2017 since you mentioned in the above post that quality was poor.

Tks for your comments.
Pretty SYTs are easy, older women are easy too.
A real MAN doesn't brag. He doesn't need validation from anyone. Only "little men" do that.
Absolute self mastery is very difficult to achieve.
Quality of girls in SG now? Dismal.
Find chio gals overseas or import them.

Originally Posted by VietnamMen View Post
Very good learning thread by bro WB, please continue sharing.
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by Pinterest View Post
Bro, excellent reply. I agreed that making love to SYTs will make old man young and happy.

Thanks for sharing that life isn't fair. True that inherited wealth may not last long and can be toxic.

Cheers to you too bro.
Tks. I know making passionate love to pretty SYTs/young women regularly has kept me youthful and healthy.

Originally Posted by 5StarGeneral View Post
Support very good thread by bro WB
Bro, tks.

Originally Posted by phamngulao View Post
Bro, ever since I read your thread, I changed my to abundance mindset and I am the PRIZE. Also daring to approach many gals.

Thanks and have a nice weekend.
Good for you! Pls share your FR.

Originally Posted by yellowdick View Post
Bro WB,

Nice recommendation above - "W. Michael - The Dating Wizard Secrets to Success with Women:

I want to be the man as often as possible.

Great looks/great wealth/etc. = signs of power = possible sexiness
BUT BEHAVING as A MAN= “proof” of power = definite sexiness

The above 2 lines are very powerful sentences.

Hope bro WB continue to share more with us and don't stop.

Will support you for long time here.

Tks for your post.
Be a MAN.
Most men don't believe it. Some men are partial believers.
The paradox is that women themselves are not even aware of this. It's in their subconscious minds. They themselves are confused. They consciously want a certain type of men due to cultural, societal and religious programming.

Originally Posted by CreditSuise View Post
Thread still going strong, thanks to bro WB.

Have a great weekend.
Tks, bro.

Originally Posted by stupidwhiteman View Post

Please accept my sincere thanks for the thread and the above post.

It was well written and could be sent to you by guru.

Now I knew absolute emotional mastery is key to be MAN. I have to behave that I dun need any gal and gals will flock to me. No more ass-kissing and forget about song and dance.

Indeed there is bog difference.

Let me wish you a good evening and hopeyo enjoy yourself tonight with all your LPs.

Have a great weekend.

Bro, tks.
If you behave like a MAN, you will have more chio women of your type than you can handle.

Originally Posted by GoodieYear View Post
Support this awesome thread by Bro WB.

Please continue sharing bro.

Enjoy your weekend.
Tks, bro.

Originally Posted by TanSonNhat View Post
Bro WB

Very true above sentence. Have a great weekend yourself.
Originally Posted by Forth View Post
Agreed with the above sentence too.

Have a nice weekend Bro WB.
Tkank you.

Originally Posted by MerriamWebster View Post
Bro WB

Good morning!

What an auspicious Sunday!

Fully agreed with you that if healthy have hope. You live long enough to learn and enjoy whatever you want. The reverse is not true when poor bad health will ruin a person life.

When healthy even aging at 60 yrs old will feel young at heart. Surprise that some gals prefer matured men.

So how was the quality of gals in ktv now?

I really enjoyed your thread and will be checking-in freqenetly to update myself.

Have a great weekend.

Bro, tks for your post.
Health is most important.
Many of my relatives, friends, and colleagues have died or are disabled. Some are younger than me. Some had accidents.

Originally Posted by Suarez79 View Post
Excellent sharing by Bro WB. Support this thread!!

Cheers and thanks to all samsters!


Good morning,
I have visited many relationship forums, to search for new strategies, new ideas, and new revelations...

Here is a post from a forum in America. Must be written by a Chinese.

Originally Posted by ZhaoZilong5 View Post

I've always been an honest person. I don't believe in games or hiding things. They're dishonest to me.

With that said, I do believe that everybody subconsciously is always playing the game. My ex thought I was adorable whenever I was nervous, but during the BU, she was completely apathetic to that part about me. I guess that's a weak analogy, but...

I've always been true to my heart. The "I love you's" are always exchanged equally, but the differences were that in all of my relationships, I truly did care. They obviously stopped caring as much, or else they wouldn't be gone. They wouldn't have emotionally checked out of the relationship, cheated on me, entered G.I.G.S., whatever.

I've had my share of girls who were 13 to women at age 50. If anything, older women to me tend to be more jaded past a certain age and illogical with what they want, while the younger ones tend to want to have fun, not know what they want, and make some really stupid, hurtful mistakes.

With that said, the only girls clinging to me are the ones who know I don't give a rat's ass. I then start giving a rat's ass, then after a LTR, the power flips. I care; they stop caring and eventually leave.

Yes, relationships are a game, but so is life. So is war. There are winners and losers. Winners in relationships happen to both be winners. With that said, relationships are all about psychology, and let's face it...much of psychology is a power struggle.

This all comes from personal experience. I have never met a single person who didn't fall out of love with me after they knew that I actually loved them. The only exes that ever tried to come back to me were ones that I completely stopped caring about. The ones that I would be interested in reconciling with don't care about me romantically at all. Maybe I should listen to myself for this past BU LOL.

PUA tactics work on everybody. The reason being that nobody who is single is 100% secure, unless they enjoy being single. If they're single and are wanting a relationship, then they're wanting something that they don't have. Does that already sound familiar? What tends to happen post-BU/G.I.G.S. after a period of NC? Hell, why are people so complacent and neglectful, taking their SOs for granted during the relationship, then freak the hell out after BU? People psychologically want what they don't have.

Ever really wanted something, bought it, then all of a sudden, you don't really care about it as much anymore? That's the angle that almost all PUA/DJ strategies work.

Any comments?

What did Mr Zhao do wrong?
He doesn't behave like the PRIZE and he doesn't hv an abundance mindset. He cares and loves too much.
It's oK for a MAN to like and love a girl a lot. He must have the right mindset though, and let her know that he desires her and wants to care for her, BUT he doesn't need her. Because he is the PRIZE and many prettier girls are lining up for him.

Bro WB
Old 04-12-2017, 10:18 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

I married a very beautiful young TW gal many decades ago n brought her to Gotham City. She was the daughter of a police major in TW. She married me because of my prestigious profession.

My mom in law told her that 你老公的外表根本配不上你. Her sister's male classmates told my sis in law 你姐是一朵鲜花插在牛粪上 haha. They were exaggerating a bit. I knew that n I felt slightly insecure. That wasn't the problem. My body language wasn't manly enough. She always say, 看到陌生不要眨眼睛 动作忙点 要挺身肢正 说话慢点 吃饭慢下来 不要狂傲要很笃定 很冷静很放松...her exact words she has repeated thousands of times. She was describing the body language n behaviour of a MAN w/ awesome emotional strength!! I just didn't realize the significance until recently!!

笃定 is not commonly used. But it's the hall mark of THE MAN!

It's inexplicable that that she was giving me, many decades ago, exactly the same advice given by the modern RS gurus!! A woman's intuition is truly amazing. She is a very smart person, but aloof n a bit cold. BTW, I'm still married to her. We hv two adult children, both graduates of Ivy league schools. She knows what I'm doing in SG but has chosen to accept it. She is now a devout Buddhist.

Lastly, let me remind all bros here the attitude of a badass gentleman:

"Behave as if you hv 100 very beautiful women of your type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling you everyday and wanting to fuck you everyday."

Repeat 100 times daily. Perhaps a very 狂傲 statement, but it works like magic!


Bro WB
Bro WB, many of us went thru life in similar path ie. education, career, then family.....etc

I think when you are young you dun even know about what you can achieve yet. Your wife is a rock and solidly behind you. Your mother in-law maybe right to say you cannot match her daughter at that time. Your wife had taught you well all these years.

In fact all gurus went thru a certain life before they discover what they are gonna to preach.

I enjoyed your thread very much and hope to continue reading.

So please contrbute more here.

Have a great day!
Old 04-12-2017, 12:36 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Supporting this awesome thread, hoping to read more.

Bro WB, have a good week ahead!
Old 05-12-2017, 03:18 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

10 Ways To Know She’s Right For You

I still remember getting the call, the call I knew would come but was nonetheless shocked to hear. My friend, Johnny, after just 10 months of marriage to a girl everyone knew was wrong for him, had gotten divorced. Instead of becoming a happily-ever-after couple, Johnny and Marissa had joined millions of other Americans and become statistics. Statistics of the all-too-common divorce.

It’s funny how these short-term marriages and long-term miseries occur. Usually it begins with a bad case of “Oneitis.”

Don’t know the word Oneitis? Well, surely you know this infectious disease’s symptoms:

– You think you’ve met the girl who’s perfect for you, who you can have a great relationship with and eventually marry
– You ignore the bitchy behavior and abuse that comes from this girl, still believing that she’s “The One”
– You see and know girls who you know would be much better for you, but ignore them because the girl you’re with is better-looking, taller, skinnier–a number of superficial qualities that don’t add up to the love you know you could get elsewhere
- You spend lots and lots of money on this girl, and she never bothers to thank you–or if she does, it’s less than sincere
- Your friends all tell you that this girl isn’t right for you, but you ignore their advice
- Maybe your friends have even fought with this girl, but you defend her even though you know deep-down her behavior is unacceptable
- You spend all your time with this girl, and ignore your friends and family
- You find yourself calling her all the time to see what she’s doing, and who she’s with
- You can’t get this girl out of your head, even when she’s long gone!

If you’ve ever watched the classic film Swingers, then you know what Oneitis is: it’s the character of Mikey!

Unfortunately, a lot of guys become the Mikeys of this world. And while some men may just go through this with a girl they’re only dating, other guys, like Johnny, take this obsession all the way to marriage. And that’s when the “disease” becomes deadly.

How do you know when a girl is right for you? I could write book after book after book about what’s right and what’s wrong, but what it comes down to are ten essential ingredients for lasting success:

She supports and encourages your goals and interests. A girl who’s right for you should follow you on your path–not try to re-direct it her own way. Unfortunately, Johnny’s wife wanted him to do something completely different to the direction he wanted to head, so it was little wonder that their romance fizzled out so quickly.

Guys, if you can’t be open about your feelings, interests, passions and purpose, then you shouldn’t be with the girl. She should be able to listen and understand, not disregard and sneer.

You can accept her and her goals and interests. Just like a woman should support and push you on the path you want to head, so too should you be able to do the same for her. If she’s into motorcycling and you hate it, or if she wants to travel the world and you just want to stay in one place, then chances are you two aren’t made for each other.

Likewise, you should be able to understand her emotions and concerns–both of you MUST be good, compassionate listeners.

She loves you for you, not your money and possessions. So many rich and powerful men have destructive relationships with women. Why? Because the woman aren’t marrying these men–they’re marrying their money. And divorce isn’t cheap, so even when these guys break up with the bloodsuckers, the women still get a hefty chunk of the pie!

She generally gets along with your family and friends–and doesn’t mind seeing them. So many guys seem to forget this, watching dumbly as their girlfriend pulls them further and further from their family and friends to have him all for her own. I’ve got an uncle who blindly allowed himself to end all contact with his family because his wife hated them. Somehow they’re still married, but is that the kind of woman you want to be with?

She’s on the same page, spiritually, as you. Spirituality is a big thing for couples–it can unite them like nothing else. I know so many couples who are happily married because they believe in the same God, the same purpose in life, the same deep feelings about their existence.

Conversely, couples who battle over the questions of life just do not have the same loving romance. A girl who’s right for you doesn’t necessarily have to believe in the same religious principles and dogmas as you, but if she’s an atheist and you’re a Christian, things may not work out long-term.

She wants to spend as much time with you as with her own friends and family. This may seem like an obvious one, but so many guys fawn over girls who only see them on THEIR schedule. If a girl is really right for you, you shouldn’t have to obsess over her or ask her permission to see her. You should both WANT to see each other and miss being with one another–that’s a sign that you’re both in love.

You both share the same feelings for another. If you know deep in your heart that you want to marry her and spend the rest of your life with her, but she’s non-committal and vague, then you should certainly move on. A true, loving partner should accept you completely for who you are and what you feel.

On the other hand, if you both feel comfortable sharing feelings with each other, and she accepts the deep things that you reveal to her, then you’ve found a true catch!

You both make time for each other, even through work and school. Spending quality time with one another is crucial. If your girl is always at her job, concentrating on her career, or studying for a degree, and not making an effort to be with you, then it’s time to move on. True love knows no bounds–including time. While it’s great to have a girl who’s serious about her career and education, this can also be a relationship-breaker if she takes either too seriously.

Money and possessions are not as important as love. This is a simple one: If your girl only talks about possessions and money, if that’s where her true values lie, then you might want to back out of the relationship. Every girl wants good things in life, but if she really loves you, then how much you make and how much you give her shouldn’t be #1 on her priority list.

You both are able to put each other ahead of yourselves. This can be the make or break of a relationship. If she’s willing to do things for you, sacrifice time with her friends or time at work to be with you and make you meals, then you’ve found yourself a winner. However, if she’s always cancelling dates, spending more time with her friends than with you, and never gets you any gifts or acts of service, then you’ve found yourself a bitch. Move on. When she treats herself more important than you, then you’re heading towards disaster.

In the end, you want a girl who can you be you around, and know that you’re valued by her night and day. If you’re in a relationship now that you want to be more serious, ask yourself if the woman you’re with fulfills these 10 requirements. And if you’re looking for love, don’t get too far into it unless you really feel that the girl treats you right.

And remember: There’s a big difference between “The One” who’s right for you…and “The One” who will become your biggest nightmare!

That’s all for now. Tell me if you can think of any other ways you know she’s right for you. I’d love to hear your opinion!

Bro WB

The above post is very interesting. I agreed to the 10 points.If any gal has ticked the 10 points above then the gal is definitely right for you.

Irregardless of money or herself, she spent time with you. This is the utmost important point. Spending quality in any relationship is important.

She loves you for you, not your money and possessions. This also very important point. Even though money is needed but she dun quibble whatever sum given.

The guru also highlighted many important points above.

Hope to continue to read more interesting posts and so keep on going.

Have a great day pls.

Old 05-12-2017, 04:06 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Very good thread.

Learnt a lot from Bro WB.

God bless.
Old 06-12-2017, 09:57 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Bro, tks.
If you behave like a MAN, you will have more chio women of your type than you can handle.

Bro WB
Bro, tks for the reply.
Old 06-12-2017, 09:59 AM
MerriamWebster MerriamWebster is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Bro, tks for your post.
Health is most important.
Many of my relatives, friends, and colleagues have died or are disabled. Some are younger than me. Some had accidents.
Bro, true that health is utnost important. No point have money no health.

Thanks for your time.
Old 06-12-2017, 11:00 AM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

You could hv been more direct, don't use euphemism. I like to say the magic words. 我们去做爱.

It has worked like a charm for me. Let me give u an example.

On Tues 29 Jan 2013, I had a HH outing to LV 5th fl at the TAM building. The gals were so so there. I didn't bring a mistress. After HH, around 9:40PM, I walked w/ bro FA to the hall where a lot gals congregate. I was looking at every doll coming for SH. Then, out of the blue, a beautiful woman w/ good height n poise just walked pass me, her sexy body just grazing against my right arm. I got a whiff of her sweet body aroma. I quickly took a step forward n grabbed her left forearm n pulled her slightly toward me. She turned around to face me, then I said the magic words...

Me: 我们去做爱! (my first five words to her)
She: 不! 我不出街
Me:好啊! 那我可以考虑包养你。你叫什么?
She: 青青 (QQ)
Me:我是XXX, 你手机号码?

She gave me her HP no. I didn't book her for SH n I left LV almost immediately. The next day around 1:00PM I took my LT mistress HW to the airport. The first time ever sending a gal to Changi. Never since then. That evening, I took QQ to the Spice Cafe at The Concorde Hotel. My purpose was to qualify her, including looking at her gait from behind. After dinner, we sat in the lobby n I informed her that I was going to BY her. I never asked for her opinion, I assumed that she was dying to say yes. She agreed immediately, w/o telling me her terms. But I said that my family would be arriving in SG the next day, for two weeks, and that I could only start our RS after that. She said OK.

She was 30 yo then, the oldest woman I ever BY-ed. But she was very beautiful, to me at least. Originally from Xian, but living in Xiamen. 167, natural B, about 50 kg. And she was very orgasmic n squirted every time!! About 30-40 ml each time. And very wet. It was a part time BY, but she worked only occasionally w/ my permission. The reason was that I would be leaving for Gotham City soon n didn't want to make a full commitment. I also didn't wan to pay her anything while I was in Gotham City. I told her perhaps we could do full time BY on my return. She was on a tourist visa.

She extended her stay, but I dumped her before she returned to China. Reason: One Friday I told her earlier that we were not going to meet, but called her the last minute to see me n she said she had been booked. After I said goodbye, she was very angry. She said that to be kept by me was her biggest mistake ever! She never returned to SG. Wonder if any bro met her before.

I hv said the magic words many times since. I booked my current secret GF, a 20 yo SYT, only once before she became my lover. The sole reason? I said the magic words...and I'm the ONLY man she ever met who is so assertive n so bold, yet I look like a very educated, kind n trustworthy gentleman. Wow, I'm greatly flattered that she thinks I'm a Prestigious Man. I hv much more say abt this term.


Bro WB
Bro, I really love to say your magic word.

kudos to you for sharing such nice thread with us.

Saying the magic words or straight to the point works like magic and no time wasting. These gals are there to be made available The gals looking for manly guys who will provide for them.

"我们去做爱! (my first five words to her)"
"好啊! 那我可以考虑包养你。你叫什么?"

The words above are music to her ears.

Often all these gals will act innocent and after they get used to the guy, usually she will agreed to terms.

Hope you keep the posts coming.

Have a great day!!
Old 06-12-2017, 03:16 PM
LorisKarius LorisKarius is offline
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

PUA tactics work on everybody. The reason being that nobody who is single is 100% secure, unless they enjoy being single. If they're single and are wanting a relationship, then they're wanting something that they don't have. Does that already sound familiar? What tends to happen post-BU/G.I.G.S. after a period of NC? Hell, why are people so complacent and neglectful, taking their SOs for granted during the relationship, then freak the hell out after BU? People psychologically want what they don't have.

Ever really wanted something, bought it, then all of a sudden, you don't really care about it as much anymore? That's the angle that almost all PUA/DJ strategies work.


Bro WB
Bro, very well written and pls keep it coming.
Old 06-12-2017, 03:18 PM
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs

Originally Posted by BrigitteLin View Post
Supporting this awesome thread, hoping to read more.

Bro WB, have a good week ahead!
Me too will always support Bro WB.
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